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File 134302770108.png - (13.98KB , 500x500 , DrawnCat.png )
14313 No. 14313 ID: 4a328b
Drawn Cat is the keeper of the sketchvault of 'brel.

Leave your petitions with Drawn Cat.

Bribes won't hurt, either.
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No. 14314 ID: befc95
I petition for creatures with scales, and fancy colorful art.
No. 14316 ID: 99090a
Whimmy you keep drawing, k
No. 14326 ID: 4a328b
File 134307717496.png - (142.06KB , 525x940 , RainbowTrout1.png )
Your requests are being processed, please enjoy a glimpse into the process as I take a break for Math~
No. 14349 ID: befc95
I'm in love. Is that fish single?
No. 14391 ID: 4a328b
File 134352886690.png - (122.43KB , 500x550 , THIS_IS_WHAT_SKETCH_LAYERS_LOOK_LIKE.png )
No. 14440 ID: 94c170
A weasel made of mercury, beads of it slipping off and orbiting back into the main body. It's moving very fast.
No. 14603 ID: 4a328b
File 134449711306.png - (115.21KB , 500x450 , Deerling.png )
Deer on the canvas today.
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