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File 128764573120.png - (32.19KB , 300x300 )
1414 No. 1414 ID: 3ff4fc
Newfag here. Trying to get comfortable with my new pad, if anyone wants to request weird stuff, I'll give anything a try. For your viewing pleasure, I present: TOASTER/ADVENTURE

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No. 1415 ID: 3ff4fc
Oops, it wasn't supposed to be an animation
No. 1416 ID: 37905e
draw your own robot unicorn.
No. 1417 ID: 1854db
That happens to every image in this board. It's an artifact of it being an oekaki board or whatever, even though it's not.

Draw a tentacle that's too short to reach a scantily-clad japanese schoolgirl. It's trying as hard as it can but it just can't rape her.
No. 1418 ID: 3ff4fc
File 128764895378.png - (50.63KB , 300x300 )
Unicorn Robot Thing.

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No. 1419 ID: 3ff4fc
File 128765076925.png - (33.82KB , 300x300 )
It's kinda sneakin' up on her, not stretching to reach her, but... Yeah. Tentacle and Girl

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No. 1420 ID: 2563d4
Untick "use animation" above the usual posting form and you won't get it. I think it only takes effect for the OP post, though?
No. 1421 ID: f52552
Octopus samurai versus squid ninja.
A knightly crab looks on with tired disdain.
No. 1424 ID: 4531bc
draw the hungriest hippo you ever did see
eating a watermelon lodged in a tree!
No. 1427 ID: 3ff4fc
File 128770700633.png - (57.18KB , 300x300 )
Octopus Samurai vs Squid Ninja

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No. 1428 ID: 3ff4fc
File 128770802479.png - (49.42KB , 300x300 )
A hippo eating a watermelon from a tree.

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No. 1429 ID: 3ff4fc
Oh! I forgot the knightly crab! Oh well. I don't feel like drawing him right now.
No. 1430 ID: 4531bc
No. 2040 ID: 5cc6e8
Twinkie the Kid drinking soda :3
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