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File 129670016559.png - (81.97KB , 500x750 )
2482 No. 2482 ID: 543aa6
>I don't care if you guys like or don't like homosuck, but there wasn't a troll for Ophiuchus (look it up fagurt) so I made one up! I'm going to finish coloring her and shit. Here is some information on her and Ophiuchus in general:

# Name: Ophiuchus
# Translation: Serpent Holder

name: Rhoviera Anguis
Troll handle: anguillaNuntia

# seeker of peace and wisdom
# Attractor of good luck and jealousy
# Interpreter of dreams
# One who reaches for the stars
# Wearer of plaid (this one is oddly specific)
* Many people are envious of the Ophiuchan as he/she progresses well throughout life.
* A seeker of wisdom and knowledge
* A flamboyant dressing sense, favouring bright colours.
* Authority looks upon him/her well
* Would make a great architect or builder
* Number 12 is the lucky number.
* Will have a big family but will leave home at an early age

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No. 2483 ID: 99433a
Name is too long. Troll names always have six letters.
No. 2487 ID: 543aa6
How bout Rhovera?
No. 2488 ID: 543aa6
wait I fucked up that's still 7 letters D: I'll think more about mythology while I finish coloring
No. 2489 ID: a41aaf
You forgot the most important point for a troll: the crippling deficiencies. That's what makes them so amusing: in spite of them wielding ridiculous guns, currying favour with horrific deathbeasts or hoarding superweapons, they never get around to doing anything with them because they spend all their time LARPing or not having any legs.
No. 2490 ID: 1963d1
Oh goody. A thread where we can circle-jerk over our poorly-conceived Homestuck rip-off fan-characters. Just what I've always wanted...

how HIGH do I have to be to even USE that many dashes in one sentence?
No. 2491 ID: 543aa6
Well it's not like she -doesn't- have some kind of ridiculous problem/trollspeak, I just wanted to draw her all pretty c:
No. 2523 ID: 1854db
There isn't a Ophiuchus troll because the Trolls are based around the Zodiac, not the Ecliptic.
No. 2527 ID: fa1e59

with an art style i can dig, i say let the man draw what he wants to! and you can go ahead and not use the internet, where things you don't like exist :3c
No. 2529 ID: 543aa6
it depends which Zodiac you use, but I still wanted to make one D:
No. 2531 ID: 2563d4
It's "lol you can not look at things therefore tgchan needs no quality control" week. Didn't you know?
No. 2533 ID: bf1e7e

Alright then phil, where do we put the line for this quality control? You obviously have some revolutionary idea by which QC means 'restricting content on a board with no content restriction rules,' and can actually be enforced in some sensible manner, so let's hear it. Come on, I'll listen.
No. 2534 ID: 2563d4
Yes all right that comment was ill-placed because I'm mostly mad at the shitty porndumping from /tg/ drawfags who are otherwise completely unrelated to the site, and this is not such a thread. (And before "why don't you report it"---well, where are the rules for /draw/?)

"You can just hide it" as a blanket defence is total shenanigans, though, and that's what I snapped at.

Sorry 3p.
No. 2535 ID: 543aa6
File 129693611554.png - (97.56KB , 532x739 , rhoviera.png )
god what the hell are you all talking about. I just want to fucking draw, you assfucks.
No. 2536 ID: 543aa6
I'm going to comment on whatever you guys are talking about: this is oekaki and drawing. I am drawing an oekaki of an ORIGINAL CHARACTER DO NOT STEAL on a board for quests. As far as I know, Homostuck IS a quest, albeit it's more of a comic story.
No. 2538 ID: a41aaf
>bluh bluh huge bitch
If you want to say "this should be merged with the homestuck fanart thread" then just say that.
No. 2539 ID: 38b610
>That is an entirely different level of self-absorbed entitlement, and *I think* a classifiable psychosis. So please, get mental help.
you're self absorbed and entitled, obsessing over a dumb thread like you're the director of quality control on a site that isn't yours
No. 2540 ID: 543aa6
mfw /:I
Seriously. I had no other oekaki board to draw on and so I figured I'd draw here. Whoop de fuckin doo that I made my OWN thread. This board doesn't specifically say ANYWHERE that the drawings must deal with quests.Just hide the damn thing and go back to drawing cutebolds.
No. 2545 ID: 693d88
>drama and faggotry
lol u guise :gay:

She should still be horrendously flawed, like the other trolls. She doesn't have to be physically horrendous, though. Think about snakes. What do they denote, both culturally and literally? What would her unique position in astronomy correlate to?

And etc.
No. 2546 ID: 283fa9
Dude, let her freaking draw her freaking fan character. As long as she doesn't write huge fan-fictions where her character directly interacts with the main cast, and ends up being the key to the whole story, I don't give a fuck. Heck, I like it when people make characters, and TRY to make them fit into the setting of the original work in a way that makes sense.
No. 2547 ID: 543aa6
I don't think you understand. The information posted under the troll handle is ONLY information typical to an Ophiuchus, not her necessarily. And no I do NOT plan to make any fan comics. I think I just wanted to draw a troll chick with a fuckin snake. Also working on something of Aradia and thoughts on one of Vriska if anyone cares.
No. 2548 ID: f88f02
>Threep drawing Aradia
I hope you heard that low squeal of joy, threep, because it was pretty loud.
No. 2551 ID: 543aa6
File 129700778113.png - (345.68KB , 867x1600 , aradia.png )
here's the lines if you like
No. 2552 ID: f88f02
No. 2553 ID: a41aaf
My brain may have suddenly lost the ability to process perspective, but either her right hand is HUGE, or her legs are too small. Former if the viewpoint is above-looking-down*, latter is from her eye-height looking horizontally.
*in which case, maybe lower her left leg/raise her right leg? Seating position looks too unbalanced for that angle.

No. 2554 ID: 543aa6
yes I fixed this last night while coloring, but thank you for the help
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