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12865 No. 12865 ID: 551d90
So I have this quest over here:

I just got back to updating it after a long break, and literally right after I made the first new post in it, my computer decided to die.

I don't really want to put things back on hold until I can get it fixed, because it could be quite a while. So I'm trying to get by with a sucky little different OS laptop and what freeware art stuff I can find.

Problem is, I was doing this quest in a precise, no freehand tools style, just ovals and lines and such, because my normal art program swings that way, and now, all I have is freehand stuff. I can get by pretty well when I'm recycling previously visited rooms, but when revealing new parts of the map? This is outright unacceptable. Anyone feel like doing me a solid and re-rendering this sloppy piece of @#$% in the style yon quest is using? (4 connected rooms, the upper left quadrant already having been seen, conveyor belt deals seen previously in the first thread.) Otherwise yeah, I need to just put this sucker back on hold.
No. 12868 ID: 2563d4
>different OS >freeware >ovals and lines
http://inkscape.org/ ?

Admittedly trying to draw anything in the dark ages of caring about individual polygons is like pulling teeth, but it sounds like what you were doing before.
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