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File 130910456618.jpg - (798.12KB , 1500x2700 , brown delight.jpg )
5125 No. 5125 ID: 66003a
Well, new drawthread.

No servo-arms, because I had no idea how to use them, and putting them here not doing anything kinky would have been even worse.
Expand all images
No. 5126 ID: 07416a
Lucretia is p. much the most delicious thing.
No. 5127 ID: ca4e86

I have never worn high heels, but those are some delicious bionics right there.
No. 5129 ID: aa926c

Face came out really well in particular.
No. 5131 ID: b9fdfc
You draw a damn fine set of girl abs, techs
No. 5138 ID: 775158
File 130914997438.jpg - (1.21MB , 1900x1900 , short.jpg )
No. 5140 ID: c2f1bd

An account in what?
No. 5142 ID: c2f1bd
I believe that you just give them the email, yes. The email is linked to the account.
No. 5143 ID: 775158
File 130916775435.jpg - (249.02KB , 1600x2100 , wtfrubberbikini.jpg )
No. 5144 ID: c2f1bd

What is that thing?
No. 5145 ID: 08050b
A sexy lightbulb?
No. 5146 ID: 775158
No. 5148 ID: c2f1bd
Well I never.
No. 5150 ID: 775158
Okay, been thinking about tariffs for commissions, but I'm still not sure.

For 6€ (rougly 8,5$), I'd do a basic drawing with a rough shading and no background, pic related.

For 10€ (appr. 14$) , I'd put on some color, make it a bit finer; or work on a landscape/background; or make it more detailed, Like this one: >>5138

For 15€ (roughly 21$) you'd get some more advanced coloring (nothing too fanciful, though) and shading. a bit like this >>5125, but not as meticulous.

for 20€ and up, I have no accurate idea of what I could exactly do, but it could be something along the lines of the Duke Sliscus from a moth ago, or a simple ink painting, or a complete scene with several characters and a background. To give you an idea, I'd say that the Swarmlord pic would cost about 25€ ( 35$, appr) or enough to buy a couple of metal albums from my local music store, anyway.

So, considering that my works are more heterogenous than the people I've been basing my prices off (furries and yaoists from DA) I don't think I can give precise guidelines concerning what I can offer, unless I create a fuckhuge 4-dimensional chart or something, taking into account realism, style, complexity, time, snacks and booze consumption...

Anyway, does this sound fair to you?
No. 5151 ID: 775158
File 130918317319.jpg - (1.01MB , 1860x2140 , gne.jpg )
forgot about pic related for 6€
No. 5152 ID: 8caff2
Where do I start throwing my money? There's at least four or five pictures I'd pay to see attempted in your hand.
Only one of them involves massively dilated recta, I'm afraid.
No. 5153 ID: 775158
e-mail field, bro. preferably through paypal, IN EUROS, as a gift, because I don't want any of us to pay transfer fees.

Tell me what you need.
No. 5169 ID: c70244
*does happy little dance*
No. 5176 ID: 11e849
File 130924183914.jpg - (2.75MB , 2200x1700 , r.jpg )
welp, he disappeared.
No. 5178 ID: 11e849
File 130924843418.jpg - (764.75KB , 1300x1300 , Jeffry.jpg )
No. 5182 ID: 11e849
File 130926912050.jpg - (156.55KB , 700x700 , ibanez.jpg )
This is a bass.
This is an amp.
No. 5183 ID: 11e849
File 130926916254.jpg - (187.29KB , 1800x1391 , r THE FUCK.jpg )
No. 5184 ID: 11e849
File 130926920524.jpg - (181.63KB , 1800x1391 , R ERRYWH.jpg )
No. 5185 ID: 11e849
File 130926928169.jpg - (174.64KB , 1800x1391 , R FAB.jpg )
herp derp
No. 5186 ID: 11e849
File 130926932268.jpg - (173.68KB , 1800x1391 , R COMEATMEH.jpg )
my favorite
No. 5190 ID: 59ed09
Welcome to Omsk.
No. 5191 ID: 115138
File 130928734965.jpg - (685.87KB , 1700x1700 , herkt.jpg )
No. 5194 ID: 93ea34
File 130935417849.jpg - (1.25MB , 2000x3100 , demears.jpg )
we need more Space Skaven.
No. 5195 ID: 93ea34
File 130935920273.jpg - (293.53KB , 1300x1200 , SUPERIOR TAU CUISINE.jpg )
blueberry pie.
No. 5213 ID: 2057a5
File 130944014151.jpg - (966.74KB , 2300x2300 , twas bout time.jpg )
No. 5214 ID: 7490e7
I'm the guy that requested the old guy in the retro sci-fi outfit, I just dropped by to say thanks and double check if you had a link to your other work that you wanted me to use?
I didn't see any mention of it on the /tg/ thread but I wanted to check whether you had a change of heart or just forgot about it.

Oh and hit me with a paypal link and I'll send you a tenner in retrospect :)
No. 5215 ID: 2057a5
well, I don't have an actual gallery yet, so I guess you can link this thread.

As for a paypal link, I'm not sure I understand what you mean. I thought that you'd only need my e-mail address to send me funds through paypal. Anyway, it's in the e-mail field, if you need something, just tell me.
No. 5216 ID: 7490e7
Ah you are right, it's just me that doesn't use PayPal often enough :)
No. 5217 ID: 7490e7
You should really consider putting a small gallery or some such together tho, it'll be good for your booze money in the long run :p
Seems more... serious, even if you usually draw smut :P
No. 5229 ID: 59ed09
Of course it's good and all, but there's something I can't quite put my finger on...the blank, drooling expression on the sketch was great. Maybe you could somehow make her look dumber. Her eyes are clearly staring at something particular, try changing that. Maybe you could try how an expression where more white of her eyes is visible..?
No. 5231 ID: 59ed09
Yeah, thought that it might be a little difficult. But it's pretty good already, so not a big deal.
No. 5232 ID: 8acba7
File 130952456828.jpg - (635.74KB , 1400x1000 , psychodomy 1.jpg )
there, tried to correct it. More derpface;
No. 5233 ID: 59ed09
Hmnh. Better. Of course, it must be pointless at this point trying to suggest any major changes, but maybe if her jaw hung limply, that would add something to the image. Or the next.
No. 5234 ID: c8e4b2
Btw, what is happening to her? Is she passing a kidney-stone?
No. 5235 ID: 056b52
See those cables plugges in her head? Robotomy, man.

Also, yes, she does have some fluids in her body. See 11th tauquest thread. Or 12th.
No. 5239 ID: 533409

This image actually has a great amount of character. Expression is fine as-is, to me.
No. 5243 ID: 07416a
Why do you only use your power for evil?
No. 5249 ID: e26973
It's not evil if I'm doing it.
No. 5251 ID: 59ed09
File 130960013506.jpg - (32.06KB , 299x450 , blankstare8.jpg )
>stop liking what I don't like
Always one in every thread...
No. 5253 ID: 43490b
File 130961163719.jpg - (152.28KB , 1545x1024 , asdgxcasa.jpg )
Hey Techno, my drawpad just arrived and im fiddling around with it, I was just wondering if you guys use any special settings for it.

This thing is neato!
No. 5254 ID: e26973
nothing speshul, a medium sensitivity is okay.
No. 5260 ID: e26973
File 130963152110.jpg - (1.16MB , 1900x1742 , skrk.jpg )
No. 5261 ID: 33a2aa
>I am amazed that someone would find images depicting the mutilation of women undesirable. I also cannot appreciate coyness or irony.
No. 5262 ID: e26973
No. 5263 ID: 14d48a
File 130963924390.jpg - (10.22KB , 204x295 , The Reason I Dont Want Kids.jpg )
But we want to create a shitstooOOooorm!
No. 5264 ID: e26973
File 130964541562.jpg - (637.41KB , 1800x2000 , steam.jpg )
No. 5266 ID: 0821aa

Factory default settings, I use.
No. 5267 ID: e26973
File 130965379814.jpg - (492.82KB , 1800x2000 , damn servoskulls.jpg )
No. 5275 ID: 29b582
File 130969834025.jpg - (1.86MB , 1600x1745 , mlch.jpg )
The Dragon of Mars.

Also, I'm a bit worried: does this look like a trap to you?
No. 5276 ID: 59ed09
...not really. Someone might think the bulge in her panties is a dick, but I really can't see her as a trap.
No. 5277 ID: 29b582
good. Some dude pointed out that most girls I draw look like traps. I found it a bit hard to believe, so I need other advices.
No. 5278 ID: 95ac8d
I got my words mixed up is all
No. 5279 ID: 4e9baf

I can see why some people could mistake the mound and labia majoras as something diffrent than plain cameltoe.

It's fine.
No. 5280 ID: 59ed09
Maybe they seem disproportionate due to the lack of limbs to compare to?

I dunno. Looks like a chick to me.
No. 5281 ID: 29b582
okay, I'll keep drawing them that way, then.
No. 5282 ID: 4de54e
I like Transformers too, Tekkie :3
No. 5283 ID: 29b582
well I don't, and this isn't inspired by Transformers at all.
No. 5284 ID: 1444d5
File 130973083828.jpg - (816.14KB , 900x1145 , 1101.jpg )
It could be because you draw abdominal muscles in a weird way. They sort of end up as 8 squares sitting isolated in the middle of the torso (rather than actually making up the bulk of the front of the torso), with some extraneous bulges near the hips where the lower set of abdominal muscles should be, though a little higher up closer to level with the top of the pelvis than centred in it (upper set being almost under the breasts). Bulging toned muscles in and of themselves are OK, but not in isolation; the muscles around them also end up toned.
Not particularly trappish, but it does look off, which could cause a similar reaction.
No. 5285 ID: 29b582
I'm not really convinced, but i'll try drawing them in an other fashion just to see if it works differently.
No. 5286 ID: 62f101
Actually, now it's been brought up, I have also forever thought that your depictions of the female abdominal region were a little bizarre.

On that note though, I never have thought that your women looked trap-like.
No. 5287 ID: de64e3

Traps no, odd wierd sexy abdominals and gluteous maximus, yes.
No. 5302 ID: 59ed09
Techno, why is there no DAT ASS amputees crawling around? I demand explanation.
No. 5303 ID: 29b582
File 130985468575.jpg - (280.09KB , 1300x1200 , nomj.jpg )
because crawling girls are unexpectedly hard to draw.
No. 5304 ID: 59ed09
Well, that's a good reason. Shame.
No. 5307 ID: 29b582
File 130987203424.jpg - (931.22KB , 1500x1833 , Sans titre-12.jpg )
No. 5308 ID: 6e5e21
Hey Techno, just dropping in to say hi and ask a 2 or 3 questions

Have you given thought to the Space Jokey thing in the nearby future?

Did you ever get to finish the Glistening Host Daemon?

And would you like to play with reflections again? I have a concept I've been meaning to try out and I'd need some guidance.
No. 5310 ID: 29b582
I've started sketching out stuff for the Space Jockey.

I'm still waiting for the necessary inspiration to finish the daemon

and I dunno what you mean by "reflections" and what your idea is
No. 5315 ID: 6e5e21


By reflections I meant what you did with Xeno in the asscarab.jpg thing.

I wanted to do something for the glistening host dudes, like say, the Daemon thing you were doing , he would be looking into the mirror but the reflection would be him skinless or vice versa.
No. 5319 ID: 0bbcbf
Not really enthusiastic about this.
No. 5320 ID: a67d23

Well I said "I" want to do it :P

I am just bad with perspective as I said before, and Id love some tips on that reflection thing.
No. 5322 ID: 0bbcbf
ah, okay.

frankly, I'm also a twat when it comes down to perspective, especially reflections. I did learn a few things, but they're not much use in that specific case, unless you fancy getting a headache (and forcing me to get one in the process) trying to apply them to it, while getting a not-so-exceptionnal result.

Just try sketching up stuff until it looks good. if you really have problems, use ref pics to understand how it works. That's what I did.
No. 5324 ID: a67d23

Ah well I wouldnt want to be a chore. Its fine. Im busy with the primarchs anyway =3
No. 5340 ID: a0b5f5
File 131013742067.jpg - (570.47KB , 1701x2330 , Leman Russ66.jpg )
So, they banned me for 4 days without appeal on all boards because I "posted innapropiate content." When I tried to start another Primarch thread.

Anyways heres the Leman Russ without the messy spikes.
No. 5341 ID: 59ed09
I guess there is some shitposter mod raging. Got banned an hour, two ago because I said Estonians are not nazis. Weird.

14 days for me.
No. 5342 ID: a0b5f5
File 131013829730.jpg - (161.79KB , 850x1165 , Fulgrim.jpg )

I started the post with the title "Primarch Project" and some text describing it and picture related , Fulgrim wip Sketch.

No malicious URL, Hating or whatnot. And BAM! Banned 1 second after.
No. 5343 ID: 59ed09
I know, right?
No. 5344 ID: 5adfd0

Did you mention about charging people? There's one mod who dislikes people advertising for commissions on /tg/. If not, I have no idea what's that about.
No. 5345 ID: a0b5f5

I never charge people anything.
No. 5346 ID: 654684
okay, then I'd better stop mentioning it for a while.

dynamic IP anyway.

Oh shit, I hope that the retarded mod isn't back.
No. 5347 ID: 654684
Now that I think back about it, I doubt it, the retarded mod would be as well-educated and polite as to call it "inappropriate content", maybe it's just a guy passing by.
that looks a lot better. More vivid, too.

Anyway, I guess that now, you've got more time to work on Fulgrim.

Okay, a bit of criticism, now. It seems that you tend to do this a lot, and Fulgrim is no exception: the face is a bit too small compared to the size of the cranium, unless it's just the hair that is too plump and massive. Anyway, it looks weird, and I think you should reduce the size of his cranium.

Also, I'm not sure that I understand what those decorations on hi chest are supposed to be. they look like roots wrapped around his torso or something, and, generally speaking, his armor looks solid, but lacks elegance, same thing for the ornaments. But as I guess that you worked on a big piece of paper, that's understandable.

as for the collar, it is a bit distorted.

I'll try to modify a bit your drawing to show you what shocks me a bit, but the face is neat.
No. 5349 ID: a0b5f5

Is this criticism for Fulgrim?
No. 5351 ID: 654684
it is. But keep it in mind for some other primarchs, too.
No. 5352 ID: 654684
File 131015649939.jpg - (154.90KB , 970x1090 , fuf.jpg )
No. 5353 ID: 654684
Also, for the ornaments on his armor, check out a few things:

Baroque, rococo and art nouveau furnitures and architecture. classical eastern art as well. Especially Indian sculptures. Also, keep your hand supple when drawing these things, don't try to correct a curve too much, or it ends up looking sketchy and clumsy. The goal is to make it look fluid and powerful, at least in the preliminary drawing. You'll have enough time to make it look solid afterwards anyway.

You might also want to use a fountain pen, or a thicker, very soft graphite tool. Or even a brush. Something that won't allow you to erase or correct your lines, and will give you more organic-looking strokes, instead of actual lines.

Also, a bit of music.
No. 5354 ID: a0b5f5
File 131016271401.jpg - (164.86KB , 850x1165 , IMG_0212.jpg )

This better, hope you are still online...
No. 5355 ID: 654684
the collar is OK. I think the hair is passable, too.
No. 5356 ID: a0b5f5
File 131016321114.jpg - (180.82KB , 850x1165 , Corax_.jpg )

Ah well its going to look much better on photoshop.

Also Corax.
No. 5357 ID: 654684
strangely, your Corax would nearly look more effeminate than your Fulgrim, I guess it's because Fulgrim could have a finer nose ridge.

Corax looks cool, okay for me. His latest (and only official) illustration makes him a cross between Conan (as depicted in comics and pulps, less like Schwarzy) and Blackie Lawless.
No. 5358 ID: a0b5f5
File 131016466532.jpg - (206.34KB , 850x1165 , IMG_0213.jpg )

Erm, I saw the Conan-esque depiction, I felt it was much too exaggerated. Progress!
No. 5359 ID: 654684
The cloth looks very flat, and doesn't wrap around the armor properly.

The face is neat, the torso too, but the feathers might need to look less like scales.
No. 5360 ID: a0b5f5

Alright, now for your favorite, Vulkan.

I cant find any good refrences for his armor apart from Miniatures... Any help?
No. 5361 ID: 483e0b
I can try to sketch something out.
No. 5364 ID: 483e0b
File 131016698360.png - (1.08MB , 640x343 , Killercroc.png )
I found back something cool.

It's Killer Croc in the graphic novel Joker.

I'm pretty sure that, with blazing eyes, and without the grainy skin, he'd make a perfect Vulkan. Notice the very wide mouth.
No. 5365 ID: a0b5f5
File 131016839064.jpg - (810.50KB , 800x803 , 1309735237876.jpg )

I am not sure I like his wide mouth. Its not what I've envisioned from descriptions. Is he supposed to have an actual african american type facial expression?
No. 5366 ID: 483e0b
File 131016928536.jpg - (83.90KB , 552x369 , sallie 2.jpg )
okay, a few elements that could be included in his design.

the Ouroboros. It's extremely important, it will remind to everyone where the "black-skinned smiths who kill lizards" comes from. Maybe as a flaming iron halo that will provide a strong and direct light source just behind his head, to accentuate the blackness of his skin.

The salamander hide, and pictures of it on his armor: if possible, make it look like medieval depictions of it, even if it looks a bit grotesque (that's the goal) so, a head that look a bit like a dog's, with weird tusk-like teeth... maybe fashion the horns to look either like a crown (basilisk) or like a goat's. Anyway, pic related.

On his armor, you can of course add engraved flames, an anvil, a hammer and stuff. if you also include metal, it should be gold. if you include embedded gemstones, paint them purple/crimson. Not because it looks cool, but because they correspond to the "rubedo", ultimate stage of matter/spirit refinement, which is associated with a purple/red color.

If you fancy it, you can also look for sigils and add them on his armor, or even carved on his skin.
No. 5367 ID: 483e0b
Nothing is mentioned about his ethnic type in the canon.

But, you know, /tg/ will throw a bitchfit if he isn't african-looking, and I also think it looks cooler.

The idea, anyway, is to make him look a bit demonic. Salamanders are elementals of fire described by Paracelsus that can be compared to greek daimonoï in their relationship with magic-users, which is to say: helpful, but potentially dangerous. Sallies are bros with civilians, but they are quite scary. And it might sound racist or whatever, but if Vulkan looked caucasian, making him look threatening might be harder.
No. 5368 ID: 483e0b
File 131016975708.jpg - (76.50KB , 500x389 , sallie.jpg )
also, this.
No. 5369 ID: a0b5f5
File 131016977557.jpg - (950.81KB , 802x1000 , Vulkan.jpg )

Salamander hide should have been his cape...

The Iconography I think I can manage but I am still a bit confused on how could I fit all these onto there without "burdening" the portrait with too much eyecandy
No. 5370 ID: 483e0b
I know, it's very tough, but I'm only giving you suggestions.

But basically, flames and the salamander are the only mandatory elements.
No. 5371 ID: a0b5f5
Oh, I was waiting on the sketch you said.. In any case Im gonna go sleep now its 3 AM... I should start my own thread and not clog up yours anymore.
No. 5372 ID: 483e0b
File 131017064707.jpg - (836.35KB , 1670x1990 , vulk.jpg )
here it is.
No. 5374 ID: 4de54e
...also, what do interbred Tau look like?
No. 5383 ID: 9d13f0
I'm pretty sure that a lot of regular taus are inbred already. Interbred ones wouldn't look different enough from regular ones for me to spend time drawing them.
No. 5403 ID: 4a2b70
I would like to request some more quad-amputee porn for the queue, if that's alright.
No. 5404 ID: 9d13f0
I'm working on other stuff right now, but tell me.
No. 5405 ID: 4a2b70
A tech-priestess with her limbs removed punishing a tau chick quad amp with a mechanicus strap-on.
No. 5406 ID: 44e62c
With me, futas are always taking it in the ass.
No. 5409 ID: 59ed09
Futa space Mongol from Boone quest chained down and receiving some lovin' from Sliscus?
No. 5411 ID: e755b2
No. 5413 ID: e755b2
>space mongol who NEVER washes herself.
>space elf who washes himself after standing in the same room as a human, until his skin is transparent.

This has potential...
No. 5429 ID: cac100
Maybe he should be hosing her down, or something.
No. 5430 ID: c3481a
That's called an enema, in this specific case. A harsh one.
No. 5455 ID: 74c9dd
File 131041648041.jpg - (1.02MB , 2000x2500 , nakedppsszeddsl.jpg )
Welp, progressed a bit on this drawing.
No. 5456 ID: 548239

No. 5459 ID: 74c9dd
I should really have saved the lines on another layer, so that they don't pollute the shading like here, but it's fucked, now.

anyway, I'll install a new drawpad tomorrow, we'll see how it turns out.
No. 5460 ID: 548239

I am writing a fan fic about these guys, and their cult sect thing called the Aristocrats. So call me excited.
No. 5470 ID: baf1b2
Okay, on a completely unrelated note:



No. 5471 ID: 4bc47a

He's sort of righteous and at the same time retarded. He banned me as well.
No. 5472 ID: baf1b2
Everyone is "righteous". Nobody thinks that what he/she's doing is wrong, good intentions are no excuse for doing stupid things.

Got banned twice today, I recognized his distinguishable writing style. He's back, and even worse than before.
No. 5474 ID: 4bc47a

Is this the guy that goes on spergpages when writefags drawfags namefags tripfags and whatnot actually contribute to stuff?
No. 5477 ID: a79c6b
I wouldn't try to analyze his motivations and possible psychosis that deeply.
Let's simply say that he seems to be taking everything personally, while not assuming the responsibilities his behavior implies. And that I won't give him the credit he wants, because he doesn't deserve us to hate him back anyway.

I simply hope that you have a dynamic IP. At least, post your updates on 1d4chan. We'll outlast him if we don't allow him to become a pain in the ass.
No. 5495 ID: 73f44f

If you are reffering to Aeric and co, after that pic I posted with the text in it, I've hit a roadblock in inspiration. ALSO THANKS FOR THE FABTASTIC FULGRIM, I LOVE ITTTTTTTT =3 *drool*
No. 5498 ID: 54a2f0
But there were no knowing bans of drawfags and writefags. The sticky says so.
No. 5499 ID: 6dc1c2
Oh, Shas'O, you so crazy!
No. 5551 ID: c344d3
File 131085293155.jpg - (793.42KB , 2000x2290 , bawww.jpg )
No. 5555 ID: 6b3757
Is that Macha...?
No. 5556 ID: 59ed09
I love the skin around the chastity belt.
No. 5557 ID: c344d3
forever a virgin
No. 5559 ID: c344d3
File 131086184574.jpg - (1.06MB , 2100x2290 , taunygirl.jpg )
I will definitely call her Blueberry. Because Blueberry Pie.
No. 5561 ID: c344d3
File 131086531202.jpg - (444.23KB , 1300x1790 , haters de kid.jpg )
No. 5562 ID: 03c794

Hehe, love it. Kid reminds me of Battle Royale for some reason.
No. 5573 ID: c344d3
File 131087446703.jpg - (1.52MB , 2700x2590 , sister moon.jpg )
No. 5585 ID: 431681
File 131092926332.jpg - (2.42MB , 2000x2500 , nksss.jpg )
progress. I will need to deepen it a bit
No. 5586 ID: 06985a

ernf ernf ernf umf umf!
No. 5587 ID: 431681
uh... Sure. Is this how Slovenians laugh or something?
No. 5588 ID: 06985a
File 131093059995.jpg - (14.68KB , 291x364 , sandy.jpg )

Thats how sand people fap
No. 5602 ID: 431681
File 131094132509.jpg - (274.92KB , 1400x1400 , ooh mister drone.jpg )
No. 5603 ID: 2a1645
Such compelling drama.
No. 5636 ID: d7f3ef

I am getting kinda sleepy here, but I'll try to last another hour or so, is this going to have more bright and shiny colors? right now it seems faded but its a Wip afterall, I can't wait to see it finished.
No. 5637 ID: 22db35
hey, it won't be finished soon, you know.
No. 5639 ID: d7f3ef

Yeah, I know that, you told me to wait an hour for the helpfull sketch on Magnus. And I just asked something about that awesome dude to bite time
No. 5648 ID: 22db35
File 131112494355.jpg - (1.19MB , 1500x2000 , byakhee.jpg )
No. 5701 ID: e61790
Words. I am without them.
No. 5703 ID: 4de54e
Hey Techno, how did you manage to disappear right when I needed a picture of someone being violently sodomized? (emphasis on "violently")
No. 5704 ID: 2b4630
File 131139198414.jpg - (235.58KB , 1100x1389 , vanilla sex.jpg )
This? Yeah, it tickles like hell!
No. 5705 ID: 6b4721
File 131139261078.jpg - (86.59KB , 750x608 , 127506467839.jpg )
No. 5706 ID: 4de54e
That was still there when I posted that.
No. 5709 ID: 2b4630
okay, so what do you need?
No. 5711 ID: 2b4630
no idea who you're talking about.
No. 5713 ID: 2b4630
not gonna do it
No. 5714 ID: 4de54e
File 131140062270.png - (19.88KB , 564x450 , hrmcron.png )
Then what good are you?
No. 5715 ID: 2b4630
Lolis have no hips. And this one in particular has an lion's tail, and looks like a complete brat.
No. 5716 ID: 35e1a0
hahah, 100% accurate.
No. 5717 ID: 2b4630
File 131141251001.jpg - (714.96KB , 1700x1800 , wraitht.jpg )
No. 5718 ID: d71692
File 131141703666.jpg - (713.15KB , 1700x1800 , bzwt.jpg )

it's so much like my IRL brush-pen...
No. 5719 ID: e23ef8
Dem hips.
No. 5720 ID: d71692
No. 5721 ID: 98d17a


Whats this new sexy brush you found?
No. 5722 ID: d71692
I've been using it everywhere for three months.
No. 5723 ID: 98d17a
Still, what is it ? :D
No. 5786 ID: 59ed09
How about a heretical Low-hive cultist orgy, including Escher corpses and...maybe a freshly amputated Arbitrator as well.
No. 5790 ID: 37b986
I'm working on a hard commish right now.

That scene is too complex for me to enjoy drawing it. And Someone already requested me Anima schlicking with Xeno's Staff of Light, resulting in necron conversion from the crotch.
No. 5793 ID: 59ed09
It's cool.

>Anima schlicking with Xeno's Staff of Light, resulting in necron conversion from the crotch.
So her cunt is turning into metal or what?
No. 5795 ID: 37b986
Yes. Yes it is. How is that not a cool idea?
No. 5796 ID: 59ed09
Oh, it is. It was just worded a bit weirdly.
No. 5804 ID: 75a573
How 'bout the amputee Arbitrator?
No. 5805 ID: 1854db
No. 5806 ID: e61790
File 131193440563.jpg - (40.11KB , 700x489 , ts15sm.jpg )
And then she turns into a tomb stalker.
No. 5807 ID: 37b986
File 131193465606.png - (65.18KB , 250x250 , xeno ugh.png )
That's a bit too big, isn't it?
No. 5808 ID: e61790
Only Xeno gets to be the Necron Lord. Anima can be a pet.
No. 5809 ID: 37b986
File 131193597768.jpg - (695.40KB , 1300x1200 , SCIENCE!.jpg )
So far, that's not really how things went.
No. 5810 ID: e61790
Well, she really should've thought about that before she tried to ride Xeno's staff.
No. 5811 ID: 37b986
>implying she cannot molest Xeno even better now that she's some sort of giant metal monstergirl.
No. 5813 ID: e61790
See? Everybody wins!
No. 5814 ID: 054919
Except for Shas'o. Shas doesn't win. Shas gets banned for unrelated fetish bullshit.
No. 5815 ID: 37b986
You know, back when I wasn't there, Tau Quest was already accused of being fapfuel. Drone Quest was quite devoid of weird comments and fanwank compared to Tau Quest, and no NSFW pic was posted in the recent quest threads themselves.

Now, if you still want me to take the blame for her quests being mistaken for fapfics, I understand that, and I will, but that won't prevent me from drawing rule34 material of it. At most, I will avoid posting anything even remotely fappable on 4chan, if that can be of any use at all.
No. 5816 ID: 3c67fd

>implying /tg/ doesn't fap at everything you draw
No. 5821 ID: 57a335
I'm fapping right now!
No. 5830 ID: 4de54e
>The Taucron Centipede.jpg
No. 5832 ID: e61790
Fund it!
No. 5836 ID: 37b986
No. I'm not into oral sex, and that includes lesbian anilingus.
No. 5837 ID: e61790
File 131202723041.jpg - (81.07KB , 371x483 , 1291328755976.jpg )
>wake up
>decide to check out tgchan
>see this

This bashful-looking pariah conveys my sentiment.
No. 5839 ID: 37b986
Well, it's not like you haven't seen worse stuff a few months ago.
No. 5840 ID: e61790
Why does the Pariah have a book? Is it story time?
No. 5841 ID: 37b986
Biblefight with Mat Ward?
No. 5842 ID: 37b986
File 131203237916.jpg - (561.62KB , 1400x1000 , xenokopta.jpg )
No. 5844 ID: ebfe66
File 131204556266.jpg - (31.81KB , 400x300 , athf_ep026_01.jpg )

Whoah, uh Dr-Techno, thats pretty neat.
No. 5856 ID: 35e1a0
and it seems the rest is pure red so it probably goes... a little slower then the speed of light.
No. 5857 ID: f951ed
A severe lack of text: "RED GOES FASTA"
No. 5885 ID: 4de54e
Do you make it a point to hate all of my ideas Techno?
No. 5891 ID: 59ed09
I doubt, but you have to admit that F/F/F oral is a bit boring.
No. 5910 ID: 7386eb
I beg to differ, I'd personally love it. I still object to the Tau centipede idea because I'm not into scat though (in the movie one of the girls is forced to eat shit).
No. 5913 ID: 59ed09
...but, but how would that be humiliating and/or degrading without shit?

Not that shit would increase the change of getting it drawn. I doubt that Techno is into that stuff. If I were you, I'd ask Greenmarine, he is more into normal lesbane stuff.
No. 5915 ID: 992433
What, shit? I have nothing against girls pooping themselves, as long as I'm not seeing said shit smeared and leaking everywhere, but I do find oral sex disgusting (well, if you except good old cannibalism) so, that's it, no centipede from me.
No. 5924 ID: 0d5b61

>oral sex disgusting

Just curious, why?

In detail.
No. 5927 ID: 992433
Actually, I would rather not go too deep into this, because when I start comparing it to other forms of sex, it ends up disgusting me from sexuality as a whole.
No. 5929 ID: 4de54e
File 131242011212.jpg - (10.36KB , 175x175 , watbarn.jpg )
>Technomancer enjoys drawing limbless girls pissing themselves, brain-fucking, violent rape and dismemberment, but is squeamish about cunnilingus.
No. 5931 ID: 992433
I'm disgusted by a lot of things, you know.

Also, it's /The/ Technomancer.
No. 5932 ID: 07416a
File 131242459612.png - (847.71KB , 1000x1300 , 492666 - Eldar Tau Warhammer_40k greenmarine.png )
How do you feel?
No. 5933 ID: 992433
I feel like cropping the tau girl's ass out of the picture and delete the rest.
No. 5938 ID: b6ca92
File 131244241285.png - (73.72KB , 325x238 , technocrop.png )
Consider it done.
Left a little extra room in case you wanted it more focused.
No. 5943 ID: bea4e3

Ah hey, no problem! I thought you'd be okay discussing it , but if you put it that way its fine, I understand :)
No. 5952 ID: 4de54e
>I'm disgusted by a lot of things, you know.
Compassion? Joy? Puppies?
...No, really. Do tell.
No. 5956 ID: da2f07
File 131249844473.jpg - (956.03KB , 1500x2048 , sssissn.jpg )
No. 5957 ID: 59ed09
No. 5958 ID: da2f07
I don't get the reference.
No. 5959 ID: 686aad

Me neither, but I am here to inquire about marble tits.
No. 5960 ID: da2f07
well I'm gonna continue tomorrow.
No. 5961 ID: 686aad

on marble tits? or in general?
No. 5964 ID: da2f07
File 131250192308.jpg - (2.69MB , 1300x1687 , Marduk slaying Tiamat.jpg )
him specifically
No. 5966 ID: 686aad

Also this >>5956

Is awesome, is it finished?

Was wondering whats the story behind if , if any.
No. 5968 ID: da2f07
it is; it's just a DH assassin that happens to look like Bat-Terry.
No. 5970 ID: 686aad

Terry McGinnis? The awesome future Batman?

I knew it.
No. 6016 ID: da2f07
By the way, since my last commissioner suddenly went butthurt when he realized that the commissions I draw are uninspiring to me, including his, well, I'm open for commishes again.
No. 6018 ID: 739cfd

let me get this straight , he was mad cus you didn't like his fetish.jpg is that it?
No. 6019 ID: da2f07
oh, it wasn't fetish stuff, just a bishie knight of light fighting a recolor bishie knight of darkness.
I did it, adding some grimdarkness, but it was boring as fuck. He told me that it was precisely what he wanted from me, but he still felt insulted when I told him that I found it uninspiring, and decided to stop commissioning things. He was very civil all along, mind you, but still bitter.
So, it's opened again.
No. 6020 ID: 739cfd

fetish.jpg generally means "What I like" But I am sure you already knew it, I wasn't implying it was anything sexual by it.

aaaney way. Marbletits.
No. 6065 ID: a7386d
okay, for the guy who requested the amputee: it won't be today.

Tomorrow, I'll be leaving for about ten days without a connexion, so, I'll see what I can do to upload it.

It will give me some time to work on two new commissions and hopefully even finish Alphonse Marbletits
No. 6068 ID: 63d6f9

>I'll be leaving for about ten days without a connexion

No. 6070 ID: 59ed09
File 131281315279.png - (1.19KB , 150x169 , dunnolol2.png )
Well, it's not like I'm in a hurry or anything.
No. 6082 ID: 59ed09
File 131293119029.png - (12.89KB , 264x233 , extreme and utter shock.png )
My fucking God.

PVCC hired a tranny to dig up Patti.

Turns out, it was Chris
No. 6084 ID: 71a3a8
File 131298414456.jpg - (908.67KB , 2500x3287 , fuck da police.jpg )
poor dog...

No. 6085 ID: 71a3a8
File 131298560145.jpg - (484.60KB , 1200x1578 , arc.jpg )
also, dis
No. 6086 ID: 59ed09
Ass > titties.

No. 6089 ID: b6ca92
Face > Ass >Titties

No. 6104 ID: b0bd41
Opinions > opinions > opinions > opinions.

No. 6108 ID: 947cc0
Quit your faggotry, gentlemen. You too, Emps.
No. 6109 ID: 947cc0
File 131314154377.jpg - (1.13MB , 2500x3287 , xenona ryder.jpg )
The connexion is very very loose, but yeah, it's remotely based off a portrait of her when she was young.
No. 6110 ID: 21fdc5

Just fooling around bro. Hows your vacation thing going?
No. 6113 ID: cac4a8
> connexion
> I'm not the only one who still spells it this way
> bros 4 lyfe
No. 6120 ID: 1d543f
Technically I should spell it like that as well, being that it is British English, and I still use obsolete symbols like the 'æ' commonly, but it would be hard to break usage of 'connection' so suddenly.
No. 6129 ID: cac4a8
It ain't just British English, it's outdated since the 1900s. Still used on occasion. 'Connection' is in no way any less a British English spelling.
No. 6163 ID: 947cc0
File 131339625365.jpg - (542.80KB , 1300x1887 , ferraille.jpg )
dunno, slow.


No. 6165 ID: 947cc0
File 131339646828.jpg - (139.43KB , 1000x1500 , poussah.jpg )
No. 6166 ID: 947cc0
File 131339664667.jpg - (172.54KB , 800x840 , prepare your anus.jpg )
the usual stuff...
No. 6167 ID: 4ea119
You have my undivided attention.
No. 6168 ID: 947cc0
File 131339689455.jpg - (69.55KB , 1000x1500 , le pilier blanc.jpg )
No. 6172 ID: 947cc0
File 131340187109.jpg - (1.43MB , 1000x1332 , nique la police.jpg )
No. 6173 ID: 947cc0
File 131340192975.jpg - (675.39KB , 1497x1994 , white boy.jpg )
No. 6175 ID: 59ed09
File 131341755863.png - (41.84KB , 444x308 , sweating man.png )
Thanks brah. Thanks.
No. 6194 ID: 9a0a86

Oh God, this thing has so many levels of awesome!
No. 6197 ID: 5212c4
Still trying to figure out what dat ass is attached to.
No. 6203 ID: f1b937

Wow, if you kind of overlook what that's literally an image of, this really is a beautiful picture.
No. 6217 ID: 3eb330
File 131368503002.jpg - (4.25MB , 4200x3897 , choose your flavor.jpg )
No. 6218 ID: 7114e8

Number 3 and 4! pleas!
No. 6219 ID: 3eb330
File 131368528432.png - (70.48KB , 372x308 , baus.png )
Stop trying to sound lesbian, dammit!
No. 6220 ID: 7114e8

Never said I was a good impressionist. I fail hard.
No. 6221 ID: 59ed09
1 and 2. Noseless muscle girl gives me the weirdest of boners.
No. 6226 ID: bd6646
Aww, Earth Caste is so adorable. I'd prolly choose 2 or 3. Closest to human size or build, though 3 might be stretching it.
No. 6228 ID: 7114e8

Earth caste?

What are those things? and whats with the last one? Looks necrotic.
No. 6230 ID: 3eb330
don't you recognize a tau girl from each caste? the last one is the etheral chick from Xenology. /tg/ seems to prefer her over the other ones.
No. 6231 ID: 7114e8

I never cared much about Tau to be honest.
No. 6232 ID: 442374
>Earth caste?

Tau society is arranged into strict castes, with breeding outside your caste forbidden. From left to right;

Earth. Builders and scientists.
Fire. Warriors.
Water. Diplomats and traders.
Air. Pilots.
Ethereal. Rulers of the lot.

Members of the Earth caste are shorter and stockier than most Tau, while Air caste members are taller and thinner thanks to living out their lives on spacecraft and stations with low gravity. Fire and Water I don't think have any great physiological traits, though obviously the Fire caste will have bodies befitting trained soldiers.
No. 6233 ID: 7114e8

Every single time you explain stuff to me I get that wierd NBC "The More you Know" vibe.

No. 6234 ID: 3eb330
and the earth caste are also good at making sandwiches, in the fashion of space burritos
No. 6235 ID: 57f0fd

Also, when you slap an Air Caste, their neck snaps.
No. 6236 ID: 3eb330
File 131371562059.jpg - (255.34KB , 1300x1200 , carltau.jpg )
No. 6238 ID: 5212c4
moar fire caste anal gape pls
On the ass?
No. 6240 ID: 83e5f6

>>On the ass?

Sure, why not?
No. 6241 ID: 3eb330
>get slapped on the ass by a Gue'vesa
>never be able to walk or pee on your own again
No. 6242 ID: 83e5f6

It's funny because it's completely relevant in a Technomancer thread.
No. 6244 ID: 3eb330
File 131374759462.png - (243.92KB , 325x438 , bueno yrag.png )
I can fap to this, yeah.
No. 6250 ID: 59ed09
>Tau unable to do anything but lay on her stomach helplessly as her hip bones are crushed to dust. Permanently.
No. 6254 ID: 3eb330
I'll do this next week.
No. 6255 ID: 5212c4
Sorry, I wanted to correct that.
No. 6309 ID: e56977
File 131395977595.jpg - (806.76KB , 2000x2505 , schwip.jpg )
No. 6311 ID: 5212c4
The other end of the tail is going inside her butthole.
No. 6318 ID: e56977
if the commissionner is reading: I've tried several times to re-do the pic from scratch, but everytime, it's less good than the original pic, so, I might have to use the preliminary drawing as an actual base, and then refine it. Hence the delays.
No. 6329 ID: ace09b
File 131410536209.png - (38.83KB , 1041x609 , request.png )
Here you are, sir.
No. 6333 ID: 8c91d8
Any news on Alphonse Tétons du Marbre?
No. 6335 ID: 3111de
still not finished, the robe was troublesome to draw;
now stop asking or I'll charge for uploading it.
No. 6361 ID: 9c47f7
okay, I finally managed to work without using the sketch as a basis, so, the sky is mostly done, and it will probably have been the hardest part of the pic; nothing too fanciful though, it's still new for me.

If you want to see it, of course...
No. 6435 ID: dbfb75
File 131474932792.jpg - (1.15MB , 2800x2900 , princess.jpg )
as requested
No. 6436 ID: 27f1e0
A female techpriest with a bionic arm and no hood getting fucked up against a wall by Ciaphas Cain.
No. 6437 ID: dbfb75
maybe this week-end

if there's more than a bionic arm
No. 6438 ID: 27f1e0
A bionic cunt.
No. 6439 ID: 27f1e0
Holy fuck that is awesome.
Is that a Glistening Host marine?
No. 6734 ID: 23b273
Heya, man. Not seen you around much this week. You still drawing?
No. 6735 ID: 31a68f
neeearly finished Alphonse.

currently lurking in tauquest
No. 6740 ID: 0d559c
No. 6777 ID: 31a68f
File 131567792094.jpg - (432.20KB , 1200x1500 , xenojensen.jpg )
No. 6778 ID: 31a68f
File 131567835986.jpg - (2.24MB , 2000x2500 , alphonsed.jpg )
No. 6779 ID: 0d559c
Xeno, you're always asking for it.
No. 6781 ID: 36c804

I lack words to describe how awesome this is...
No. 6782 ID: ec16e6

Fucking amazing. What is the nature of this character?
No. 6783 ID: 36c804

Its from one of those homebrew chapters on /tg/ , The Glistening Host. Its a Daemon Prince i Think. http://1d4chan.org/wiki/Glistening_Host
No. 6784 ID: 36c804

Can I... Print this?

Id like to but id feel more confident if it was signed. Yanno. Credit where credit is due. Fuck this is so awesome! I love it.
No. 6785 ID: 31a68f
print it as it is, I'm not gonna put my administrative signature on this.
No. 6788 ID: 36c804

Thank you so much. If people ask me around school I will direct them to you. I am printing it on a notebook cover
No. 6794 ID: b6ca92
File 131571760949.png - (84.06KB , 1067x1280 , steel-bar-steak_tilde2.png )
Look what I found for you, Technomancer!
Author's notes:
>I was thinking maybe an alien, maybe a robot, then I decided to do both!
No. 6798 ID: 31a68f
No. 6802 ID: 32ce19
Bob as necron cutting a Guardsman in half.

You will be missed.
No. 6804 ID: 31a68f
i have no idea who the hell he is
No. 6810 ID: 32ce19
Robert Chandler, internet lumberjack.
No. 6813 ID: 31a68f
aaaah, I see. The half-dismissive father of CWC that everyone suddenly seems to mourn and regret now that he's dead?

No. I'm trying to find a way to combine the aesthetics of assyrian art with those of John Blanche's paintings, with green/red contrast, I ain't got time to waste on this.
No. 6836 ID: c9d687
Are you going to get to this, by any chance?
No. 6840 ID: 31a68f
today if I have enough time
No. 6842 ID: b0ebf5
File 131582919398.jpg - (3.38MB , 3900x4900 , urf.jpg )
No. 6843 ID: b0ebf5
File 131583533972.jpg - (4.02MB , 3900x4900 , urf.jpg )
No. 6844 ID: 680cd4

She's on a mission from the God-Emperor

To suck your cock

No. 6845 ID: 0d559c
>Blowjob Servitor
Has a nice ring to it.
No. 6891 ID: db77f8
Not a servitor.
No. 6899 ID: 0d559c
Dickpriest Monseer.
No. 6910 ID: 515257
File 131600098707.jpg - (819.31KB , 1800x2070 , hanging.jpg )
No. 6962 ID: d21c56
It's best not to question what she's wearing, I assume...
No. 6963 ID: 6013f4
Is it not obvious enough ?

Damn, man, I cannot draw THAT badly.

More may or may not be coming.
No. 6966 ID: 5afb04
nice to see you are doing something diffrent, Imperator is your view on the Emperor of mankind or?
No. 6967 ID: 6013f4

took a pic of an old man
fiddled around with marker pens
it came out like this
No. 6968 ID: 5afb04

Those are markers? I thought they were aquarella!
No. 6969 ID: 6013f4
not sure about the specific term

brush pens? yeah. whatever, ink pens, one with medium.
No. 6970 ID: 5afb04
nuoh, like, tubes of paint, acrylics with brushes and water.
No. 6972 ID: 6013f4
well, they're just some of these very expensive brush pens with a big soft point that are used by fashion/landscape designers to sketch out things in color, you should try them. They're available in every good art supply store from different manufacturers.
No. 6973 ID: 6013f4
Tombow ABT. That's it.

Also, for fancy pseudo-painting, Posca brush-pens. Like, with a brush, and marker paint inside.
No. 6974 ID: 5afb04

Ohhh! I know them, I will look out for them, school started anyway so I might get them for free. What I want the most are Prismacolor pencils...
No. 6977 ID: 606b0f
That was me.
Just trying to wake the mods up.
No. 6978 ID: 6013f4
That's stupid.
No. 6979 ID: c29aa9
You're stupid.
No. 6985 ID: 06ead3
No u.
No. 6986 ID: a79e4f
No. 6995 ID: ccafc7
Guys, I don't think such banter is the purpose of this thread.
No. 6997 ID: 2a2fa4
All I have is a book on 20th century contemporary art, if you want I can start translating.
No. 6998 ID: b4c676
As long as it is really contemporary art, as in, post-modernist, from the 60s and onwards, then I'll gladly accept.
No. 6999 ID: 2a2fa4

Alright then tell me what are you looking for specifically. Artist names, details about how they work?
No. 7000 ID: b4c676
a few artist names, yes, but mostly explanations about how they envision their work. About the theory behind their production.
No. 7001 ID: 2a2fa4

Sorry for the delay, but I've been scrounging through, and theres not much about 1960 onwards.

Joan Miro 1893 - 1983
Hans Jean Arp 1887-1966
Max Ernst 1891-1976
Rene Magritte 1898-1967
Man Ray 1890-1976
Victor Brauner 1903-1966

Theres not much about the individual, its more of an elaborate look on "suprarealism" or Surrealism, whatever the term is.
No. 7002 ID: b4c676
hey, that sounds cool, I'll check it up
No. 7003 ID: 2a2fa4

This is the closest I could fit your requirements.
No. 7004 ID: b4c676
File 131619545740.jpg - (465.50KB , 1200x2100 , taubutts.jpg )
No. 7005 ID: b4c676
Oh, yes, surrealism indeed.

Thought you were talking about an hypothetical new avant-garde I didn't hear about, so I was wondering why you mentioned some of these authors. Derp. Of, well, there are guys I didn't know about here, that's cool.
No. 7013 ID: 2a2fa4

Speaking of amazonian wear. I don't know if you watched Futurama or not, but theres that amazon women episode where they were sentenced to snu snu, basically mfw. I love rainbow clothing for some reason.
No. 7041 ID: 2a2fa4
File 131627946213.jpg - (493.57KB , 600x695 , johnblanche.jpg )
John Blanche. XD
No. 7044 ID: 7a044d
the coloring technique and some effects look unusual, is it really one of his artworks?

It looks cool enough for me, anyway.
No. 7045 ID: 2a2fa4

Its his, but the coloring has been done by someone else.
No. 7049 ID: c73d99
File 131629885987.jpg - (269.88KB , 800x968 , OHGODWHATDIDTHEYDOTOYOU.jpg )
well, this one is quite a challenge
No. 7050 ID: 2a2fa4

Always cool to see the rainbow socks, and those green things look interesting, What is this about?
No. 7051 ID: c73d99
I'm trying to put as many fetishes as possible into a single picture, on a single subject.
No. 7052 ID: 2a2fa4

Oh, well I can only see uhm 3?

No. 7053 ID: c73d99
enema (doubles as large insertion)
No. 7054 ID: 2a2fa4

Thing in the front is a cockbulge? I was thrown off by the secondary and third one. What are those?
No. 7055 ID: c73d99
you mean the other fetishes?
No. 7056 ID: 2a2fa4

the other two bulges, on the hip.
No. 7057 ID: c73d99
oh, one is just a round hip plate (like on most pics of her I draw) and the other one is just her butt cheek

I'll work up the metal textures to make it obvious anyway.
No. 7058 ID: 2a2fa4

I never noticed them till now!
No. 7084 ID: 2b4290
File 131637087742.jpg - (250.30KB , 1000x821 , in out.jpg )
didn't finish it, but here, progresses
No. 7155 ID: 5ddeef

Looking fine so far. Let's see how it turns out with the green light, like you said.
No. 7158 ID: 9740e9
@ the name of the pic Me happened.
No. 7194 ID: 028ef1
File 131662816770.jpg - (368.40KB , 1100x1332 , squats are back in40kshn.jpg )
No. 7195 ID: 028ef1
File 131662823492.jpg - (359.41KB , 1200x1453 , squats are back in40k.jpg )
No. 7202 ID: 10025d

No. 7210 ID: ed1656
...Is that Cata-Tau? I approve.
No. 7215 ID: 7b6eb7
Wat ?

Somehow, I appreciate how the fandom is so creative compared to the original product...
No. 7221 ID: 5fbfdb

The story that goes along with this picture:
No. 7226 ID: 8d1c01
I'd need to add freckles for this
No. 7241 ID: 5fbfdb

By the way, how is the superfetish picture coming along? Or are you still working on the diaper shading? :>
No. 7247 ID: cc4d14
now working on the face, then the socks, then the green highlights

it's gonna be a fucking masterpiece
No. 7250 ID: 9a50aa

I can't wait to see how the socks turn out, with the green light effect you were talking about!
No. 7253 ID: cc4d14
15% cuter


... heh...
No. 7257 ID: 15e982
Well-- it didn't hurt, but it certainly didn't really add anything. vOv
No. 7258 ID: a79e4f
File 131682878979.jpg - (301.73KB , 1200x1453 , dicks.jpg )
Less JPEG compression this time.
No. 7283 ID: 3eee44

I wish I could help, but your style is new and unique to me.
No. 7284 ID: a99a3c
File 131690355339.jpg - (1.39MB , 1900x2300 , sing.jpg )
maybe it would work better with a harsher background light, too.
But the main problem is with contrasts and textures, I think. I'm too used to harsh direct lights to do decent shading. Also, adding green direct light makes it look even more odd, since the green light would normally negate the white reflections. Maybe. I don't know.

By the way, if you can think of something she'd be singing...
No. 7285 ID: a99a3c
That's the whole problem, I have to make representation choices at the expense of realism all the time, and when I try to draw more realistically, I can't anymore.
No. 7286 ID: 3eee44

Go on /tg/ and ask?

Oh wait no.. Don't do that.

Uh. About the singing. I doubt she'd be singing, with her arms lobbed off, and that uhm thing. going on there.
No. 7287 ID: 3eee44
but I do admit, the portal turret song comes to mind, dunno why.
No. 7289 ID: a99a3c
Are you a wizard?
No. 7291 ID: 0491c8

Man, that's looking pretty good. But, I dunno how you'd go bout lighting. It's a pain in the arse. If all else fails, wing it.
No. 7292 ID: 3eee44

you do know that I am now expecting to see Xeno, merged with aperture plates.
No. 7293 ID: a99a3c
>merged with aperture plates

No. 7294 ID: 3eee44

Well , she is a robot, right? She has dark black plates. I would love to see her in the Aperture pure white, with logos, and other portal inspired doohickies!
No. 7295 ID: a99a3c
there's this:
No. 7296 ID: 3eee44

I know. But, less mecha, moar xeno-style.
No. 7297 ID: a99a3c
Okay. We'll see.
No. 7298 ID: 3eee44

Take your time, no rush, was meant as a suggestion.
No. 7324 ID: b9127b

Looks a bit better, here's a cool suggestion : if you could line the tubes, and make the liquid more flowy, would have a nicer effect. cus atm, it looks like the apparatus pumping the green stuff in is on full throttle :D
No. 7337 ID: 585454
I'll try. It's a new effect I never really tackled.
No. 7338 ID: 36a1f1

Oh lawdy! Same for me on the water warp fire thing.
No. 7339 ID: 585454
File 131707600663.jpg - (1.58MB , 1900x2300 , Spasming and howling, bowels loosening, bladders e.jpg )
okay, I'll work on the tubes an other day. I fixed a few annoying details. I guess that now it looks somewhat solid. Right? No?
No. 7341 ID: 585454
File 131707656026.jpg - (144.01KB , 260x460 , dominus.jpg )
this is just a sketch, but I find it so pretty that I might not finish the drawing. Not tonight at least. Or maybe i'll try re-working it with yellow/golden textures. Or as a painting. Maybe with gold, again. Because it's inspired by Gustav Klimt. And Klimt had a massive throbbing hard-on for gold.

Also, don't put lemon in your beer.

And listen to Welcome to the Morbid Reich. It's made of awesome and epic.
No. 7343 ID: 585454
File 131707819884.jpg - (162.05KB , 260x460 , golden dawn.jpg )
No. 7347 ID: 36a1f1

I think you should make lineart for the tubes.
No. 7348 ID: 36a1f1

This is nice, but a bit too small !

And "I am who feasts upon your soul" is my fave so far.
No. 7363 ID: ac36fa
File 131716639118.jpg - (1.75MB , 1900x2300 , Spasming and howling, bowels loosening, bladders e.jpg )
okay, now I think I have it kinda right.

the tubes still look weird, but I am not able to do anything better. The main problem, I think, is now not so much the light contrasts but the discrepancy between textures. And I don't think I can correct it without making it look less solid.

Added a "frame" too give it a bit more depth.
I nearly feel like uploading it on DA. Nearly.
No. 7364 ID: 059ff4

I know what you mean. The only way to work on my liquid suggestion is to start over completely with the tubes.

But hey. You can include liquid and tubes in some other art!

I like these new tubes, they look great.
No. 7365 ID: ac36fa
actually, I thought about using smoke brushes superimposed to make a flowing effect, but it looks like ass, and bubbles just ruin the reflections.
So, currently, this is as realistic as I can do it.
No. 7366 ID: 059ff4

Alright, but have you tried adding actual air pockets? not bubbles, think of it now, its on full pressure, but imagine it flowing at 30%.
No. 7372 ID: 059ff4

Hah! alright! I have a zalman water cooler for the main PC, and I like staring at it sometimes when its in idle, cus it pumps water slowly. Sometimes if I switch it to green it reminds me of Bane from Batman. yeah, that wierd.
No. 7375 ID: ac36fa
Alien sperm sample?
No. 7378 ID: 059ff4

More like a tower of ever pumping lube into the Pc fan/motherboard. If the lights are off.
No. 7380 ID: ac36fa
No. 7381 ID: 059ff4
File 131716985229.jpg - (19.52KB , 400x400 , zalres1v2.jpg )

Because it is a strange device.
No. 7382 ID: ac36fa
You have no idea how much getting hold of this pic would have facilitated my work.

No. 7383 ID: 059ff4

Make moar. Aperture Xeno wouldn't mind!
No. 7570 ID: 4488ab
Heya, man. You still drawing? Doing a lot of commissions, or just non-/tg/ stuff...?
No. 7571 ID: c79f95
still on a commish
No. 7634 ID: 74d630
Hey Techno!

I've just been approached by a dude, that wants me to draw stuff for him. And I have no clue how to price my Digital art..

How do you do stuff, and how much would my Sanguinius be worth, lets say?
No. 7635 ID: 8140e3
no fucking idea. Some people sell things that are ten times less good for 80$. I'd sell the same kind of work for 20$ because I cannot afford being more expensive.

but let's say that if a guy approached you specifically, don't hesitate to ask him a lot. You can bargain anyway.
No. 7694 ID: 354776
File 131844602460.jpg - (574.38KB , 1200x982 , hailandkill.jpg )
hurp durp
No. 7695 ID: 4488ab
Holy cocks, man
You keep on doing incredible works-- this is actually sinfully good. Man.

How would you feel about a more x-rated commission? Do you prefer to draw porn, or non-porn? Your level of skill- or your technique, at least- turns pretty much anything into art.
No. 7696 ID: 354776
Nope. Not even other people.

>How would you feel about a more x-rated commission? Do you prefer to draw porn, or non-porn?
if you scroll up, you'll see that I've been drawing porn for quite a long time. As for commissions: only for ideas I find too boring to spend time on. Porn or not, there are specific things I won't draw, even for money, but otherwise, just suggest something, and we'll see if I charge for it.
No. 7697 ID: 41eea2


I have no idea what this is but it sure feels like sex to the eyes.

Mind sharing some of those brushes? the red smoke / fumes in particular.
No. 7698 ID: 354776
the brushes for the smoke are just patch brushes I got from deviant art by searching "nebula brushes"

all in all it's pretty simple, the brushes do all the work.
No. 7699 ID: 41eea2

Alright ! Thanks!

I could use that effect somehow for Mortarion. And other Nurglies I've got planned
No. 7741 ID: ecad1d
File 131854502956.jpg - (861.41KB , 1200x900 , ithaka.jpg )
No. 7745 ID: ad3fd5

Stylish. Is it going to remain this way? As a form of abstract interpretation of Ithaca's glory?
No. 7746 ID: ecad1d
Goddammit, Emps, didn't they teach you anything about that? It's figurative. Blurry, but figurative.

Yeah, it's gonna stay like this, just a sketch to try out things. and it's some 40k stuff.
No. 7752 ID: 481c6c

I've said it before, id rather pay you and Overlord to teach me stuff with confidence, than paying for this shitty college.
No. 7755 ID: ccf1d3
yeah, well, you know, if I was more confident myself in my knowledge about art theory and techniques, I'd consider it.

anyway, seen dem new necron vehicles? Pretty nice. They got rid of the fancy green plastic tubes, though. Still looks okay, they managed to avoid the clunky dalekron look, without going too much into tomb-kings-in-spehss.
No. 7756 ID: 481c6c

I only seen one, the guy riding the thing with 2 additional drivers. Are there more?
No. 7757 ID: ccf1d3
yeah, two versions of the old war barque, and necron snipers (who look too cyberpunk in my opinion, but have some potential)
No. 7759 ID: 481c6c

Found the barque thing, looks Giger-esque to me !
No. 7760 ID: ccf1d3
it shouldn't.
just because it looks vaguely phallic with ribs doesn't mean it is even remotely inspired by Giger.
I won't say that Giger is overrated, but his influence is not omnipresent.

But anyway, they finally have decent potential for conversion
No. 7763 ID: 481c6c

I said "to me" because I was actually reffering to a very specific thing about Giger's work, his "structural architecture" ones about the Xenomorph habitats and Pyramids. The black textures and shapes there reminded me heavily.


These things are awesome.
No. 7764 ID: cebe07
Whoa, some of those models look pretty swell. Seeing Necrons got me into 40k in the first place, so I'm glad they're finally getting nice new models. I don't know what the rules will be like, but I play space marines. Ultimate codex security.
No. 7814 ID: 072f1f
File 131880571797.jpg - (222.58KB , 500x750 , sniktbub.jpg )
No. 7834 ID: 9081f0

Hell yeah!
No. 7882 ID: 7cd647
File 131906758690.jpg - (1.99MB , 1600x2600 , cui.jpg )
No. 7883 ID: 0448b9
Haha you make that little birdy look so menacing..
No. 7886 ID: 3e8b11
File 131908113760.jpg - (9.69KB , 300x225 , 1312499289225.jpg )

This thread is also generally fucking amazing, by the way. You're cool, Technomancer
No. 7905 ID: 61da40

I'd say Technomancer is the best artist on the site.
No. 7919 ID: f143e5
File 131920018776.jpg - (515.27KB , 1200x1200 , pie.jpg )
I tried to go fast but now it sucks; even more than older stuff.
bah, at least I'm okay with the face
No. 7920 ID: f143e5
the skin, mainly, looks off, but I have no idea how to fix it
No. 7921 ID: 739cfd

It looks fine, it would look amazing if you defined a light source point and sticked the highlights accordingly.
No. 7958 ID: 4406dd

Is that blueberry pie?
No. 7964 ID: 743b29
yup that's her
No. 7965 ID: 4406dd

What a delightful visual pun.
No. 8074 ID: 54a0bd

is there a program similar to Open Canvas, that would allow me to do some paintchat sessions, but for a Mac?
No. 8075 ID: 3ad381
Just Paintchat itself. It's browser-based, so it should work on any computer that has Java installed and all that. Only problem is that it's pretty dry as far as features go. It's a lot like the built-in Oekaki tool here.
No. 8076 ID: 54a0bd
mh, I'll try
No. 8087 ID: feab56
Requester here and holy shit! I didn't think you would finish it, thank you!
Im just gonna grab a tissue and I'll be right back.
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