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File 132920035521.png - (1.00MB , 3300x2550 , Awoken.png )
10935 No. 10935 ID: 9eb660
So, yeah. Why not? This one is obviously incomplete; but I like where it's going.

Expect wildly varying levels of quality based on my level of caffination.
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No. 10936 ID: 9eb660
File 132920048243.png - (2.23MB , 2550x3300 , Wenz.png )
Feyblood Rogue from a VERY old game. Recently ressurected as an NPC for my current game.
No. 10937 ID: 9eb660
File 132920065383.png - (234.20KB , 727x848 , Wenz Cartoon.png )
Same guy, but I was fuckin' about with style.
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