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File 132402731858.jpg - (64.15KB , 800x600 , Fallen Angel.jpg )
9331 No. 9331 ID: 8e4e4d
I am sent from the Chapter Master development team in one of our many hours of getting shit done! For those unfamiliar:
Chapter Master began as a joke on /tg/ where posters would make up greentext stories about their misadventures at the helm of a space marine chapter. Before long, we decided that jokes are all well and good, but that we needed more, and thus have been working the past few months to Get Shit Done. Now that Finals are ending, our development team is getting a much-needed second wind, and we're looking for more hands to help us complete this mighty and worthy challenge!
I know there are tremendously skilled, 40k familiar drawfags here- much more skilled than I, to say the least- and even if you're not so confident, it certainly wouldn't hurt to make a post on the dev forum at http://tgchaptermaster.freeforums.org/ just in case!
Because you weren't seriously planning on seeing your family this holiday season, were you?
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No. 9333 ID: d60822
Probably some folks already have art that we could use, if you'd like to see it appear in this game.
Here's a big list of shit we'd like to have:

No. 9334 ID: 9c6e21
What's all this? I am running on a paltry amount of sleep, but something about space marines and I don't understand what.
No. 9340 ID: 27ca54
This is an imaginary game that /tg/ decided to make not-imaginary.
We're coding it ourselves, and we need art.

Spess Muhreen art.
If you go to the forum, it'll provide a lot more info.
No. 9342 ID: d60822
It's a game designed to play somewhat akin to King of Dragon Pass. You're a chapter master and manage your chapter. Pretty much all the 40k art you and Emperor do would be great for inclusion somewhere in the game. And since we're not really including graphics, we need still art to make the game pretty.
No. 9347 ID: 6194c2
File 132408090927.jpg - (173.10KB , 800x600 , Tyranid Swarm.jpg )
I've done lots more if you want an idea of what we're looking for, how much has been done, or just some inspiration.
No. 9354 ID: d60822
File 132411966686.jpg - (111.51KB , 1500x900 , hive.jpg )
I guess I can put this here to host for the project as well.
No. 9355 ID: d60822
File 132412213343.jpg - (64.04KB , 1500x900 , warp.jpg )
Fuck it this is shitty but I'm posting it anyway.
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