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File 131180276515.jpg - (179.66KB , 998x870 , fwae.jpg )
5769 No. 5769 ID: 5f7868
sup /draw/. I need your help. see, I've been working on creating a somewhat crazy D&D setting that has no typical D&D races.

I have to come up with a fairly unusual species that mainly occupies every elemental plane. problem is, I can't come up with anything good for the plane of water that isn't some typical shit like mermaids or sahuagin.

pic related; it's a low-detail sketch of the races of air, fire and earth.

I don't know if this is better suited for /tg/, but I might dump some more shitty sketches in here later. especially if there are any requests.
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No. 5770 ID: d214a4
File 131180421866.jpg - (12.50KB , 200x290 , 41817_4467870852_9640_n.jpg )
Aristocratic Fish people.
No. 5771 ID: c0b2b8
File 131180617946.jpg - (218.08KB , 1060x870 , mortan.jpg )
people of the negative energy plane. because centipedes are awesome.
No. 5774 ID: 7b774b
Serpent/crab things made of murky ice, leaving their organs clearly visible and disguising their movements.
No. 5778 ID: 1b92bf
May I recommend a look at Wayne Barlowe's work:

No. 5791 ID: 5f3a8e
File 131187468520.jpg - (92.24KB , 512x384 , whodaman.jpg )

that's a pretty good idea.


that's quite awesome. thank you.
No. 5880 ID: 2eab70
File 131218029905.png - (686.36KB , 1133x986 , genie2xxprev.png )
this place needs more people shooting drugs into their testicles.
No. 5881 ID: 5d23d9
File 131218790139.png - (204.70KB , 941x501 , genie20xxreal.png )
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