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File 127008591591.png - (51.55KB , 300x300 )
444 No. 444 ID: f7f565
Maybe if I just drew more traditionally I could update faster?

(picture does not accurately represent projected quality)

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No. 445 ID: 1ac39d
how so? if accurate is a little worse then it's still good, if it's better then it would be awesome.
No. 447 ID: f7f565
File 127008991036.jpg - (115.45KB , 400x400 , saulannaforms.jpg )
It'd probably be something around this level, only a little cleaner and with a simple background.
No. 448 ID: 0fc814
This is sufficient to satisfy my arousal.
No. 450 ID: f98e0b
I appreciate your work no matter what style you do.
No. 451 ID: 1ac39d
9/10. it's amazing but not perfect, because nothing is ever perfect.
No. 453 ID: d86d2c
File 12701070468.png - (11.38KB , 750x500 )
Keep this in mind, Jukashi.

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No. 458 ID: 0fc814
I'm sorry I guess my [obvious joke][/obvious joke] tags didn't parse correctly.
No. 462 ID: 717301
do it faget, I like your quest.
No. 469 ID: d8bc1d
Looks fine to me, and I would love to see more updates.
No. 470 ID: 5a2e05
I can tell what is going on in that art, that's really all that matters. If the updates come faster all the better.
No. 471 ID: 3b6c92
Man that'll totally work.
No. 765 ID: c4c313
File 127887616363.png - (1.44KB , 300x300 )

This is sufficient to satisfy my arousal.

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No. 836 ID: 7a28df
Unless your drawing quality is slowing you down such as, like, you don't finish pictures as fast as you could because you have to put more effort into them, then I'd say your current art style is just fine.
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