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File 129850053648.png - (221.83KB , 500x500 , 6.png )
2755 No. 2755 ID: 556066
Okay I have to throw these somewhere. And maybe I'll even get one or two suggestions on what to improve, that would be the best.
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No. 2756 ID: 556066
File 129850061555.png - (172.57KB , 666x666 , 5.png )
I tried doing one of those "Draw 30 things in 30 days" and failed miserabley. This was the first supposed entry under "draw yourself".
No. 2757 ID: 556066
File 129850065947.png - (64.68KB , 411x440 , 8.png )
This is totally secret but the most recent thing I did, so I hope it's okay I post it here.
No. 2759 ID: 556066
File 129850075961.png - (73.43KB , 516x404 , 3.png )
I don't know, things like that happen when I have no direction at all but want to make something happen.
No. 2765 ID: b9df31
File 129851289252.png - (158.75KB , 1200x600 , robot.png )
Fanart for a quest that doesn't even exist yet.
This...took me longer than what it looks like.
No. 2778 ID: b9df31
File 12985653222.png - (69.57KB , 800x600 , cat2.png )
Probably not going to finish this one~
Have been told the leg in the back looks to small, it probably is.
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