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File 130255065144.jpg - (225.09KB , 649x900 , lets_do_science_together1.jpg )
3499 No. 3499 ID: c62d87

Because in the Grim Derpness of the Far Future there is only Herp. Or something along those lines, anyway.
268 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 11912 ID: a1822f
File 133284407595.png - (233.41KB , 331x532 , 1332665260483.png )

>well drawn, sensible armor while still being stylish
>good weapon selection, missing polearms or maces, but still good
>people wearing fucking helmets for a change
You can knock yourself, but I approve entirely.
>here is your high five
>I have no high fives, so here is a random amusing image
No. 12014 ID: 44f719
File 133320962741.jpg - (118.11KB , 472x900 , darian_jdf2b.jpg )

Thanks, but some of them would be even more sensible if it weren't for their players wishes. This one here was the first try for the guy on the right...player wanted more "toned" armor and plateskirt that keep him from walking...
No. 12150 ID: a488bd
File 133374045126.jpg - (136.05KB , 718x900 , jdf_the_overcompensator.jpg )

Finished the ranger...so the only one who's missing now is either a druid or barbarian. But since the player in question is still giving no info after two weeks I'll just fuse them both together at the hip ;).
No. 12151 ID: a488bd
File 133374048337.jpg - (205.15KB , 560x900 , rakka_all_my_reference_pics_are_looking_down1.jpg )

No. 12152 ID: a488bd
File 133374052673.jpg - (183.01KB , 766x900 , lucretia_work_wip2.jpg )

...also resumed working on this a little bit.
No. 12156 ID: a488bd
File 133374732572.jpg - (117.35KB , 550x900 , drider_caretaker_sketch1.jpg )

Completely unrelated...
No. 12223 ID: 8b4b43
File 133408021705.jpg - (168.94KB , 900x639 , dorf_proportions_how_do_they_work1.jpg )

Also totally not related to me lurking in Greenmarine's thread, really.
No. 12224 ID: feab56

No. 12271 ID: cc18a1
File 133425812770.jpg - (60.99KB , 508x358 , ships_pixel1.jpg )

Doing stuff in Flash again, trying some new things...only to realize I can't get my point-defense turrets to target the nearest missiles. Guess I really have to leran the basics before trying the complicated stuff.
No. 12272 ID: cc18a1
File 133425817291.jpg - (186.04KB , 900x639 , dorf_proportions_how_do_they_work1e.jpg )

No. 12273 ID: cc18a1
File 133425827826.jpg - (180.89KB , 695x900 , shadowrun_pink_mohawk_mode1.jpg )

I recently realized I actually missed two whole editions of Shadowrun.
No. 12314 ID: d5ee6f

You reading Oblitus? Really think it'd be your thing.
No. 12409 ID: 1443a9
File 133467653457.jpg - (118.94KB , 406x900 , kaurei_jdf1a.jpg )

Not much of a quest man, I'm afraid. I did read through a few of them, but it's not really for me.
No. 12718 ID: 44bded
File 133573332367.jpg - (202.03KB , 900x780 , paladin_cohort1.jpg )

Drawthread request. Too late, as always. Some sort of cowboy-godling paladin and his halfling cohort/vassal.
No. 12719 ID: 44bded
File 133573336076.jpg - (216.54KB , 825x1200 , sketchdump_must_draw_grisly_old_men_now1a.jpg )

See filename.
No. 12720 ID: feab56

Bottom left for me, please!
No. 12739 ID: 7c28ea
File 133582011591.jpg - (158.35KB , 608x900 , gnome_hat_is_not_big_enough1.jpg )

Drawthreaded a bit over on ye olde /tg/. Hilarity ensued. Still not sure if this gnome was supposed to be based on Roosevelt.
No. 12740 ID: 7c28ea
File 133582017167.jpg - (245.38KB , 608x900 , what_are_you_young_uns_feething_looking_at1.jpg )

Old fart knight making his last stand-thingie.
No. 12741 ID: 7c28ea
File 133582024553.jpg - (169.14KB , 800x800 , mely_tg1.jpg )

And now I`m back off to drawing gnarly, grisly old men.
No. 12749 ID: d5ee6f

Go draw hot chicks sitting on the laps of grisly old men. Pants are entirely optional.
No. 12762 ID: 751798
File 133588454936.jpg - (223.44KB , 900x687 , sketchdump_these_are_nowhere_near_grisly_enough1.jpg )

That actually sounds like a nice compromise...
No. 12765 ID: b6fb8d


These are amazing
No. 12767 ID: fe9fcf
File 133590615489.png - (639.04KB , 1599x714 , Girl.png )

Hello, good sir. I request you make a picture of this design. It is a character I am playing in a campaign.
No. 12768 ID: 5029d1

slow is not your personal OC creator.
No. 12769 ID: fe9fcf


I'm aware, and if he chooses not to be, I'll live. I'm just looking for someone to act as it, though, for one picture.
No. 12966 ID: 3cfc26
File 133691961482.jpg - (128.40KB , 554x900 , magical_girl_carnage1a.jpg )

Stupid work is keeping me from drawing...
No. 12967 ID: 3cfc26
File 133691965065.jpg - (113.51KB , 404x900 , muscle_elf2b.jpg )

No. 12994 ID: f44e7c
File 133702854243.jpg - (103.77KB , 404x900 , pink_muscle_elf1.jpg )

No. 12996 ID: fe9fcf


Thanks man! This is great!
No. 13039 ID: 8449ad
File 133729520794.jpg - (198.07KB , 554x900 , magical_girl_carnage_wip2.jpg )

Got my tablet at home working again. It's a bit of a dinosaur compared to the one at work...but it`ll do.

Also, the only things I remember about Madoka are the head chomping and the time-delayed summoning of army-sized firepower...I guess that sorta explains the gore here...
No. 13043 ID: fe9fcf


Woah, even better! I really appreciate this, thank you!
No. 13123 ID: 5c94e7
File 133762277925.jpg - (627.17KB , 1471x550 , dnd_goldentusk_and_irregulars_by_kaffeezombie-d33e.jpg )

Wait just a second, NOW I know where I recognize that art style from!
I didn't realize you were the same Slow Drawfag from /tg/ all those years ago.
No. 13125 ID: 9ec7a7

Well, the name is sorta generic, I guess ;). But yes, same guy who drew Goldentusk and the Irregulars. Still lurking in /tg/ now and then, but work tends to get in the way of actually joining drawthreads these days.
No. 13126 ID: 9ec7a7
File 133762739878.jpg - (218.13KB , 1360x800 , sketchdump_cant_hold_all_this_tactical_and_rakka1.jpg )

Always the same, too much to do and too little time...
No. 13127 ID: 9ec7a7
File 133762744977.jpg - (141.16KB , 884x544 , more_spaceships_wip1b.jpg )

*distant sounds of shipyards working*
No. 13128 ID: 5c94e7

Is that for you flash game, or are you just an awesome Homeworld fan?
No. 13130 ID: 9ec7a7
File 133763406282.jpg - (111.45KB , 713x900 , rakka_ifirn_flats1.jpg )

Both, probably. Though reinstalling Homeworld 2 might thwart my plans of coding stuff in Flash a bit...discovered the game again, must have been ages since I last played it.
No. 13135 ID: 1444d5

Have you read any of the TTA artbooks? Stewart Cowley's art was mentioned (in one of the Making Ofs, I think) as the inspiration for Homeworld's ship design.
No. 13157 ID: 3d85ad

Not quite sure about this, but wouldn't the art be by Chris Foss? Still have an ancient artbook of him flying around here with unused concepts for Dune and Alien...
No. 13173 ID: 1444d5

The books have art from quite a few other artists mixed in too.
No. 13180 ID: 5c94e7

>Homeworld 2
>not Homeworld or Homeworld: Cataclysm
Let me guess, you lost the discs?
No. 13188 ID: 48ae81
File 133780767964.jpg - (136.07KB , 900x534 , paper_spaceships_test1.jpg )

Possible, though they might be somewhere in one of the boxes I did not yet open since my last move. My game archives are a bit of a mess, really. During the act of redisovering Homeworld 2 I actually stumbled upon the ancient box of this here:

No. 13189 ID: 48ae81
File 133780780090.jpg - (135.18KB , 900x900 , more_spaceships_wip2a.jpg )

Stupid spaceships distracting me from tablet...
No. 13190 ID: 48ae81
File 133780784715.jpg - (129.98KB , 713x900 , rakka_ifirn_wip3.jpg )

Still fiddling around with it, though...
No. 13191 ID: 4c1918

Slow, I mean this in the kindest, gentlest way possible, but you have a serious case of sameface going on with a lot of the stuff you draw. We see that you /can/ draw different faces, so why do you seem to default to that one face so much? If you rely on things because they're easy, then your art will develop so much slower.
No. 13192 ID: feab56


And you draw the, uh, "mouth-line" wavey all the time, when in reality they seldom are. It looks very strange/uncanny valley.
No. 13381 ID: 05018c
File 133883803245.jpg - (213.45KB , 900x677 , vestos_now_and_then1.jpg )

Sadly, I`m quite aware of this fact. However, this will only truly be remedied after my stay in the isolated mountain monastery of "getting more than 4 hours of sleep a night". Not getting much time for practice these days.
No. 13382 ID: 05018c
File 133883809717.jpg - (152.94KB , 1229x561 , tactical_team_wip1.jpg )

No. 13383 ID: 05018c
File 133883832894.jpg - (114.91KB , 885x300 , some_campaign_i_wont_talk_about.jpg )

Goddamn DMNPCs...
No. 13388 ID: feab56

Alright, don't mean to cramp your style. You do draw very boss armor designs/solutions, like that drider armor. And when you put in effort with your practice, like drawing different male faces.
So, keep at it when able.
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