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File 130255065144.jpg - (225.09KB , 649x900 , lets_do_science_together1.jpg )
3499 No. 3499 ID: c62d87
Because in the Grim Derpness of the Far Future there is only Herp. Or something along those lines, anyway.
Expand all images
No. 3500 ID: c62d87
File 130255074369.jpg - (148.27KB , 624x900 , ogryn_hospitaler_tg2.jpg )
No. 3501 ID: c62d87
File 130255077343.jpg - (148.56KB , 632x900 , sob_claw4.jpg )
No. 3515 ID: 4ea119
Just that you know, these are absolutely awesome.
No. 3659 ID: 730920
File 130315726831.jpg - (51.31KB , 599x600 , african_plate.jpg )

No. 3660 ID: 730920
File 130315730180.jpg - (117.46KB , 674x800 , a_certain_comissar1.jpg )
No. 3662 ID: 428f31
like me some drow and/or storm hair style black lasses.

.... hair is an odd thing, coloring wise.
No. 3665 ID: 2df453
Your stuff is great, but this I especially like.
No. 3667 ID: c38353
File 130332833192.jpg - (372.08KB , 638x900 , sandwich_tg3.jpg )

Haven't done many drows...borked up the neck on this one, I think.
No. 3668 ID: c38353
File 130332841142.jpg - (81.38KB , 800x587 , armored1.jpg )

Probably should redo the rushjob on the shading there...
No. 3669 ID: 6e7801
Other face types, plox. And action shots. It's refreshing to see something that isn't animu bullshit at first, and that looks a bit unsettling, but I'd like to see something different from you, since you seem to have some good skills.
No. 3673 ID: 1d6241


btw the hair comment was a stoner freshman thought.
No. 3691 ID: a8acb3
File 130350072023.jpg - (72.68KB , 454x1000 , warhammer_landsknechte_sigmar1.jpg )

Yeah, I tend to resort to my "default" face when not using refs. Should work on that habit...
No. 3692 ID: a8acb3
File 130350080423.jpg - (73.17KB , 600x525 , hammering_the shit_scribble1.jpg )
...and I really suck at action sequences...have a quick scribble of something I`m working on, anyway.
No. 3693 ID: a8acb3
File 130350087438.jpg - (80.96KB , 800x626 , dwarven_monk1.jpg )
Actually, they're all just scribbles. Having a game tomorrow and I need to paint stuff...
No. 3694 ID: a8acb3
File 130350091449.jpg - (92.58KB , 799x800 , rogue_trader_not_enough_skulls1.jpg )
No. 3695 ID: 56eb1f
No. 4065 ID: eab16a
File 130436430854.jpg - (164.26KB , 676x900 , don_armor1.jpg )

No. 4066 ID: eab16a
File 130436438551.jpg - (134.56KB , 674x800 , a_certain_comissar2.jpg )
Touched up


Still not happy with it, but it'll do for a sketch, I guess.
No. 4067 ID: 762f86

dood what?

Oh, and since You've produced a quite stunning piece of drawfaggotry for dronequest, can I request you a drawing of Xeno? I request her to pretty much every drawfag I come across, so I won't insist if you're not in the mood, but as you seem to draw young girls and mechanical stuff pretty well, I thought it'd be interesting.
No. 4069 ID: eab16a
File 130437254466.jpg - (250.31KB , 714x900 , frere_linearts2.jpg )

Guess I'm one of those drawfags who are never content with their output ;). These days I just can't find the time to finish most of my stuff...


I'll see what I can do, depends on my workload this week. Any specific wishes or just whatever comes to my mind?
No. 4070 ID: 762f86
>Guess I'm one of those drawfags who are never content with their output ;). These days I just can't find the time to finish most of my stuff...
I know that feel, except that I find my finished drawing less good than my sketches.

>I'll see what I can do, depends on my workload this week. Any specific wishes or just whatever comes to my mind?

Ideally, her being sexy and cute. But as you're good at drawing creepy pics as well, I won't bite if it looks unsettling. I like getting a weirdestboner.jpg anyway.
No. 4136 ID: 1b9805
File 130457442832.jpg - (147.91KB , 588x800 , xeno1.jpg )
Working on it...but this one might take some time before it's finished...
No. 4145 ID: b0c912

It's starting damn well (except perhaps the mouth that's a bit ex-centered) looking forward to it!
No. 4375 ID: 10dac1
File 130575115027.jpg - (228.77KB , 653x900 , xeno2.jpg )
Still nowhere near finished...
No. 4376 ID: 10dac1
File 130575121321.jpg - (130.48KB , 500x1152 , face_scribbles1.jpg )
...more practice needed...
No. 4377 ID: 10dac1
File 130575127772.jpg - (92.82KB , 568x800 , minus4strength.jpg )
...inb4 -4 strentgh and botched elbow anatomy.
No. 4378 ID: 342eb7
coming along nicely
pouty lips everywhere, man.
No. 4379 ID: 0748f5
>inb4 -4 strentgh and botched elbow anatomy.
And awkward buttock placement.
No. 4380 ID: 0748f5
More Rakka please.
No. 4383 ID: f42782
File 130577052053.jpg - (161.21KB , 1001x704 , 60724_818792438_122_405lo.jpg )
what he said

No worries man. Also, if you ever need reference, http://www.girlswithmuscle.com/images/ has a huge assortment of images you can even filter by bodypart.
No. 4387 ID: 554bfd
File 130583232211.jpg - (152.17KB , 643x900 , rakka_bath5.jpg )
Yeah, I should turn that down a notch in the next batch but as long as it keeps me from turning to default mode I'm okay with it.
Quite so, yes.
Will do (Have some old stuff in the meantime). But it might take some time, since I still have to finish Xeno and someone gave me the idea of shaolin dwarves with beards of death. And there is a lack of Praetorian Ogryns in my sketchbook, too...
No. 4397 ID: 9c64a6
File 130591642847.jpg - (181.60KB , 696x900 , praetorian_ogryn1.jpg )
Might look too much like a gentleman and not abhuman enough...
No. 4398 ID: 9c64a6
File 130591659092.jpg - (142.11KB , 680x700 , shaolin_dwarves1.jpg )
And this one might fall under that "Rule of cool"-thingie...anyway, now that's off my mind I can resume work on Xeno and more Rakka.
No. 4399 ID: 0748f5
Try blunting the nose a little and bringing the forehead out. That should make it look more brute-like.
No. 4423 ID: bf1e7e
File 130602231634.jpg - (58.12KB , 643x800 , DwarfMonk.jpg )

I hope you appreciate how long it took me to dig this out
No. 4434 ID: 7746b7
this is glorious
No. 4698 ID: 89e82f
File 130730304928.jpg - (254.86KB , 659x900 , xeno3.jpg )
Pencils done. Work is killing me, so no idea when/if I'm able to color this beast.

I do, actually. Didn't know this was drawn already.
No. 4699 ID: 89e82f
File 130730312510.jpg - (125.55KB , 521x900 , rakka_outfit1b.jpg )
Useful site, that.
No. 4700 ID: c26e82
Hey, if it's bothering you, I'll be completely satisfied with this gorgeous lineart
No. 4721 ID: 46a66e
Nah, just wanted to give a heads-up that it might me a lil bit more time.
No. 4722 ID: 46a66e
File 130739215277.jpg - (110.43KB , 560x800 , snake_boots1.jpg )
No. 4723 ID: 46a66e
File 130739218143.jpg - (131.50KB , 640x800 , no_more_shedding1.jpg )
No. 4724 ID: 35e1a0
snake part needs to be a LOT thicker, like hips width for a while before tapering.
No. 4731 ID: 7a3b1d
I have a magical ability to end /tg/ drawthreads...

Anyway, can I get this thing for an upcoming game?
Skeleton with a horse's skeletal head.
Random rags are hanging off of it, and it's in some kind of acrobatic pose that wouldn't be possible for someone with flesh.
Little wings of light around the feet are a bonus.
The jaw is going 'CLACK CLACK'.
No. 4751 ID: 0e608e
File 130756138139.jpg - (93.12KB , 850x753 , cinis1.jpg )
You're right, will be corrected in the next version...

What exactly are you looking/going for? Creepy horror-thing or just strange creature?
No. 4753 ID: 0e608e
File 130756767472.jpg - (148.42KB , 609x900 , weisheme_wo_luoti_1.jpg )
...I'm quite easily distracted, it seems.
No. 4757 ID: 24e648
This looks really good. Good proportions + slick lineart. Very cool.
No. 4759 ID: fc5145
I may be wrong, but shouldn't there be a slight perspective effect on the spear?
No. 4760 ID: d7216c

Pointy bit should probably point somewhere. Will be changed, I'm still figuring out how this guy will fit into the rest of the monster daycare thingie, anyway...

Need to elongate her torso/arms, I think.
No. 4762 ID: 7a3b1d
Creepy as you please.
No. 4764 ID: 59fef5
Nice. We already have the tall, huge, heavy, and stacked musclegirl with Cata-chan. Having a tall thin, ripped to shreds musclegirl with C-16 is goot to have as well.
No. 4776 ID: 080138
File 130772725137.jpg - (158.42KB , 575x900 , weisheme_wo_luoti_2.jpg )
...and now: a whole weekend doin' nothing but draw stuff!

Working on it.

Well, seeing as she can go toe to toe with whatever that thing in Boone Quest was, I'd say she's Straken tier...
No. 4780 ID: 98141e
Ooooooooooooooohh, nice!
No. 4799 ID: 5b5e8c
File 130780523136.jpg - (169.00KB , 657x900 , undead_horseman_thingie1.jpg )

Went for "flexible" instead of "acrobatics" cuz all the other poses I could think of would have looked goofy. So tell me, what is this thing I have drawn here?
No. 4802 ID: 7a3b1d
A nightmare.
One of the players messed about with some books that he oughtn't have, and now it's living in his head and causing havoc when he sleeps.
Mostly be leading the rest of the party a merry chase through the streets and doubling back for ambushes.
It can also fold up to fit in ludicrously tight spaces, pass mostly unnoticed if it doesn't move, and cause plaguey scars with a sweep of its claws.
I have a wood block under the table to spring the noise on them at random points.
Narcolepsy has never been so fun.
No. 4803 ID: 5b5e8c
File 130782918368.jpg - (173.35KB , 586x800 , xeno_color_in_progress1.jpg )
Sounds like a nasty critter, that.
No. 4804 ID: 7a3b1d
Part of a personal challenge to make a scary critter without any specific, salient fear abilities.
It's just fast, tough, and a sadistic douchenozzle.
No. 4805 ID: 599138
Dem mechanical viscera...
No. 4817 ID: 152ddb

That's epic.
No. 4842 ID: 49ce5b
File 130791522370.jpg - (297.14KB , 659x900 , xeno4a.jpg )
Probably should've colored the rags, but I got lazy...

...are probably stored somewhere in that winged backpack, because she seems to have no room in her belly/ribcage-area for them...
No. 4843 ID: fba6e0
Man, that's awesome, I hope that you enjoyed drawing it, because I really appreciate the amount of time and resources you put in this pic, it looks really good. I mean, it's finished, right?
No. 4847 ID: 89f294
Always loved your stuff Slow Drawfag.

If you're taking requests, could you do a techpriestess with stunning hips removing her legs seductively?
No. 4878 ID: e5b9b3
File 130808669699.jpg - (122.24KB , 679x900 , what_has_science_done1a.jpg )
Not really satisfied with the background, but it will do for now...until I get some idea what to put there. More drones, perhaps?

Requests? Rarely, these days. Work is hounding me. Although on a completely unrelated and random matter I seem to have stumbled upon something...
No. 4880 ID: 5c6c63
Dammit, that's hot!

Delicious brown techpriestess....
No. 4882 ID: 07416a
Well, this is incredibly delicious.
No. 4897 ID: dd5124
S'all good, I think everyone is busy right now.

Also dat delicious brown techpriestess, bueno.
No. 5002 ID: 07a018
File 130859746498.jpg - (142.83KB , 700x900 , no_more_shedding2.jpg )
Still working on that monster daycare thingie...in the meantime, monstergirls.
No. 5003 ID: 07a018
File 130859750043.jpg - (102.62KB , 584x900 , centaur_fencer1.jpg )
No. 5004 ID: 07a018
File 130859752033.jpg - (122.25KB , 900x709 , drider_librarian1.jpg )
No. 5005 ID: 07a018
File 130859765960.jpg - (126.35KB , 800x625 , dainhard_rakka_shields1.jpg )
...and some TDE-scribbles. Yes, the guy's armor is supposed to resemble some certain knightish grimderp people.
No. 5094 ID: 53ecc6
File 130899983566.jpg - (215.05KB , 1000x1022 , sketchdump6.jpg )
...maybe some coloring is in order today?
No. 5100 ID: ac6887
No. 5104 ID: 53ecc6
File 130901230508.jpg - (104.57KB , 900x642 , lamia_diving1.jpg )
Will be the next one colored. Her legs seem weird, though. Might have to tinker around with the lineart again...
No. 5107 ID: 07416a
No. 5108 ID: 53ecc6
File 130903794445.jpg - (147.92KB , 566x900 , lucretia_pet_skulls1.jpg )
Done for now...looks like Miss Techpriest has a penchant for skulls. I wonder if techpriests can have hobbies like collecting rare servoskulls...
No. 5113 ID: 290c06
No. 5115 ID: 07416a
Feels so strange to be agreeing with technomancer...
No. 5132 ID: 4de54e
It doesn't make you a monster. Yet.
No. 5197 ID: 659552
File 130938088954.jpg - (96.94KB , 538x800 , kir_scribble1.jpg )
Crud. Was looking forward to a week off from work, but that got shattered. Guess things will have to progress at the usual pace, then.
No. 5198 ID: 659552
File 130938096617.jpg - (121.68KB , 800x570 , lucretia_and_science1.jpg )
This needs a background. And more skulls. Probably.
No. 5199 ID: 93ea34
awesome, a dark eldar head that you can turn on and off like a tv!

Man I'm loving it, tell me more about Lucretia/DBT.
No. 5200 ID: 659552
File 130938323270.jpg - (265.71KB , 1072x800 , tech_damsels2.jpg )
Not much of a backstory there, yet. Her work (detective work/liaison officer?) requires her to interact with non-mechanicus people, so her bionics are fairly normal-looking (Or something along those lines). Has a slight fixation on everything servoskulls, collects rare and bizarre specimens. Might be a sister of the techpriestess attached here...
No. 5201 ID: 93ea34
well we have to expand upon her background, because she's worth it. I was a bit skeptical about your style at times (bout the faces) but it works perfectly on her. She looks exotic and fancifully attractive, like some sort of slavic girl with ganguro makeup that's hard to distinguish from an african woman with vaguely indonesian features, unless it's the opposite. Plus of course those pretty bionics with built-in high heels, that work so well with that cheongsam dress. That's great character design right here, no reason to stop.
No. 5222 ID: c8e4b2
File 130951594394.png - (14.08KB , 400x400 , WTF am I reading ohwait.png )
>praise about a woman
No. 5224 ID: 8acba7
About the character design, bro, not quite the same thing.
No. 5296 ID: 1985ce
File 130981314753.jpg - (75.17KB , 437x800 , tired_heresy_tg1.jpg )
Colored scribble. Needs to be more 40k-ish (more skulls, different clothing) and at least a hint of the internal bionics (read: tubes and wires for no reason...).
No. 5297 ID: 1985ce
File 130981332336.jpg - (138.44KB , 900x533 , lucretia_at_work_scribble1.jpg )
Wip sketch of Lucretia, courtesy of a request from El Technomancer. This one might take a while before it's finished.
No. 5298 ID: 29b582
aw lawdy
No. 5300 ID: e02376
Nice. Very nice, man.
No. 5305 ID: 29b582
Okay, fridge logic time: her "bra" is attached to her spine/cybermantle, and her legs are connected by wires to ports integrated in her panties. Does that mean that she cannot take her underwear off?

For some reason I still have trouble discerning, I find this quite hot.
No. 5306 ID: e02376
In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only smelly underwear.
No. 5311 ID: 491538
File 130988895531.jpg - (81.91KB , 434x900 , tired_heresy1b.jpg )
Revised version. Hopefully, this one looks more like something from Dark Heresy and less like some sort of Shadowrun PE-teacher...
Or the thong can be deattached from the hip ports...or maybe the wires have no actual function? It's imperial tech, it doesn't have to make sense. You're right about her top and the spine, though...need to rework that.
No. 5312 ID: 29b582
No you don't need to. No you don't.
No. 5317 ID: fd9108
File 130998546995.jpg - (119.26KB , 980x580 , lucretia_flash_preview1.jpg )
Got distracted again. And goddamn, it takes ages to draw stuff in Flash...
No. 5328 ID: edda4f
File 131007095718.jpg - (201.45KB , 500x600 , lucretia_assembly_wip1.jpg )
Still working on stuff...
No. 5329 ID: 59ed09
Dis gon b gud.
No. 5330 ID: edda4f
File 131007709296.gif - (529.71KB , 300x400 , lucretia_intro_wip1.gif )
...but progress will be ever so sloooow. Need to get back at Flash and figure out how to make it all work.

Also, first animooted test-thingie.
No. 5331 ID: edda4f
First new thing learned: Flash-movieclips won't export correctly when exporting to .gif or .mov unless directly on the timeline. Need to change them to animated graphics for that.

Second thing learned: Flash's export for gifs sucks quality-wise. Exporting a mov and importing the videoframes in photoshop works better.
No. 5332 ID: 287f30
No. 5333 ID: 07416a
You just want him to finish so you can reverse the animation and pretend she's being dismantled~
No. 5334 ID: e6cef9

Ooh, a fellow animator! That is great work.
No. 5335 ID: 287f30
No. 5338 ID: 27cd72
File 131011631346.jpg - (17.83KB , 278x311 , -_- 504.jpg )
I like your style. Alot.
No. 5339 ID: a0b5f5
File 131011923236.png - (604.46KB , 1280x720 , vlcsnap-2011-06-11-01h14m06s234.png )

No. 5362 ID: 6ea2e0
File 131016625779.gif - (74.94KB , 200x160 , praetorian_servoskull_wip1.gif )
Thanks! Gonna take me a while to do this right, though. Have a grounded servoskull in the meantime (Need to do a whole bunch more of these).

Not sure if I'm allowed to call myself animator. Right now I'm just fiddling around with tweens in Flash...
No. 5363 ID: 483e0b
This servoskull is all like "IT'S ADVENTURE TIME, LADIES!"
No. 5389 ID: 590e2a
I love that you made its mustache move when it walks.
No. 5415 ID: 1c3770
File lucretia_assembly_intro_wip1.swf - (89.45KB , 500x600 )
>Supported file types are: GIF, JPG, MP3, PNG, SWF

Hm, so lemme try this...Intro is kind of done, but still needs some tweaks here and there. Also, not sure about older computers and performance...
No. 5416 ID: 1c3770
In case the whole thing runs too slow, give me a yell. Maybe converting the background from vector to pixels will enhance performance...anyway, I need to write up something for the next TDE-session, so the assembly-part will have to wait til next week.
No. 5417 ID: e755b2

dem syringes...
No. 5428 ID: e75de4
Are her eyes supposed to look half-open when she is "asleep" ?
Because the white and green of her eyes is always slightly visible.
No. 5436 ID: c38f64
This is great. So great you've got me to pick up flash again. Can't help to be a bit annoyed by her eyes flickering a bit, though. Maybe I'm the only one who gets that, but you can see the green a little bit even when her eyes are closed.

... Now I don't know what major changes exist between flash MX2004 and CS5, but it looks like I have a bit of learnan to do.
No. 5444 ID: 548239

How long did it take you?
No. 5447 ID: 1ceaa5
File 131041298734.jpg - (164.23KB , 500x600 , lucretia_assembly1e.jpg )
Yeah, overlooked that. Fixed now.

If I remember correctly, changes included searching the library, inverse cinematics/bones, and some sort of export history. oh, and for some reason the CS5-flas have doubled in filesize compared to the same files in CS4...

Not sure, took me a few days after work and half a weekend to get this far. main part of the work was the techpriestess herself and the background, everything else was done kinda quickly.
No. 5448 ID: 1ceaa5
File 131041310182.jpg - (178.77KB , 500x600 , lucretia_assembly2.jpg )
First part of assembly done, see picture. Still need to do the "coating" of her limbs and some more facial expression.
No. 5449 ID: 548239
File 131041341071.jpg - (522.35KB , 1250x1500 , 1310407514004.jpg )


Hey, on a totally unrelated note, would you consider doing a very quick small flash of this, it doesnt have to be animated as awesome as the tech priestess, heck with poor fastly done ones it might be even funnier!
No. 5451 ID: 74c9dd
the reflections on the artificial muscles look awkward, I'd say.

also, how does one reverse a flash animation?
No. 5452 ID: 548239
File 131041438543.jpg - (99.38KB , 720x601 , 47130_107048379355438_100001508300931_56148_646609.jpg )

>reverse a flash animation
No. 5453 ID: 74c9dd
No. 5454 ID: 548239

Im not saying its a bad quirk or fetish, I'd help if I knew how 2 flash, Im just amused, sorry :3
No. 5457 ID: 1ceaa5
File 131041671858.jpg - (187.60KB , 500x600 , lucretia_assembly3.jpg )
Reflections are easy enough to fix. Just have to change the movieclip they're in and presto, everywhere else they're also toned down.

Reversing swfs? Only way I know of involves actionscript by going down the timeline backwards frame after frame. Problem is that would need to include all the interlaced clips, too.

That requires a bit of frame by frame animation, tweening it wouldn't look good. I'll add it to the stack waiting for me after the assembly, though.
No. 5458 ID: 74c9dd
can I at least convert it to .gif to decompose it with a program I got and re-weave it?
No. 5461 ID: 1ceaa5
I know there are swf to gif converters out there somewhere, but I have zero experience with them, I must confess.
No. 5473 ID: 0b6a51
File 131050694172.jpg - (178.49KB , 500x600 , lucretia_assembly2b.jpg )
Just a small update, nearly finished another scene. Next one will be plating her limbs. Still no real idea how to get her dressed in that cheongsam gown of hers at the end, though. Guess it'll boil down to frame by frame...
No. 5511 ID: 4b3025
File 131065887556.jpg - (46.27KB , 175x215 , Do Want 4.jpg )
No. 5512 ID: 0599cb

Pretty good, man. You beat me around the head and neck with your Flash skills. Looking forward to an updated animation.
No. 5560 ID: 69eb65
File 131086272854.jpg - (202.40KB , 500x600 , lucretia_assembly3a.jpg )
Still working on it, the damn thing's taking longer than expected to finish. Too many joints on the servo arms...

Got as far as plating her arms, still need to work on her face during assembly and various other things.
No. 5630 ID: 6d256d
File 131110909103.jpg - (162.59KB , 500x600 , lucretia_assembly4.jpg )
Argh. Done for now. Needs sound and loads of detailwork, but right now I'm too tired for that. Also opted out on the dressing sequence. Changed the background to a png, so it will look artefacted if not watched at original size (500x600).
No. 5631 ID: 6d256d
File lucretia_assembly3.swf - (625.75KB , 500x600 )
Tried exporting it in several ways...but .swf is simply the only way to get this thing into decent filesize. Oh well, anyways, now it's back to my sketchbook for a while...
No. 5632 ID: d7f3ef
No. 5633 ID: 22db35
that was pretty much awesome.
No. 5635 ID: d11e20
File 131111103631.jpg - (281.40KB , 1062x1510 , -_- 159.jpg )
No. 5647 ID: 1854db
Seems like /draw/ is attracting a few amputee fetishists...
No. 5649 ID: 59ed09
File 131112919044.jpg - (36.29KB , 410x424 , Time to fap.jpg )
Oh boy, definitely worth waiting.

I just gotta record that with fraps and play backwards and its even better.
No. 5650 ID: 22db35
tell me how to do it.
No. 5652 ID: 316fa3

Get Fraps, experiment with it untill you figure out how to record your screen ( you can find free cracked versions on torrents) Then, put the flash in fullscreen mode, record it with Fraps.

Afterwards you might want to compress the filesize using a movie editing program like Windows Movie maker, but I reccomend you get Sony Vegas but be warned, if its not original its a bitch to crack. After you compress it and you are okay with a relative good filesize, you are ready to start fiddling with the options in your video editing software to achieve the reversal.
No. 5655 ID: cf6b2d
That was great. Like, attention to detail and overall thoroughness of the animation was mad. The part where she was wiggling her fingers was testament to that.
Also, facial expressions were hilarious.
No. 5656 ID: 198e7e
File 131115686622.png - (52.26KB , 470x470 , nyan-cat.png )
yeah, at times it's almost like...

don't know why, maybe the way the mouth is animated
No. 5657 ID: cf6b2d

Yeah, you're right. That weird smiley thing she does from time to time.
No. 5660 ID: 316fa3
You know what I want Overlord, A veritable (close) representation of Space Marine Anatomy, starting from Skeleton, and slowly working up muscle, skin, carapace augmentation and the armor itself.
No. 5663 ID: 8e0809

No. 5664 ID: 316fa3

5 steps basically, feels like a lot tbh. Feel free to pass XD
No. 5732 ID: 00ae25
Actually, there are still loads of details that bug me later on. Like her servoarms moving through the grab-thingie-servoarm in one sequence or her eyes not being synchronized with her surroundings...but it`ll do for now ^^
No. 5733 ID: 00ae25
File 131153068863.jpg - (86.01KB , 499x800 , lamia_bodyguard1.jpg )
Anyway...sketchbook need some love.
No. 5734 ID: 00ae25
File 131153075989.jpg - (218.37KB , 652x900 , upgrades_sketch1.jpg )
>"I gave you rocket knees."
No. 5735 ID: 00ae25
File 131153081210.jpg - (85.17KB , 555x800 , rhazzazors_chewtoy1.jpg )
No. 5736 ID: 079de5
Eclipse Phase/WH40K crossover?
No. 5740 ID: 617ba6
Either that or I just like Lamias/AdMech too much.
No. 5741 ID: 07416a
You are entirely forgiven. You have a thing for brown girls, don't you?
No. 5742 ID: 9a8daf
good grief, did she get MORE scars?
No. 5743 ID: 5e8491
Well, three whole parties ended up getting more scars in that session, actually. I guess that happens when fighting undead dragons...

I'm afraid my list of "things" is rather long but yes, brown girls find themselves somewhere on top of that list.
No. 5753 ID: 7ace26
File 131170953208.jpg - (165.28KB , 661x900 , fightan_the_samefaces1.jpg )
Beards. Beards everywhere...
No. 5847 ID: e2f9af
File 131204892667.jpg - (144.91KB , 643x900 , things_with_faces1.jpg )
No. 5848 ID: e2f9af
File 131204895187.jpg - (110.35KB , 542x850 , glasgow_n_dwarf1.jpg )
And stuff!
No. 5858 ID: ea6ca2
Those, especially in the first two, are excellent faces. I can't express my admiration appropriateley. Great work!
No. 6040 ID: f6142f
File 131275160553.jpg - (116.72KB , 557x900 , pally1a.jpg )
Thanks! I seem to do fine when working from reference photos, but I really need to get away from that darn "sameface"-syndrome...
No. 6041 ID: f6142f
File 131275171737.jpg - (138.07KB , 589x1000 , sketchdump_bowie_priests_rakka.jpg )
Anyone else here watch "Prestige" and didn't realize that was freakin Bowie until the credits? *headdesk*
No. 6042 ID: 2d8c2c
especially since there, it's looking quite glitchy.
No. 6043 ID: 4de54e
Shame no one developed a personality for the entire movie.
No. 6054 ID: 194256
Ah, who needs personality when you're cloning top hats with science and lots of lightning?
No. 6177 ID: 9841cd
File 131344469116.jpg - (126.11KB , 799x800 , lamia_shocktrooper1.jpg )
There was this thread on /tg/ about lamias and their uses in warfare and such...

Lamia dump? Lamia dump.
No. 6178 ID: 9841cd
File 131344471450.jpg - (112.72KB , 555x800 , lamia_shocktrooper2.jpg )
No. 6179 ID: 9841cd
File 131344473182.jpg - (130.46KB , 672x800 , lamia_scout1.jpg )
No. 6180 ID: 9841cd
File 131344474512.jpg - (139.96KB , 746x750 , lamia_scout2.jpg )
No. 6181 ID: 9841cd
File 131344476764.jpg - (122.31KB , 727x800 , lamia_barbarian2.jpg )
No. 6182 ID: 9841cd
File 131344478358.jpg - (86.90KB , 421x800 , lamia_mage.jpg )
No. 6183 ID: 9841cd
File 131344480353.jpg - (81.59KB , 498x800 , lamia_priest.jpg )
No. 6184 ID: 9841cd
File 131344482394.jpg - (117.89KB , 749x800 , lamia_barbarian1.jpg )
No. 6185 ID: 9841cd
File 131344489411.jpg - (112.78KB , 741x900 , lamia_juggernaut.jpg )
...that's it for now. Need to clean these up, correct some mistakes here and there and do some sort of background for the bunch.
No. 6575 ID: b8035d
File 131528781231.jpg - (246.94KB , 843x900 , lamia_barb_wip2.jpg )
Slow Drawfag is slow...not finished yet due to workstuff getting in the way.
No. 6576 ID: b8035d
File 131528786891.jpg - (327.31KB , 823x1200 , sketchdump_lucretia_goldentusk1.jpg )
...and some other things...
No. 6577 ID: 27e3a1
File 131528903834.jpg - (209.50KB , 800x1000 , blaxploitation.jpg )
No. 6578 ID: 211431
It's nice to know people seem to like Lucretia enough to draw her ^^.
No. 6592 ID: 07416a
You may be interested.
No. 6600 ID: b8035d
File 131534390076.jpg - (314.97KB , 900x783 , lucretia_but_i_wanted_to read_this_wip1.jpg )
I'll look into this...
No. 6886 ID: 7baeab
File 131593547562.jpg - (384.96KB , 900x723 , no_mechandentrites_were_harmed3.jpg )
Hrm, I guess I'm allowed to draw some porn once in a while...
No. 6887 ID: 7baeab
File 131593551596.jpg - (207.82KB , 800x461 , bjessi_scribble1.jpg )
No. 6888 ID: 7baeab
File 131593555863.jpg - (273.66KB , 1200x1329 , drawthread1.jpg )
Some results from a recent drawthread compiled.
No. 6889 ID: 7baeab
File 131593561180.jpg - (168.52KB , 600x1031 , but_i_wanted_to read_this_wip4.jpg )
And working on background. Lots of background.
No. 6890 ID: db77f8
I still find it difficult to fap to something I was so responsible for. Go figure.
No. 6900 ID: 0d559c
I pity you, I've never had that problem in my life.
No. 7115 ID: 2919e9
File 131645815044.jpg - (146.80KB , 654x900 , dark_witch_broquest1.jpg )
No. 7116 ID: 2919e9
File 131645817333.jpg - (100.93KB , 536x800 , amazon1.jpg )
No. 7127 ID: 2919e9
File 131647084957.jpg - (132.36KB , 681x800 , lucretia_work_wip1.jpg )
Just color flats for now, too tired for shading.
No. 7133 ID: a79e4f
No. 7519 ID: 91bc54
File 131785353924.jpg - (199.40KB , 700x990 , sketchdump_6.jpg )
Not dead yet, just busy with work again...
No. 7636 ID: dfd3c8
File 131819265442.jpg - (89.68KB , 529x900 , changeling_tigerlady1.jpg )
...and finally another Changeling session.
No. 7683 ID: f7ec6c
dunno if the link will work...
I requested it in B&Hammer40Kun 's thread ad then that led the thread to dying a grim death (hope it doesn't happen here) (crosses fingers)
No. 7984 ID: d322e8
File 131948657196.jpg - (115.57KB , 400x894 , rakka_jdf_plate1.jpg )
Sorry, I'm buried in work here and won't be able to do requests anytime soon.
No. 9099 ID: f75a51
File 132320412183.jpg - (138.54KB , 662x900 , finn_dress1.jpg )
Still not quite dead...although work is trying it's best to change this, meh.
No. 9133 ID: feab56
An observation: Is there a particular reason why so many of your girls have their necks bent forward?
One thing I like with that picture is that you are getting the hang of drawing nose and mouth as they previously have been derpy looking imo. Now it seems it fits the face. Thumbs up.
No. 9138 ID: 61782a

Another bad habit of mine, I`d guess. Lack of varying poses might be another reason. Should do more action shots or at least some actual scenes instead of just busts and body shots...
No. 9383 ID: e12ed7
File 132421580972.jpg - (134.26KB , 900x666 , lamia_diner_wip1.jpg )
Trying some actual scenes in order to practice. Also, I cannot draw perspective, so that's another point on the to do-list.

Oh, and monstergirls, of course.
No. 9389 ID: 0448b9
I quite do like that doodle.
No. 9398 ID: feab56
Out of the 51 pics I nab'd from you so far, I think this one is your best.
No. 9407 ID: b24dd6
the perspective isn't too shocking (well, the windows' borders do look weird) to me, but what is more disturbing is the way her skirt folds and unfits around her tail.
No. 9420 ID: 2cfd90
The perspective on the Lamia seems fine, but like Technomancer said, the skirt folding over the tail is a bit off.

What I am having trouble with though is envisioning how the tail is positioned under there.
No. 9423 ID: 737160
File 132432549172.jpg - (155.01KB , 900x666 , lamia_diner_wip2.jpg )
Yeah, you're right. Tried to correct the skirt a bit...but might as well do it all new from scratch. Considering her weight, she should probably sink deeper into her seat, as well...

No. 9424 ID: 737160
File 132432556327.jpg - (168.75KB , 900x663 , paint_it_black1.jpg )
Also: Silly scribble.
No. 9457 ID: feab56
But consider that most of her weight is in the tail which does not rest on the seat
No. 9529 ID: 1444d5
The frill/pleated section appears to be just below a 'knee' which shouldn't exist. Combined with the lap area appearing to be flat rather than rounded and the same diameter as the tail visible just below the skirt, it makes it looks like she has normal thighs that merge and expand into a tail just below where her knees would be.
No. 9768 ID: d4e2bd
File robots_army1.swf - (76.45KB , 800x600 )
No. 9769 ID: 4f6150
Whoa, what's that for?
No. 9801 ID: 211431
Might use them for a game dummy (no full game, can't really get into actionscript) or another short animation, depending on my available time.
No. 10043 ID: 315790
File 132639206672.jpg - (143.06KB , 1200x444 , lamia_diner3b.jpg )
Found some time to redraw this one digitally. Tried to correct the perspective thingies, Photoshop really helped at that. Also, note to self: Get yourself a newer tablet, damnit.
No. 10044 ID: 315790
File 132639223637.jpg - (134.32KB , 900x666 , lamia_diner3a.jpg )
Still nowhere near finished, might end up redrawing them snake coils again...though I must admit against all odds, work really helped me when it comes to drawing digitally. Still feels off though, guess I'm just old-fashioned...
No. 10252 ID: 12b7a1
File 132691906743.jpg - (174.19KB , 900x666 , lamia_diner3d.jpg )
Still fiddling around with this one...
No. 10253 ID: 12b7a1
File 132691923829.jpg - (28.19KB , 800x599 , space_game_as3_1.jpg )
...also had a recent case of brains, resulting in me trying to tinker this thing here together. Never quite got the hang of Actionscript3 or object-oriented-programming...but it's coming together one bit at a time...
No. 10254 ID: 12b7a1

To do list:
-Changing ships
-Ships with different movement rates
-Turrets following mouse
-Different turrets slowly following mouse
-Menu, selection screen etc...
No. 10276 ID: 05fd54
File fighter.swf - (22.68KB , 800x600 )
Hrm, a lil bit further but still messy. Turrets rotate...but something's still wrong when they try do do a whole 360° turn (wrong direction). Also have to figure out how to implement a shooting function into the turrets themselves...
No. 10277 ID: 05fd54
File cruiser.swf - (22.68KB , 800x600 )
...but hey, I'm still learning. And anyway, I'm supposed to be a graphics guy and not exactly a programmer ^^.
No. 10432 ID: 1a77c8
File 132734029805.jpg - (50.64KB , 462x505 , space_game_as3_1a.jpg )
It sort of is coming along nicely...still have to add a timer for shooting to cancel the rapid fire, and gotta find a way to position and locate the turrets according to ship type...also, my homing missiles are not yet working...
No. 10433 ID: 1a77c8
File assault_test1.swf - (26.15KB , 800x600 )
No. 10438 ID: e74d75

I like these things. If only they were 40k!!

But please do something about the transition between planes, It feels wonky.
No. 10440 ID: 1a77c8
Well, the graphics right now are just for testing, it wouldn't be much of a thing to change them to resemble something more along the lines of BFG. Although I doubt this engine would do justice to the feeling of steering a mile long battleship...

@transition between planes: You mean the ship floating from one border to the other? That's for testing, the ship changes coordinates as soon as its centre leaves the stage. Might have to expand that area a lil bit, especially for the bigger ships...
No. 10441 ID: e74d75

It's still great, keep up the good work.
No. 10444 ID: 1a77c8
File 132735670722.jpg - (22.10KB , 374x337 , space_game_bfg1.jpg )
Thanks, I'll try!
No. 10445 ID: e74d75
File 132735679513.jpg - (336.95KB , 1600x780 , 1326828212263.jpg )

No. 10476 ID: 41a508
File 132742721106.jpg - (32.65KB , 349x317 , space_game_bfg1b.jpg )
Already on it, but I'm still trying to figure out the best way how to manage the whole turrets in a simpler way than telling every single one what to do...
No. 10478 ID: 9123ea
Treat it as a single object. More performance, less fun. You'll lose the abbility for different dmg etc.
No. 10479 ID: b5a463

I fucking can't wait to drive that thing!
No. 10481 ID: 9123ea
>Obligtory women driver joke.

This turns into Battlefleet Gothic? Unexpected!
No. 10482 ID: b5a463

Inquisitrix's order other people to drive for them.

I wouldn't stoup to an astropath level._.
No. 10485 ID: 41a508
Worked out that one. Had a few problems finding the stage from inside the turret class (stupid AS3), but now I can just place them where I want and they know what to do...

...except now I have to figure out how to stop their shots from rotating along the turrets...though I guess that sorta solves my homing missile-problem.
No. 10500 ID: 9123ea
Are your "bullets" entities of their own or a derived from your turret class?

If they are, did you consider to create their own class, with e.g. inherited firing angle ?

Also, question out of curiosity: Do you plan to base your collision detection on the actual bullet graphic or do you use coordinate checking with animation following suit?
(the later would allow for pre-determined target collision (so the computer would know what hits (and therefore which animation to display) before the actual frame it happens), but depending on the type of game you plan to do, this is probably overkill).
No. 10501 ID: 211431
File bfg1_test.swf - (13.37KB , 800x600 )
Figured out how to separate them from following the turret rotation, yup. All shots now have their own classes, just had to adjust a few things so they know where they come from.

Collision detection: No idea, as of yet.
No. 10502 ID: 211431
File 132748656127.jpg - (78.79KB , 800x600 , bfg1_cs5.jpg )
Oh, and my homing torpedoes are working...
No. 10506 ID: ce939f

Is it possible to assign movement keys to WASD?This game needs to satisfy my MLG needs.
No. 10514 ID: 7b2aaf
Movement = WASD
Turrets = Mouse + Leftclick
Strafe Left = Q
Strafe Right = E
Torpedos / Nova Cannon / Release Fighters = Space

I really like the way you implemented broadsides, was about to suggest a behaviour similar to that.
Hats off, ol' chap.

May I also add that the ship graphics are awesome? the style is very BF-Gothic-ish I instantly recognized some ship types. Great details!
No. 10535 ID: 211431
File 132756960155.jpg - (35.87KB , 301x344 , bfg1_carrier.jpg )
WASD (and QE for strafing) have been added and will be in the next version. I was thinking of using fighters/torpedoes just like shooting...but maybe I'll give every ship it's "special" by hitting the spacebar, I'll have to test that.

Also, fighter/bombers with small, target-seeking cannons firing as soon as they are angled right ^^. Need to give them a timer or something like that, though. Otherwise the screen will be spammed with little fighter crafts...
No. 10536 ID: a272b2

Also here's another suggestion, STABILIZER THRUSTERS

to put the ship into a full stop. Would that be viable?
No. 10538 ID: 357e63
That would be nice. Positioning can get so fiddly.

It wouldn't have to be complicated. Maybe show all "engine glows" for a second and put X and Y movement + turning speed straight to zero? (instead of, you know, calculating which way the ship is going and when showing the neccessary thrusters etc.)
I think it would look believable enogh to just "fire all engines" for a second and put the ship to a stop.
No. 10546 ID: 99eec7
File bfg1_selection4.swf - (39.51KB , 800x600 )
Hm, perhaps I could add another function for decelerating...coming to a full stop after a little while.

Anyways, still getting a few errors when changing ships in the current version. Actionscript 3 seems to retain some of the eventlisteners even though their clips/children have been removed from the stage. I'll have to look into this...

Also: Added a lil cannon/lance thing. Not 100% happy with it yet, but it's a nice start. And I added timers to all turrets, so no more rapid firing (these will probably need some adjustment) and a "ready"-sign for hangars and cannon...
No. 10552 ID: 357e63
This is awesome and you are awesome.

This is getting me in the mood to start up a turn-based BFG game...
No. 10564 ID: 0a1dbb

best thing i've ever played, but the space thing should move with the ship and not be like... uh... constantly moving forward, i mean it looked like barny fief was flying that cruiser
No. 10573 ID: 211431
Fun fact: No friction in space ;). Once you start accelerating in one direction you need to use thrusters in the opposite direction to stop that movement...in theory, the ships shouldn't have a "top speed", too. But I guess that would be unplayable in this engine...
No. 10574 ID: 211431
File 132767148566.jpg - (67.35KB , 798x601 , bfg1_lances1.jpg )
Stabilizer thrusters are in the works, but are wonky as of yet...also getting more errors for removed eventlisteners after I added the lances...need to work these out.
No. 10575 ID: 56f9e4
man I love this, spessship physics are the best!
No. 10618 ID: 62d843
File 132794795457.jpg - (102.00KB , 800x600 , space_game_bfg2a.jpg )
Still working on stuff. Managed to do a simple collision detection with a randomly moving target, removing the shots on contact and replacing them with explosions. Torpedos are homing in on the target, as are the fighters. Also Eldar ship with different weaponry...
No. 10754 ID: 3cb78f
File 132856003601.jpg - (130.18KB , 678x900 , navigator_tg1.jpg )
..from a recent drawthread.

"Draw a pretty navigator".
No. 10755 ID: 3cb78f
File 132856009096.jpg - (144.94KB , 678x900 , navigator_tg1a.jpg )
...sorta shaded.
No. 10756 ID: 3cb78f
File 132856022930.jpg - (216.16KB , 900x642 , post_apo_jumpsuit_sketch_tg1.jpg )
...and some sort of post-apocalyptic female in a jumpsuit from another drawthread...
No. 10777 ID: 82a03b
Sn͏́o̴̸w̧̢m̢a̛͝n̴ ҉wát͟c̶͝͝hȩ̵̛s
No. 10818 ID: be8fa3
File 132881269842.jpg - (195.11KB , 705x900 , agatha_christies_heresy1.jpg )
"I can assure you, mademoiselle, that where money is concerned I am strictly a man of business."
No. 10927 ID: 224fc4
File 132916162866.jpg - (107.27KB , 630x900 , cthulhu_scribble1.jpg )
damn ancient tablet is crashing my computer...
No. 10929 ID: 224fc4
File 132917003808.png - (108.75KB , 800x600 , lucretia_working_wip1.png )
...which means this one is completely mouse-drawn. Still missing loads of details, though.
No. 10947 ID: 211431
File 132921481574.jpg - (152.62KB , 705x900 , rogue_trader_poirot1.jpg )
Hrm, not much to do at work...but one can sit still for only so long!
No. 10950 ID: 211431
File 132922914931.jpg - (159.29KB , 705x900 , rogue_trader_poirot1b.jpg )
...hrm, still wobbly with tablet at work and "painting" in photoshop...
No. 11029 ID: 211431
File 132938715177.jpg - (136.52KB , 566x900 , kasrkin1b.jpg )
Practicing shading with a request from a drawthread. Although I will be distracted in the near future for sure...got myself a PS3 yesterday ^^.
No. 11031 ID: feab56
That mouth looks wrong, too 'wavey' (so to speak) to have a neutral expression. Or is she scowling?
No. 11160 ID: 211431
File 132981435569.jpg - (181.00KB , 636x900 , feuerdjinn1b.jpg )
Yeah, the whole face is still a bit comicish. But I guess I can live with that much ^^.
No. 11167 ID: 1d8c85
I like this a lot.

One minor thing though. Her left eye (right from our perspective) seems to be slightly, ever so slightly off.
No. 11229 ID: 3b8fb8
File 133003541558.jpg - (206.28KB , 792x900 , jdf_group_wip1.jpg )
Hm, you're right. Her left eye is a lil bit too far off compared to her right.

Something completely different: One of our DMs finally got off his ass and is starting the campaign he was firing our group up for after nearly half a year. Starting point will be some sort of knightly tournament...so everyone except for the mages seems to be buying plate armor and stuff.
No. 11230 ID: 3b8fb8
Just saw that the tip of the sheath should probably extend a lot more than that considering it should be "in front".
No. 11231 ID: feab56
File 133003761479.jpg - (39.52KB , 532x490 , Vulture neck.jpg )
No. 11233 ID: 3b8fb8
File 133003940376.jpg - (205.76KB , 792x900 , jdf_group_wip1a.jpg )
Gaah! Stop being so right about these things! ;)
No. 11237 ID: feab56
Never! You are going to develop as an artist whether you like it or not!
No. 11249 ID: 97d97c
>I will be distracted in the near future for sure...got myself a PS3 yesterday
Distracted with what?
No. 11253 ID: aef453
Why, all the movies he will watch on his new Blu-Ray player, of course!
No. 11269 ID: 873cfa
File 133017965952.jpg - (154.94KB , 800x593 , ps3_alice.jpg )
There is that, too, yes. Also picture related and Soul Calibur...

Thanks, by the way. I do appreciate every comment pointing out my mistakes.
No. 11270 ID: feab56
Then I might as well give you another tip. The girl in white armor, I assume she is in a relaxed state. Now, try and stand like her. First, stand straight up. Then you lean your back backwards abit. After you've done that you lean your head forward.
Feels comfortable and natural, doesn't it?
No. 11287 ID: 1444d5
>wall projection
PROTIP (only applies if you own/have permission to modify the wall): Either paint a black border around, or lay a wide strip of matt black tape (e.g. gaffer tape) around the image. Apparent contrast is surprisingly effective at making the image appear brighter without looking washed out.
No. 11289 ID: d6afba
Criminally underrated game. I went on a rampage and got it both on Steam and PS3 when it came out and i would do it again.
No. 11304 ID: c73ea9
File 133037836710.jpg - (131.13KB , 467x900 , loknar_jdf1e.jpg )
Nah, she's sort of slouching there, for a lack of a better word. Quite unlike all the well-raised, tall-standing gentlemen that will sooner or later be drawn for the campaign.

Not gonna paint the wall, but one of my next bigger monetary investments might be a canvas/screen-thingie.

...still having fond memories of its predecessor, so...yes, quite right ^^.
No. 11306 ID: 1444d5
If you're willing to cut it to size, blackout curtains(white rubberised fabric) are much cheaper than a dedicated projection screen, and will perform just the same as anything except an actual silver screen.
No. 11906 ID: fd04b2
File 133280445149.jpg - (446.38KB , 2016x900 , jdf_group_wip2.jpg )
*argl* work has been killing me, so I haven't found the time to rearrange the bits and pieces here that still irk me...but at least I'm sorta in time for the start of the campaign.
No. 11907 ID: fd04b2
File 133280458982.jpg - (478.94KB , 2016x900 , jdf_group_wip2a.jpg )
Still missing the druid here, though. And from the looks of it the guy on the left will be changed for the ranger...so still not finished.
No. 11908 ID: fd04b2
And while I'm at it: Some of these helmets are more ridiculous than others...
No. 11912 ID: a1822f
File 133284407595.png - (233.41KB , 331x532 , 1332665260483.png )
>well drawn, sensible armor while still being stylish
>good weapon selection, missing polearms or maces, but still good
>people wearing fucking helmets for a change
You can knock yourself, but I approve entirely.
>here is your high five
>I have no high fives, so here is a random amusing image
No. 12014 ID: 44f719
File 133320962741.jpg - (118.11KB , 472x900 , darian_jdf2b.jpg )
Thanks, but some of them would be even more sensible if it weren't for their players wishes. This one here was the first try for the guy on the right...player wanted more "toned" armor and plateskirt that keep him from walking...
No. 12150 ID: a488bd
File 133374045126.jpg - (136.05KB , 718x900 , jdf_the_overcompensator.jpg )
Finished the ranger...so the only one who's missing now is either a druid or barbarian. But since the player in question is still giving no info after two weeks I'll just fuse them both together at the hip ;).
No. 12151 ID: a488bd
File 133374048337.jpg - (205.15KB , 560x900 , rakka_all_my_reference_pics_are_looking_down1.jpg )
No. 12152 ID: a488bd
File 133374052673.jpg - (183.01KB , 766x900 , lucretia_work_wip2.jpg )
...also resumed working on this a little bit.
No. 12156 ID: a488bd
File 133374732572.jpg - (117.35KB , 550x900 , drider_caretaker_sketch1.jpg )
Completely unrelated...
No. 12223 ID: 8b4b43
File 133408021705.jpg - (168.94KB , 900x639 , dorf_proportions_how_do_they_work1.jpg )
Also totally not related to me lurking in Greenmarine's thread, really.
No. 12224 ID: feab56
No. 12271 ID: cc18a1
File 133425812770.jpg - (60.99KB , 508x358 , ships_pixel1.jpg )
Doing stuff in Flash again, trying some new things...only to realize I can't get my point-defense turrets to target the nearest missiles. Guess I really have to leran the basics before trying the complicated stuff.
No. 12272 ID: cc18a1
File 133425817291.jpg - (186.04KB , 900x639 , dorf_proportions_how_do_they_work1e.jpg )
No. 12273 ID: cc18a1
File 133425827826.jpg - (180.89KB , 695x900 , shadowrun_pink_mohawk_mode1.jpg )
I recently realized I actually missed two whole editions of Shadowrun.
No. 12314 ID: d5ee6f
You reading Oblitus? Really think it'd be your thing.
No. 12409 ID: 1443a9
File 133467653457.jpg - (118.94KB , 406x900 , kaurei_jdf1a.jpg )
Not much of a quest man, I'm afraid. I did read through a few of them, but it's not really for me.
No. 12718 ID: 44bded
File 133573332367.jpg - (202.03KB , 900x780 , paladin_cohort1.jpg )
Drawthread request. Too late, as always. Some sort of cowboy-godling paladin and his halfling cohort/vassal.
No. 12719 ID: 44bded
File 133573336076.jpg - (216.54KB , 825x1200 , sketchdump_must_draw_grisly_old_men_now1a.jpg )
See filename.
No. 12720 ID: feab56
Bottom left for me, please!
No. 12739 ID: 7c28ea
File 133582011591.jpg - (158.35KB , 608x900 , gnome_hat_is_not_big_enough1.jpg )
Drawthreaded a bit over on ye olde /tg/. Hilarity ensued. Still not sure if this gnome was supposed to be based on Roosevelt.
No. 12740 ID: 7c28ea
File 133582017167.jpg - (245.38KB , 608x900 , what_are_you_young_uns_feething_looking_at1.jpg )
Old fart knight making his last stand-thingie.
No. 12741 ID: 7c28ea
File 133582024553.jpg - (169.14KB , 800x800 , mely_tg1.jpg )
And now I`m back off to drawing gnarly, grisly old men.
No. 12749 ID: d5ee6f
Go draw hot chicks sitting on the laps of grisly old men. Pants are entirely optional.
No. 12762 ID: 751798
File 133588454936.jpg - (223.44KB , 900x687 , sketchdump_these_are_nowhere_near_grisly_enough1.jpg )
That actually sounds like a nice compromise...
No. 12765 ID: b6fb8d

These are amazing
No. 12767 ID: fe9fcf
File 133590615489.png - (639.04KB , 1599x714 , Girl.png )
Hello, good sir. I request you make a picture of this design. It is a character I am playing in a campaign.
No. 12768 ID: 5029d1
slow is not your personal OC creator.
No. 12769 ID: fe9fcf

I'm aware, and if he chooses not to be, I'll live. I'm just looking for someone to act as it, though, for one picture.
No. 12966 ID: 3cfc26
File 133691961482.jpg - (128.40KB , 554x900 , magical_girl_carnage1a.jpg )
Stupid work is keeping me from drawing...
No. 12967 ID: 3cfc26
File 133691965065.jpg - (113.51KB , 404x900 , muscle_elf2b.jpg )
No. 12994 ID: f44e7c
File 133702854243.jpg - (103.77KB , 404x900 , pink_muscle_elf1.jpg )
No. 12996 ID: fe9fcf

Thanks man! This is great!
No. 13039 ID: 8449ad
File 133729520794.jpg - (198.07KB , 554x900 , magical_girl_carnage_wip2.jpg )
Got my tablet at home working again. It's a bit of a dinosaur compared to the one at work...but it`ll do.

Also, the only things I remember about Madoka are the head chomping and the time-delayed summoning of army-sized firepower...I guess that sorta explains the gore here...
No. 13043 ID: fe9fcf

Woah, even better! I really appreciate this, thank you!
No. 13123 ID: 5c94e7
File 133762277925.jpg - (627.17KB , 1471x550 , dnd_goldentusk_and_irregulars_by_kaffeezombie-d33e.jpg )
Wait just a second, NOW I know where I recognize that art style from!
I didn't realize you were the same Slow Drawfag from /tg/ all those years ago.
No. 13125 ID: 9ec7a7
Well, the name is sorta generic, I guess ;). But yes, same guy who drew Goldentusk and the Irregulars. Still lurking in /tg/ now and then, but work tends to get in the way of actually joining drawthreads these days.
No. 13126 ID: 9ec7a7
File 133762739878.jpg - (218.13KB , 1360x800 , sketchdump_cant_hold_all_this_tactical_and_rakka1.jpg )
Always the same, too much to do and too little time...
No. 13127 ID: 9ec7a7
File 133762744977.jpg - (141.16KB , 884x544 , more_spaceships_wip1b.jpg )
*distant sounds of shipyards working*
No. 13128 ID: 5c94e7
Is that for you flash game, or are you just an awesome Homeworld fan?
No. 13130 ID: 9ec7a7
File 133763406282.jpg - (111.45KB , 713x900 , rakka_ifirn_flats1.jpg )
Both, probably. Though reinstalling Homeworld 2 might thwart my plans of coding stuff in Flash a bit...discovered the game again, must have been ages since I last played it.
No. 13135 ID: 1444d5
Have you read any of the TTA artbooks? Stewart Cowley's art was mentioned (in one of the Making Ofs, I think) as the inspiration for Homeworld's ship design.
No. 13157 ID: 3d85ad
Not quite sure about this, but wouldn't the art be by Chris Foss? Still have an ancient artbook of him flying around here with unused concepts for Dune and Alien...
No. 13173 ID: 1444d5
The books have art from quite a few other artists mixed in too.
No. 13180 ID: 5c94e7
>Homeworld 2
>not Homeworld or Homeworld: Cataclysm
Let me guess, you lost the discs?
No. 13188 ID: 48ae81
File 133780767964.jpg - (136.07KB , 900x534 , paper_spaceships_test1.jpg )
Possible, though they might be somewhere in one of the boxes I did not yet open since my last move. My game archives are a bit of a mess, really. During the act of redisovering Homeworld 2 I actually stumbled upon the ancient box of this here:

No. 13189 ID: 48ae81
File 133780780090.jpg - (135.18KB , 900x900 , more_spaceships_wip2a.jpg )
Stupid spaceships distracting me from tablet...
No. 13190 ID: 48ae81
File 133780784715.jpg - (129.98KB , 713x900 , rakka_ifirn_wip3.jpg )
Still fiddling around with it, though...
No. 13191 ID: 4c1918
Slow, I mean this in the kindest, gentlest way possible, but you have a serious case of sameface going on with a lot of the stuff you draw. We see that you /can/ draw different faces, so why do you seem to default to that one face so much? If you rely on things because they're easy, then your art will develop so much slower.
No. 13192 ID: feab56

And you draw the, uh, "mouth-line" wavey all the time, when in reality they seldom are. It looks very strange/uncanny valley.
No. 13381 ID: 05018c
File 133883803245.jpg - (213.45KB , 900x677 , vestos_now_and_then1.jpg )
Sadly, I`m quite aware of this fact. However, this will only truly be remedied after my stay in the isolated mountain monastery of "getting more than 4 hours of sleep a night". Not getting much time for practice these days.
No. 13382 ID: 05018c
File 133883809717.jpg - (152.94KB , 1229x561 , tactical_team_wip1.jpg )
No. 13383 ID: 05018c
File 133883832894.jpg - (114.91KB , 885x300 , some_campaign_i_wont_talk_about.jpg )
Goddamn DMNPCs...
No. 13388 ID: feab56
Alright, don't mean to cramp your style. You do draw very boss armor designs/solutions, like that drider armor. And when you put in effort with your practice, like drawing different male faces.
So, keep at it when able.
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