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File 125896229939.png - (12.51KB , 500x750 )
186 No. 186 ID: d6a592
Truly, this is what it means to be virtuous.

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No. 187 ID: 1db014
I wish Hadalo's player would come back so I could show him this.
No. 188 ID: 6550ad
I lol'd
No. 189 ID: d6a592
I remember seeing him on the ACT irc at least once.
No. 799 ID: d6a592
File 127934423164.png - (66.57KB , 751x751 , Pot Problems.png )
I sure hope nobody minds if I bump my old thread instead of wasting precious interspace by making a new one.
No. 800 ID: d6a592
File 12793443315.png - (16.51KB , 716x376 , These Two Kids.png )
Also theres these two kids, I forgot Asogas don't have pupils.
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