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File 127720949050.gif - (19.51KB , 585x487 , yaydrawfaggotry.gif )
739 No. 739 ID: 31cbfc
Is anyone else still stuck to the good ol' rodent? It's a pain in the ass to draw a good curved line, but it's bearable since I upgraded to optic.
However, still afraid to step out of pixel art ._. Any hints on optimal DPI and wrist setup?
Pic related, how bad I suck.
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No. 741 ID: 8bdb6a
Better than I can do with a mouse.
No. 744 ID: 31cbfc
File 127737118150.png - (111.47KB , 512x512 , GEE WIZ.png )
how's this...
No. 757 ID: c4c313
File 127861350624.png - (39.47KB , 300x300 )
I draw with my left hand, with a trackball. ♥

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No. 758 ID: 35c8d5
it's a thingy!
No. 759 ID: c4c313
File 127864036831.png - (22.47KB , 300x300 )

You're a thingy.

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No. 760 ID: 6a5a08
Mneme's thingy looks like a cross between a Sentret, a beaver, and a pug.
No. 761 ID: d560d6
File 127879835254.gif - (61.87KB , 640x480 , mouselol.gif )

Frame from an animation I made* with a mouse. Fire, ship on the wall, the works. Thread it's in was a /tg/ drawthread talking vaguely about mousework. The tablet is faster (and of course can do more if you're using pressure sensitivity), but the mouse can get there in the end.

*Character movement never got completed, dunno if it ever will.
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