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File 130801308518.png - (587.01KB , 800x900 , Clone of Greater Daemon of Malal 4.png )
4860 No. 4860 ID: 6d8493
Hey, guys. This place seems cool.
Expand all images
No. 4861 ID: 6d8493
File 130801313511.png - (558.29KB , 800x900 , Clone of Retro-terminator.png )
No. 4862 ID: 6d8493
File 130801317832.png - (81.39KB , 500x700 , Bootyquake.png )
No. 4863 ID: 6d8493
File 130801322543.png - (466.34KB , 800x900 , Clone of Finger Horror.png )
No. 4864 ID: 6d8493
File 130801328710.png - (412.76KB , 800x900 , Clone of Mummy 5.png )
No. 4865 ID: 6d8493
File 130801333532.png - (605.65KB , 800x900 , Clone of Goff Warboss.png )
No. 4866 ID: 6d8493
File 130801339438.png - (105.27KB , 500x700 , Joseph and Lynette.png )
No. 4867 ID: 6d8493
File 130801343396.png - (192.05KB , 500x700 , The Nature of Sacrifice.png )
No. 4868 ID: fba6e0
Damn, that's right orky!
No. 4869 ID: 6d8493
File 130801359177.png - (418.83KB , 800x900 , Clone of Flamethrower hydra 7.png )
Thanks, mate. I intend on doing one for every clan, in between requests. Next one is going to be a freebooter, Bad Moons, Evil Sunz, Blood Axe, Deathskull, Snakebite or feral warboss.

In the meantime, I'm working on my most recent request: This Hydra fighting a goblin rogue. The flamethrower was my idea.
No. 4873 ID: 0448b9
Wow. Very nice. Carry on.
No. 5246 ID: f2a395
File 130958157474.png - (213.44KB , 800x900 , Clone of Succubus 2.png )
"Monster with dat ass" work in progress. Friend suggested I do a traditional succubus.
No. 5250 ID: e26973
I'm pretty sure that traditional succubi don't have their tail poking out of their pooper. That's interesting, though.
No. 5255 ID: 6d8493
I suppose I'm not a terribly traditional person, Technomancer.
No. 5288 ID: 6d8493
File 130980772895.png - (1.08MB , 2550x3300 , Another booty viewable.png )
A few old things.
No. 5289 ID: 6d8493
File 130980778885.png - (121.90KB , 500x700 , Kimmy one viewable.png )
No. 5290 ID: 6d8493
File 130980798205.png - (1.18MB , 2550x3300 , Barbarian girl pose.png )
No. 5291 ID: 6d8493
File 130980810023.png - (1.74MB , 2550x3300 , Jenny 1(4).png )
No. 5292 ID: 0448b9
Nice nice nice ince ince ince ince ince.
That is all.
No. 5293 ID: 6d8493
File 130980832777.png - (333.54KB , 800x900 , Clone of Practice habeeb it.png )
Something new.

Hey, you people are drawfags. How do I paint? Where should I start? How can I start learning to paint?
No. 5294 ID: 29b582
you mean, numeric painting?

Dunno, lol.
No. 5295 ID: 6d8493
File 130981196410.png - (178.92KB , 800x900 , Clone of Painted Ass.png )
Well, one way to learn.

Here are some lines, before I fuck them up.
No. 5299 ID: 0448b9
Sadly drawfags and paintfags seem to be different things.
I want to know how too, actually. All I can ever find is pretty much color theory.
No. 5301 ID: 17086d

I disagree. 'Paintfag' is only a small step up. You don't have to be terribly advanced to make visually appealing artwork.
No. 5463 ID: f5fe2f
No, they're drastically different conceptually. Drawing is about forms and edges, with values slapped on as an afterthought, painting is about values, with forms and edges as incidental details.
No. 5464 ID: de9697
I still disagree. You're talking about the difference between 'painting' and 'drawing.' It's possible for an experienced _Fag to adopt either technique with little effort, thus becoming either a drawfag or a paintfag.

I also disagree with your definition of painting, where you mentioned that form and edges are mostly irrelevant. It is often quite necessary to bear those in mind in order to create a cohesive artwork, and unless you're very experienced, it's likely that you will need to think about them before the actual painting begins.
No. 5465 ID: 2238f3
It's possible to draw something with only values, and no actual lines.

The difference is more about the tools used. Which is not really relevant with a drawpad.
No. 5466 ID: 5f55b4
>forms as incidental details
I'm not even gonna bother to post a painting where the form is important, because it's pretty much all of them. Unless it's abstract or something similar.
No. 5467 ID: 2238f3
File 131043596711.jpg - (9.58KB , 270x300 , Mondrian_Comp10.jpg )
90% of abstraction is shapes and nothing else.

pic unrelated, it's conceptual abstraction, it's still shapes.
No. 5483 ID: 0448b9
... Anyway.

Where/how should a gentleman start his painting adventures?
No. 5484 ID: a19008
With Photoshop and a tablet.

Uhm, if you don't know where to start, I guess Youtube has a good range of videos if you're after a process demonstration.
No. 5492 ID: 43e5d0
by getting his fingers outta his ass and deciding to paint, be it numeric or actual painting, with surfaces and ctrokes instead of lines.
No. 5504 ID: 544101
Actually, numeric painting is good. Even if the suggestion sounds patronising, it'll still give you a good idea about values and a general familiarity with your tools.
No. 5531 ID: db9fb3
File 131081379065.png - (176.67KB , 500x700 , First Practice.png )
Back. I wouldn't even bother critiquing this; this is just practice I'm uploading to show that I am trying to learn how to paint.
No. 5533 ID: b60448

So is that Guyver or something?
No. 5534 ID: 6d8493
Close-Orky lady in a corset, pulling a string of anal beads out of herself. These will get less vague as I learn.
No. 5535 ID: b60448
File 131082463752.png - (193.50KB , 500x700 , 131081379065.png )
I see. Well, like I said to deciBel, it looks like you haven't put much time into it. I'm not a particularly good painter, since I'm flailing helplessly, trying to discover a suitable technique, but I can offer what I know.

This looks more like a good opportunity for a demonstration, since it looks like you wanna learn.

It's all about using the lines as a guide, but not as a master. I personally prefer lines to help me on my path, but I paint over them, and after a while they aren't even a factor anymore.

It also looks as though the colour of her arse is different from the rest of her, so I don't know what that's about.

I have prepared a small paint-over to help illustrate what I'm trying to tell you to improve. It took about fifteen minutes, so it's quite possible to achieve great things if you put your time into it.

Keep at it, Trench.
No. 5536 ID: 6d8493
Overlord, you are a gentleman and a scholar. Thank you immensely for the wisdom, it will help me tremendously; you'll see that in my next post, however.
No. 7135 ID: 4406dd
File 131648213168.png - (301.27KB , 800x900 , Clone of First Goblin King 1.png )
Haven't drawn for a month. Really set myself back. Sorry.
No. 7136 ID: 4406dd
File 131648217310.png - (254.50KB , 1000x1000 , Riflething Viewable.png )
Whoops, forgot to fag.
No. 7878 ID: 4406dd
File 131906407484.png - (344.68KB , 1000x1000 , Unamed.png )
The chick looks a little bare. Need to come up with more details for the character.
No. 7885 ID: 4406dd
File 131907566711.png - (405.79KB , 1000x1000 , Jose-fa viewable.png )
A character from a setting I'm working on, Jose-Fa, great khan of the Gohorin race, with his musket. His species possess skin that hardens to stonelike consistency upon harsh impact, making it incredibly effective armor. It is common for his kind to make clothing out of the skins of their ancestors, and their enemies.
No. 7891 ID: 6e5e21
Welcome back Trench!

Nice stuff! Keep it up!

More viking orks please.
No. 7898 ID: 4406dd
File 131917022065.png - (387.11KB , 1000x1000 , Knight notext.png )

Thanks, man. I'll draw a Norseork as soon as I've finished something for a friend of mine. Involves an athletic supergirl and her werewolf boytoy. In the meantime, have an uncomfortable looking Knight, trying to figure out why his sword is only half drawn.

Oh, and would you folks be interested in another drawing I did for a friend? It's of a cartoon character, so /co/ related, but I like how it came out.
No. 7899 ID: 35bcde
Tramp stamp.
No. 7900 ID: 4406dd

Too easy.
No. 7903 ID: 61da40
Good stuff, Trench.
No. 7945 ID: 4406dd
File 131933342379.png - (333.09KB , 1000x1100 , Brawl and Luke viewable.png )

Thank's, Overlord. You know I fucking love your stuff, too.

Work in progress. Input is appreciated; I do think I'm going to simplify her anus, however(I never thought I would write that sentence). I clearly do not know how to draw them.
No. 7947 ID: 4406dd
File 131933378249.png - (208.53KB , 700x1000 , Herp1.png )
Also, I really fucking need to finish this: An Ork of the Deadeyez clan, who are cowboy themed.
No. 7951 ID: 14ff5c
Those, uh, wrinkles(?) don't need to be there. Imagine a bit of paper. If you scrunch it up, you can see folds and lines, but when you pull it taut, those disappear (well mostly, you get the idea). The same is true of most other surfaces and materials. Including butts.
No. 7953 ID: 4406dd

I agree completely, and they'll be the first thing to go as soon as I get back onto this drawing.
No. 7954 ID: 4406dd
File 131935261837.png - (393.33KB , 1000x1100 , Brawl and Luke viewable.png )
I think I'm going to leave this at this stage. One of these days, I'm going to finish one of these.
No. 7959 ID: 1854db
I believe the dick should be higher up. Seems like you forgot about the taint!
No. 7960 ID: 4406dd

Oh fuck you're right I can't unsee oh god that's disgusting oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck

Thank you so much for filling me in on this, I'll fix it soon.
No. 8125 ID: 4406dd
File 132001426974.png - (329.11KB , 800x900 , Clone of Old Mikik.png )
Suddenly busy. Have some real old, unfinished character art.
No. 8132 ID: 4406dd
I feel that I have become complacent with my artistic skill. The time has come to grind again.
No. 8919 ID: 4406dd
File 132279413003.png - (276.81KB , 1000x1000 , Wolfman.png )
Still around.
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