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File 133564896374.png - (20.72KB , 865x850 , sergal chess champion.png )
12690 No. 12690 ID: a43a6c
People in IRC tell me to draw things sometimes. Their quality is dubious!
Expand all images
No. 12691 ID: a43a6c
File 133564900798.png - (29.29KB , 865x850 , EXERCISE CAT.png )
No. 12692 ID: a43a6c
File 133564905405.png - (21.92KB , 865x850 , hug bird quest.png )
Because apparently I can't be Slinkoboy until I've done a quest about birds hugging each other.
No. 12693 ID: 78c391
slightly less then everything you do is dubious quality
No. 12694 ID: a43a6c
File 133564916489.png - (22.84KB , 865x850 , i am a dragonborn.png )
DuNe insists dragonborns are hard to draw. I agree.
No. 12695 ID: a43a6c
File 133564925372.png - (14.45KB , 865x850 , SERO IS WATER DRAGON.png )
No. 12696 ID: a43a6c
File 133564930174.png - (17.43KB , 865x850 , suicidal.png )
No. 12697 ID: a43a6c
File 133564937181.png - (11.09KB , 865x850 , snake.png )
No. 12698 ID: a43a6c
File 133564948702.png - (13.51KB , 865x850 , robot.png )
I drew a robot for IdiomAlpha once.
No. 12699 ID: a43a6c
File 133564955637.png - (15.25KB , 600x600 , what.png )
Sneak preview of my next quest or something as dictated by MrQ.
No. 12700 ID: a43a6c
File 133564975059.png - (9.47KB , 865x850 , you.png )
No. 12701 ID: 78c391
No. 12745 ID: 27d278
Not Me
No. 12802 ID: a43a6c
File 133610742131.png - (14.79KB , 865x850 , beodox and tea.png )
<Whimbrel> Tea party.
<Trout> okay then any durrgons in particular or just generic durrgons
<Whimbrel> BEODOX
<Whimbrel> With another lady friend I guess?!
No. 12803 ID: a43a6c
File 133610752958.png - (11.51KB , 865x850 , maybe you.png )
I am going to keep drawing people until one of them is DuNe.
No. 12820 ID: 27d278
Nope, too happy
No. 12835 ID: a43a6c
File 133628154126.png - (13.70KB , 865x850 , bongo spider.png )
No. 12836 ID: a43a6c
File 133628159560.png - (20.28KB , 865x850 , cover art.png )
No. 12942 ID: a43a6c
File 133681227326.png - (29.09KB , 865x850 , this is hat.png )
For BritishHat. He wanted a leferran propped up against a wall playin' some vidya, specifically "Fred's Hot Date".

It just hit me that I've played a direct role in the proliferation of a fursona. W-what have I done?! I am not a man, but a monster!
No. 12954 ID: a43a6c
File 133686263425.png - (25.24KB , 865x850 , cowbot.png )
No. 12977 ID: a43a6c
File 133696209844.png - (44.20KB , 1000x700 , quest at the movies.png )
BritishHat wanted a bunch of /quest/ races at a movie. Who am I to say no?
No. 12983 ID: a43a6c
File 133697097883.png - (22.94KB , 1000x700 , peepplane.png )
RML wanted a story of peep romance, specifically not using any words whatsoever.
No. 13023 ID: a43a6c
File 133721519593.png - (19.72KB , 865x850 , leezard.png )
Quick drawing of a lizard
No. 13369 ID: d1e9bf
File 133878281724.png - (17.57KB , 700x700 , driblis gets smuggled.png )
Driblis gets smuggled out of the country
No. 13634 ID: d1e9bf
File 134024450872.png - (51.25KB , 865x850 , gnollscolor.png )
Someone's Pathfinder character being molested by a gnoll.

Coloring is fun! Why didn't I try it out earlier?
No. 13672 ID: d1e9bf
File 134041634764.png - (18.41KB , 800x800 , damn it.png )
More Pathfinder shenanigans.

There's a story behind this that I'd much rather not recount.
No. 13673 ID: 12c19f
"Mine's internal."
No. 13681 ID: 9b5a1a

Pretty sure you're one switch behind the curve with that.
No. 13748 ID: d1e9bf
File 134069081377.png - (65.94KB , 800x800 , gnolls redux.png )
Yet another Pathfinder thing. Hat wanted a more "canon" version of the gnoll molestation drawn above, so he bribed me with video games. Then had me redraw the tits a hundred times to make them fit his standards. And when I was almost done with that, he tried to get me to make the gnoll shirtless and giving the guy a full-on handjob BUT YOU KNOW WHAT? I HAVE TO DRAW THE LINE SOMEWHERE YOU SLIMY CANADIAN BASTARD. Plus that would have been another hour of work or so, so fuck that.

I only wish he'd stop conspiring with IdiomAlpha in order to get me to draw furry porn. It's not going to happen, assholes.
No. 13749 ID: 067a04

..I never asked for furry porn. This is libel.

No. 13920 ID: 99090a
File 134133365371.png - (12.30KB , 500x500 , license.png )
Apparently this is my "artistic license".
No. 13924 ID: 7d2165
Seems legit.
No. 14136 ID: 99090a
File 134223500581.png - (24.23KB , 865x850 , canadanaut.png )
Quick Canadanaut drawn to distract myself from the furry porn Hat is paying me to begrudgingly draw.
No. 14137 ID: b85f8c
You know, he's probably only requesting it from you specifically to fuck with you.
No. 14140 ID: 99090a
Oh, I know that. But he's paying me for it. If he wasn't, I would have told him to go fuck himself.
No. 14248 ID: 99090a
File 134263327643.png - (8.79KB , 600x600 , bold.png )
Pathfinder stuff.

Kobold, no. Put some clothes on what are you doing.
No. 14249 ID: 99090a
File 134263331196.png - (9.91KB , 600x600 , clothesbold.png )
That is a lot of clothes, kobold. Why do you have so many clothes.
No. 14250 ID: 99090a
File 134264908452.png - (10.68KB , 600x600 , bluebold.png )
Colored, too.
No. 14320 ID: 160ec1
File 134303607199.png - (20.76KB , 650x650 , 2is2hi.png )
Kobold daydreaming. Censored version, she's actually daydreaming about gay furries.

Canon, you can ask Trout himself.
No. 14322 ID: f5f6bf

But what if I want her to be dreaming about Bo.
No. 14323 ID: 99090a
File 134306460717.png - (11.89KB , 650x650 , thinkingboldboldonly.png )
Apparently Hat has deigned himself the manager of my canon. I have never once said anything about this bold daydreaming about gay furries.

Anyway, colored version with a few minor errors fixed
No. 14324 ID: 99090a
File 134306464824.png - (60.20KB , 650x650 , thinkinbold.png )
And now a background I am rather proud of.
No. 14365 ID: 99090a
File 134335561563.png - (39.33KB , 650x650 , hidingbold.png )
What do you mean, I "have a preoccupation with lizardbolds"?
No. 14368 ID: b85f8c
Hey man, lizardbolds are alllllright.
No. 14374 ID: 99090a
File 134340898928.png - (17.10KB , 650x650 , mi amor.png )
This is what normal tabletop gaming groups are like, right? As in they get you to draw a bunch of weird and sexual stuff with everyone's characters?
No. 14375 ID: 99090a
File 134340903532.png - (20.74KB , 650x650 , meowcolor.png )
Kobold PC attempts to teach Catfolk PC some Draconic.
No. 14376 ID: 4a20fa
No. 14378 ID: 99090a
File 134343122457.png - (28.40KB , 650x650 , SeekerLolo.png )
I... I didn't think so.

In other news, hands continue to elude me.
No. 14388 ID: 99090a
File 134351051065.png - (27.58KB , 650x650 , salamancerc.png )
For Drgons, who insisted on a visible cloaca.

No. 14389 ID: a9df10
Oh I Did not! Hat and idiom Did.
No. 14390 ID: 067a04
Sorry, Drgons, I was AFK at the time. Looks like I'm taking you to court along with Trout.
No. 14443 ID: 6a713d
Must not treat like paperdoll...
No. 14444 ID: 6a713d
Must not treat like paperdoll...
No. 14445 ID: 99090a
Go for it, man.
No. 14508 ID: e87e80
Do it the Zun way. Hide the hands behind anything you can find and if you find yourself absolutely having to draw hands, just draw five sausages sticking out of the arm.
No. 14565 ID: 99090a
File 134437143073.png - (67.52KB , 800x800 , carried.png )
Hat sure is getting a lot of art from people lately.
No. 14571 ID: 99090a
File 134438385586.png - (25.03KB , 600x600 , pure flower aaa.png )
Why do I draw so much bluebold, you ask? It's a mystery.
No. 14576 ID: b85f8c
She doesn't eat meat?
No. 14578 ID: 99090a
File 134440283414.png - (5.05KB , 600x600 , what did I doodle.png )
Well, yeah, it's just a joke about something something another PC giving her the meat if you know what I mean.

Postan some doodles
No. 14579 ID: 99090a
File 134440290556.png - (11.02KB , 650x650 , durgon.png )
15 second dragon for Idiom Alpha drawn during a Pathfinder session? I forgot why he asked for it.
No. 14580 ID: 99090a
File 134440298564.png - (13.66KB , 650x650 , hoers.png )
Red Dead Redemption HOERS again drawn during a PF session I think. Drawing during those must have some sort of effect on me.
No. 14582 ID: b85f8c
Is there as much sex in your games as it seems?
No. 14583 ID: bf54a8
nope, no one has had sex in game.
No. 14585 ID: 99090a
No, thankfully. We just have two players who happen to talk (and commission) a lot of sexual stuff about all the other PCs. They get me to draw things. It can be quite an... interesting IRC channel at times.

Wait, no scratch that. Those two guys' characters have been an item since before the campaign started. Dunno if that counts.
No. 14596 ID: b85f8c
This seems highly appropriate! CARRY ON THEN.
No. 14656 ID: 99090a
File 134467366577.png - (44.80KB , 900x600 , hidinglolo.png )

I did this around 1 in the morning. I could have done the lighting better but fuck it.
No. 14690 ID: 99090a
File 134481678161.png - (4.29KB , 500x400 , totally not distractng myself.png )
No. 14833 ID: 99090a
File 134567037321.png - (25.43KB , 780x425 , boldup bg.png )
SO THIS IS WHAT I'VE BEEN DOING INSTEAD OF UPDATING. Drawing lots of lizardbolds. For a Pathfinder thing.
No. 14834 ID: 99090a
File 134567039774.png - (14.80KB , 500x700 , Boldpoganda.png )
No. 14835 ID: 99090a
File 134567042164.png - (14.78KB , 400x500 , boldpoganda2.png )
No. 14836 ID: 99090a
File 134567052365.png - (9.91KB , 700x500 , space brothel.png )
Something something Hardcore Alien Pornography Quest. From IRC. Slinko, get on it.

I also made an icon for use in Maptools for all seven of my players but I'm not posting them here.
No. 14935 ID: 99090a
File 134596779278.png - (27.47KB , 600x600 , hidingchameleon.png )
Did some drawing today.
No. 14936 ID: 99090a
File 134596781432.png - (14.33KB , 600x600 , sadbold.png )
No. 14937 ID: 99090a
File 134596783423.png - (15.99KB , 600x600 , tirebold.png )
No. 14938 ID: 99090a
File 134596785505.png - (15.11KB , 600x600 , peshbold.png )
No. 14939 ID: 99090a
File 134596787518.png - (8.95KB , 600x600 , gnollbold.png )
No. 14968 ID: 14a1d0
You fool! What have you done!
No. 15713 ID: 6a42fc
File 135028018742.png - (6.82KB , 700x600 , a thing.png )
No. 15714 ID: 6a42fc
File 135028022557.png - (15.23KB , 700x600 , operation xazapult.png )
No. 15715 ID: 6a42fc
File 135028026887.png - (12.18KB , 600x600 , bold make fire.png )
It seems like everything I draw anymore is for various Pathfinder campaigns.
No. 15716 ID: 6a42fc
File 135028029603.png - (166.19KB , 700x600 , double take.png )
No. 15717 ID: 6a42fc
File 135028032385.png - (16.58KB , 700x600 , what the fuck hayacis.png )
No. 15718 ID: 6a42fc
File 135028034023.png - (18.42KB , 650x650 , boldventure problems.png )
No. 15719 ID: 6a42fc
File 135028040199.png - (6.56KB , 600x600 , lolo gp.png )
No. 15727 ID: f2c20c
Who would kiss a bold, I mean honestly. NOBODY THAT'S WHO
No. 15729 ID: 50b704
No. 15730 ID: 50b704
No. 15731 ID: 12c19f
One whole gold piece? That's outrageous!
No. 15737 ID: befc95
Not pictured: Seeker dragging a big bag of gold
No. 15833 ID: 6a42fc
File 135077774258.png - (27.08KB , 700x700 , rote.png )
I can't believe I neglected to post this. Not that it's relevant anymore.
No. 15861 ID: 6a42fc
File 135086905745.png - (9.83KB , 700x800 , lolonohood.png )
Hat wanted me to draw that one kobold all "modern"-like, which apparently means sweatpants and a hoodie.
No. 15984 ID: 6a42fc
File 135131337042.png - (24.56KB , 1250x800 , drgbuttscolor.png )
I colored the buttday thing.
No. 16343 ID: 6a42fc
File 135320153878.png - (41.93KB , 1000x1000 , Slissa science.png )
Science lesson!
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