I'm having artist's block or something. Lately all I've been drawing is homestuck/divequest fan art and my 3 original characters over and over again in different styles. I need to draw more stuff... so.. What should I do? (Feel free to critique my work. Also I do have a tablet.)
STEP ONE: PROCURE LIVESTREAM STEP TWO: DRAW REQUESTS Option step: GET STINKING DRUNK DURING OR BEFORE If you cannot into livestream, go to a paintchat. The important thing is to inform us in #tgchan first.
your art is pretty good. so yeah totes livestream. or get OC and OC with some peeps.
>>3233 But OC is even worse than paintchat.
Hey, you know.. I should try livestreaming or something like that. I tried looking for a paintchat once but the only one I found SUCKED. But until then, any ideas how to cure artist's block?
just giving out all the options.
not really. you could try making a quest. get into a groove or something. just work outward from what you have. like... draw art of characters from OTHER quests.
You can go the surrealistic-route to get an idea. Pick some random words out of the dictionary combine them to a sentence and then paint whatever that sentence describes.
Broaden your horizons. By which I mean become obsessive about a larger number of things. Maybe you could start reading tgchan quests! Having a wide perspective tends to help you be creative.
>>3232 What, no, don't inform #tgchan, inform #RubyQuest.
< Slightly older huge page of random crap I'm that decibel guy on IRC's, so yeah. Not bad ideas you guys are spewing.
^ Image removed. Too stupid.
>>3235 Skim quests. Look for something interesting to draw. Hijack that person's creativity and fanart it.
http://www1.tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/src/130143498260.png For thigh day~
Pretty much everyone would appreciate more readers/fanart for our quests, but don't want to admit it. I don't know of many Recommended Reading lists. Just Gnome's: http://www1.tgchan.org/wiki/Talk:Gnome
i recommend larro's quests. get on #shoujen of irc.rizon.net for more info and to talk about it.
>>3309 >recommended reading http://www1.tgchan.org/wiki/Major_Completed_Quests is the list of big, finished ones.
New thing.
Screwing with coloring and style, I'm not paying much attention to lineart really right now. I need to draw real people.
>>3466 >>3479 these are both pretty cool.