1. Draw something fabulous and/or creepy as shit using one of these sites. 2. Post in this thread 3. ??? 4. Profit! Freak me the hell out, everyone.
one more for good measure.
i'm tripping balls!
This is pretty neat. I'm no good with creepy, though, so have this instead.
Urchin did these :V
Weaves did this :V
Shot(?) did this one
How someone on /tg/ imagines a creeper, or something.
>>417 >>418 >>419 >>420 These ones really suck.
>>423 That was me!
hai guise am i doin it rite
>>435 Why, yes.
Fucked up the centre but OH WELL
>>436 Now my wallpaper
>>446 :D
I am having way too much fun with this thing