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7485 No. 7485 ID: 2a7d8a
Hey /draw/, I am looking for a good online group draw chat thingy, wanna use it to draw with bros and stuff. Any recommendations? I looked at this site's Shi-Painter, but it's interface man, I couldn't make heads or tails.
No. 7487 ID: c7b6c2
Well, let's see... We've got http://garyc.me/sketch/sketch.swf, which is pretty populated. It's solo sketch but you can trade your drawing with another person when you're done.

There's also Paintchat but I've never used it.
No. 7488 ID: 383006
We have a paintchat and an OC thing that runs. I'd get on IRC in either #tgchan or #rubyquest and you can usually always find bros that want to draw.
No. 7489 ID: 2a7d8a
Hey thanks. I tried the PaintChat thing, but one of my bros is kinda eh about it. Are there other nice ones with layering about. Kinda wanna throw them through a 'quest'. (Mind if I borrow some ideas? Most of them are awesome)
No. 7490 ID: 0448b9
PCHAT actually has an advanced mode with layers.

But open canvas is better in that situation so I dunno lol get on #tg moar.
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