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File 127521724588.jpg - (84.93KB , 700x525 , robot.jpg )
656 No. 656 ID: 014ff1
I take a drag on my cigarette, awaiting requests to the bulk of which I will almost certainly not answer.
Expand all images
No. 657 ID: 1ac39d
draw two tylaxians having a staring contest.
No. 658 ID: b7e720
File 127522417655.jpg - (133.76KB , 800x600 , black-bear-rug2.jpg )
Draw a pushy dwarf merchant selling high quality Cutebold hide rugs.
No. 660 ID: 7610f9
Draw a BFF style pic with a Sergal and a human, the human looks somewhat concerned about the situation.

I'd also like to see your Quest continued, if you don't mind me saying that. Really liked the art and premise.
No. 666 ID: 8bdb6a
Draw a naked lazuhrek. Either gender's fine.

Bonus if there's a blind joke of some kind.
No. 669 ID: 014ff1
File 127525701091.jpg - (135.53KB , 700x525 , drawfaggan.jpg )
Would you look at that, I'm combining three requests into one. I guess it fits into that whole Unified Setting thing I never got into.

This is a work in progress, of course.
No. 673 ID: 68b807
Hell-powered Warforged Renamon.
No. 676 ID: 014ff1
File 127529330814.jpg - (199.90KB , 700x525 , drawfaggan.jpg )
I hope that covers everything. I think I could have done better on the Talyxians.
No. 678 ID: 014ff1
File 127529483710.jpg - (268.55KB , 1525x1300 , happaichimai.jpg )
It's cool. I may continue Chlolmer soon, seeing as finals week is this week and after that I'm done, hopefully.

Sorry for being so late to reply to this. Have a kobold that may or may not be Klilmus for your troubles.

oh, and thanks to Toastline for introducing me to that song
No. 680 ID: 721dcd
What a scene!

Cheers, mate.
No. 681 ID: f98e0b
Draw a male halfling assassin in black studded leather menacing a giant dandelion with a kama.
Don't ask why.
No. 682 ID: 8bdb6a
The talyxians look great, but they don't appear to be staring at each other. Just the one at the other one. So I guess that one lost.

Draw a quest character you like as a bite quest wizard. But they can't already be a bite quest wizard.
No. 686 ID: a594b9
That sergal has too many teeth, bro.
No. 687 ID: 7f44e4
No. 688 ID: 1177ca
Could you draw a shady establishment, with a bunch of equally shady people in there? Basically, a front of a thieves' guild, a weapon store or such, with some of the thieves in. The setting is sorta arabian nights flavoured, Al-Qadim if you're familiar with it: curvy knives, robes to cover from the desert sun, a lot of sunshine from the window or two the place has, still leaving most of it into shadows.

There's a sneaky elf, casually fiddling a knife; a beautiful human woman, dressed with slightly less than the rest; a hobgoblin with glasses, sitting at a table with some books; two young humans, a boy and a girl, twin siblings, standing next to each other; a tough, older half-elven man with a bare chest and armed with a scimitar; cheerful looking half-elven girl, a grumpy dwarf, a bit more thin and gaunt older human; and finally, sitting on a table in between the elf and the pretty human woman, looking like he is in charge: a kobold smoking a pipe, tough warrior-rogue type, with several small scars on his face.

He should be sorta cuteboldish, but tougher.
No. 691 ID: 3297aa
Dammit, that song is stuck in my head again! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MEEEEEEEEEEE
No. 711 ID: 110e2c
File 127598680859.jpg - (88.11KB , 700x525 , sergalhead.jpg )
Sergal head for JustN
No. 713 ID: 110e2c
File 127598987245.jpg - (63.92KB , 700x525 , sauzer.jpg )
Sauzer for Toastline
No. 715 ID: e973f4
you are the best

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