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File 128911582990.jpg - (134.10KB , 1518x899 , practice-drawings.jpg )
1566 No. 1566 ID: edb67b
So, I was doing some practicing when I saw this board. Tell me if I'm doing it alright.

There's not much to this image, I know, but try to evaluate it as best as you can.
No. 1593 ID: cbc15e
Draw a complete thing. This is not very useful.
No. 1597 ID: e27612
Those boobs jut out too far to the sides. Boobs follow gravity: They go down, not sideways.

But yeah, this is kind of useless. Draw a practice update for a theoretical quest, or find a quest you like and draw what you think the next update should look like. Draw in backgrounds, multiple characters, maybe someone in a dynamic pose. If you want to run a quest, you need to be able to assemble a picture that shows what is going on.
No. 1601 ID: 510bb2
Either the boobs are huge and misplaced, or you're not giving the waist any definition.
Probably both.
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