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File 134021216787.png - (27.92KB , 600x600 , bones skull variations I guess.png )
13617 No. 13617 ID: 16e296
So I would like to render some of the Hella Funtime Adventure Pals in the THIRD DIMENSION™ and so this thread will mark my descent into madness. Let's begin, shall we?

You see Bones on the right there, rendered in his adorable not-front on view. I have attempted my best to replicate him front on, and I have come to these 4 designs. What would you say looks the best?
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No. 13619 ID: 16e296
File 134021360914.png - (2.47MB , 3633x4487 , 133910299552.png )
Here is the whole current list, as seen in /meep/ already and now has the honour of being hosted on tgchan TWICE. Wow! God bless you, fine png.

Assuming I finish Bones, Cantelo will be next.
And then Pico. After that? Who knows! The Rainbow Road is our oyster.
No. 13620 ID: 132b99
i'm gonna vote both D an fordee for next friend.
No. 13656 ID: 10ea8d
No. 13671 ID: 171d22
D would look the most stylish (I'd find the asymmetry cute if I encountered him in a vidya) but I don't see anything wrong with A, and I think the amount of effort to get the asymmetrical options wouldn't really be worth it if you're just making the models for fun.
No. 13734 ID: 5d8d00
File 134064160480.png - (11.05KB , 416x351 , bones arm.png )
I'll probably go with D.

So here's Marmoset's outline effect. It would probably look more complete the higher poly I go.
Alternatively I would have to go without outlines and get creative with texturing. This probably isn't the final arm I'd use?
No. 13736 ID: ad106c
Oh man, I love the Funtime Friends. Gilligan or Kazoo would make cute 3D models.
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