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File 129903265991.jpg - (212.69KB , 1000x754 , japa1.jpg )
2866 No. 2866 ID: 49d6d7
Practising that Japanese way of drawing things.
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No. 2869 ID: 75d7a9
hmmm... interesting.
No. 2872 ID: 07416a
File 129905261386.png - (400.56KB , 718x1009 , kemo-manga11.png )
Doesn't really look Japanese, the faces are too furry. When the Japanese do anthro they work off their legends, so either it'll be an anthro body with a the head of an animal or a human with a few strategic animal parts. For amalgamations they tend to stick towards the human side of things, especially when it comes to faces. This is about the far edge of the animal influence. Of course, there are Japanese furries like Dr. Comet, but in that case that's Japanese people drawing furry style rather than a Japanese style.

Less furry, more monstergirl or nekomimi if you want to do Japanese.
No. 2875 ID: 3d7a30
hmmm interesting. Your visual style is distinctive and expressive but the anatomy looks a little off, to me

Have you considered using photo reference as a starting point - I recommend http://posespace.com/default.aspx. You could then simplify the human anatomy till it looks like something more kemono-like.
No. 2877 ID: 1963d1

Wtf, Japan?
No. 2881 ID: 8c0848
Japan is Japan.

Even here the face is very standard animu. It just has an extra line for the cat nose. >>2872
is pretty much right. Japan is more furried humans than humaned animals, most of the time.
No. 2909 ID: 49d6d7
File 129923150129.gif - (122.00KB , 884x875 , 20080305075406.gif )
Na, there's a plenty of artists who do this kind of Japanese furry stuff too. That's what I'm aiming for.

Thanks, I'll try that. My pose sketching/anatomy defining skills are still very crappy since I haven't arted a lot.
No. 2910 ID: 2563d4
>My pose sketching/anatomy defining skills are still very crappy since I haven't arted a lot.
How much is "haven't a lot"? Because it's not that bad unless you're tracing these or something.
No. 2911 ID: f78cae
Hey man, even if your image content isn't, uh, really interesting for me, I have to say the lineart is pretty good and the anatomy certainly does not look 'uncanny'.
Credit where credit is due.
No. 2912 ID: 8555c2
This gives me multiple boners.
No. 2920 ID: 8c0848
He didn't draw that. It's just some japanese furry picture.

Probably from 4chan.
No. 2922 ID: 2563d4
You should probably get that checked out; untreated penile abnormalities may lead to permanent impairment of erectile function.
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