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File 131771000480.jpg - (390.22KB , 808x1000 , gnollchan-HERESY.jpg )
7492 No. 7492 ID: 572f17
Any /tg/ refugees here remember gnollchan?
Expand all images
No. 7497 ID: b15b4b
Amazing lineart as always, combined with content that makes my eye twitch.

Thank god its censored, mildly.
No. 7502 ID: 8e18cd
No. 7505 ID: d21c56
Is that supposed to be Verity? Or did /tg/ really have that many Gnoll fans?
No. 7506 ID: e43e71
Fun fact: female hyenas have a pseudopenis through which they give birth.
No. 7507 ID: 2563d4
Fun fact: 95% of people seem to willfully ignore the "psuedo" prefix.

>censor mosaic
Oh lordy, I missed from the thumbnail that it also featured the dreaded multiboob.
No. 7513 ID: 572f17
File 131779257816.jpg - (297.55KB , 700x1000 , verity-hurrhurr.jpg )
Okay, multiboob.
No. 7516 ID: 40fbbe

Can't be Nurse Verity. It needs the razor-mouth insane grin, which is one of her elements.
No. 7517 ID: 572f17
As /tg/ had cutebolds, by all means they should have their very own proper D&D amazonian always-in-the-mood gnollchick, by golly!

And none of that verity rubbish. Verity was a joke about some furfag's OC that got waaay out of hand.
No. 7525 ID: d21c56
File 131786845186.jpg - (26.10KB , 214x341 , 1310439391169.jpg )
What the fuck man.

Man, what the fuck.
No. 7527 ID: 810a79
File 131787384070.jpg - (220.59KB , 700x1000 , verity-wtfomg.jpg )

It gets better.
No. 7528 ID: d21c56
File 131787942291.png - (5.36KB , 134x286 , 1303032505242.png )
If you are Ragnarok or Verity or whoever...
No. 7544 ID: c128ad
File 131791662754.jpg - (136.54KB , 445x602 , damnit tg.jpg )
IIRC, on /tg/, Verity came first, first known as "Gnoll Nurse", then when I WTF'd in a thread and got proded to give the characters' real name, she became Nurse Verity. Gnollchan came a bit afterwards. The OP pic is by Bloogah/Loup Garou (if you somehow didn't know what the big B! was), who after a bit of talking in the thread that he made with that pic where people were arguing about if Verity and Gnollchan were one in the same, then came >>7513

God damnit, /tg/.

Honestly, I didn't know anyone bothered to color it. I was always horrified enough of the original.. I shouldn't be surprised though.
No. 7558 ID: 0448b9
Why is so funny.
Why can't I look awaaayyyy
No. 7560 ID: 049dfa
File 131796144175.jpg - (66.48KB , 294x571 , DatVerity.jpg )
Verity's adamantinum ass you say?
No. 7562 ID: 810a79

Anyone have a higher-res version of this?
No. 7565 ID: 049dfa
unfortunately, that's the original picture, so no. I drew it back before I had Sai and was stuck using OC v1.1 so it's not the best quality it otherwise could have been
No. 7566 ID: f00781
The obvious solution here is to draw an new and maybe even better Verity picture.
No. 7568 ID: 810a79
File 131802048366.jpg - (4.41KB , 500x352 , Caution_JPEG_Artifacts.jpg )

Aww, shucks. Don't suppose you have a PNG of the original, then?
No. 7569 ID: 049dfa
nope, sorry. OC v1.1 can only save in 3 formats; .jpeg, .bmp, and OC specific file type.
No. 7594 ID: 2563d4
Does that also mean there's no hope of a PNG version of http://tgchan.org/wiki/File:Tav_Stub.jpg ?
No. 7633 ID: a40801
like me!

[no surprise]
No. 7663 ID: 40fbbe
File 131834335873.jpg - (57.50KB , 209x130 , Peek.jpg )

Meinself haff been summoned, darlings. Joo bring fhorth zee offering, und let zee fun begin again jah?
No. 7667 ID: 5b7ef1
Shoo miss. You won't help matters...
No. 7668 ID: 778c1c
If you're gonna pretend to be verity, as least do it right.

don't use 'darling', instead 'liebling'.
No. 7682 ID: 5b7ef1
>implying Verity has any grasp of the German language
No. 7685 ID: 40fbbe
File 131840054515.jpg - (53.44KB , 486x536 , Verityjoomad.jpg )



Meinself haff nein ever zed liebling befhor, darling. Finking joo haff Verity konfoozed wiv zum uvver razormouf, gnoll nurse wiv zee owtrageous German accent... jah.

No. 7690 ID: 778c1c
Right, krautaboos, my bad.
No. 7729 ID: 6b14a4
File 131850253154.jpg - (34.31KB , 545x429 , Gnollbard Pained.jpg )
Oh god, all these older pictures...

I'm pretty sure she's the real thing. Just a hunch.
No. 7783 ID: 383006
File 131866669579.jpg - (162.93KB , 850x700 , Verity.jpg )
Hey hey Verity you can use this pic to roleplay with.
No. 7786 ID: 40fbbe
File 131869487748.jpg - (188.37KB , 746x855 , 1252905971564.jpg )

Oh kome now mein darling, zis am just kompletely wrong, jah...

Mein behind am nein ZAT big, joo littul purvert.~

Uvver zen zat, it am pretty goot, jah! Put background in zere und joo vill haff earned pet on zee head!
No. 7789 ID: 383006
File 131870584668.jpg - (191.83KB , 850x700 , Classy gentleman.jpg )
People who deserve backgrounds get backgrounds.

I think I can manage the pat on the head. I found this extra bit laying around.
No. 7790 ID: 40fbbe
File 131870677767.jpg - (20.25KB , 242x396 , verityohjoo.jpg )

Oh joo am funnee skribbulfag, stay klassy, darling!~
No. 7793 ID: c128ad
This amuses me.
No. 7795 ID: 5b7ef1
Is what's in her mouth what I think is in her mouth?
No. 7801 ID: 383006

If you think it's her severed pseudopenis, then yes.
No. 7804 ID: cee518
File 131878938264.png - (180.09KB , 562x757 , 1250970281_gnollishspelltargets_buckblinddeaf.png )
I'm just going to go ahead and claim victory here.
Even though Verity likes it and Gnollbard is scarred for life.

Fuckin Gnolls...
No. 7805 ID: 40fbbe
File 131879145742.jpg - (262.66KB , 942x639 , 057.jpg )

Bratwurst. Vot else kould it being, darling?


Vell, am nein zee furzt time haff been 'killed', jah?


Viktory am MEIN! <3
No. 7823 ID: da229a

I prefer Frankfurt am Main.
No. 7825 ID: c7b6c2
While we're on the topic of german delicacies, I adore german chocolate cake.
No. 7832 ID: da229a

I believe we were discussing German cities, as quick Google search will reveal for the uninitiated on Germany geography.
No. 7835 ID: c71597
Stralsund is clearly the superior one.
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