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File 131656639588.png - (106.23KB , 1638x1066 , what the hell did I eat last night.png )
7161 No. 7161 ID: 2ae337
So according to my psych professor, I should record my dreams as best I can, which in turn should help me dream more lucidly later on. Wanting to pull some Inception shit on my mind, I started doing that. This is the result. Some Chinese magical girl fighting a Tyranid Carnifex off the coast of San Francisco.

In case anyone else wants to spill their guts, this is dream drawings thread. If you can remember your dream, draw/describe the part you remember best, and/or the weirdest.
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No. 7165 ID: 6ca5a1
File 131656801299.jpg - (534.35KB , 900x900 , dream.jpg )
Oh FUCK this is gonna be an awesome thread.

This one is from a year or so ago but it still amuses me to this day. Also (from what I remember), the background was REALLY fancy, like it had tables draped in red velvet and chandelier-like candelabra, but at the time I had to scribble this thing down before I lost it. And the roller things looked sort of like hair curlers.
No. 7177 ID: c0e5fe
I can remember like, 1/100 dreams that I have, and it's almost always about me being shot.
No. 7418 ID: 2ae337
File 131726900332.png - (95.78KB , 1022x1737 , Layoffthecurry.png )
Another game-related dream. This time it was that Stand o Food 3 for the Android. I think my subconscious is telling me to give it a break.
No. 7426 ID: 75178d
Man, I really want to participate in this. Last one I remember, I woke up with a myclonic jerk, as I tried to swat a gun from my face. Not really worth an artwork. :I
No. 7427 ID: 686aad
I uh... I...

I should refrain from posting my fetishes here.
No. 7438 ID: 5b0012
File 131735134468.png - (24.25KB , 500x400 , dearm.png )
Drew this for a "MSPaint your nightmares" thread on Something Awful. It was some kind of monster with a weird and complex (and totally static) pattern on it. Also I guess it ate people or something.
No. 7439 ID: c7b6c2
File 131735376197.png - (43.42KB , 500x1500 , dream.png )
Fucking invisible walls. This still pisses me off today.
No. 7442 ID: 2ae337
File 131735738588.png - (56.24KB , 1022x1861 , shitception.png )
Oh I'd have those, 'cept being a stubborn git, I'd try to push past them anyway, and end up near suffocating myself awake.

Damn I hate those.

Latest one. Finally had a lucid dream. Well semi-lucid...first thing I did was the infamous spinning top. Didn't quite end as I wanted. After that I can't remember what the hell happened.
No. 7446 ID: 1444d5
You haven't been watching Trapdoor, by any chance?
No. 7475 ID: 7fd0e3
File 131752265432.png - (498.45KB , 1000x2000 , IAmClearlyAfraidOfRedheads.png )
Okay, so I turned off my alarm last night, and I had one! Well, I probably always have dreams, but I never remember them. I only caught the end of this one.

I can't stress enough how orange this dude's hair was.
No. 7478 ID: c7b6c2
File 131760173690.png - (54.94KB , 500x1500 , i dream of empty voids.png )
My dreams are kind of weird. I barely remember any of them, and the ones that I do remember are just mundane or nonsensical (and not in a good way.)
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