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File 132506418425.png - (17.18KB , 960x540 , whyaremyarmsnakes.png )
9621 No. 9621 ID: eb672d
So... I was looking at the threads and stuff and I really like quests. But I suck at drawing. That is why I shall attempt to improve with paint.

My first attempt... why does his arms remind me of snakes? Why did I make his hands snakes? I am bad at art.
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No. 9622 ID: 2b69b4
If you aren't good at art, then you should try and get better at it.
No. 9623 ID: b88147
File 132506548717.png - (10.02KB , 368x350 , fingmasterpiece.png )

i'm with overlord, but this shit right here?

Fucking masterpiece

had to make this cus there wasn't one for this particular moment
No. 9625 ID: eb672d
File 132506583268.png - (16.49KB , 960x540 , dwarfguy.png )
Here's try number two with paint. Some beard guy made with lines, polygons and pointy eyebrows that likely do piercing damage.
No. 9626 ID: 2b69b4

You won't find it easy to learn how to draw with Microsoft Paint and a mouse.
No. 9630 ID: 9c7c3b
I'd recommend installing Gimp if Paint is your only other choice. Gimp supports layers, has more tools, and a bunch of other useful stuff. Paint isn't really for art, it's for doodling, anyway.

Ideally, you should have the latest version of Photoshop or Illustrator, but not all of us can afford such glamorous programs ;_; so that's where the pirate bay comes in
No. 9632 ID: 0448b9
Don't forget paint tool sai, it's nice and what I use.
No. 9640 ID: 08cf11
File 132512712602.jpg - (9.18KB , 300x225 , 300px-Sketch-book.jpg )
Ideally you'll want to start with this. Worry about showing your art to others later.
No. 9646 ID: 0448b9
Yes please.
No. 9650 ID: b88147
Don't even worry about being good, that will just drag up the amount you progress. When you say your art isn't good enough you go from leaps and bounds to kiddie steps.

No. 9656 ID: b3727b
Not just be another echo but yes, drawing is the key to get better at drawing. Wake up, draw. 5 minutes to spare at work, Draw. Bitch you just roofied taking her sweet time to pass out, draw.

And when you're not drawing, read. Reading helps. Seriously. Google shit on shading, drawing two point perspective, art tutorials, all that shit.
You will improve.

Also, I know there terrible people, but root around your real life friends for an artist and then cling to them like a lamprey.

This is how I'm slowly learning at any rate.
No. 9665 ID: 486d20
>When you say your art isn't good enough you go from leaps and bounds to kiddie steps.
Only if you let that attitude shut you down. Self-criticism and even doubt should compel you to become better. It may not help you as a beginner, but in the later stages of your work checking for technical errors and self-analysis should be routine.
No. 9677 ID: dba089
Using this thread beacuase.

I think getting a tablet would make me draw more but at the moment my art cannot art.
Would getting one be a waste of money y/n?
No. 9690 ID: 57ca40
Yes. If you're not even familiar with pencil and paper, a tablet would be an absolute waste of money. A tablet is nothing more than a tool, it does not grant magical art abilities nor replaces any other kind of formal art training.
No. 9710 ID: 4c62fe

I do almost all of my art in MS Paint with a trackball. I lean heavily on lines, splines, circles... then I clean it up pixel by pixel with the pencil.

Tools are just tools, whether they're paper or tablets. Art is about practice, ruthless self-analysis, and an unquenchable yearning for improvement. Don't let anybody else choose your medium, and don't let your frustration shut you down.

I love the beard guy.
No. 9727 ID: 2563d4
>I lean heavily on lines, splines, circles... then I clean it up pixel by pixel with the pencil.
So when are you going to draw the next Ekaatma update? :3c
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