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File 132284063991.png - (57.51KB , 300x300 , Hai.png )
8930 No. 8930 ID: 4c0017
Figured I should post my art somewhere. Here seems good.
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No. 8931 ID: 4c0017
File 132284071373.png - (1.38MB , 1600x1200 , Ahwrite.png )
What's the name of the song? Explosivo.
No. 9005 ID: 349f3d
File 132297088133.png - (58.60KB , 1000x768 , A Miracle Of Nature.png )
Father of the year. NSFW, but if you're browsing tgchan at work, wouldn't that be enough to get you fired in the first place?

also i have a deviant art: http://czarofczomething.deviantart.com/

Yay for shameless self-promotion.
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