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File 132849456148.png - (27.14KB , 750x750 , how do i head.png )
10731 No. 10731 ID: 9c7c3b
Hey /draw/, how the fuck do I draw a human head?

This is the closest I've come to getting the general shape down right, with a circle and a line going on the slopes of it, but I can't seem to get the facial features down correctly. It also makes a rather pointy chin, which kind of disturbs me. What could I be doing differently? Thanks.
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No. 10732 ID: d12795
File 132849934150.png - (22.01KB , 561x522 , headref.png )
just follow the color guidelines, most of the artists follow similar guidelines. Practice and tinker with the schematic and then see what you can do with it. Maybe start simple and work your way to more complex things.
No. 10735 ID: 337c26
File 132850276790.png - (11.19KB , 510x287 , head.png )
The skull is basically a sphere with a box on the front. As it turns from profile to front view, various bits of underlying bone assert themselves.

Basically remember that the eyes are sunken in from the front of the face and the ears are WAY back on the sides of the head, more or less at the end of the jaw, roughly extending from the base of the nose to the top of the eye.
No. 10772 ID: 9c7c3b
Thanks guys, I'll try these out when I get a chance!
No. 10773 ID: 9dc2ae
File 132859026888.jpg - (47.04KB , 400x600 , ShaveHead.jpg )
Can I throw one more on the pile?
Remember, shave the sides off. No part of the human skull is perfectly round.
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