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File 132133784514.jpg - (151.52KB , 1754x2480 , office drow WIP.jpg )
8460 No. 8460 ID: bd8a60
Painting out of boredom. Updating as I go.
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No. 8461 ID: b3d229
Severe lack of ass, dude.
No. 8463 ID: bd8a60
File 132133904665.jpg - (167.71KB , 1754x2480 , office drow WIP.jpg )
Tis a fair cop.
No. 8467 ID: bd8a60
File 132134114132.jpg - (175.33KB , 1754x2480 , office drow WIP.jpg )
I suppose I'm making things double extra difficult on myself, trying to learn to shade with skin-tones that are completely alien. Or maybe it helps. Damnifiknow.
No. 8470 ID: bd8a60
File 132134323615.jpg - (164.33KB , 1754x2480 , office drow WIP.jpg )
Hitting the bored/frustrated point. Time to put this one away for a while.
No. 8472 ID: b30d33

I know that feel. Other than that, I wouldn't say your painting technique is too bad, but I think you need to practice your anatomy a bit.
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