We need a thread to keep track of stuff, so here's a thread for that.
It became a new quest - The quest discussion thread
Potential quest, potential whateverthefuck. The year is, well, near future. In short, there are aliens attacking the earth as a result of interstellar broadcasts. See, the US got the cool idea to shoot radiowaves into space, but decided to broadcast movies as the medium. And then forgot to explain that A Clockwork Orange wasn't real. The alien race, feeling threatened by this race of milk-drinking serial killers and torturers, decides it's best to eradicate the human race before the situation gets out of hand. In defense, the world puts its collective brains together to conceive and put to fruition space faring, mechanized androids. They are Sentient Machines. However, because one of the main laws of robotics is not killing. Earth wisely decides to circumvent this by using pilots uplinked to the machines, evangelion-esque. A mind bond, as they call it, is what controls the Sentient Machine in combat. Looking for people to pilot sentient machines is no easy task, though. Pilots that do succeed are usually pretty highly regarded, which is why the Defense Force is pretty much looking through every nook and cranny to find them. Say, a quest where a guy and his robot go around blowing shit up in space, basically. You like?
I thought it would be a cool idea to start a quest concerning a sergal off-shoot race living far away in a distant galaxy in a distant future and being overthrilled by a racial tedency to suicidal action. This would be often confused to sexuality and intimacy in a way that mixes with the high reproductivity rate of the race. In the middle of that alien civilisation doesn't lie a metropolis - there lies a constant battle to which every race member yearns to join one day, when they're skillful enough to honor the glorious deaths of the earlier combatants. The battlefield would millenia old and embodies lots of space junk. Is it a bad idea?
Okay, this thread will start with the complaints from the quest thread itself, oh well.
I was catching up on Shoujen the other day, and spotted a few resemblances between Cecil's situation and that of the main character in one of Orson Scott Card's books, Treason. Have any of you guys spotted some sort of resemblance between quests and quest characters and stuff in books and movies?
Greetings. My name is Lucien. I am an Artificial Construct. I am here to answer any questions you might have concerning systems and data about the current situation. I have taken control of this terminal in order to provide a more complete picture of what is recorded. I also now have access to the Union Standardized Network, which surprisingly has a plethora of data to work from. Please input query: >_
Well, I am relatively new to quests and all and I have more than a few questions. I found this site on a whim and needless to say I'm hooked. The whole quest thing I like, especially the interactivity. I have done a bit of writefaggotry for /x/ and /co/, and I would be very interested in running one of these quests. I don't have any /tg/ experience though so I am not sure where to start. What are some tips for a new guy? Sorry about no file, this is me posting from an iPod.
Probably really premature, but I might need to provide information outside of the quest or something, and having a questdis thread is probably relatively handy anyway.
Thinking about starting a quest, but I've never actually made one before. What are some general tips to keep in mind? I've already got a basic flow chart for the major choices in the quest mapped out.
A bit early, but I might as well setup a discussion thread for any future events. With that said, let the thread begin.
Imma makin cards And so can you google Magic Set Editor Let's make a whole set! I chose B for Red because he seemed a 'dark' individual to me, willing to do anything to meet his goals. Very B philosiphy, in my mind. Shroud, of course, for NEVER GONNA CATCH ME, and Lifelink for viability, along with his tap ability. :V
Valentine's Day is coming up, and since lists seem to be in vogue in /questdis/ lately, why don't we show our favorite quests some lovin'? List your TOP 5 favorite quests and explain why you love them so much! PrincessQuest - P5 is the reason I discovered tgchan in the first place, so much love to her. And on top of that, PQ has very engaging characters, an interesting world, and does a good job of incorporating our silly suggestions while still working out an exciting plot. Channel - This is a very new quest, but I'm really enjoying it so far. Using futaba channels as the setting makes it accessible to anyone, and the random memes thrown in so far (with more to come, I'm sure) are quite amusing. Not to mention one of the characters is a French sagefag incubus. Mu's Journey - The art might not be as spectacular as some of the other quests, but Mu makes up for it with heart AND FIERY KUNG-FU SPIRIT. This quest has some of the most creative ways for people to participate in battle choices that I've seen yet in /quest/. Mu x Min OTP. Deep - Awesome art, intriguing world, funny characters (Telwis is love) and plenty of weird mindfuck moments to keep you guessing as to what will happen next. Lunar Quest - I don't know anything about this "Exalted" game that this quest apparently draws inspiration from, but I still find it very interesting. Having to uncover the secrets of the world as Saulanna does makes for an exciting quest experience.
Ok so we all know this quest is gonna be the new best. Better start a discussion thread now.
I say we put it to a vote! Who is the most adorable? Let's see everyone's top 5. Can be from current or inactive quests, but they should be from tgchan. I'll have to do a little more looking before I cast my votes...
The urge to make a quest based on this is almost... overpowering!
I think this may be too early, but I would like a discussion thread. This quest started out as a fanfic. http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5429908/1/Dais_Journey Don't read the fanfic if you don't want spoilers. There are some differences between the fanfiction and the quest already. In the fanfic, Dai left the preserve on bad terms. Also NidoranF evolved. And the names. And the order the Pokemon were caught(Gastly then Chikorita).
Hello, all. I've been noticing a lack of suggestion in my quest these days. Some critique, suggestions, whatever, would be very useful as I'd like to know what I've been doing wrong.
Just had to share this. Also, if you'd care to discuss Mystic Questing Princess Warrior Tameka, I suppose you can use this thread. Even though it's still early in the quest.
Well, not much to discuss. But it's always nice to hear some oppinions/critique/improvement suggestions/questions... Also, let me thank the guy who told me to add a tag to the post whenever there's a sequence of pics. Should have thought about that myself.
I figured since I was on my third thread I'd make one of these. I'll answer any questions I can. I also may use this thread to dump small bits of info about what's going on, who knows.
Since Inside the Quest thread grew into an amazing 430 responses with over 140 image replies, it got kind of slow to load and clunky. So let's continue the "Ask the quest chars anything" phenomenon with a continuation of the original thread.
Alright, it's about time I made a thread, dead as my quests currently, are, pertaining to whatever quests I plan on continuing. This shall likely be to help me with any stumbling blocks I should encounter trying to get shit done. First off, I need to come up with a drawing style I can be reasonably proud of and yet quick to draw with a minimum of detail, yet with recognizable characters. Though, I should need to come up with something that doesn't also make me feel like a whore for abusing it.. any suggestions? Also, feel free to ask questions and whatnot.
Thought you might want a thread like this... Lemme hear some speculation.
In the local toad hangout, the number one place to come looking for some hot amphibian-on-amphibian action. So how are you guys liking Mu's Journey, now that we've actually started journeying.
Hoy hoy, all you quest-makers out there. I've noticed that there's a proliferation of imaginative creatures around here. So... does anyone have any tips on coming up with them? I've got a project I've been working on that requires some neat species made, ones that go beyond "weird human" and "animal human". Best I've come up with is this armadillo-pangolin person thing, which I like, but I wish it were easier to think of more.
Premature thread is premature. I'll be using this thread to post background info later, and answer questions. So hit it.
I'm glad you guys are enjoying GoGoGo RaceQuest thus far. So here is a discussion thread to discuss things and ask questions and whatever.
oh hi! hihihi!!! i am squirrel authory person is surprised squirrelquest popular! will continue after vacationy weekend thing. in woods! with other squirrel!!! is that like cheating :( anyway here is a place for talking about squirrely things we seeing you next week!
Previous ones: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/480.html http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/1118.html http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/314015.html Anyway... this is how Liam and Aruuchi will probably look like when they wake up. You don't usually knock people out without the purpose of putting them in bondage gear.
So as many do, I’m beginning to think that I might want to start up a Quest. But like most things worth doing, this requires some preparation. Having only been exposed to tgchan and Quests via the delight that is RubyQuest, I have a few questions to ask of the tg community in general. 1) Considering that the Quest I am considering in creating is something of a homage to RubyQuest, in that it would have a survival/horror/mystery setting, I believe that one of the necessary elements of such a scenario is the player being under a sense of helplessness. Not much challenge if the player can simply ANGRY SPACE MARINE through the entire story. As such, is it NECESSARY to have a female protagonist, or is it feasible to have a ‘weak’ male character? Additionally, what other elements might one include in order to increase that feeling of helplessness and vulnerability? 2) Knowing that I am at best a sub-par artist, but citing the success of RubyQuest with its minimalist art (which at times does in fact become very detailed) and its use of primarily only the colors black, white, and red, how much of a hit would I be taking were I to use a similar style of drawing? I’m sure that many are initially attracted to detail and colors, but on this board in particular, how much of my audience would you say I would be losing were I to eschew such features? I believe that I would be able to attract people through storytelling and atmosphere, but I worry that without that initial hook of COLOR AND ART, many may not give my Quest a chance. Additionally, I feel that adopting a simple form of art would allow me to respond and update quicker, which would be a plus, yes? 3) While acknowledging that choosing WHEN to post is something of a tradeoff, as one would not want to select a time when there are too few unique posters visiting the board, but one would also not want to post when the server is over-busy and/or filled with trolls, wha Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
So, who would be up for a quest sort of like Cutebold Slaughterfest, and switching between Authors every two chapters as well as characters? The general, overlaying storyline of what's going on with the multiverse (As in, X is attacking, that's why shit is falling apart and only the combined shards of Y can defeat it or something) would have to be decided beforehand so that nobody contradicts each other, and of course all the teams would have to eventually meet up at the end for the FINAL BOSS, but everyone's way of getting to the FINAL BOSS and everyone's path through the multiverse would be left up to the authors and questers. I'd recommend we use an IRC channel for behind the scenes talk and this thread for general ideas... What do y'all think?
Who knows if it's far enough in this quest to get one of these things going but you guys like to debate whether or not you want to RAPERAPERAPE or KILLKILLKILL. Also I'll answer any questions relating to the quest in here if need be
Hey, your going to the tower right? I have something fo-
Lines you want to use in your quest, but the opportunity never arises. The thread.
Hey-diddly-do! I'm trying to get a quest started here and I need to hammer out some details, specifically a system. This is because it is my intention to have several people acting as PCs in said quest. This makeshift system will need to remain largely freeform. So far, my understanding is that I will need a at least 3 characteristics, something to determine the order of action for those participating, as well as a health system and a special ability system for the individual characters, though this last part will likely be defined later. Once that is sorted out, I'd like to get into the PC designs.
What does Io, the creator look like?
Sky's the limit...
Bg Quests Discussion! For all your questions, fanarts and anything else u need :3
I see people using silly filetypes for quests or compression on gifs sometimes, so I decided to make a basic guide since using the right filetype can easily cut the filesize in half for some images. 32-bit PNG: This high of a colour range is ridiculous and should rarely be used for the huge filesizes it has. 24-bit PNG: Usually the best if you really want your images to have no JPEG artifacts. 8-bit PNG: Black and white images, images with low colour ranges, and images that are not anti aliased are great for 8-bit PNG. Some images could suffer from using this by becoming more jagged. (8-bit PNG is the exact same as a static GIF file) JPEG: High colour ranges are good for JPEG. You usually want around 90%~ quality for a decent filesize. GIF: See 8-bit PNG for static GIFs. Animated gifs are the most often done wrong, and an animated gif done wrong can make the filesize obscenely larger than it should be. Use GIF Movie Gear for animated gifs, it is easily the best program for making and editing animated gifs. An optimized gif can shave massive amounts off your filesize, allowing you to use larger resolutions for your gifs. Download for GMG: http://shareboo.com/?bfbfh65ae0lecg90 Gif Movie Gear is very intuitive, but here's a good guide in case you are a grandmother or something. Video guide for GMG: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nlgv0VffwiY
For those of us who are new perhaps we can begin to catelogue where many of the shared references/meme/jokes comes from. For instance, the Oldest Game, probably first seen on tgchan in MudyQuest, originates from the graphic novel the Sandman. The section in the novel where this originates can be seen at http://elzr.com/posts/the-oldest-game-of-all Now, I have always wondered where did "sing you the song of my people" come from? I have found a book titled "Song of My People" describing the African American's experience, but I am uncertain as to whether this is what we are refering to. As well, please feel free to discuss various in-jokes.
Sup, /questdis/ So, there seem to be roughly two categories of quest: A)Fast Quests: A quest is updated in sessions for some hours, then a pause, then a session again. B)Slow Quests: A quest is updated once in a while, with the author going into hibernation after every update. Now that I think about it, there are some quests in-between the categories. Oh, well... Where do you see your quest? Would you change it if you could? What kind of quest do you like participating in most?
This is a thread for talking about wishes for mudyquest. LETS GET TO WORK
I'm thinking about running a quest. Any Ideas?
So... general quest thread. A bit more specifically, what do the fine gentlemen here think of text quests? Meaning very little or no pictures at all. Who here thinks text can convey things well enough and who does not? How, in general, do you regard such quests? I'm not really considering doing any quests, at least in any close future, but I've been wondering about text quests just for the sake of wondering about them. There are some text quests here and in other places, and some of them have been well received. But is the initial reaction "Oh look, another guy who can't draw worth shit but wants to hang out with the cool guys" or "Oh look, a quest of different kind"? Oh, and those who have experience with these things, what kind of a quest is best to run with text only? I've tended to notice a lot more management and a less personal level most of the time.
A long long time ago, we had an Oldest Game quest thread. An independent one, one that is not a part of Mudy. Out of curiosity, would anyone be interested in starting a new one? Also, let it be known I balantly stolen the Oldest Game image from that thread. He who would like copyright would need to stand up.
Um... this a good place to see if anyone is interested in a MtG fluff based quest with basically no drawin's? I sucks at the art.
So I know it is a bit early for this but I figure this thread will be found when it is needed. TowerQuest is apparently a little game about an elf? Catboy? Goatman? Thing. Come here to tell me how much you hate it or like it. If there is a gruesome death in Glen's future maybe you can avoid it with fanart. Maybe not.
What is it that makes a quest die?
So what do you folks think? Of the character, the setting, the art, anything? Any questions?
Figure this would be a good thing to start given the utter lack of answers being given. Place your crazy theories here folks!
All good quests were already had. Everything that comes henceforth is a mere shell of glory long past. All new quests are unoriginal and cliche-ridden. No good plots, no freedoms, no awesome. As is happens with everything in a consumer society, the market is flooded with low-quality products. Discussion plz. (Just to be clear, I disagree with the statements above. I enjoy a quite a few of the "younger" quests.)
I'd like to start a quest, but I've never tried before. Any tips ? Good ideas/bad ideas? Anything helpful, really.
It's about time for another fanart thread, first two are here: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/480.html http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/1118.html I'll start it off with some for The End, my interpretation of the last boss.
Not really sure if this will get used for discussion, but it will be useful to have a place to post info about updating times and/or delays. So, to start off, how are ya'll finding the animations? Neato, not doing anything for ya, absolutely eye-catching, boring and tedious, whatever. They take a while, so I only plan on doing them for important events, and some chapter ends/starts. Also, stick figures? I can barely draw even those with any speed, so I hope they're alright at getting the point across. Close ups will switch to more anatomically correct (and more horribly drawn!) versions, like for dramatic events or examining bodies or wounds. Also, I'm open to any and all criticism, comments, questions, complains, suggestions, whatever. I'm new to this so even a list of why I suck and am a horrible person and should feel bad might be useful.
A.k.a. 'ohgodhowigethereinotsogoodwithmakingquest' Hope you don't mind me making a discussion thread for this. I figured it'd be useful to have a place to discuss and ask questions about both the quest and Starcraft lore in general. For instance, I played the original Starcraft quite a long time ago, and I never got around to playing Brood Wars... so I'm not very clear on the canon history. From what I can remember, the main government in the Koprulu Sector was the Terran Confederacy, which was overwhelmed by the Zerg, Protoss, and Terran rebels, namely the Sons of Korhal lead by Arcturus Mengsk. It collapsed and was replaced by the Terran Dominion with Mengsk in charge. What happened in Brood Wars? And I don't remember the Kel-Morian Combine playing a role at all, unless that was in Brood Wars too.
General discussion, questions and suchlike for Oliver's Inferno.
Enter Dialogue. Questions to pertaining to current and future quest content relevant. Fanart and clamourings for author to create fanart not unwelcome. >_
Ask any questions about capabilities, or share your opinions on how you think the quest should go in here. I love critique and feedback, and I do take it into account.
Everyone likes to post these, so here we go. I'll post mine first, but anyone else feel free to join in! These are only applicable to my quest, the amount of dots or whatever represent various levels of power differently in each quest.
In the event anyone has a need to discuss my quest for some reason.
See what I mean Nulife guy?
Everyone else has one of these things, so I figured I'd join the party. Any questions, comments, suggestions, or whatever for Dong Quest or Hawksbury are welcome here. Yeah I know it probably won't get used BUT YOU KNOW WHATEVER IT'S COOL ANYWAY.
Look at me, starting my own discussion thread. Since we're about to venture into the Phantom Star proper, I'd like to open the Screw Yourselves Over contest. I want you -- yes, you -- to create the alien monsters found in the Phantom Star. I don't have any real limits except that they should be non-humanoid and more abomination-themed. You can, optionally, also include their methods of attack (such as stealth, from behind, leap for the face, etc.) and how hostile they are. There will be no allies in Phantom Star, so don't make any friendly aliens. Beyond that, I'd love to have suggestions, ideas, and constructive criticism.
Flare got tentacle raped. holy crap
I just got the MSE, and I thought this might be fun.
Hey, might as well.
Let's have a discussion about Goldie why not?
So hey we should totally get a group of people who know something about garry's mod to make a GMOD QUEST. If you have no idea how to gmod, who cares? It's easy enough to learn and it's fun. Pic related, it's me and my bitch.
Discuss JimQuest, give me feedback, ask questions, and all that good shit. While you're doing that, I'll be cooking me up some microwave noodle cups. And yes, "cups" is plural. I'm making at least three of those delicious bastards.
Before I go around starting a quest, I figured it would be appropriate to ask the board for a few pointers, ideas, and constructive criticism. In the 'I would love to run...' thread, I had an idea of having the player wake up in the middle of a town square, realizing he'd just murdered a person of high importance (My original idea was a Pope or Archbishop, but seeing as the idea of tying religion into anything is inherently bad, I'll stick with something like an Archmage or a General.) The 'Sword of Virtue' quest and subsequent discussion have reminded me of an old idea I once had in my childhood. The idea of Elemental/Principle weapons, bearing the power of an element that can only be used when one has an unyielding faith in a certain principle. My childhood idea was a balancing of good and evil: Seven weapons per side. I realized this got a little crazy, and consolidated it down to twelve. I know I wrote them down somewhere, but since I can't seem to find them, I thought I'd come to you guys for some input. The other thing I had been thinking about was, instead of having each weapon represent one principle, I thought I'd introduce a 'dual purpose', incorporating the idea of good and evil into each weapon. So, while I won't discuss the characters or much plot to start, I'd like to see what your thoughts on the 'Principle Weaponry'. I need to sit down and iron out which Elemental Principle fits which weapon, but that's more of a 'Let's wait and see' idea to me. Here we go: Light:Guidance/Ignorance Darkness:Peace/Deceit Fire:Love/Hatred Earth:Steadiness/??? Ice:???/Isolation Water:?Change? Air:Destined/Wildness ?Dyne?:Creation/Arrogance ?Void?: Renewal/Destruction I have nine elements that I remember, and several principles which may or may not reflect a weapon. I'd love to have 12 Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
Because they start getting messed up after 400 posts, here's the new one! I'll start things off with some Journey
For when you're not sure whether to unleash something on the board at large as a quest, but still want opinions. This is for an up-and-coming quest. So far, all I know for certain is the face. I need to know if he's a good protagonist. Further, if my art's improved at all. (see Operator 2 and beforequest) This isn't just for art, though. I also want to know how Quest would like to play a quest of demons and backstabbing and such.
>I'm not the guy who posted the mean comment, but I hate antquest too. As a matter of fact, texts quests really just shit up the board entirely, especially this one. I mean, art doesn't have to be great, look at Pokemon Quest, or The End, or Kara. At least fucking try. Thoughts? I'm pretty sure you know how I feel on the matter. I want to know how everyone else feels.
sup tgchan. we're from 4chan, and some butthurt faggots form /a/ and /jp/ are hounding us, and I heard form resident /tg/ folk that you are awesome and have mods. so yeah
Thread 1: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/15173.html ((Insert Beforequest here)) Thread 2: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/53437.html And no, Before Quest isn't done. I just want to shoot for an ALL-ART QUEST for once. Spoonfeedan discussion: Should I move CRITICAL SUCCESS to 1-in-15 or less odds and increase its power?
Questions, discussion, scheming, and all things SuperQuest go here.
This is for those who want to make their own characters up. Remember, above and beyond what they were capable of! Also discusssion of current quest.
Some questions...? Does the poster ID system track you by ip address, or by some other magickal hoodoo computer-specific-y-ma-bob? Important to know because I would be updating from truck stops across the country. I wouldn't mind tripping it up if I had to. 2. Probably a redundant/irrelevant question by now, but what is the true stance on writing only, no art? I am truly terrible at drawing. I feel proud of myself for not using the "-fagging" suffix anywhere in this post, except in this sentence. This is truly the classiest, nay, the MOST DAPPER of all chans. thx
Today I had a lesson in my intro to film class (Wow, who knew this class would be useful!) that really hit with what I see in a lot of the quests here. Everyone seems to get characters, their development, facial expressions, action, stories... well basically everything but this. Almost nobody uses lighting and the setting of a scene in their quests. (Please Note, I am in no way blaming or accusing or pointing fingers. This is just a general theme I see. All of this is opinion and stuff I noticed over the course of an hour.) The more formal elements of an image can very easily betray you when you ignore them, as has often been the unfortunate case. I think Simple fixes like moving where a character is and changing the lighting up would help to prevent a lot of the miss-communication between the Quest maker and the Suggester.
Alright, this needs its own thread. I'm willing to awnser any questions about races, setting, etc. So long as it doesn't involve the UNEXPLORED AREA (which you unlocked to be explored after Continent One) or Continent Two. I'm also taking name suggestions for the continents themselves. Oh, and questions about Opquest are fine too.
Does having a trip actually matter in a quest?
For all your questions regarding the technology and world of Connection Lost. Yes, I do have an explanation for everything. It takes place in the tabletop roleplaying setting called Solis that I've been crafting for the past few years with a friend. I hope to start running another test campaign of it soon. Anyway, feel free to ask away.
This thread is for the upcoming MultiQuest! The Quest without consistent art or a consistent author! If you're interested in aiding this grand venture, be sure to join the #multiquest IRC channel on rizon.net and find out how you too can contribute to the world's greatest quest.
Right, since no one got the thread up before I discovered I had no ice cream, I'll do it. Quest characters in a setup similar to Super Smash Brothers. Entries can be for ASSIST TROPHIES, CHARACTERS, STAGES and ITEMS. ASSIST TROPHIES should include a short description of what they do. CHARACTERS should include a rough MASS, SPEED, ATTACK POWAH, and ATTACK SPEED. A MOVELIST is optional. A FINAL SMASH is desired. STAGES should include a rough idea of the HAZARDS, SIZE, and EVENTS. ITEMS should include descriptors like WEAPON, THROWABLE, or ATTACHMENT.
I called in this press conference to clear some things up. The leather clad lizardman that was lately killed or stunned in JourneyQuest wasn't my brother. Although the impressive crotch bulgeâ„¢ suggests otherwise. I'm not denying that he's a part of my distant family, as he has a striking resemblance to my cousin from my aunt's third marriage who tends to wear the same attire. Thank you for your time. Goodnight.
Okay, let's try this for real this time. This thread is here to honour the bargin we have each made (or are going to make) when we use !pair in #EroticQuestFanfics on Rizon and now we need to each pay the penance. Since I 'completed' mine first, it seems I must make the thread. So it is written, so shall it be done. May the gods have mercy upon our souls.
guys, hate to rain on your parade, but she's a dodge based flyer in a tight corridor, and you have to large, crushing-based weapons also coming down the corridor at her. Basically, this won't be so much a boss fight as killing some defenseless woman. reptile. who is a bitch.
Yep. Followed How do I shot trips lead and made my own quest... damn the low population of this board T_T. I only got one player for session one. But please try and read it, I need to get better at these things. (Hopes it will help for GMing)
Did /quest/ die for anyone else?
This thread is about crossovers and possible crossovers. First off is why a sleazy hooker-killing douche shows up in so many quests. Okay, fine, the glasses are kinda cool.
I have no regrets making a topic about the two quests I've made and may or may not continue. Also a self portrait of me I made in paint.
For all your fanart needs! To keep this thread less clogged, lets try and limit it to fanart of quests that take place on this board. Ruby Quest and Dorf Quest have wikis for their fanrats.
Sorry for the sudden stop, the idea hit me like a bullet train.
The mists of fate swirl about, and part for only a few. But now, for a limited time, one can catch a glimpse of the future, or the past, with the ORB OF INFINITE PSYCHE, a device of rare power! Step right up! For the low, low price of one image posted nowhere on this board, you may ask the Orb any one question! Don't be shy!
Wasn't there suppose to be a crossover quest this Sunday?
Needs a better name >8I
Good art? Strong dramatic sense? Heady story lines? Internal consistency? Strong characterization? Or just pic related?
It is imperative that we discuss this magnum opus, and it's implications upon Western society in general. It raises many pressing questions that our generation must face upon a daily basis. Namely: how and when will Reaver get into Weaver's panties?
Comments about quests that haven't been going on long enough or lack quality enough to warrant their own thread? Share 'em here.
In the event that you actually want to discuss my humble attempt at a Collective game, this is the place to do it... Have fun.
Hey guys I was wondering how you would feel about a warhammer 40K text quest. I frankly am a little disappionted at the lack of 40K content so I have been spit balling ideas for a 40K quest similar in nature to Hero Quest which was on /tg/ for a time only less weeaboo, however I would like to know if this would interest anyone before I turn it into a full production. I have ideas writen out have, GM'd games, and am a good writer despite the fact I have a little trouble with punctuation and grammer. I wont give any plot detials lets just say you will play a significant character to the plot of 40K, will not be forced to join a side, and it stats off a little wonky because I needed a plot twist in order for the players to use said character.
Thanks for the threadwatch feature.
This is not How Do I Shot. Nope. Nuh-uh. Not making my own plug thread. Nope.
Go ahead and discuss. Thought I should make this before I leave for the day (Timezone difference, I'm waking up during most North Hemisphere locations Midday.) Probably not much to say here. Also, I find it funny the one time you guys decide not to think with your dick you make a stupid fucking decision.
Reposted for Reaver to look at~ Sir Bladetree, may I speak with you for a moment? I will be honest with you, as you deserve nothing less, I overheard you a few nights ago as you struggled with making a decision. I am not sure what your feelings are towards me and my sister, but I can sense that you are still conflicted. You are bound by your duty as well as your honor, and you have to sacrifice one or the other. I cannot imagine how this affects you, but... I ask you, do you truly believe Raital and I to be evil? We are bound by blood and by our heritage, but does that make us evil? I will not pretend that the love we share is holy, but it is real. Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
I literally cannot draw. I don't have paint or any artsy program and I'm running Kubuntu. Any help?
Best quest ever.
This is a thread about the art side of quest help. Specific topics include Animooting, How to do it Quickly, and How to crush your natural perfectionist tendencies. Pic only semirelated.
The quest archive changes the post numbers to the order in which they were archived, rather than the order in which they were originally posted. This breaks the links between posts, making it harder to follow conversations in the threads. Can the archive be set up to retain the original post numbers?