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File 170392515007.png - (40.20KB , 650x850 , CROTCH DAY 2023.png )
141480 No. 141480 ID: 7bfc4f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

The fourth best day of the year, the most wonderful time is here! That lovely day we hold so dear![ᶜᶦᵗᵃᵗᶦᵒⁿ ⁿᵉᵉᵈᵉᵈ]
No. 141481 ID: 7bfc4f
File 170392533494.png - (40.87KB , 650x850 , DOMPAG CLR.png )

Dompag from DiveQuest! Inspired by those suggestors who wanted to make sure Wes was measuring everything just right. Armor chafing is no laughing matter!
No. 141485 ID: 9ea24b
File 170395784234.png - (105.64KB , 500x700 , a36.png )

there's barely any crotch in this, my excuse is coughing up phlegm for five days
No. 141486 ID: 9ea24b
File 170398831453.png - (79.28KB , 500x700 , a37.png )

i have been haunted all day by my poor evelyn crotch portrayal skills i am atoning
No. 141558 ID: b3eab7
File 170562016642.png - (49.26KB , 1600x1200 , PoloInspect.png )

Polo finally came back to base and immediately asked to be combed for bugs. She refused to introduce armor or clothing into the secure area, and is contemplating ordering them burned just in case.
No. 141596 ID: 0d1c28
File 170619499229.png - (1.12MB , 774x1100 , Trisha20.png )

Trisha from O.W.O. who also appears in Lucha quest

File 169149888420.png - (4.45MB , 1600x1200 , BeachDay2023op.png )
140224 No. 140224 ID: 9b127b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

It’s Beach Day, the sandiest day of the year! Pack your sunscreen and visit our floating beach resort "The Diamond Crown" orbiting high in the atmosphere of Beta Earatone. Pack your sunscreen- the sun’s ray are strong up here!

This perfectly circular, perfectly secure beach is a floating disc full of fun and fancy. Relax on its sandy red beach, swim in its waters, surf with the help of the wave generator, try your luck with novelty swimsuits, or even go hang gliding off the edge. Don’t worry, our trained professionals will catch you before you go too far down. Queen Chinzebeth VII assures us this beach is perfectly safe from scaly invaders, so relax. What could possibly go wrong?

Try not to be too lewd, there’s royalty in attendance!

Previous Beach Days: https://questden.org/wiki/Beach_Day
266 posts and 263 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 140888 ID: 9b127b
File 169682198413.png - (1.14MB , 774x930 , Plague2.png )

One of the many OWO wrestlers has taken over "Big Splash"

Plague "I can't believe they put me on T-Shirt duty, I'm way better than that no talent Tsuki... does anyone even want to ride this bikini consuming deathtrap? ugh."
No. 140894 ID: ca2950
File 169689550892.png - (94.83KB , 476x430 , yap.png )

Keimi: "I don't need child's sizes, I need adult sizes. I have a driver's license! I can buy alcohol! I can... Alex. tell her I'm an adult!"

Alex: "Oh, she's an adult, because I'd be in jail if she wasn't."

Keimi: "AAAAAAH! Shut up!"

Alex: "She's actually older than me, so for a time, she was an adult and I was a mere child. I was underage for almost the entire time I've known her."

Keimi: "That's technically true, but you're only four months younger than me! Stop trying to make it sound bad!"

Alex: "You know I wont."
No. 140900 ID: fb8a42
File 169700097641.png - (166.04KB , 499x477 , BD_Naomi.png )

Samantha: If only I'd known that a trip to the beach made life so much easier for me.

Naomi: I'm so hot... this sun is putting me to sleep.

Samantha: I'll probably regret saying this, but maybe a novelty swimsuit would cool you down somehow. I don't want to write back to Minga telling them their local half-fox spirit got heatstroke.

Naomi: Too tired... no energy...
No. 140938 ID: 44d5f6
File 169742265337.png - (618.11KB , 774x930 , Trisha14.png )

Trisha "Geeze so touchy lady! I know you're not a kid but I thought the child size would fit better, but you can have a real person sized shirt if you want..."
No. 141573 ID: 75b262
File 170587177871.png - (54.27KB , 660x851 , BD2023-14.png )


The tasty buune satisfies Dotti's delightful dinner dreams for a few delicious minutes, but the appearance of a big-boobed dragon reminds Dotti about other problems. She releases her hold on her prey to deal with their shared predicament.

"Stupid swimsuit," Dotti grumbles. "At least Roger knows that hunting is hazardous. Prey can get a lucky swipe in when you least expect it."

Luckily, there's a generous wolf waving T-shirts nearby.

"I'll take one!" Dotti shouts.

File 169912815459.png - (50.53KB , 1000x700 , 39555CA8-3DDC-42A4-A1E8-79BEB311517F.png )
141108 No. 141108 ID: feda8a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Discuss & ask questions about the quest here!

Also submit custom items/weapons you would want to possibly appear in the story here. Either for Vex to use, find, or sell.

Ex. Plasma Gun (.5LB), a highly advanced tech plasma-based handgun, 12 shots per cartridge.

Items can have other attributes and magical qualities. DND 5e is my general ref for items. But the world is your oyster etc etc.

Quest Thread: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1076048.html
No. 141531 ID: bba018
File 170467358829.png - (166.97KB , 940x1120 , vexx.png )


name: vex
age: 28
gender: butch
pronouns: he/they
ethnicity: filipino
origin dimension: 3-4R7H

just adding this here since im unsure if certain details will come up in thread

File 148309725619.jpg - (4.85MB , 1748x2480 , Discussion thread 1.jpg )
107070 No. 107070 ID: 23060e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Here you can ask me theauthor about anything connected to the quest and I will answer it as soon as possible
1789 posts and 358 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 141397 ID: dc13c4
File 170251787397.jpg - (1.48MB , 2663x2040 , BB 1146.jpg )

No. 141398 ID: 3c16a9

Hmm... Not quite dead then.

Alright, who killed you and why?
No. 141402 ID: dc13c4
File 170277482651.jpg - (4.04MB , 3416x4593 , BB 1147.jpg )

No. 141403 ID: 1ab976

*winces and bites back a scream as the horns emerge then look down at iron horns made from his own blood, and smilies*
Didn't hurt at all.

*puts the horns on*
Fuck it. Ace, I believe we're done here. I think it's time to leave this cell, and I'm done being other peoples bitch.
No. 141407 ID: dc13c4
File 170294177117.jpg - (1.58MB , 2477x2576 , BB 1148.jpg )


File 126124325215.gif - (1.93KB , 240x240 , icon.gif )
7878 No. 7878 ID: cc4b74 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Exactly one year ago yesterday, a very confused rabbitgirl woke up in a box.
80 posts and 20 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 35015 ID: a41aaf

...Yeeep. That's pretty unnerving.

On the subject: Trapdoor. A mostly light-hearted 80's British children's show with occasional descents into horror, e.g.: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pa9LPhq6VZ0
No. 47370 ID: 5a8693
File 132420695939.png - (69.81KB , 1233x292 , repercussions of ruby.png )

Three's a good number.

Also, happy belated birthday, Weaver!
No. 47371 ID: c71597

Hey I remember that one, was one of my favourite shows as a kid.
No. 69533 ID: 2f4b71

>with occasional descents into horror
The noise that spider makes still unnerves me.
No. 141404 ID: ed2517

sorry for the bump (after 10 years, jeez) but i thought i'd leave a reply here knowing that the next couple of days will be the 15th anniversary of rubyquest, like wtf??

i only discovered rubyquest & it's associated media like a few years ago but i've been kinda obsessed with it since and it's been a huge inspiration for my stuff nowadays

so uh yea i thought i would pop around to say happy birthday to the bunny girl, her friends and the facility deep under the sea :]

File 169848999881.png - (61.33KB , 900x900 , ass_day_2023.png )
141026 No. 141026 ID: 1d5c71 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

It's the cheekiest time of the year!

Welcome to the 15th year of Ass Day everyone, where we can all appreciate the rich diversity of quest character asses.

No. 141030 ID: 9ea24b
File 169850619385.png - (86.11KB , 500x500 , a87.png )

No. 141037 ID: 1d5c71
File 169855918013.png - (40.06KB , 1100x1200 , scan_quest_ass_day_2023.png )

Oh no in the hunt for all those invalid cache pointers, she dropped an exception. Where is it???

pr-aria#9d00fee9-47d5-4710-8c57-f6091caf89e8 is from teegee's Scan Quest
No. 141044 ID: 681cb5
File 169867797041.png - (81.06KB , 700x550 , PraiseTheMoon.png )

Pesi tries to seduce Ulric with a traditional Volek fertility prayer.
No. 141087 ID: 836974
File 169895280148.png - (16.81KB , 800x600 , assday_2023_erisol.png )

Oh no, she tripped! And her undies are in the wash!
No. 141385 ID: ae64e6
File 170243222264.png - (78.40KB , 748x898 , assday_2023_stargazer.png )

normal proportions, normal jack-o pose

File 134184656964.png - (7.15KB , 550x400 , disc.png )
56976 No. 56976 ID: b3ca75 Locked hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Wakka wakka
523 posts and 36 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 112224 ID: f562b1

Mind you, that is an "If" scenario. People are welcome to go for whatever they wish.
No. 112242 ID: fe7355

Hey, Kaktus, letting you know that you mistakenly used the words "enchantments" and "enchanted" in >>/quest/806018 and >>/quest/806078 when you most likely meant "enhancements" and "enhanced". I assume you just made a mistake here, 'cause otherwise it'd mean you really changed a basis of the setting from the original.

Also, could you create a new questdis thread for just Will We Dream? It'd help keep the info and discussion from the original Will We Dream apart from the reboot. And besides that, this old thread has already been used for way more quests than intended and probably should be retired. You could even ask a mod to move the few posts at the end of this thread about the reboot to the new questdis thread's start so nothing is left behind. And will you also put a updated background "lore dump" post in the new thread, like the one you put in this thread when you started the previous Will We Dream?

Oh, and to whoever has wiki access, could you please add a link to the Will We Dream discussion box that either points to the post where Kaktus announced the reboot, or to the new questdis thread of he makes one. Currently the discussion link on that page points to the lore dump post for the original Will We Dream which I figure won't line up completely with the reboot's changes to the setting and lore.
No. 112245 ID: be0718

>pointing out typos in a site with no edit feature

Why man. Also, the wiki can be edited by anyone provided they make an account and pass the captcha.
No. 112249 ID: fe7355

I pointed it out so Kaktus doesn't keep using the wrong word in future updates. Or it could be his spellchecker autocorrected to the wrong word and he didn't catch it, so now he knows it's doing that.
No. 141379 ID: e1c5d5

Locking due to persistent spam.

File 151677560018.png - (98.18KB , 499x600 , mootpoin dist.png )
119900 No. 119900 ID: a30024 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]


Kind of backwards way of doing this, but now that the first episode is done, what do people think?
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No. 139998 ID: 8f9bc4

Just posting this so I can say I called it, if I called it, without actually calling it right now.

65a038068f400a952b187110a8bc110e0d8ce1adf39854534b92bbef1c6b4619d23329733051f3e6ecdf4869afd5e619abcc3c90665f38143e5515dd96538536 moot_point_speculation.txt
No. 140006 ID: 273c18

Is that encrypted text?
No. 140016 ID: 8f9bc4


It's a sha512 hash of a file. I can't change the contents of the file without changing its hash, so if I post the correct contents after the big reveal, I will get credit as if I predicted it before!

Well um, credit as... anon, which defeats the purpose of credit, but... at least I can prove that *someone* predicted it!

Mostly I'm just messing around.
No. 140850 ID: 4591f8
File 169657578235.png - (17.29KB , 608x564 , Gabriel Moot Point.png )

i like Moot Point a lot. especially how fey are represented. so i drew a guy
No. 141359 ID: 7695ec

"Rutattezen" seems both just close enough to a name I've heard before and just far enough I can't tell if this is a reference to some historical figure or not

File 142735645703.png - (23.23KB , 560x800 , thigh_day_2015.png )
89809 No. 89809 ID: 256d52 Locked hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

The best day of the year has finally arrived.

Everyone post thighs.
57 posts and 35 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 90323 ID: 602cd8
File 142915879848.png - (22.56KB , 800x1000 , Likenothingatall.png )

In actuality, though, bio armor leaves even less of the form to the imagination.
No. 90324 ID: 0ee153

That's the weirdest duck I've ever seen.
No. 90325 ID: 602cd8

In retrospect (and having it pointed out), a better designed suit could probably have avoided the duck like look.
No. 90353 ID: 08e08f


It's the "Duck Suit". Like a fuckin' mario powerup
No. 141254 ID: 378938

Locking due to spambot bumping.

File 145603709539.png - (519.12KB , 1500x1000 , discution copy.png )
97971 No. 97971 ID: 939c7f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

I get the feeling this thread will end up being quite necessary...
410 posts and 52 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 133393 ID: f133dc

Hey Boy, you all right? It'll be sad to see you pop up and then disappear again.
No. 133411 ID: 49c9bd

Thanks for asking, it means a lot to me~ I had another episode recently, still am actually. it makes drawing or being motivated to do anything difficult...

Thankfully I'm finally on some form of medication and it's been helping a lot!! I'm going to try to post more often~

Trying to stay happy and fun, in these trying times. stay hydrated and wash your hands
No. 133426 ID: 1c1d17

Good to hear that you are somewhat ok! Take of yourself! This is a harsh year.
No. 133545 ID: 49c9bd

welp plans backfired slightly...

so medication has helped a lot with my stress~! yay less stress~

the down side is that I'm not stressed about my release dates... and I update less often... heh... dang... i'll try to be a little more stressed I guess heh... hmmnn...
No. 141240 ID: c922c3

As always, health comes first, physical and mental alike.

File 169723944055.png - (79.26KB , 800x800 , Halloween 0.png )
140909 No. 140909 ID: 435f13 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Welcome to Halloween Thread 2023 where it's Friday the 13th, October 31st, and a full moon all at the same time!
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No. 141154 ID: 0d1c28
File 169966994414.png - (1.85MB , 1600x1200 , Halloween03.png )

Torique: "Hmmm! well I do keep a fair bit of ground, I could definitely be a groundkeeper for a juicy little friend like you! invite me to your door and I'll open it right up~"
No. 141156 ID: a7a180
File 169967560186.png - (56.74KB , 800x1237 , dork_at_the_door.png )

"Well, I don't see the harm in that phrasing! You're welcome to come inside, just as soon as I am of course!"

"Looks like we still come up a little short, maybe if I stand on your head or something?"
No. 141159 ID: 0d1c28
File 169975991542.png - (1.38MB , 1600x1200 , Halloween04.png )

Torique giggles "No need!" her arm stretches to reach the handle, "I'm a very flexible girl"
No. 141161 ID: ca2950
File 169980181323.png - (202.84KB , 931x768 , slashing intensifies.png )

Keimi: "Just put on the proper costume. It's important."

Alex: "Fine. I don't see why it matters, though."

Keimi: "Everyone needs to match or it's going to bother me, and you're going to need the accessories."

Alex: "I don't see why."

A hulking figure crashes out of the woods.

Juha: "Because you brought my daughter to a camp that exists exclusively for people to sneak around and have sex in the woods!"

Nui: "And then get killed! Neehehe!"

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No. 141208 ID: 681cb5
File 170034618602.png - (86.64KB , 700x550 , 7.png )

Pesi: “Quickly! While your owner is distracted we have a chance for you to escape!” the Volin whispers to the wolf, “Into the dark woods!”
Ulric: “Huh? The woods?” Ulric ask slightly confused, not expecting the lizard / fish creature to suddenly start shoving him towards the forest.
Pesi: “We’ll be alone in there… and hidden.” she answers quietly, “That way I can find out how that carrot has enslaved you.” As she continues to gently push the wolf forward, she sniff his neck, “I don’t smell any magic, so it might be enough to just give you a way out. Somewhere for you to run too.”
Ulric: “…she doesn’t actually-” but before Ulric can clarify, Pesi interrupts him.
Pesi: “And then we can celebrate your newfound freedom with unprotected premarital sex.” She stops in her track and blink twice, “I… I’m unsure why I phrased it like that…” but then she shakes her head and continues towards the forest edge, “No matter, let’s go before someone spots us leaving.”

And into the dark, foreboding woods the pair disappears… all alone and vulnerable.

File 169868123416.png - (481.75KB , 1200x800 , callist0dis.png )
141045 No. 141045 ID: 527a46 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

discuss that rabbit!!
also where i'll be dumping random art etc.

quest thread: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1075530.html

patreon: https://www.patreon.com/iraprince
3 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 141064 ID: 527a46

you're in the right place!! :D welcome! i'm so glad you're enjoying it, quests are extremely cool and i'm very happy to be back at it
No. 141128 ID: 229001

I love this quest so far!! Could you confirm what pronouns everyone uses, for reference?
No. 141129 ID: 527a46

yes, no worries! most everybody is playing really fast and loose with them, so it's easy to get confused lol.

CALLIST0 - she/her
jupiter - any, lightly favors he/him + she/her
rama - he/they
europa - she/her
io - literally does not care at all, defaults to she/her out of laziness
lament - they/he/it
iridescent wound (yeah okay it only got Mentioned but why not) - it/its, sniffing around curiously and malevolently at she/her

when new characters are introduced i can pop their pronouns in here as an easy ref point (and now that i think of it it'd probably be good to tuck it in as spoilered authors notes in-thread too)! but in general don't stress about it too bad, a bunch of characters will be using like 2-3+ sets of pronouns interchangeably and slip-ups + typos will happen! as long as ur doing ur best to mirror what's being used in canon posts you're doing dandy

also fun fact everyone introduced so far except for europa is some flavor of lesbian. i don't expect that to be clear from the text thus far lol it's just a thing that is ambiently true
No. 141130 ID: 527a46
File 169937127748.png - (1.51MB , 3000x2040 , rope studies.png )

some quick studies 🎀
No. 141151 ID: 890e1c

I am obsessed with every single character thus far .///.

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133919 No. 133919 ID: 3994a2 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

I figured it's time to make a catch-all disthread for my quests.

Old disthreads:
Dead Dust >>123379
Arzfayz >>127736
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No. 141122 ID: b1805a


Now I'm super glad I reread it recently!

The Good Bits
Ok, for me, the mystery at the beginning, with Penny having no idea who she is or why (and the incongruity of "we're all humans") was excellent. Heck, the shelves, the Vespers, the weird stuff with dust -- all of it was this amazing thing to tease apart and try to make sense of it.

Our first introduction to Cider and Penny's reluctance to stay even works out rather well, despite seeming to be self-destructive, because when you think about it, she HAS no other template save her independence, and suddenly that's been taken away from her (even if it's "Help help, they gave me friendship and free clothes," from Penny's end).

That, and Roz is hilarious and I love her banter with the rest of the cast.

The Iffy Parts
Even the sexual aspects weren't too bad, though I'm still trying to figure out how the whole inner-mindscape thing with Dollar our alter-ego and the other "Blades" or whatever was supposed to work, and why, since it never quite gets explained.

Once we get to Chapter -1, it really does take away almost all of the mystery of the situation, despite raising the other one: who is this shadowy organization, why do they care about Siobhan's body, and, for that matter why does she have it?
Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
No. 141143 ID: 8f9bc4

I find it kind of amusing people think Chapter -1 was a prequel.
No. 141145 ID: dd3fe0

So I think maybe I should move the hard sci fi vs soft sci fi discussion stuff for Dawn Before Dark here, cause I seem to be getting kind of into it, to the point some people are making fun of the... discussion happening in character ish.
No. 141148 ID: 8f9bc4


I half expected chapter -1 to end with the protagonist running into the protagonist from chapter 0/1 and they aren't even the same person. OR ARE THEY

alas it never finished, so who knows
No. 141149 ID: ff051a

What originally got my attention, and consequently made me decide to participate in the quest were two things.
- Cute character
- Nsfw hologram ...hehe
Yeah, it was the art. That was the biggest first impression. The art quality in the later updates has been an overkill.

What kept my interest were three things:
- Interactivity, which has always been great; each update was able to include many suggestions in meaningful ways, but not too many to hurt the pacing/immersion
- The rich world, with almost endless amount of unique concepts, locations, details, and again, without delving into them too far, perhaps luckily, since there's an entity limit before the whole thing becomes confusing / hard to follow for an average forgetful reader
- Frequent updates, keeping the interest high and memory fresh... well, until you burned out.

On the topic of writing, I should say that sometimes there's too much text per panel. And it feels too refined, like you spent way too much time perfecting it. We can deal with a few typos, you know.

I can't say there's anything that I straight up disliked. What I generally dislike is unrealistic things. Unlikely events happening too often. Characters knowing things they shouldn't know. Having inconsistent personality. But I haven't noticed anything of that sort in the quest. Nothing unrealistic happened. The NSFW parts were very realistic in fact, for a world where there's no fear of disease or pregnancy. Everything has a well-defined purpose. I see no need for a retcon, because I don't see any problem that it would fix.

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132627 No. 132627 ID: ca2950 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

A wacky lighthearted adventure in academia.

This is a place for all the questions that don't need cluttering up the actual thread.
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No. 133231 ID: 6c227a

what a difference one inch makes.
No. 133239 ID: ca2950

No. 133345 ID: 406574

No. 141103 ID: ca2950
File 169910851982.png - (654.65KB , 1024x768 , names.png )

Name labels on the characters.

I revised the text to look more consistent, so previous translations are void!
No. 141106 ID: b8ff9c

Alright worked out their names dispite you using a font that has the letters all falling over. Don't worry we all make mistakes, I got your back fam.

Going left to right and compleatly ignoring vertical alignment:

File 163026254434.png - (43.75KB , 467x313 , DiscussionThread.png )
136140 No. 136140 ID: 8483cf hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Discussion thread to keep track of meta stuff like stats, combat and for people to ask questions about the characters. Also for me to post doodles when I feel like it.

Wiki page: https://questden.org/wiki/Lazy_Fairy
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No. 140939 ID: 2a82d3

I made the best post I thought I could've ever have on this site, and now found out I was "banned" for it.

I'm not mad. Floored, yes, but not mad.
No. 140943 ID: fb8a42

Angels do not like being confused for their progenitor deity, especially when they're demanding repentance and nothing else. No pleading, no advice disguised as prayers, no nothing. This is an Old Testament style angel.

You weren't "punished" for your quality post, I promise. You were punished because the angel heard "I cannot repent" and a bunch of other words that weren't repentance.

Angels aren't human. Don't worry, you'll be fine going forward.
No. 140944 ID: 2a82d3

*Rolling on the floor

Don't worry yourself, either. That was great. Made my night.
No. 140945 ID: fb8a42

Oh uh also if you got "banned," please do commit to the bit by not posting until the POV character (Serah in this case) leaves Petra's cottage.

No. 141034 ID: fb8a42

Everyone is unbanned! Thank you for committing to the bit!

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140051 No. 140051 ID: ca2950 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]


Previous Chest Days:
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No. 140305 ID: 9ea24b
File 169196833660.png - (208.25KB , 500x600 , a8.png )

goth alice bosom
No. 140312 ID: 9ea24b
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gothish deem bosom
No. 140650 ID: a7a180
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Jaina's finally letting the girls breathe a little!
No. 141017 ID: fb8a42
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The sequel!
No. 141018 ID: fb8a42
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The conclusion!

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140903 No. 140903 ID: efaac3 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

It's the Detective Groundfull Discussion Thread!
2 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 141006 ID: 478b88

Ok so!

I've decided to use this thread for cut content that I didn't think was necessary to the story/shit i didn't like! Also I want a place that isn't the discord where I have ULTIMATE POWER or something. Just a space that's decidedly mine.
No. 141007 ID: 478b88
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Up first, it's the cut take of update 27, page 30

[Shot of Cooper perusing the charcuterie menu while Groundfull has an episode] You sit down and hand the Charcuterie Menu to Cooper. They peruse as if it’s the first time they’ve seen the menu, even though you’ve got the whole thing memorized at this point. Nine times out of ten, Cooper picks the exact same thing. Gouda and Brie for the cheeses, Chorizo, Prosciutto, and Salami for the meat, Baguette slices and Butter Crackers for the Carbohydrates, and the “Sweet” Accessory option. You always order a couple of hard seltzers. But maybe you should go for something different this time? You’re already a feminine twig, a seltzer would be like holding up a sign that says “I’m vulnerable!” Do you really want to let your guard down in front of such a guy? Such a threat? He could be lying about the whole thing and take advantage of you, or hurt you in a way you couldn’t recover from. One wrong move around a strong guy like that and it’s curtains. Every part of the normal you’ve cultivated will be shattered. You could lose everything you’ve built up to this point. Your choice to take this man’s case could affect the lives of everyone. And to bring him here, why did you let such a violent man close to your partners? Why do you keep putting yourself in situations where everyone gets hurt? Why are you crying? Why can’t you stop shaking? You’re eased out of your doom-crazed panic attack with an arm over your shoulders. Cooper is there for you. You can breathe easy. [Shot of Jubilee talking to Zenith all worried-like] Jubilee comes around ready to take the order, but she recognizes the situation. She motions to another employee, and they return a thumbs up. She crouches down in front of you and holds your hands. “Hey Zee, If you want
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No. 141008 ID: 478b88
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Here's the first digital rendition of Groundfull! Pretty scuffed, right? Originally, he was supposed to be from the 1920s-ish. But I decided against it halfway through writing the first sex scene because it was a pain in the ass to not have technologies like antidepressants and not cocaine. Now it takes place in the 2000s-ish. Nice and... what happened in the 2000s again? I don't exactly remember.
No. 141009 ID: 478b88

also PLEASE ask questions here, I'd love to talk about these goobers!
No. 141010 ID: 478b88
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Oh shoot, another thing! Here's the first EVER renditions of Zenith and Cooper! I think I drew these in june or something? Way before the quest started. All the concept art was done in pencil/one color so that's why the colors are pretty inconsistent in the quest

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140998 No. 140998 ID: 6ccdb2 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Hi I'm Chocomaca and trying to improve on my quite numerous quests still, though it's some work.

The economical side brought up the need for working on the background for the quest and replying on possible questions about the main thread.
No. 140999 ID: a7a180

Hi! It's good to see you around again.
I suppose that merits the question, will anything happen with your old quests?

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140140 No. 140140 ID: 99f29a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Once, before the site was Questden, I ran a poll thread for monthly poll topics like people's favorite characters, the cutest characters, and so on. I intend to do so again. Here's how it'll go:

Some time after the end of the prior poll and before the start of the next month, I'll post the next poll's topic. Normally it'll have more time to post nominees than this month since this was done on the spur of the moment. For August, the next poll will be your favorite questden chest of 2023 in honor of Chest Day! The winner will be crowned as having the best chest on Questden, a very official and definitely indisputable appointment.

Nominating characters works like this- you name a character and what quest they're from as a bare minimum. More info like a link to the thread or the wiki page is sometimes helpful. I don't judge your preferences or gatekeep submissions- if you think a character is cute or like them or think they're cool or whatever for any reason, nominate them. Similarly, I ask people to either say nice things about other people's nominations if you feel like it or shut up and nominate your own if you don't- it's a popularity contest with no real stakes, don't vote for the character if you don't like them. Although given this poll's specific topic, limit your nominations to adult characters for this one. If a character's owner doesn't want them to be nominated for whatever reason, they can say so.

More specifically, for the next poll, the two criteria are that they have to have made an appearance in a canon post for some quest thread, and that the quest needs to have updated some time since July 29th, 2022. Yes, that means as long as the quest updated within a year of this post you can nominate any character, even the ones that haven't appeared for longer than that. I'm not fussy.

Once the nominees are in, I'
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No. 140967 ID: 96d935
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Slime quest's trickster entity-thing
No. 140968 ID: 050e07

I nominate Susanna Stark the spooky snayor of Coxwette!
No. 140970 ID: 273c18

Spookiest? Hmm.

I'm gonna nominate Radula again.
No. 140973 ID: e139aa
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here let me get an image

No. 140989 ID: 4e98d5
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Honestly Alice is for testing my thesis that regeneration is a (narratively) awful superpower to have, in between the body horror and identity horror.

Also she eats people. That's spooky too.

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135736 No. 135736 ID: afe7de hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Since I'm running two Quests I thought, hey, time to make a new QUESTDIS.
For those of you not in the know, I’m EDMANGO, and I’m running CATALYST and SHARDS.

You can read up on my Quests Here

Feel free to theorize and talk about em. I’ll also answer any questions I see here that aren’t too spoilery like on the last thread.

111 posts and 16 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 139964 ID: 38349b
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Some Anemia Concept art
No. 139968 ID: 38349b
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The cover art for the twine adaptation of Crystal Spire
No. 139969 ID: 38349b
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also an uncropped version
No. 139971 ID: e51896

linked to your twine adaption
No. 140947 ID: f2320a

Can a wingkin become to heavy to fly like getting too fat like a turkey or flightless like a dodo?

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