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File 171872160440.jpg - (195.72KB , 1600x1600 , Grimmdreams.jpg )
142330 No. 142330 ID: c540e0 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Hi. Here is a space to discuss the quest, ask any questions you may have, art and behnind the scenes.

Yes this is a pretty basic horny quest, but I'm planning to take this in more interseting and complex places now I've found an artstyle and story style I like using.

So expect things to get interesting (and weird).
No. 142331 ID: b4ecfb

Enjoying this thicc linework!
No. 142332 ID: c540e0

much more to come.
No. 142339 ID: c540e0

I’ll try not to railroad the quest too much and once the first part of the raquelle saga is over Grim’s journey will be mostly in your hands.
No. 142342 ID: 2f41db

Nice artwork.
I like the style.

Might not be throw suggestions atm, but thats not a lack of engagement.
More that grimm has his hand on the booty and his face remains unslapped so he seems to be where he wants to be.

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142275 No. 142275 ID: b36512 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

The day of undergarments be upon ye, and this time sooner than you expect.

You know the drill.
No. 142276 ID: b36512
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Ruby panties, wowee.
No. 142277 ID: 9f8647
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Panties of Priscilla, Priestess of Peace from Lazy Fairy
No. 142281 ID: 9ea24b
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divine intervention
No. 142294 ID: 9ea24b
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cow from carnivorous cavern who i literally did not remember existed until hat told me to draw her

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94347 No. 94347 ID: 8177e7 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Thought it was about time I made a combined discussion thread for all my quests.
860 posts and 85 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 141675 ID: 5fb55e

I might as well air my frustrations.

I've gotten really tired of the seemingly-permanent... uh, size... play. I really liked the design of the characters, especially Reisarf, and it feels like suddenly everyone is gravitating to a similar design. Deem is mutable, but I don't know *how* much, and likewise, Reisarf just... changed overnight without a great deal of our input. I get that a lot of people like the thicc designs, and that was fun on Deem (who, again, we have a lot of control over? Maybe?) but I'm a little, okay, a lot worried that everyone will just balloon into a similar look and we won't ever really get to change them back. I know only two (three?) have changed this way, but I worry if I don't say anything, it'll just keep happening, and get more permanent, or no one will care to change them back, or there'll be mechanical reasons not to (like with Reisarf now) and... I like the quest, I do, but this is getting out of hand for me.

I recognize that the others probably don't feel the same way and I'll probably get called some flavor of bigot or something, but I just really wished the nice designs were kept and more characters were introduced, or even more "hey do you want this" was a question asked with more weight (no pun intended) when big character changes would occur.
No. 141710 ID: 95d5fc
File 170814019225.png - (452.68KB , 1400x1400 , larro_dm_alice_chibi.png )

Oops just realised I thought I'd replied to this but hadn't.

I was blessed with some drawings by Larro of Alice as an Audit Quest style dungeon master.
No. 141715 ID: a7a180
File 170820672855.png - (655.75KB , 1400x1400 , alice but dungeon master menagerie.png )

Seems this one was never posted here.
No. 142252 ID: 763a64

Hey there! A bit late to the party, but I had some thoughts on theme I wanted to share. Arhra's certainly done a fine job cultivating an environment that entices the mind (and I have bitten very hard into, apologies in advance for the long post). I reread the entirety of the Quest (which at this point has become a decade spanning epic, really incredible stuff) and saw that Deem had this reoccuring frustration over theming. She desires something that will 'stir the heart'. Naturally, this has been something of an issue considering her start from nothing and slow accumulation of resources. That's led to a chaotic variety of influences and desires, disrupting attempts at continuity and theming. But what's incredible is that there is something that connects almost all of the dungeons denizens together, an emergent theme that touches every soul save for Moriko and Chakarchelou (though I have some small ideas there).

I'd been thinking of how to make a consistent theme work and the troublemakers had always been Reisarf and Stargazer. Their unique elements contrasted with every scenario I conjured, demanding that they adapt or that the rest of the cast yield to their influence. But with this chapter's newest reveal, it is they who have adapted to the element that unites the hearts of the rest. The fruiting bodies created by the ambitious duo mark not just an adaptation to the newest aspects of the dungeon. They yield an independent interest. Reisarf is his usual passive self, but the insight into Stargazer is extremely important. 'Stargazer wanted to see a miracle.' Ambition! And while the souls of the rest of the case may differ in slight ways, this ambition is a shared one.

Merud with his constant push to not only further his knowledge of golems, but to cast aside the taboos of his teacher and society! Alkaline's hunger for independence and experimentation! Why, the very thing that lured Hin to yo
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No. 142254 ID: 861ceb

Alice looks like she's smiling in this one and it's weird seeing her smile. Not sure she's ever really done that in quest.

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65967 No. 65967 ID: 6808dd hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

running a disthread for each quest is a huge fucking pain so here's a big clusterfuck one
776 posts and 135 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 114798 ID: 9876c4

TIOS' coordinates cofunse and interest me.
Gonna maintain my shipping lanes, though.
No. 124704 ID: 270774

hi i'm back i brought uhhhhh pinterest boards https://pin.it/qwyaxqzayg7fai posting this means you guys will also see all the anime boy boards that i have poured hours and hours of my life into but i've made peace with that
No. 124712 ID: e258c8

No. 124715 ID: 270774

on twitter unfortunately

lmao nah the real answer is working a lot and getting my shit together. which is what i've ALWAYS been doing every time i pop back up here but this time my shit is like...... really really soundly together. like just moved into a big apartment with the girl i'm gonna marry together. like i have a DESK now instead of a tv tray and a couch as a workspace together. like i eat at least two meals a day, every day together. like the whole year i was gone i haven't seriously thought about offing myself even once together

so what this means is acid soup is gonna run until it finishes, no more hiatuses, unless i get hit by a truck (knock on wood) or get a tattoo apprenticeship (cross your fingers, except then i'd still be doing it just slower)

that's true!
No. 124807 ID: 270774

im tired of how Old this thread is and how it's bloated with a bunch of info on now defunct quests so i've started a fresh lovely clean one on a whim https://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/124805.html we're movin over there folks

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133296 No. 133296 ID: e24163 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

A place for theories, fanart and critique.

Please let me know what you think about this quest of mine - feedback is greatly appreciated!

I will also answer meta questions that cannot be answered in-universe, so feel free to ask if there's something on your mind. Questions that can be answered in-universe will be politely declined, to prevent spoilers.
78 posts and 16 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 141916 ID: f14228

What Zealot said. Breaks are okay, good luck with your work, and see you around!
No. 142059 ID: b2fb15
File 171367953058.png - (767.03KB , 2724x1824 , Last Tracing 1.png )

There we go; only needed 'bout 20 days to get around to it!

So they idea would be something inspired both the suggestions above as well as Mnemosyne utilitarian armor and colour scheme.

The headpiece could have a shark teeth decal, because hey, it is potentially in character, as well as either being a metal mask held on by straps on the back the head, as seen on the front and back paperdolls, or a full helmet with detachable mouth and ear pieces, as seen on the profiled paperdoll. I'm partial towards the full helmet, even though the mask is more fashionable.

There is also a final detachable armour piece to protect the base of the tail. However, this design is not nearly as appealing to me...
No. 142060 ID: b2fb15
File 171367970223.png - (851.66KB , 2724x1824 , Last Tracing Improvement.png )

...As this.

If Cross actually wants to let Argine choose to do this in the quest and not playing it for laughs, I'm completely on board with it.
No. 142202 ID: 20eb0f

Hey, for those who haven't caught it on Discord - Last Trace will be going on Hiatus for at least the next six months.

The writing was on the wall for a long time, considering the increasingly long spans of time in between updates - even after the month break I took in April to sort out things in my life. At the rate I was going, I wasn't even going to finish LT Chapter 4 before the end of the year.

With my day job and the game that I'm trying to make also on the line, I have to put Last Trace on the backburner for now so that I can focus on my project properly.
I'd rather update Last Trace consistently, ensuring my readers can actually enjoy the story and plot without having to constantly remind themselves of what's going on every few months.

Of course, I have zero intention of abandoning Last Trace either. I'll return to it once everything's ready. I still have arrangements made with a close friend and editor, so things will continue smoothly once I return to writing it.

Thank you for supporting me - and I'm going to work as hard as I can to finish my other projects so that I can return with full force.
No. 142244 ID: d385ea

Cheers to hear from you, and best of luck with what’s going on. Will be waiting.

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96731 No. 96731 ID: e0e3fe hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

As if there was anything to actually discuss.
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No. 98087 ID: 2ccbb3

I'd like a list of spells that Percy and Don can teach, please.
No. 98324 ID: 99a64d

I just wanted to drop by and say that this is one of my favorite quests. It's in that sweet spot of being just sandboxy enough without feeling directionless. It's silly without being too ludicrous to ever take seriously. And the "gameplay" is really fun. 10/10 quest.
No. 98653 ID: 5fad96

Thank you so much! PDDCASTP isn't the biggest quest out there, so that really is meaningful to me.
No. 107068 ID: 7b65b9

What ever happened to this quest? I miss it.
No. 142198 ID: 7eabf4

I hold out hope for this quest to return still

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141592 No. 141592 ID: 360d4d hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Wiki: http://questden.org/wiki/History_Unmade
Part 0: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1079873.html

A Sci-Fi Mystery Quest about Ethics, Loss and Finding Oneself

The place for discussion and also feedback. Tell me what you like and what you dislike. Tell me about plot holes at your own peril. I might sneakily fix them and you'll never know.

I might also post additional art here, if I have any.
21 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 141891 ID: 225d23

Oh, that one, right!
Definitely a very interesting read! I'll tell you right now that you're definitely going off a much more hard-sci-fi approach than I'm using, so that might lead you astray in solving the mystery.

But I do genuinely appreciate the amount of thought you put into it. I suppose it means the mystery is compelling!
No. 141892 ID: 225d23

Oh, that one, right!
Definitely a very interesting read! I'll tell you right now that you're definitely going off a much more hard-sci-fi approach than I'm using, so that might lead you astray in solving the mystery.

But I do genuinely appreciate the amount of thought you put into it. I suppose it means the mystery is compelling!
No. 141897 ID: dd3fe0


Well, that's kind of my thing. Does it at least inform some of the language or concerns that need to be addressed, and does it not limit or mess with you too much?

I mean even hard sci fi has a few allowances for unscientific stuff, as a concession to, 'yea, without this, no story would happen' sorts of things.
No. 141898 ID: 225d23

Well I think the best most honest way I can put this is: I threw the mystery together over a fairly short amount of time and while there is some wiggle room here and there, the basic shape of it is what it is and while the technical theorycrafting is very entertaining, you shouldn't expect the answers to adhere too close to scientific viability and rather trust the clues given in the quest.
Because my knowledge of astrophysics and whatnot is simply fairly limited and I cannot spare the time to do the sort of research a novelist might.
No. 142156 ID: dd3fe0

Sorry Kome I had to react to your post about the TVs in a way I felt was plausible for the character.

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142104 No. 142104 ID: 127310 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

This thread is to discuss whether the bed in House. is made or not. This is for you, suggester who keeps asking about the bed.

Also feel free to speculate on other things to do with the quest if you want. Scribbles also welcome.

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No. 142125 ID: 8f9bc4


But the floral patterns are not in alignment with the wall all rumpled up like this. It could cause a tear in the fabric of space if we don't make the bed! Don't let your fear of an Anti-house blind you to the scientific evidence!
No. 142143 ID: 127310

what is the anti house
No. 142144 ID: 18ae7d

Some thoughts on the echo chamber.
If it works like I suspect then this would be very useful in the kitchen. Put rotten food in, get fresh food back. Put bones in, get meat back. Put eggshell in, get egg back or even the whole chicken.
Also useful for repairing broken objects.
No. 142147 ID: 8f9bc4


Are you sure the chicken came before the egg?
No. 142152 ID: d9a588

Having issues with embed so... https://youtube.com/watch?v=3-bbE4F8x34

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142095 No. 142095 ID: c5529d hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Run to the hills (and for your clothes)! It's the END Times (Embarrassed Nude Day Times) for Questden!

In this thread on this day or throughout the next month, create embarrassed nude male/female (ENM/ENF) artwork(s) of any quest character(s) you like!

Art can be as simple as you want (no background or background characters, just an embarrassed nude pose) or as ambitious as you want (background, multiple characters, small comic or short story along with drawing, or multiple pic sequences) and characters can be any gender. As long as it is a quest character, naked, and ashamed of their nudity, it's all good!

Also, Thread will be definitely NSFW, but if any naughty bits are showing, remember to spoiler the image just to be safe
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No. 142118 ID: c9911f


This seriously made my weekend. Thank you <3
No. 142122 ID: 0d1c28
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Su-Yeong from S.I.R.E.N.
No. 142126 ID: 8bf61e
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The lizard guard (Slime Quest) stands watch, no matter the circumstance.

Old image I never really posted anywhere else. There will be new ones, hopefully.
No. 142128 ID: 2515ca
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No. 142130 ID: 2515ca
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106446 No. 106446 ID: b9aa79 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Thread: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/765391.html
Wiki: http://tgchan.org/wiki/Please_do_not_Take_these_Organs
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=4587981

For all our discussion needs
1659 posts and 54 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 116084 ID: d22dc0

Obviously this isn't a perfect metaphor, given how different this is from a pen and paper tabletop RPG, but let's say a level 9 warrior have 100 health- a critical hit guarantees you do damage, but 2d8+2 still isn't that much off the top as compared to say, 1d8+2. Clearly this is still a social encounter, and the dice system works a bit differently, but it makes sense to me that a single crit doesn't instantly solve everything- just diffuses the results of Vos fumbling a roll, and putting cap on edge. Maru is currently waiting on Viste to make the decisions as to how to proceed; if she were in charge she probably would have tried to cut off his leg so he can't run away anymore, and hauled him back to the ship to get locked in a dark box where no one can see or talk to him. Her little speech was really more for herself, and everyone else than for cap- even if you don't like what's going on, trust that the boss- Davina, and Viste as an extension of Davina's will, are handling the situation, and don't make any stupid decisions, no matter how much you want to kill the guy in front of you and wipe your hands of this whole mess. She's telling herself and Vos that they should trust Viste, and telling Viste that she's upset, but she's doing her best to keep it in check and let her handle it instead of subverting her authority and forcing her to manage cap and 3 other people.
No. 116124 ID: d36af7

He asked what you want. Maybe try telling him what you want, at least with regard to his own immediate behavior?
No. 116127 ID: 3abd97

>Maru is currently waiting on Viste to make the decisions as to how to proceed
>Maybe try telling him what you want
Ah. Clear, detailed, non-cryptic orders.

The enemy of taciturn, enigmatic alter egos the world over.
No. 116128 ID: d4a844

I don't know about Davina/Viste, but Maru wants him dead. Hence her waiting for orders.

I would imagine we want him to come back to the ship peacefully, but honestly? It doesn't seem like a good idea to keep carrying him around, too much risk compared to the reward. We've seen the captain would be capable, under the right circumstances, of executing everyone on the ship and stealing it. The sorceress, if given the choice, would probably not be sentimental enough to turn down such an opportunity. Not sure what the boss thinks but Maru is skeptical that there's something worthwhile to risk keeping him around
No. 116130 ID: d36af7


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129715 No. 129715 ID: 482fee hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Alright so it's been voted back in https://www.strawpoll.me/18101240
that the next sidequest will be a civquest. First one I'm actually running, and the system I got isn't totally done, so I'm gonna shoot some questions about it here. If you wanna answer or chip in your own feedback, feel free.

Also I'm posting whatever I sketch since I'm sick atm, and more of my time is spent doodling on whatever scrap of paper I got and less on the tablet. So here goes.
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No. 137907 ID: fd2dfa
File 166054751617.png - (594.50KB , 1857x1681 , Norberg.png )

Norberg - Daoine monk turned fighter. Even by Daoine standards he is short tempered. Once, he was part of the Holy Order Quadranate and was a disciple of the Four Truths. He could never follow the 2nd one about acts of unnecessary violence. Because of this he was eventually ousted from the order when he had bludgeoned to death all the Gormoamhi raiding the abbey. His strength is more balanced between axe and shield. But when angered, he'll pulverize his enemies with the shield.
No. 137908 ID: fd2dfa
File 166054757588.png - (1.02MB , 2241x2225 , Balboran.png )

Balboran-Daoine healer. He doesn't do magic, but everyone thinks it’s magic. It’s actually drugs. Really powerful drugs that send you to another world while he re-attaches your limbs and shoves those organs back inside where they belong. Unlike other Daoine whose rage turns them into a berserker bunny, Balboran’s rage gives him a panic attack. It might have something to do with all the drugs.
No. 139040 ID: 90c451

Was looking back at the civquest archives. At some point we lost Sarcra? We got Sarcra in the marriage and it was in our holdings but the next turn it was gone.
Thought I'd ask what happened. Was there a mistake or a mix-up?
No. 139393 ID: fd2dfa

No I think it was a typo in my own saved spreadsheet. Let me look into that.
No. 142069 ID: dd3fe0

So I've recently gotten into the 'extras' of the quest, I like the nsfw but with plot themes. I'm not sure I want to go back and read the mainline quests, the art style of the older ones is a bit hard to look at. Can anyone give me a bit of context for things?

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101723 No. 101723 ID: f9400c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Discussion location for the fantastic new quest collaboration between Trout and Kaed.
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No. 139685 ID: ae78a6
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No. 139697 ID: a7a180

It's cool that you're still thinking about it. Usually I suggest continuation over a reboot, but if it's been this long and the setting's drifted a lot maybe that does work better.
No. 139701 ID: 9a2966

Cool lore dump. Imo, a reboot may work out better, but you could incorporate elements from what occurred in the previous thread to lead into the fresh start.

So, being as demons are a creation of negative emotions and obsessions, does the setting have the reverse occur where sustained positive emotions and convictions create proto-whatevers of a different makeup?

Like a rarer reverse-demon configuration (i.e. spirit or 'angel'), where a mortal with their mind set to it - or perhaps accidentally through their personality and life - cultivates something that then somehow subsumes a soul (say on the mortal's death) and becomes a permanent entity?

Consider zealots, monks, ascetics, fighters for a cause - or just someone with an upbeat personality, a work ethic, or the fortune to not have life's little miseries and temptuous foibles bring them out of their decent groove for long enough.

I imagine interesting things might also be happening with religions here and communally created entities. Gonna bet there's some fucked-up looking angels out there. Or maybe deamons masquerading as 'em, pending on the sincerity and positivity of worship, I suppose.
No. 139706 ID: 3b86e0

I may not really know the context, but an insanity demon dying from doing something mildly well-adjusted is really funny and I am glad to have come across the idea.
No. 142052 ID: 3272d1

It's been a while since I came back here, sorry!


Not particularly, the creation of daemons (or familiars, as they were called in the primordial days before any of them were severed) is generally a result of mental illness or severe trauma in one way or another. People don't tend to dwell on positive emotions to quite the same extent as they do negative ones.

People identified specific dangerous emotional states, and put words to them, without giving them a religious significance as 'sins'. And it's easy to write in those seven for readers to understand without having to make up new words. Imagine if I decided to call wrath "enragedfulness" or perhaps even "dwamolsi", some total nonsense word that doesn't exist and causes the reader to stop mid sentence and wonder what the fuck dwamolsi is. It's distracting, and cultural concepts in the real world are easier to adapt.

Anyway, my point in this ramble is that while there definitely have been cults, religions, and zealots, the kind of people that would form a protodaemon out of them are more likely to be obsessed, hateful, fixated on some wrong they perceive in the world. You don't manifest a daemon on good vibes.

I suppose, however, that good things could hypothetically come from someone creating a daemon. If someone was angry enough about, say, the poor going hungry that it became an obsession to fix it, and it went on long enough, they might form a daemon that could help them feed the hungry, but bear in mind the amount of mental anguish they would need to undergo to form such a daemon would probably mean that by that point, they were not mentally stable. Their modus operandi would probably be blasting their way into food stashes to ste
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94351 No. 94351 ID: a07ae7 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

So yeah, while I'm taking a break from Tharsianing (and lining up plot elements for it), I'd figure I'll resurrect an old quest that I abandoned on 4chan due to IP shenanigans.

Some stuff that I should mention:
>This will start out as a redo of the 4chan quest (since it only went two threads), while still keeping the tone and feel.
>This quest will take place in the Primordial universe; albeit a different time from the Primordial games. For more info:
>New players can choose to ignore the tl;dr and just play! I intend to seep in bits of lore while the quest progresses anyways.
>Old players and those who were in Primordial: if you see any disrepancies etc, feel free to call me out in this discussion thread!
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No. 108155 ID: 036280
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sort of thread necromancy. couldn't resist
No. 108160 ID: 14f8aa
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No. 109282 ID: 1dd8d0

Thank you, notrip, for the amazing link.
No. 109367 ID: bec5e8

This has a very SS13-y vibe
No. 142000 ID: 2f41db

That is beautiful.

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141928 No. 141928 ID: 7657d6 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

One of the best days of the year has finally begun.

Since time immemorial*, today is the day we post thighs!


* 26 March 2011
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No. 141974 ID: 9d12b8
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The only characters I have with legs (that people would wanna see anyway)
haven't been active lately so I figured I'd contribute 1(one) thing
No. 141978 ID: 443b73

>The only characters I have with legs (that people would wanna see anyway)
Are you sure about that?
No. 141980 ID: f14228

I have enjoyed all the cool art and thigh highs this thread has produced thus far.
No. 141986 ID: 2eb1da
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Ash Altarf from self-titled Ash Quest: https://questden.org/wiki/Ash_Quest
No. 141987 ID: f14228

Wow, that's a callback!

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141917 No. 141917 ID: 7ae8e6 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Official Discussion thread of MACHINE!

Go read it here: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1078544.html

Feel free to ask questions, draw art, edits, theories, etc! Just remember to keep it civil!
13 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 141948 ID: dd3fe0


Ah, they Were seeded there by interstellar Genesis Probes of some sort, then
No. 141951 ID: 8f9bc4


This quest is secretly a sequel to >>/quest/993309
No. 141952 ID: c3b54f

Very amusing joke, got a good laugh so thanks. However if you're familiar with Jumble's other stuff (system boot zero, date-a-robogirl quest whose title has slipped my mind...) you're probably aware humanoid machines are generally his wheelhouse. Just his muse's thing.
No. 141954 ID: 940726

Okay, time for ideas! I'll start by assuming that, since the robots built their civilization on a planet full of life, they make use of organic components in some of their systems.

Now here I go! Let's see how many answers I can come up with.

The original robots were programmed with sexual feelings by their creators, as a precaution against a rogue AI singularity. They're attracted to certain body types so they won't go too crazy with self-upgrading and their evolving programs will remain at least somewhat relatable if they ever meet their makers.

Physical contact is a sort of system diagnostic routine for their biological (or bio-mimetic) parts. They touch and grope each other to to confirm that their tactile sensors and connected systems are still functional, until their instinctive subroutines give them an "all good" feeling. They are designed with a desire to do this that gradually grows the longer they wait between tests, to make sure their organs don't become numb, atrophied, or otherwise nonfunctional.

The robots' primary sex organs collect genetic and hormonal data markers from their other organs, which can be extracted and analyzed as a way to measure their general health. Male organs send their data in a chemical medium, while females produce eggs with a similar function.

Female sex organs can be used to grow new organic parts. They can replicate any organs included in their own design, and males have the genomes for their own components, which they can deliver to a female for reproduction and later installation. They were designed this way to make it easier for the population to support itself without needing the infrastructure to grow organs in mass quantities. They've calculated
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No. 141955 ID: 940726

>Male organs send their data in a chemical medium, while females produce eggs with a similar function.
I meant to say "milk" here. I was thinking about cyberboobs. The females collect biodata in their chests and store it with synthesized biofuel. The organs are attached to their upper bodies so they don't interfere with the functions of their lower parts, and large sizes are considered attractive because they indicate that a person's organic systems are in good health and operating productively.

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132605 No. 132605 ID: 12b116 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Somebody asked for one in the last thread. Feel free to use it to keep track of important information, or discuss things.
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No. 134767 ID: 07ed53
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Nude colored goblin
No. 134768 ID: dcf013

I never thought I'd find myself saying now that's one sexy goblin.
No. 134839 ID: c09f5e

Now this, this is how to run a Neutral character that has to deal in murder.

Evil characters don't have to give any f'ks, or look like they do.

Good characters should feel at least uncomfortable with it, but would often weigh it along the lines of a greater Good.

Neutral characters have no such comfort, so would deal with it like an average person would. Props to the QM for showing that.
No. 134840 ID: 12b116

I appreciate that the players have been cognizant of it too.
No. 141900 ID: df6612

I miss bread.

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134609 No. 134609 ID: 2c5282 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Becouse I really don't want to have four diffrent dis-threads.

Ongoing Quests:
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No. 141382 ID: 681cb5

Geez, I’ve forgotten to answer these.

>Imagine if, rather than having this being an accurate record of the time before mortals, each race had their own version of the creation myth associated to their sense of being or identity.
There’s a reason why it says “as told by Pesi the Skull” at the start, just saying :V

>If I may, can I know the reason why the main NSFW quest is on break?
At the start, I just felt like working on something else. Recently it was because I wanted to finish Passage first. Right now I’m actually planning on updating it again soon, though I might do a few more updates to Scion and Leaves first.
>Maybe it's just me, but maybe you should bite the bullet and start a new thread for it.
Wait, are you talking about the main LL quest or just the quest discussion thread? If the former, the current thread is almost done, I just need to find the drive to finish it off. If it is the second, the whole reason why I merged all the dis threads was because they barely saw any use in the first place and I didn’t want to clog down the dis page too much. Might be prudent to split it into themes, though. One for the lewd vore fantasy, one for the lewd space stuff and one for the non-lewd stuff. I’ll consider it.

>The gods are seasons, Ptamet is Fall, Wjares is Winter, Volek is Spring (obviously), that makes Talos Summer. Wouldn't Talos make a nice summer god?
They are already themed by seasons, just not the four we’re used to. Instead, they are based on the three seasons used by ancient Egypt, with Volek being Emergence (When the ground is fertile and the seeds are planted), Ptamet being Harvest (self-explanatory) and finally Wjares being Inudation (When the Nile floods the plains and destroy everything in its path, but leaving fertile s
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No. 141471 ID: 2a82d3

'S OK. It's not like I'm fast to form replies, either. The relevant bit of Egyptian trivia IS appreciated.

>are you talking about the main LL quest or just the quest discussion thread?
It's the latter, and I do think you can pick up where you left off. To be honest, though, I was hoping for a place to discuss possible fetishes without it being weird, as well as a repository for possibly lewd fan art.
Flockload has great fanart. I'm just saying, Lord Triti.

>Talos will take the domains that his worshipers bestow upon him. Pesi even tried to suggest rebirth, but the suggesters chose being diplomatic instead.
Everyone wants the harem route, but tis' a path one must really, really, really, really, REALLY commit to. I guess that makes Talos a god of Love and Passion? Technically, that means we have to empathize with Neferi's perspective, assuming we can convince her to not walk over us (unless we want to) and make a convert out of her. She does seem to have a Predator mentality, after all. If Sebak has Prey mentality, they'd almost be a perfect match.

>the next one will probably not be based on Fire Emblem.
Disappointed we won't have characters sharing rings with each other to connect with the spirits/AI of past heroes. But seriously, I meant something like bonuses (or penalties) with certain characters working together. I do like having my characters bond and develop into closer relationships with each other. The power of shipping compells me.
No. 141580 ID: 2aa5f0

I've take it you've played fear and hunger recently.... mixed in with a bit of system shock 2 if I'm not mistaken.
No. 141582 ID: 681cb5

Recently? No. But it is definitely inspired by F&H, yes.
And while you did get the System shock reference, you missed the Theif one :V
No. 141822 ID: 8f9bc4

Just to geek out for a moment, the "tarot" was originally a playing card game, but it wasn't poker. It was a game in Italy in the 14th century with rules similar to Bridge, and Mamluk cards from Turkey. The very artsy cards commissioned by Italian aristocracy did quickly inspire people to use them for storytelling purposes, in a game known as “tarocchi appropriati,” where they would draw random cards, and write poetry about the other players, based on what they drew. Eventually that morphed into the fortune telling we know today.


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141644 No. 141644 ID: e51896 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Welcome all couples and singles to the first annual Dance Day fifth annual Questden Romance Festival! Where all Questden characters could have the chance to find true love (if they’re lucky), and for characters that are already in relationships, they might just have the date of their lives!

Just like the previous years, draw your quest characters looking to mingle with another participating quest character looking for love. Woo and flirt to test the waters: will the duo be compatible, or will it fail spectacularly? Singletons are also welcome, as are established couples on a date.

Also, whether you’re a quest author or a suggestor, here’s the place to draw or write a valentine to send to your favorite quest character! Who knows, they might even react (or write back)!

2020 thread: https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/132009.html
2021 thread: https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/134801.html
2022 thread: https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/136948.html
2023 thread: https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/139073.html
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No. 141796 ID: 08b744
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Abdle: "You know when you are getting to know someone better I would suggest trying to avoid telling them that I was helping you with conversation. It is such a humiliating thing to admit."

Bobbie: "Well the Lesser Demons weren't here to help so I kinda had to rely on your advice."
No. 141797 ID: 08b744
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Abdle: "Oh no it is almost midnight, we need to go or we will be stuck here forever."

Bobbie: "Yeah I see Nalthar openiung a portal."
No. 141798 ID: 08b744
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Bobbie: "Well Mirrak, this is my time to leave..."
No. 141799 ID: 08b744
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Bobbie: "I had such a blast dancing with you and I hope that you accomplish your romantic goal in your own world! I hope we meet again some other time until then farewell!"
No. 141800 ID: 08b744
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With that said Abdle, Bobbie, and Nalthar leave this celebration.

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137357 No. 137357 ID: e1017c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Discussion thread for Here There be Dragons. Discuss things for the quest, character interactions, combat rules, etc. Also a place to keep track of Character Sheets and such.
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No. 141775 ID: 01d6f2

This is both the main character and a support character, so Coordinator would be best fit for a secondary class to opt into.
Nothing else really fits unless you go Wizard for the armour passive and not cast of its spells to save on AP (outside of emergencies)... but it's both not anywhere as good as Coordinator's bonuses and you can't trust the players to conserve AP.

Being a discussion thread...
I was expecting this secondary ability list to be different from the primary list, focusing more on bonuses that would synergise with the selected primary class and be more 'secondary' in nature. Choices kindaaa feel limited, and we're all agreeing on the same one... but may we be looking at it from the wrong perspective? Hm
No. 141776 ID: ee5fa2

well, the class system is just picking two classes from the class list and getting access to the abilities of both. The Primary just lets you pick an ability from the class' list at the start. Kosroh's starting ability from Apothecary is the Healing Salve ability
No. 141777 ID: ee5fa2

Additionally, as a character levels up, they'll be able to gain additional abilities from both classes
No. 141778 ID: 443b73

Coordinator synergize but he will be very limited if left alone or with uncooperative company. I we get a guarantee obedient animal companion that can be healed I would prefer Dragoon or Hunter.
No. 141780 ID: 2aa5f0


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119222 No. 119222 ID: 12b116 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

General disthread for Labyrinth, where we will design cutebolds etc.

This quest is sort of an already planned out module, and any mechanics questions will also be answered here.
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No. 126034 ID: 12b116

I am not going to provide a map, but

This is correct so far!
No. 131661 ID: b1b4f3
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Alright here's an updated, clean map.
No. 131668 ID: b1b4f3
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Whoops I forgot we went down the right passage already.
...the kobolds didn't say how the turns went to get to the sock hole, this is the best I can do.
No. 131772 ID: 0a2444

yeah that's correct, pretty much. They are at the ? now though
No. 141759 ID: 2f41db

I hope this isnt considered necromancy, but it didnt seem too near the bottom of the catelogue so...

Just finished reading through and wanted to say thanks.
It was clear a lot of effort went into this and even as a non participating reader it was engaging and enjoyable.

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