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94347 No. 94347 ID: 8177e7

Thought it was about time I made a combined discussion thread for all my quests.
765 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 133915 ID: 977456

Would it be funnier to have the hungover dungeon scene, or the thing where she is largely immune to dehydration penalties, and would get brittle rather than headachey?
No. 133925 ID: 5b93d3

If Deem's avatar is getting drunk... is the dungeon as a whole also getting drunk?
No. 133926 ID: 9f0903

Dammit, we just cleaned all that mess up, and now this.
No. 133935 ID: 9c1ef3

>Entire dungeon is in an entirely different, bizarre configuration
>Stairs to nowhere, isolated rooms (Don't worry, no one got trapped!) nonsensical arrangements of hallways
>At least one, if not more, statues of Deem that look oddly familiar (Andrew-Hussie-esque copy-pasted and color-keyed Greek statues with the heads replaced)
No. 133943 ID: 9f0903

It'd probably be a mistake to give us that much power. Imagine being able to do that while an adventurer is inside, and all it takes is a few beers.
No. 133946 ID: 9c1ef3

Drunken Dungeon Master.

Honestly the only one I'd really find funny would be the statues.
No. 133960 ID: d82849
File 160259501242.png - (114.41KB , 800x830 , deem_reduction.png )

Just in case people weren't sure: yes, Deem did slim down a bit.
No. 133999 ID: 8fab7a

I have to ask. Did the extraction process produce the requisite appropriate SCHLORP noise?
No. 134017 ID: d82849

Deem tends to be slower at doing these things than a one panel jump might imply. It's certainly one of the sounds it would have made.
No. 134334 ID: 76c934

In the interest of full disclosure, I should admit that Dungeoneer will be jumping ahead to the morning after. There's not going to be a chance to add extra input so if there's something you think might be fun to (not) see, now's your only chance.

I'd also like to see more suggestions specifically mentioning Hin, Kallia, the new golem or other characters.
No. 134372 ID: 3de9d0

Afraid I'll be away from home all week for work, so updates are on the backburner for a bit!

When I get back, going to wrap up Dungeoneer and then I think get Bloom at a natural stopping point before showing the morning after for Dungeoneer.
No. 134373 ID: 2aa5f0

whelp I hope you have a good thanksgiving... or just a pleasant weekend if you live outside of the states.
No. 134593 ID: 293539

I have been mulling over what happens for the rest of Deem's night out. I was thinking she'd offer to assist with one prank to Kallia, as her repayment for those two potions. Anything people think would be the sort of thing Kallia might get up to?
No. 134600 ID: 0fae41

Making a golem that looks like Merud to act like the town fool, to get back at him for leaving all the guild duties to her? 'Oh look at me, I'm Merud, I want to build a golem that can talk back because I'm so lonely, a-hyuk!' ...Gosh, don't you think that's kinda mean Deem?
Maybe she tries playing a prank on Hin. The bigger they are, the harder they fall. Property damage is certain. Animating a chair backwards just before she sits? Pinning something way up on her back? Egging her house?
No. 134606 ID: db14b0

I do not have a good Kallia voice, but for just pranks, does the town have many gargoyles? If they all started making stereotypical barnyard animal noises one morning, that could be a thing. And Deem could probably enchant that if Golems can't make sound.
No. 134613 ID: 38eec1

Hey now. We now know that Deem loses control when she's drunk, but I don't think she'd actually purposefully do stuff that would hurt her famuli.
No. 134652 ID: 9caba2

Painting the town red, literally.

Or maybe shifting a nearby mountain range that's visible from the town.
No. 134674 ID: 5f0001
File 160993821982.png - (324.77KB , 1280x1120 , holiday_2020_alice.png )

Hope everyone had a great break over the holidays!
No. 134677 ID: 2aa5f0

wow that girl could use a haircut... or what it be called trimming in this case?
No. 134687 ID: 5a788d

Oh no, gift mimic!
No. 134747 ID: 62ea85

I have been trying to finalise what other golemetry related nonsense Deem and company got up over night. Are there any golem materials or embedded functions people think might be fun to see?
No. 134748 ID: 2aa5f0

Deem and friends came across a toy store while drunkenly wondering. They then animated all the toys and then forgot about it. Do what you will with that.
No. 134753 ID: fd3bd3

Deem made a golem out of the church organ. It likes to whistle showtunes.
No. 134754 ID: 3c23e2

Golem signage might be fun, but sign posts are the wrong shape.
If golems need to be animal-shaped, then what is up with Merud's hat?
Can you make new golem shapes viable by putting shaped containers in front of cats?
If Team Maximum Inebriation had the same idea, maybe there could be cat golems hidden around the place. They could put a cat golem inside a bottle, pull it out, have it retake the bottle shape, then put it on a shelf with the other normal bottles. Perfect for the "one of these things is not like the others" prank.
No. 134755 ID: 38eec1

>sign posts are the wrong shape
>golems need to be animal-shaped
Wait, where is this coming from? Pancake is a door-shaped golem and he works just fine.
No. 134756 ID: 0fae41

Embedded functions? A golem that has been going around teleporting people's clothes away and a golem going around putting them back on the wrong people, tearing a twinned path of chaos through town.
No. 134775 ID: 9caba2

Cup holders? Can always use those.
No. 134789 ID: 5a788d

Very inconvenient when they get into the tavern. The patrons want to hold those cups!
No. 135158 ID: 1f1b46

Hmm, it's a way off but it'd be good to see some ideas for the dungeon statues Deem made while she was drunk.
No. 135161 ID: 9a2966

Statue ideas? Sure!

- Chickens and Eggs art installation (strange and twisted statues following a clucky theme and surely not inspired by deep-seated traumas)

- The Many Phases of Reisarf & Stargazer (i.e. a wall with 'sad', 'happy', 'girl' facial-photo-booth style mugshots carved as busts of both).

- Good draggies, best draggies (two Char statues 'guarding' the entrance to the dungeon core room, lying atop a pile of stone treasures)

- Golems Being Best At Drinking (statues of golems standing around a barrel / water cooler, holding drinks)
No. 135162 ID: 9c1ef3

- The Very Conquered Sun (Deem with one foot on a sad-looking sun of some kind, flexing)
No. 135165 ID: 132458

A statue of a dancing brute golem. I call it: Saturday Night Fever Dream.
An impressive bust of Deem.
A stone bar stool, modeled off of what Deem was looking at at the time. Some of Kallia’s butt may have been in frame.
The Deem de Milo. Originally she was dabbing, but the arms fell off.
No. 135169 ID: 38eec1

bonus points if it looks like a fetish piece to everyone but Deem
No. 135170 ID: 38eec1
File 161644019763.jpg - (36.66KB , 298x481 , 7c587869b0860c5c45d9dab5a1ef112b.jpg )

a recreation of this classic Conan picture except it's Hin and Kallia
No. 135171 ID: 0fae41

A life size statue of Gigadeem. Granted, you can only see the legs, but just you wait til she Delves further up.
No. 135172 ID: 38eec1

I really like the idea of a hidden statue that can only be revealed fully by digging it out. You could say I... dig it. I'll let myself out.
No. 135176 ID: 132458

“Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!”
No. 135180 ID: 36784c

An impressive bust of Deem’s impressive bust.
No. 135181 ID: b1b4f3

A statue of deem's golem body carrying the dungeon core on its back like Atlus.
No. 135183 ID: dcdd1c

I am not actually suggesting this, but a what-if fully-expressed-demonic-side Moriko would be a conversation piece and a half.
No. 135702 ID: 5197cb

Statues soon, but in the meantime, does anyone want to suggest what these materials Olan will provide for Deem to make something of might be?
No. 135703 ID: 465a14

gallstones and other mineral deposits found inside organs such as kidney stones or bezoars
his own teeth
rocks i guess
an elf
No. 135704 ID: ce39da

Probably some kind of contraband, like rare ivory or the (literal) devil's lettuce.
No. 135705 ID: 0fae41

A lock of his ex girlfriend's hair
Moon incense: It smells like the moon.
Troll teeth
A pauldron from an ancestral armor set.
No. 135706 ID: 2f6d8f

• Ancient, completely petrified wood. Or, in the same vein, a fossil.
• A weirdly organic regenerating metal that has no other apparent useful trait. Even the color is ugly.
• A completely normal dandelion. Extremely common. Nothing strange or unusual about it. Stop asking.

>an elf
No. 135707 ID: 96c896

Pseudodragon bone (or drake bone? something within his price range, obviously dragon bone is too much)
Abyssal Squid Ink (it's black but glows in the dark)
A seed from a giant pomegranate
A branch from an Evergreen, wrapped tightly to keep it from extending roots
Element-infused quartz.
No. 135709 ID: 312b32

Crystallised Sky Power.
Fragments of shattered dungeon cores.
Holy water.
A very familiar dragon skeleton.
No. 135710 ID: afa6f6

I like the idea of Petrified Wood and Fossils, gonna +1 those

A Chunk of deep sea Coral
A barrel of black volcanic sand
Shell from a giant jewel tortoise
Some chunks of meteorite
Moon rocks, rocks, from the moon.
Crystallized roses
Great Elk antlers
Nightmare mane (like, monster horses)
No. 135713 ID: 031458

What a geologist promised him was a large geode. Unbroken.
A carnivorous plant from a far away place.
Diatomic silt from the ocean floor.
A magic trinket from a traveling peddler who's function can't be discerned. (It is cursed in a way that cancels out it's function)
Dragon Bits. (The leftovers of the leftovers of a large dragon corpse)
A mystery potion. (A novice used his master's materials haphazardly. Its composition may be more useful than it's effect)

Chaos Battery: a Demon's Heart and an Angel's Skull (amount other things) are contained within a labyrinth of Gold and Sunstone. A dial adjusts the inner complexity and therefore power output. Even on it's lowest, most convoluted setting, this thing outputs dangerous amounts of mixed mana and distorts the local earth pulse in bizarre ways.
It's frankly a liability to have, Olan has probably been trying to pawn it off on my someone.
No. 135777 ID: 0a8bd3
File 162518789882.png - (107.74KB , 1280x1024 , kaijune_2021_alice.png )

Oops I think this is the one place I forgot to post this.

A kaiju Alice for Kaijune.

Not indicative of any future Alices!
No. 135779 ID: 2f6d8f

any plans for Kaijuly?
No. 135788 ID: ca0259

Alice can devour me any day!
No. 135828 ID: b6a7f7

Oh my it's Chest Day very soon. Are there any torsos of especial appeal people might like to see?
No. 135831 ID: 96c896

Are there any we haven't seen?
No. 135834 ID: 465a14

all of them fused together into some kind of eldritch, platonic chest-based abomination
No. 135835 ID: 0fae41

Perhaps statues from Deem's bender would be a clever framing device? Also, more Alice is never remiss, new form new chest day.

So, Ubergloom.
No. 135836 ID: 8483cf

Deem, Deem, always Deem.
No. 135837 ID: 24ae03

Does Deem still only have the one chest?
No. 135838 ID: a22e3e

Maybe those Metroid prime ladies. Don’t think they’ve showed up for awhile.
No. 135897 ID: ca0259

Can you give us one from the weird fetish Alice's from when she was "experimenting"?
No. 137787 ID: d240e9

I discovered Dungeoneer and read through the archive last month. Just wanted to say, excellent work, thanks for your persistence!
No. 137788 ID: 84aea3

Thank you! It's had a number of long hiatuses over the years but I'm glad it's something I've been able to keep coming back to.
No. 138428 ID: 492cd0

Getting things ready for the next few updates has been frustratingly slow but people might be entertained to know the two mystery crafting items most closely resemble two items from this list, as I wanted something a little difficult to work with.

In other news, I have been having some fun temporarily tinkering with character designs but I'm curious who people might feel should be the dungeon's reisdent boob monster. And (perhaps more relevantly to Ass Day) who deserves to be the thickest?
No. 138431 ID: 8483cf

I'll always vote Deem.
No. 138432 ID: 7397c3

Merud. And slightly more seriously, Reisarf's mana reservoirs should get bigger.
No. 138433 ID: a7a180

Deep down, Moriko deserves to be the boob monster. Let Centaur be thicc.
No. 138434 ID: 0ecef8

deem and also deem
No. 138435 ID: 99f29a

1. Deem
2. Deem
No. 138437 ID: bceec2

>who should be the dungeon's reisdent boob monster.
Alkaline. She hit a growth spurt during slime puberty and now she's a Slime Queen with large boobs.

>And (perhaps more relevantly to Ass Day) who deserves to be the thickest?
Most definitely Deem. We love messing with her like this.
No. 138468 ID: d98cb8

Honestly I'm still catching up on Dungeoneer but I'm enjoying how thick Deem is getting, so lets go with Deem for both. She's getting a nice figure on her.
No. 138469 ID: 12044e

Alkaline For boob monster

Deem for thick
No. 138474 ID: 12044e

Cake mimic for both. If for no other reason then to confuse the cast.
No. 138485 ID: 131d0f

>>138474 Oh my! Is the world ready for the cheesecake mimic?
No. 138488 ID: 421554

Obviously Alkaline is the thickest. She's quite proud of her viscosity, didn't you know?

More seriously, though, Moriko deserves some love, I think!
No. 138492 ID: 72bc96

I agree with this.
No. 139159 ID: 18a0cd

Loving this. Got a question though, is Bloom on hiatus for now?
No. 139161 ID: 58c090

I think Arhra's planning to wait until the current Dungeoneer chapter is done before going back to any other quest
No. 139162 ID: 18a0cd

Aaaah, thank you. Sorry, the 2020 date being last thing on thread concerned me there
No. 139163 ID: 80131d

The plague years were a tough time and I keep finding splitting focus doesn't work well.

I'm hoping to get all my hiatused quests to at least more satisfying pause points (or bigger cliff hangers) this year.
No. 139164 ID: 18a0cd

Well, I'm glad to have discovered Bloom, will be checking out Dungeoneer soon. I do wanna see how far Alice can go.

Question, once she reached 100 mass she was like one and half times a person's size, right? She's currently spread out but I wonder how tall would her current body be if it wasn't spread out
No. 139498 ID: 7eb711

That fanart of Larro's has sudden relevancy to the newest quest you made.
No. 139555 ID: 3fc93e

Am I being too hard sci fi or sciency in my suggestions?
No. 140877 ID: 1fa538
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Getting Bloom M<3 updated reminded me I was intending to post a little behind the scenes info on doing Garden Master Alice with tippler for April Fools.

I haven't collaborated like this before, but usually I'd write the outline for the images needed such as "Alice has a look of intense concentration" and provide some references and doodles as needed.
No. 140878 ID: 1fa538
File 169675349155.png - (146.72KB , 750x700 , pre-draw.png )

Here are the other main panels I provided an initial doodle for.
No. 140879 ID: 1fa538
File 169675378208.png - (130.16KB , 500x500 , a0.png )

I should add it can be great trying to do a layout doodle for something like a commission, because it lets you work out what details do and don't work well within a panel of the size you're getting.

On a similar note, Alice already had a design but this was tippler's first drawing to confirm on the tweaks and looks she'd have for the quest thread.
No. 140880 ID: 1fa538
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The new characters, of course did need to get designed.

For these I provided an initial description and some reference images, tippler did a concept panel and in some cases they then got a little more reworking.

Asteroid Knight
A cnidarian, an alien from Sarcopholacooda's quests.
A sort of jellyfish in a mechanical suit. Has a hulking suit that's mix of a knight's armour and an astronaut's suit.
Has a big bubble helmet, and the suit itself should be a bit bulkier than the suits in the cnidarian reference: it should look padded wherever it isn't armoured. Please do keep the tiny feet though.
His weapon is a mix of a jackhammer and a lance - it's a repurposed asteroid mining tool.

No. 140881 ID: 1fa538
File 169675425121.png - (140.70KB , 500x500 , a1b.png )

Grav Gunner
A truclean, an alien from Sportsdrink's Big Iron quest. As you can see, fairly close to human looking, three eyes, pointy ears, three fingered hands.

Short and curvy. She has a suspicious resemblance to some other quest characters of mine for no real reason.

She wears one of those trendy skintight space suits and her main weapon's a pair of machine-gun-like weapons that they can also act as a grapple beam (think Metroid or the hookshot in zelda). They have some sort of charge up gravity bomb shot too. Don't take the suit as too close a reference, I just pulled something out of my ref folder that was a nice match for the guns.

No. 140882 ID: 1fa538
File 169675434930.png - (211.17KB , 620x670 , grav_refs.png )

And a snapshot of those reference images to make sense of that description!
No. 140883 ID: 1fa538
File 169675453794.png - (121.99KB , 500x500 , a2a.png )

Psi Tuner
A neumono, from Lagotrope's quests.

Has psychic powers, uses them to broadcast empathy for buffs/debuffs. Basically a space bard. Big ears. Confident, make him hot. Carries a big microphone with a crystal mic and a music speaker in the other hand. The speaker can be used as a club in a punch so make it look sturdy.

Outfit is basically some light sci-fi looking armour and pantaloons. If you have an idea for a nice hat please add one.

(Included was a reference of Lackey's circle and stripe markings from Cirr's Salikai quest)
No. 140884 ID: 1fa538
File 169675457230.png - (113.71KB , 500x500 , a2b.png )

Psi Tuner came with an accessory.
No. 140885 ID: 1fa538
File 169675475027.png - (109.93KB , 500x500 , a2c.png )

Blaster Phoenix
A ketza, a sort of bird from Slinko's quests. Very small, about 2-3 feet tall.

Haughty, pretty bird. Make sure she has nice eyelashes.

Ketzas have fire magic but for extra blasting power this one rides a mech (making her about Asteroid Knight’s size overall). A ball body with a big turbine looking thing that it uses to shoot beams with the pilot on top. The kirby invader mechs are a good idea of the general shape.

The robot’s arms are small and the legs spindly, should make people think of a baby chicken.

(A picture of a secretary bird's eyelashes was included)

That concludes the behind the scenes look at Garden Master Alice. Hope you enjoyed!
No. 140886 ID: f14228

Cool stuff!
No. 141537 ID: 8d26ce

Why did Alice have a Halo in garden master Alice actually? Just cool aesthetic or it means something?
No. 141538 ID: 5b2941

cause she's a dungeon master as in Audit Quest, I assume
No. 141540 ID: 8d26ce

The what?
No. 141675 ID: 5fb55e

I might as well air my frustrations.

I've gotten really tired of the seemingly-permanent... uh, size... play. I really liked the design of the characters, especially Reisarf, and it feels like suddenly everyone is gravitating to a similar design. Deem is mutable, but I don't know *how* much, and likewise, Reisarf just... changed overnight without a great deal of our input. I get that a lot of people like the thicc designs, and that was fun on Deem (who, again, we have a lot of control over? Maybe?) but I'm a little, okay, a lot worried that everyone will just balloon into a similar look and we won't ever really get to change them back. I know only two (three?) have changed this way, but I worry if I don't say anything, it'll just keep happening, and get more permanent, or no one will care to change them back, or there'll be mechanical reasons not to (like with Reisarf now) and... I like the quest, I do, but this is getting out of hand for me.

I recognize that the others probably don't feel the same way and I'll probably get called some flavor of bigot or something, but I just really wished the nice designs were kept and more characters were introduced, or even more "hey do you want this" was a question asked with more weight (no pun intended) when big character changes would occur.
No. 141710 ID: 95d5fc
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Oops just realised I thought I'd replied to this but hadn't.

I was blessed with some drawings by Larro of Alice as an Audit Quest style dungeon master.
No. 141715 ID: a7a180
File 170820672855.png - (655.75KB , 1400x1400 , alice but dungeon master menagerie.png )

Seems this one was never posted here.
No. 142252 ID: 763a64

Hey there! A bit late to the party, but I had some thoughts on theme I wanted to share. Arhra's certainly done a fine job cultivating an environment that entices the mind (and I have bitten very hard into, apologies in advance for the long post). I reread the entirety of the Quest (which at this point has become a decade spanning epic, really incredible stuff) and saw that Deem had this reoccuring frustration over theming. She desires something that will 'stir the heart'. Naturally, this has been something of an issue considering her start from nothing and slow accumulation of resources. That's led to a chaotic variety of influences and desires, disrupting attempts at continuity and theming. But what's incredible is that there is something that connects almost all of the dungeons denizens together, an emergent theme that touches every soul save for Moriko and Chakarchelou (though I have some small ideas there).

I'd been thinking of how to make a consistent theme work and the troublemakers had always been Reisarf and Stargazer. Their unique elements contrasted with every scenario I conjured, demanding that they adapt or that the rest of the cast yield to their influence. But with this chapter's newest reveal, it is they who have adapted to the element that unites the hearts of the rest. The fruiting bodies created by the ambitious duo mark not just an adaptation to the newest aspects of the dungeon. They yield an independent interest. Reisarf is his usual passive self, but the insight into Stargazer is extremely important. 'Stargazer wanted to see a miracle.' Ambition! And while the souls of the rest of the case may differ in slight ways, this ambition is a shared one.

Merud with his constant push to not only further his knowledge of golems, but to cast aside the taboos of his teacher and society! Alkaline's hunger for independence and experimentation! Why, the very thing that lured Hin to your side was a mere whisper of ancient secrets! And at the heart of this ambition is Deem herself, an entity who, in spite of her insistence at the importance of a consistent theme, has lept at every opportunity to create, prototype and innovate. Deem even has a reputation for it by now!

That is the unifying factor of this dungeon! More than a mere witch's lair or a warlock's coven, you approach a creation not unlike the legendary Scholomance of Transylvania! A place of learning, sure, but also experimentation into that which is forbidden by the conservative and close minded of the realm. And at the head of it all, exerting her influence over the chaos is the master of the place, none of other than the wise and ancient Deem. Her role would be the same as it is now, one of mentorship and guidance, shepherding youthful ambition and creating order from their chaos. Imagine a wing dedicated to each art of alchemy, golemancy, arcane horticulture and wonderous crafting? Each with their own department heads, holding parts of a key that come together to open a door leading to the Dark Headmaster.

And, uh, I should stop because this is pretty wordy. Brevity is the soul of wit and sadly I am a fool. But there's certainly a lot more to be said on the matter! A place of learning that dares and dares, standing at the forefront of magical innovation, drawing in the most ambitious young souls of the generation! A Temple of Mad Magicks! Perhaps that stirs that heart?
No. 142254 ID: 861ceb

Alice looks like she's smiling in this one and it's weird seeing her smile. Not sure she's ever really done that in quest.
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