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File 160911434321.png - (171.41KB , 700x550 , 0Dis.png )
134609 No. 134609 ID: 2c5282

Becouse I really don't want to have four diffrent dis-threads.

Ongoing Quests:
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No. 134610 ID: 2c5282
File 160911441137.png - (179.46KB , 1000x800 , Ladies.png )

For those that missed it, here are some consept art for the newest quest.
No. 134611 ID: 2c5282
File 160911441908.png - (132.11KB , 1000x700 , Eliza.png )

No. 134612 ID: 2c5282
File 160911442528.png - (115.20KB , 1000x700 , Male.png )

No. 134615 ID: 3f8384

I am REALLY digging the captain.
No. 134616 ID: 2c5282
File 160919014357.png - (150.00KB , 1000x800 , Ladies2.png )

>I am REALLY digging the captain.
She is probably the one who's had the most thought put into of all these ladies, but yeah, she did come out great.

Also, have a few more ladies who might or might not appear in a quest that's just begun.
No. 134617 ID: 3f8384

That name is hilarious.

Say, these are not sakkilians, right? They all have... boobs. Unless they are all implanted.
No. 134618 ID: 4854ef

I am somewhat amused that we get two main characters, and two side characters for the banner.
No. 134622 ID: 422cea

>You are a proud Sakkilian, a reptile, which means you have frills and scales instead of skin down there.

Scales are analog to hair and feathers. Are you telling me they have keratinized dicks that shed with an externalized glans akin to a circumcised human penis? No mucous membrane?

>Today, anon criticizes fictional dicks.
No. 134623 ID: e0ad7e

They deserve love too.

I was talking about the ladies, but i guess they should be from the same species too, if the goal was reproduction. Then again, that doesn't explain the breats.

>Today, anon criticizes fictional dicks.
What else would you do in questden.com?
No. 134624 ID: 422cea

Ah naw thats something I brought up in the quest that I decided to emphasize on here in more embarrassingly autistic detail.
No. 134628 ID: 2c5282
File 160928457189.png - (76.22KB , 700x550 , Dongs.png )

>Say, these are not sakkilians, right? They all have... boobs. Unless they are all implanted.
They are indeed all Sakkilians… as for the boobs, well, it’s a porn quest and I wanted to draw big tits getting slapped around so boom, TITS! AS GOD HAS DEMANDED! Besides, everyone knows that everything has tits in the porn universes… at least in the badly written ones, like this one.
>I guess they should be from the same species too, if the goal was reproduction.
Everyone will be Sakkilian’s in the quest, correct, at least from the start. Who knows might happen if that thing gets more threads to its name.

>I am somewhat amused that we get two main characters, and two side characters for the banner.
To be fair, Ztolt is probably the one character that most people think about when they hear boldly coming, not counting the ladies from the original quest. As for the captain, the main character for that quest wasn’t even created by the point I made that banner so she had to stand in for him. Besides, she’s probably a lot more visually unique compared to the fuckboy that’s became the protag.
Speaking of Boldly coming though, I really need to update it. There are only a few updates left on the thread, after all!

>Scales are analog to hair and feathers. Are you telling me they have keratinized dicks that shed with an externalized glans akin to a circumcised human penis? No mucous membrane?
As I’m not a certified professor in cockalogy, I can with confidence say that I have no idea what you said. I do have a bunch of weird alien cocks in my quests which might or might not make sense in real life.

Sakkilian dicks are scaly, as if they had soft fish scales down there, with a few soft spines as well, making them ribbed for her pleasure.
Varkian meanwhile are basically humans, with foreskin and everything.
Serpents have an internal hemipenes, that have larger, more bendable spines compared to the Sakkilian.
Hiver has… I don’t know, haven’t really drawn a lot of insect dick yet, but I guess they are long and sharp looking?
The less said about Ztolts monsters the better…

>Today, anon criticizes fictional dicks.
“Gee, anon, what do you want to do tonight?”
“The same thing we do every night, quest author, criticizing fictional dicks.”
>What else would you do in questden.com?
Voting in my quest to decide if you want to body with the biggest sack or the biggest dick?
No. 134629 ID: 422cea

I guess in a roundabout way I was saying nothing in nature has a penis like the Sakkilians since virtually all animals keep the sensitive, moist, excretory parts of their dong protected inside something like a sheath, cloaca, or foreskin. Also those parts don't grow scales, hair, or feathers on them.

All the other dongs featured have a basis in reality and didn't draw my attention until now.
No. 134630 ID: 4854ef

Would hope to see more hiver in the future. I love their designs, though I know they're probably the hardest for you to draw.
No. 134637 ID: 36784c

>it’s a porn quest and I wanted to draw big tits
>everyone knows that everything has tits in the porn universes
Those are good reasons for having boobs.

Although I would’ve thought that since the quest is in space, it would mean they had the same technology that exists in New Horizons, which meant all the Sakkilian ladies looked at the other races and went, “Yeah, those look like fun, let’s put those on our chests so we can also enjoy them!”
No. 134638 ID: e0ad7e

>it’s a porn quest and I wanted to draw big tits
>everyone knows that everything has tits in the porn universes

Go and draw as many tits as you like!

>Voting in my quest to decide if you want to body with the biggest sack or the biggest dick?

Come to Questden.com! We have discussions of many interesting and relevant themes, such as if lizards should have breasts and which is the best dick!
If you like tits and dicks, you've come to the right place!
No. 134639 ID: 2c5282

>I guess in a roundabout way I was saying nothing in nature has a penis like the Sakkilians.
To be fair, my logic behind their dicks was “I want to draw some big, round lizard balls smacking into a cute lizard butt”.
>Would hope to see more hiver in the future. I love their designs, though I know they're probably the hardest for you to draw.
They are the hardest to draw, yes, which means I tend to forget to use them in my quests… which means I usually don’t have any around to do sex scenes with and… well… that’s the sad truth, as bug sex is something that is sorely lacking in this world.

>Go and draw as many tits as you like!
>Although I would’ve thought that since the quest is in space, it would mean they had the same technology that exists in New Horizons, which meant all the Sakkilian ladies looked at the other races and went, “Yeah, those look like fun, let’s put those on our chests so we can also enjoy them!”
Both quests do take place in the same universe, though I won’t spoil where on the timeline exactly they take place compared to each other. But sure, let’s go with the ship being full with lizards that wanted boobs, why not?
>Come to Questden.com! We have discussions of many interesting and relevant themes, such as if lizards should have breasts and which is the best dick! If you like tits and dicks, you've come to the right place!
Come for the tits and dick, stay because you suddenly became a quest author.
No. 134640 ID: e0ad7e

>Come for the tits and dick, stay because you suddenly became a quest author.
And the lack of bug sex in the world too, i guess.
No. 134642 ID: 864e49

Ya know when I first saw the start of the new quest i thought it was going to be something else and came up with a whole different plot in my head.
A space colonization program that decided to use a super sex android that never produced the same genetic "load", thus allowing them to pack the ship with more supplies and women instead of males.
No. 134643 ID: a9af05

>Come for the tits and dick, stay because you suddenly became a quest author.
No, that's not it. It's supposed to go like this: "Come for the tits and dick, stay because hey I really like this Kaktus person's quests, I want to see more of them!"
No. 134660 ID: 2c5282

>No, that's not it. It's supposed to go like this: "Come for the tits and dick, stay because hey I really like this Kaktus person's quests, I want to see more of them!"
“Come for the tits and dick, stay because you found and read your own quest?” That doesn’t really make sense… but joking aside, thanks a bunch for liking my stuff, I appreciate it <3
>Ya know when I first saw the start of the new quest i thought it was going to be something else and came up with a whole different plot in my head. A space colonization program that decided to use a super sex android that never produced the same genetic "load", thus allowing them to pack the ship with more supplies and women instead of males.
That does sound kind of like the basic premise of the quest if you cut out the slightly dark and complex backstory from it. It’s not bad at all.

Also, nice to see that all the ladies thus shown in IMPREG has at least one person showing interest in them… at least if “the Librarian” refers to Amelia, the actual librarian, and not Ophelia, who’s just there reading a book.
Speaking of Ophelia, I’m surprised she’s as popular as she is. Apparently you guys have a thing for more well aged women (Even though the Captain is the same age as her).
No. 134661 ID: 041c52

Everyone wants to fuck the capitan too though.
No. 134662 ID: 46e8b7

What can i say? I love a woman that can kick my ass.
No. 134664 ID: 864e49

Ah! A man of class I see.
No. 134670 ID: c09f5e

Dammit, I should've made that reference more obvious. Lizbeth for lyfe!!!!!1
But seriously, I've been following your work from the start, even if I don't always comment. Been good to see a quester improve over the years. Can't wait to see how your new one plays out.
No. 134676 ID: 2c5282
File 160997102825.jpg - (32.85KB , 600x537 , Class.jpg )

>Everyone wants to fuck the captain too though.
To be fair, her design came out really good, she’s the only one you’ve actually interacted with and her personality seems to be liked as well, making her the most obvious choice.
>What can i say? I love a woman that can kick my ass.
[See picture]
>Ah! A man of class I see.
Dammit, you already said it…

>I've been following your work from the start, even if I don't always comment. Been good to see a quester improve over the years. Can't wait to see how your new one plays out.
Kind of amazing to hear that someone has managed to put up all my bullshit over the years. Though I do recognize some of you readers from the old pixel days from time to time and always warms my heart when I do.
>Dammit, I should've made that reference more obvious. Lizbeth for lyfe!!!!!1
To be completely honest, Pixel quest was so damn long ago that I can’t even remember what you’re supposed to reference. I do have vague memories of coffee being magical, I think? It almost feels like a lifetime ago I did that quest.
No. 134678 ID: 2aa5f0

>To be completely honest, Pixel quest was so damn long ago that I can’t even remember what you’re supposed to reference. I do have vague memories of coffee being magical, I think? It almost feels like a lifetime ago I did that quest.
I remember it was a running gag that every pixel quest end with it being an illusion... that and summoning the biggest fish.
No. 134679 ID: f39ded

We all have good taste, ladys and gentlemen, and i am proud to be surrounded by such company.

And i agree that your work is great. I got down in some, but i am still hanging in most. Not old enough for the Pixel one. And Strange Bedfellows had already ended when i started old tg.
No. 134685 ID: 4854ef

I still tend to make jokes about True Illusion every so often from Pixel Adventure 1 and 2. It was quite memorable.
No. 134709 ID: c09f5e

Ctrl-Fing the archives, I found you named one of the gods after it, described the Haste spell as like ingesting tons of coffee, and, uh, made lizard hormones smell like it. Yeah, that was dumb recurring gag. I was picturing more a narcotic making you go "lizard wizard with a blizzard".

I did remember you had an update pace rivaling MSPA back then. Not that I'm complaining about it; your pace services my Crippling Social Anxiety just fine. Quality over Quantity, your needs come first, etc.

pls dn't stp up8g b/c of me i dn't wnt anotr preg quest dwn the tbs
No. 134710 ID: 2c5282
File 161037079426.png - (45.05KB , 700x550 , HappyBday.png )

>We all have good taste, ladies and gentlemen, and i am proud to be surrounded by such company.
It’s the best company anyone would hope for, really.
>I remember it was a running gag that every pixel quest end with it being an illusion... that and summoning the biggest fish.
Oh, right, the bigger fish thing. Now that you mention it it’s all coming back. Never thought I’d have nostalgia for something I made myself.
>I still tend to make jokes about True Illusion every so often from Pixel Adventure 1 and 2. It was quite memorable.
I blame you guys for choosing illusion magic at the start and getting so influenced by… Chee quest I think it was? It was a Lagotrope quest at least… I think? Maybe? Either way, things would have been really different if you had chosen some other magic skills, for better or for worse, seeing as it did kind of work out in the end.

>And i agree that your work is great. I got down in some, but i am still hanging in most. Not old enough for the Pixel one. And Strange Bedfellows had already ended when i started old tg.
Always glad to hear that people like my quests, even if they haven’t been here from the beginning.
>I did remember you had an update pace rivaling MSPA back then. Not that I'm complaining about it; your pace services my Crippling Social Anxiety just fine. Quality over Quantity, your needs come first, etc.
I still remember that I somehow managed to update it every three hours or so, which is completely bonkers. Nowadays it takes hours to just draw it, not to mention write it. Pixel art is really easy to just copy paste when you have all the assets done though, so I guess that might have helped a lot.

>pls dn't stp up8g b/c of me i dn't wnt anotr preg quest dwn the tbs
The next update is already on its way, the writing being halfway done and the “storyboard” for the images being finished. No need to worry… yet…

And on another note, I’m now officially one year closer to the grave, happy birthday me, woo…
No. 134711 ID: 2aa5f0

congrats on getting older. Hope you enjoyed the cake.
No. 134713 ID: 864e49

I remember shit like quips at the end of updates, shields being OP and the ends of treads devolving into either characters from other media going on stupid adventures or the quest being a computer program that crashes so we load up Doom instead.
I'll never forget some of my favorite lines.
>You cannot navigate the ship off of Phobos alone so the only way off this dust ball is through the base, kicking whoever's ass is in the way while chewing bubble gum... and currently you don't have any ass to kick! "*Chew*Chew* ...mmm... strawberry..."
>You're a SPEHSS MEHREEN!!! with a dinky pea shooter. What do you do?

>>Turn hostiles into peapods with peashooter.
>Your gun isn't a good enough communicator to politely ask your enemies to eat their peas.
We then get A Rocket Lawnchair and then fuck a cyberdemon.

Chee quest turned out to take place in the dream of the new god of chaos
No. 134714 ID: 7a5e43

>And on another note, I’m now officially one year closer to the grave, happy birthday me, woo…

Ehhh happy birthday? I feel the same tho, but some things make it woth it.

Ah yes, Chee quest, i wasn't around for that one ither but it was great reading it. That was a massive derailed. BUT, thanks to that, we have Fenquest, which is great. But yeah, that story was bonkers.
No. 135061 ID: 2c5282
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A new challenger is approaching! He’s still just a rough draft and won’t be set in stone until he actually appears in the quest, but this is Mr. Vat 2 that Captain Eliza was talking about. Ideas for changes are always welcome.

He still needs a name though, so I’m open to suggestions.

Now, for the real question though. What about the last member? Currently I have three different ideas that I’m playing with; A real girly femboy, a cyborg / robot or a classy lady with the right equipment downstairs. What are your thoughts about that? Any preferences?

And yes, if all goes well and there’s a thread 2 of I.M.P.R.E.G, then you will be able to play as the other members of the group.
Also, speaking of I.M.P.R.E.G, I think I scared away whoever usually makes Wiki pages for me, because it still sorely lacks one.

And finally, I really should finish boldly coming thread 1 soon, but I’ve just not been in the mood for it, sadly. Hopefully I’ll find the motivation to do so before to long…
No. 135065 ID: 041c52

Maybe Sapph for the Blue guy? Someone suggested Topaz in the thread. I want to see a cyborg dude.
No. 135070 ID: 4854ef

I like Topaz, if because it amuses me that it doesn't match the scale color.

Though I'm leaning towards the Cyborg or the Classy Lady.
No. 135071 ID: e0c338

That is a big sack he is caring.

Topaz sounds good to me.

I have a sweet spot for femboys, so i am going to go with that.
No. 135073 ID: b1b4f3

Damn boy, he THICC

...wait does "girly femboy" in this case mean a larger tougher male, since female Sakkilians are bigger? Or will it be a femboy by our standards, meaning a smaller submissive male?
A femboy would round out the group a bit better, I think. Then some of the more unusual breeders can enter the fray such as the cyborg and the lady with a dick.
No. 135074 ID: e85a08

I'm shit with names, but if you're hurting with a dearth of suggestions, how about Russ?

What about a lady with a cyborg dick?
No. 135081 ID: 2c5282

>Damn boy, he THICC.
People wanted a big and beautiful dad (As well as foreskin), so I’m happy to oblige… or at least try. The more body types the merrier as well.
>That is a big sack he is caring.
Not as big as Bayard’s though. What he got is the widest tools of the bunch.
>I like Topaz, if because it amuses me that it doesn't match the scale color.
Personally, I don’t feel for Topaz, but as this is a quest it’s you peeps who decide on a name. Of course, it won’t be official until he appears in the quest.

>...wait does "girly femboy" in this case mean a larger tougher male, since female Sakkilians are bigger? Or will it be a femboy by our standards, meaning a smaller submissive male?
By our standards, so a very curvy, makeup wearing and submissive dude. Zaton already has the “tomboy” slot filled, being the muscular, tougher one.
>A femboy would round out the group a bit better, I think. Then some of the more unusual breeders can enter the fray such as the cyborg and the lady with a dick.
Sadly, I believe that more than five will just become too many. Possible they might get some one-off scene, but having five characters will be enough as it is.
>What about a lady with a cyborg dick?
…I like the way you think. That might be an option if people express a lot of interest in the classy lady. But we’ll see, no promises.
No. 135095 ID: 41f95b

A male cyborg sounds cool.
No. 135098 ID: e0c338

The dialogue with Fever with the eyebrows wiggling made me giggle like an idiot Thanks, Kaktus.
No. 135102 ID: 36784c

That look on Bayard’s face tell us that he’s disappointed that someone has else has a better dad bod than he does.
No. 135132 ID: 1670bc

Russ doesn't sound half bad.
It might be nice to team up with him as Team Double Dad, in pursuit of gals who are into Dads, and to help both Russ and Bayard reach and maintain peak Dad Bod. Plus, with how thicc he is, there would be zero shame in getting a good look of that ass.

Honestly, a classy lady who is also a proper cyborg would be awesome, but since that's probably a little much, a male robot/cyborg would be just as good. Either way, they'll be just as libidinous as the other members of IMPREG, correct?
No. 135144 ID: f9464a

>What about the last member?
I think he should be super curvy! With wide hips, thicc thighs, and a big ass! He'd be able to put almost all of the women to shame with how curvy he'd be!
No. 135145 ID: 2c5282

>The dialogue with Fever with the eyebrows wiggling made me giggle like an idiot. Thanks, Kaktus.
It was one of those dialogues that write themselves, which honestly usually are my best writing. So yeah, had a huge smile when I wrote it as well.

>That look on Bayard’s face tell us that he’s disappointed that someone has else has a better dad bod than he does.
Sure, let’s go with that… And it’s not because I just copy pasted him from his character sheet use as comparison and he just happens to have that face there.
>Russ doesn't sound half bad.
I like Russ more than Topaz, but we’ll see what the rest of you think.
>It might be nice to team up with him as Team Double Dad, in pursuit of gals who are into Dads, and to help both Russ and Bayard reach and maintain peak Dad Bod.
Geez, if this continue this quest will soon become Dad quest: The dadening (Electric dadalow)… Resurrdadion

>Honestly, a classy lady who is also a proper cyborg would be awesome, but since that's probably a little much, a male robot/cyborg would be just as good.
It’s an idea which, if enough people want it, might just become reality.
>I think he should be super curvy! With wide hips, thicc thighs, and a big ass! He'd be able to put almost all of the women to shame with how curvy he'd be!
That’s pretty much exactly what the femboy will be, yes.
>Either way, they'll be just as libidinous as the other members of IMPREG, correct?
It’s a lewd quest, of course they are going to lewd all day long (Including such heinous acts as… *Gasp*hand holding!).

Now looking it over, I should really make a proper straw poll for the last member, so here, vote away:
No. 135146 ID: b1b4f3

Does strawpoll not work anymore? I voted but the results say 0.
No. 135147 ID: 36784c

I voted, but the results still show that no one has voted at all! Is strawpoll not working?
No. 135148 ID: 8c4b2a

>Geez, if this continue this quest will soon become Dad quest: The dadening (Electric dadalow)… Resurrdadion
That was horrible, and that is saying much, coming from me, i love puns.

>hand holding!
No. 135149 ID: 8c4b2a

Have the same problem with the poll.
No. 135157 ID: 2c5282

Let's try that again: https://strawpoll.com/3b4gwkzy8
No. 135175 ID: c09f5e

I was going to pick classy lady, but damn... if that's how you gonna do yo' Gundams, who's up for more? Even a masculine one would be cool.
I also didn't want to block the vote, but still, damn...
No. 135203 ID: 864e49

Looks like we're getting a curvy boy.
But can the fourth one, the one with varkian dna, be a girl presenting penis? Cause the engineers are like "they're a different species and genetics is hard!".
No. 135205 ID: 16ee1f

I was hoping the two losing options would be combined and we'd get a cyborg or robot gal with a dick and balls (or full herm, but I have a feeling that'd be too much to wish for.)
No. 135206 ID: 16ee1f

I'll preface this post by saying that I'm okay with the result of the poll. I liked some over others, but they were all alright in my view.

What I wanted to write is that this poll is a small example if how a poll where the most votes for a single option wins tends to result in a less satisfactory outcome for more of the voters when there's more than two choices. That was a rather long winded way of saying that, as of this moment, the number of votes not for a femmy guy with wide hips is more than those in favor (19 to 12,) so a majority of voters will get what was either not their first choice or what they didn't want. A better voting system would have been a ranked choice vote with instant runoff to get the result that was most acceptable to the most voters.

Alright, that's enough shoehorning my interest in voting systems into Kaktus' quest discussion. ...For now.
No. 135212 ID: b1b4f3

The poll is very close indeed.
Maybe you should just go with whatever you want, Kaktus.
No. 135434 ID: 2c5282

>What I wanted to write is that this poll is a small example of how a poll where the most votes for a single option wins tends to result in a less satisfactory outcome for more of the voters when there's more than two choices.
The poll was less about who’s going to win and more about gauging interest in character concepts for the quest… and seeing that, after a week when the poll was supposed to close, the score was 12, 11 and 10 it’s quite clear that people are interested in all three of them. Of course, this instead creates the problem of having too many concepts to work with…

>Maybe you should just go with whatever you want, Kaktus.
What I want is all three… but what I don’t want is seven controllable characters in the next thread.
>I was hoping the two losing options would be combined and we'd get a cyborg or robot gal with a dick and balls.
I don’t think I want to combine them, at least not those two options in particular. I have been considering combining Bayard and Dad number 2 I posted earlier in this thread though, as both of them really is the same character archetype, even though I didn’t actually manage to go far enough with Bayard. So I was thinking giving Bayard a bigger belly and some beefier arms the next thread, to make him more of the dad people seem to want, and then introducing the three vote options as breeder 4, 5 and 6. What are people’s thoughts about that? Good idea? Bad idea?
>or full herm, but I have a feeling that'd be too much to wish for.
Well, if people want to see a lady with a large, round belly make other ladies get large, round bellies, who am I to stop them?

And one last thing, something that I really should have thought about sooner: Do anyone have any suggestions for user names / comments for the stream chat in the quest?
No. 135435 ID: 68df2c

How about using some of our tags? That is us, the sugestors. I know some of us are annons, but not all of us. After all, we ARE looking at the speedrun.

>controllable characters
You mean ones that we will control, o ones that you will control? We can control the other breeders? WOWY
No. 135436 ID: b1b4f3

Hmm, you could put up another poll, asking what everyone's least favorite option is amongst the three. Then you can use data from both polls to come to a decision?
No. 135437 ID: 36784c

>I have been considering combining Bayard and Dad number 2 I posted earlier in this thread
>giving Bayard a bigger belly and some beefier arms the next thread, to make him more of the dad people seem to want
>introducing the three vote options as breeder 4, 5 and 6.
>What are people’s thoughts about that? Good idea? Bad idea?
I think that’s a good idea!
No. 135444 ID: a9af05

>What are people’s thoughts about that? Good idea? Bad idea?
That's a good idea.

It'll let you use all of the ideas from the poll without giving you too many playable characters to have to worry about.
No. 135445 ID: 2c5282

>How about using some of our tags? That is us, the suggestors. I know some of us are annons, but not all of us.
I did try that, but large majority of people in the quest doesn’t have a name or a comment that would really fit. I did use some discord names, though slightly changed… but it seems like I might have changed them too much as no one noticed them.
>You mean ones that we will control, or the ones that you will control? We can control the other breeders?
If this quest ever gets a second thread, then the main gimmick will probably be that you can play as any of them, yes.

>Hmm, you could put up another poll, asking what everyone's least favorite option is amongst the three. Then you can use data from both polls to come to a decision?
Yeah, no, let’s not do more polls. One is enough.
>That's a good idea. It'll let you use all of the ideas from the poll without giving you too many playable characters to have to worry about.
Well, people seem to think it’s a good idea… or at least not a horrid one so far. But it’s not set in stone yet. I’ll probably introduce the curvy boy soon, but after that… we’ll see…
No. 135450 ID: c09f5e

>So I was thinking giving Bayard a bigger belly and some beefier arms the next thread, to make him more of the dad people seem to want,
Well, I don't mind Bay being a shortstack musclegut if noone else does.
>and then introducing the three vote options as breeder 4, 5 and 6. What are people’s thoughts about that?
I think the important part is the personalities play off each other well. They are a team after all. If it's easy enough to do, try to organize them as the classic Five Man Band: Leader, Rival, Carryer, Thinker, Heart. Plus a Transfer, to maintain continuity.
>Well, if people want to see a lady with a large, round belly make other ladies get large, round bellies, who am I to stop them?
P |

>If this quest ever gets a second thread, then the main gimmick will probably be that you can play as any of them, yes.
Then, I'd recommend not introducing the Transfer until that thread. Of course, picking which char to be the Transfer would need another poll...
>I’ll probably introduce the curvy boy soon
Let me guess: he's complete with bird dick?
No. 135478 ID: f9464a

>Give Bayard bigger belly and beefier arms
I'm in support of this!

And you know what I think would be funny about this? What I think would be funny is after bulking up, Bayard ends up being stronger than Zaton. I just think that because Zaton always thinks he's hot shit, it'd be hilarious that he'd end up getting so confused on how Bayard can be stronger than him!

>Well, I don't mind Bay being a shortstack musclegut if noone else does.
I don't mind either.
No. 135479 ID: 5cf237

>shortstack musclegut
I'm good with it too!
No. 135497 ID: 1b0f28

Just got around to starting to catch up on IMPREG and got to >>/quest/986092 where Bayard is singing in the shower and thought I ought to share this little JoCat animation and ditty titled I Like Girls: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2Y5KVtU810

>Well, if people want to see a lady with a large, round belly make other ladies get large, round bellies, who am I to stop them?
Well, I just got extra incentive to catch up with and stay caught up with this quest so I can suggest this when the time's right.
No. 135512 ID: 86aaf2

So. Um. Having heretible cybernetics that grow along with the fetus/baby/child/teenager as they grow into adulthood is *not* an implausible technology! Even if it requires some sort of nanotechnology, a lot of the crazy biological stuff already shown in the quest uses very similar sorts of technology to what would be needed. And sure, you might need a specialized diet with more metals in it to grow them properly, but it'd certainly be possible! Then again -- she's probably not an expert on this...
No. 135517 ID: e22e69

I'm against changing Bayard's body type - I think it's fine as-is!
Not every paternal character needs to be a musclegut.
No. 135518 ID: f8fa51

Yeah, absolutely no need for a sudden jarring body-type change.
No. 135519 ID: c09f5e

Some more stuff from me FWIW.

Too early to sell out Lizard Dad as protag*. He`s interesting to RP because people want to RP as a Dad, but his society`s gender norms and dominant sexes are flipped. We have to reconcile that.
It's certainly inspiring me to headcanon lizardmen to have pregnancy fetishes, not necessary breeding fetishes, to maintain loyalty to the alpha female. Maybe that's just me.

* though it would be funny if she turned out to be the most domestic-minded of the team. Her arc could be kiting out her room, as well as her womb.

Audio did come from a livestream. Wouldn't surprise me if it was inspired from that; the meter is about syncs up with the rhythm.
No. 135520 ID: a9af05

I think the answer given in the quest is Kaktus saying that's not going to happen.
No. 135521 ID: f3f534

>Not every paternal character needs to be a musclegut.
But it's not every paternal character! Only Bayard would be like this! Everyone else would be different from him!

>sudden jarring body-type change.
But it won't be sudden. It'll happen over the course of a few months in the quest. Bayard isn't going to go to bed and then wake up the next day looking different!
No. 135525 ID: 4734c9

I maintain that I am strongly against changing his body type.
No. 135526 ID: 9b2889

I too prefer his body how it is, i already got used to it. Maybe we can work on his tummy on the way.
No. 135527 ID: b7a344

Agreed, having a sagging gut is a very niche thing that a relatively low percentage of people in modern society like the look of, even though those that do are very vocal. Standards of beauty are called STANDARDS for a reason!
No. 135534 ID: a9af05

Guys, this is a sex quest, that's all for fun. You're taking this way too seriously. Please just let everyone have their fun with Bayard.

I'm sorry that you guys aren't having fun, but I'm sure that if wait for the next playable character that isn't Bayard, you'll start having fun again.
No. 135536 ID: f3f534

>sagging gut
I have no idea where you got that from. That would be too much, which isn't what anyone wants at all!

All Kaktus said was that they were going to change Bayard to look like this guy on the left >>135061 . I think he'd look fine like that. He'd have a good balance of fat and muscle, without having too much of either.
No. 135540 ID: 4734c9

And as I said, I'm fine as he is. I don't want his body type changed.
No. 135543 ID: 9aaeef

I’d like to see Bayarde with a Dad’s body.
No. 135544 ID: 2c5282

>Well, I don't mind Bay being a shortstack musclegut if noone else does.
>I'm against changing Bayard's body type - I think it's fine as-is!
Welp, so much for hoping that everyone would vote the same and make it simple. I guess I need to figure out another way to do this then. Bayard will stay mostly the same for now and I’ll see if I can get the muscle gut archetype into the quest without adding to many males.
>But it won't be sudden. It'll happen over the course of a few months in the quest.
Well, it was going to be only a few days, but with all the weird technology these guys have…

>I think the important part is the personalities play off each other well. They are a team after all. If it's easy enough to do, try to organize them as the classic Five Man Band: Leader, Rival, Carryer, Thinker, Heart. Plus a Transfer, to maintain continuity.
Isn’t the five man band: Leader, Lancer, smart guy, big guy and the chick? But yes, they are definitely going to have different personalities, don’t you worry. So… probably something like this?
Leader: Bayard.
Lancer: Zaton.
Smart guy: Robot.
Big guy: Gal.
Chick: Curvy.
Heart: Fiver.

>Then, I'd recommend not introducing the Transfer until that thread.
Most of the new breeders will be introduced next thread (or maybe in an intermission, I don’t know) as they don’t really add anything to the quest just yet. Also, you don’t need to worry, there will be a reason why there are six of them.
>Let me guess: he's complete with bird dick?
There’s a possibility, yes.

>Having heritable cybernetics that grow along with the fetus/baby/child/teenager as they grow into adulthood is *not* an implausible technology! Even if it requires some sort of nanotechnology, a lot of the crazy biological stuff already shown in the quest uses very similar sorts of technology to what would be needed. And sure, you might need a specialized diet with more metals in it to grow them properly, but it'd certainly be possible! Then again -- she's probably not an expert on this.
Athena is definitely not an expert on the subject, so you’re probably going to have to go to the science department if you want to figure out stuff like that.

>Just got around to starting to catch up on IMPREG and got to >>/quest/986092 where Bayard is singing in the shower and thought I ought to share this little JoCat animation and ditty titled I Like Girls:
I would definitely have used that clip for inspiration for better lyrics if it wasn’t for it being posted about two months after that update, because JoCat’s singing is darn cute. Instead, I got the idea from Berd’s animation on the original song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lLxq7CFuKKE
>Well, I just got extra incentive to catch up with and stay caught up with this quest so I can suggest this when the time's right.
Going by my current speed, you’re in no rush. I really need to get back into the game and update this bad boy everyday again…
>P | P <
I have to admit, I have no idea what you’re trying to say here.
No. 135545 ID: a9af05

>I guess I need to figure out another way to do this then.
I mean, you don't have to. We've already made our votes and most of us are in favor of Bayard getting a muscle gut to fill out that archetype. Meanwhile, there's only two or three votes against it.

I think it's safe to say that muscle gut Bayard is what most want to happen.
No. 135546 ID: f3f534

>I think it's safe to say that muscle gut Bayard is what most want to happen.
This is true. More people want this compared to the people that are against it. I think it should happen!
No. 135547 ID: e85a08

I prefer Bayard the way he is, but if we're not following him the whole thread, it's not a big deal to me.

Hell, I'm here for the scaly ladies anyway.
No. 135560 ID: f9464a

I really don't get why it's such a problem for Bayard to get a muscle gut. I think it'd be a good look for him!
No. 135564 ID: 3213e1

I have a distinct feeling that Kaktus must be really enjoying the dialog with teh tweens. Although it seems easy to make a slip up. How are you holding it up?
No. 135572 ID: 4734c9

Has an actual vote been held on the matter of Bayard?
Either way, I'm more in favor of introducing a musclegut character than changing one we already have.
No. 135574 ID: 96c896

We could just not have a musclegut character.
No. 135578 ID: 86aaf2


This, totally this.
No. 135581 ID: 40cc7d

Enjoying the quest
No. 135647 ID: 4734c9

No. 136255 ID: 681cb5
File 163267929375.png - (43.60KB , 400x700 , Ema.png )

No. 136256 ID: 96c896

No. 136257 ID: 681cb5
File 163275112235.png - (250.48KB , 700x550 , 1.png )

I have no idea if anyone actually remember this old quest anymore, but I guess we’ll find out… if I actually managed to write the first post that is.
No. 136258 ID: 2aa5f0

what, are you remaking it or continuing it?

Also I'm use to quest disappearing for months at a time only to continue like nothing has happened. I'm still waiting to see if we'll ever go back to defective one day. Also hoping that we'll get a tozol quest 2 at some point but I have less hope for that.
No. 136259 ID: 681cb5

It's going to continue where we left off. The problem is that it's been a year and a half since the last thread, so trying to make a proper recap is a bit challenging. (Mostly because I only remember half the quest in the first place anyway.)
No. 136260 ID: 87f555

That is ok, i can remember the big plot parts but not the details. I am happy to see Ema again! Or was it Emma?
No. 136261 ID: 96c896

Just go over the important bits. A lengthy recap post is almost as much of a barrier of entry as not knowing what's going on.
No. 136268 ID: f3f534

I'm excited to see the quest return! But at the same time, I'm also worried that the problems from before are also going to come back.

One of the problems is that it felt like it takes us 12 to 15 updates to do a single action.

Another thing is that we made very little progress in the story and anytime we tried to do something, you unfairly threw things at us that prevented us from making any progress.

I understand that it's supposed to be a challenge to do things, but this time around, could you please not throw too many things at us all at once?
No. 136269 ID: 094652

Welcome back. But this is thread 6, according to the wiki.
No. 136271 ID: 681cb5

>Welcome back.
It’s not like I left? Just worked on other quests :V
>I'm excited to see the quest return!
And I’m excited to finally finish it! Woop!
>But this is thread 6, according to the wiki.
The wiki counts the Prologue as thread 1, where it’s more like thread 0. So by the numbering system I’m using, this is thread 5 :V

>The problems are that it felt like it takes us 12 to 15 updates to do a single action. We made very little progress in the story and anytime we tried to do something, you unfairly threw things at us that prevented us from making any progress.
It was rather noticeable how much I bloated the quest when I went back to get an overview of it, though I think it was because I wanted the quest last for a long time/ always have some kind of challenge for the suggester to solve every update. Hopefully, as I’m aiming to finish this quest in a timely manner now, I’ll keep myself from doing the same mistake again.
No. 136414 ID: 73e8f3

Yay, Feast of Souls is back on!
No. 136415 ID: 73e8f3

wait since when has Ema had tits
No. 136416 ID: f40a91

Since she people and it went to her hips and bust.
No. 136417 ID: f40a91

Since she ate people and it all went to her butt and boobs.****
No. 136418 ID: 73e8f3

I thought Kaktus was gonna keep the Sakkalian tits to IMPREG.
No. 136423 ID: 681cb5
File 163559072078.png - (51.08KB , 700x550 , FlatAsABoard.png )

>Yay, Feast of Souls is back on!
Glad to hear someone excited… even though it’s been going on for a while already…
>Wait since when has Ema had tits.
Since never. Those are supposed to be her pecks. So yes, she’s just as flat as a board. Heck, considering Karn has bigger pecks then her, he’s technically got a bigger chest even.
>I thought Kaktus was gonna keep the Sakkalian tits to IMPREG.
For the moment, Sakkilian tits are stuck in either my lewd quests or as fun body modifications in my sci-fi ones.
>Since she ate people and it all went to her butt and boobs.
That’s more of a joke that I can neither confirm nor deny is actually true. Well, the boob part is incorrect, but maybe not the other one. Who knows? :V
No. 136425 ID: 73e8f3

Ah, okay. I do think they've been sticking out a bit more than just pecs would, i.e. these images:
https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/src/163286440560.png, https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/src/163363239869.png, but maybe that's just me
No. 136426 ID: fd0201

Those links were broken by the commas at the ends of them. Here's fixed versions: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/src/163286440560.png https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/src/163363239869.png
No. 136455 ID: 681cb5
File 163612207165.png - (167.94KB , 900x550 , Mockup.png )

>Ah, okay. I do think they've been sticking out a bit more than just pecs would, i.e. these images:
That’s mostly because I’m horrible at drawing :V
Though, yeah, her thin frame does make it a bit confusing, as her chest is supposed to be bigger than her tummy and stick out a bit, which I might have overdone a bit. But in conclusion, she’s supposed to be flat as a plank.

In other news, I was in desperate need to do something different so I’ve been brainstorming a new quest. Let me present to you: “Starlight Afterglow “(thanks Blingo for the name), which will be some kind of spaceship sim like quest, where you’re stuck in a far off alien galaxy with a barely functional ship and have to survive by seducing diplomatically interact with weird alien species.

Here’s the mockup I posted on discord for those that missed it.
No. 136462 ID: 9396b0

Damn Kaktus, you are on a roll. As long as i get to keep playing lizard people, you can keep em coming.
Also, they gonna have boobs for this one as well?
No. 136464 ID: 73e8f3

What shall we play as in this one?

also, I am against it having lizard boobs
No. 136465 ID: 73e8f3

As in species
No. 136468 ID: fd0201

Uh, guess you didn't catch that the quest's already started over here >>/quest/1014275. Anyway, a quick check over there and it looks like we're playing sakkilians and, going by the third image down, they'll have boobs.
No. 136472 ID: 73e8f3

Ah, okay then.
No. 136473 ID: 681cb5

>Damn Kaktus, you are on a roll.
If you call having like 4 quests that need to be updated and having nearly no motivation of doing so to be on a roll, then sure, I’m on a roll! Woo!
>As long as i get to keep playing lizard people, you can keep em coming.
Lizard people are the best, it’s a proven fact.

>Also, they gonna have boobs for this one as well?
As this became a lewd quest, and as they are supposed to “represent” humans, then yes, they will have tits. The alien will not, though… well, they might have, but they will be weird boobies if they do.
>I am against it having lizard boobs.
I respect that and I agree to it, unless its lewd art, then I like myself some nice knockers. I’ll try to make sure that at least one redshirt… I mean Ensign will have a flat chest for your sake, though ;)
No. 136481 ID: 73e8f3

Aww, I appreciate that! Thanks!
No. 137172 ID: e6ed60

Kaktus, did you die?
No. 137188 ID: a9af05

They haven't died. They've recently updated one of their quests a few days ago.
No. 137194 ID: 681cb5

>Kaktus, did you die?
While I admit my update schedule has gone to shit recently, I did update one of my quests just the day before you posted this. So I’m not sure if you’re just having a lark or missed that I’m doing Starlight Afterglow?
No. 137326 ID: 9a1314

Yep, I missed the new SA thread. Woops.
No. 137331 ID: 40f132

Kaktus. Are you gong to continue Interpersonal manual?
No. 137334 ID: 681cb5

>Kaktus. Are you gong to continue Interpersonal manual?
I am working on an update right now, but Starlight is taking priority. But seeing as I’m getting back into my grove a bit it will hopefully not be that long until it starts updating again.

So do expect an update in the near future.
No. 137382 ID: f2320a

so in I.M.P.R.E.G is there the possibility of fucking another pod person made by one of our 3 "brothers"
No. 137422 ID: 681cb5

>So in I.M.P.R.E.G is there the possibility of fucking another pod person made by one of our 3 "brothers"
If by “pod person” you mean aged up children, then possibly? It’s all depends on how far we get and what people suggest in the future. Though, with my current update speed it will be a long while before we get that far…
No. 137438 ID: f2320a

yep exactly what i meant also no stress just fun talking about this stuff, so this artificial egg tech does it work based on genetic code collected from the cyborg sort of during or after there accident too splice with the sperm or is it a database and or both, and if either options could be the basis for another of the minigames sort of build dress up game but its the genetics off your offspring or a Literal genetic lottery
No. 137450 ID: 61b860

Dude, that sounds so cool and that could also work for the other quest for more content after a sex scene.
No. 137553 ID: fec07f

So question about the Lascivious Labyrinth quest.
Given the recent dueling religions and spread of the labyrinth's powers developments is this turning into the prequel of a more "vorey" CoC?
No. 137555 ID: 681cb5

>Given the recent dueling religions and spread of the labyrinth's powers developments is this turning into the prequel of a more "vorey" CoC?
Honestly, I have no idea where this is actually going as I’m pretty much just following the suggestions by this point (Heck, there weren’t even supposed to be vore until several people started suggesting to eat Soth for some reason). While I do have a bit of an ending planning concerning why the god wants you to do what you’re doing, the rest of it is still up in the air. Though, it probably won’t turn into the uncivilized hellscape that CoC take place in and more like civilization just gets very lewd with each other.
No. 137679 ID: d8a379

There wasn't supposed to be vore?
God dammit, the vorny always ruin things!
No. 138069 ID: 2a82d3

Are you going start rolling d100 soon? I get worried about RNG.
I didn't delete any posts of my noob ass trying to get the dice function to work. Not out of embarrassment. Nope.
No. 138077 ID: 681cb5

>Are you going start rolling d100 soon? I get worried about RNG.
It’s already been rolled and its outcome will be kept secret for a while longer. Of course, this is still a bit experimental, as I’m considering how I’ll do it the next time. Should I keep it a secret like I did now, or should I just roll with the update and see what happens? Or maybe let the first commenter roll, though that might allow people to fudge it… hmm… I’ll keep considering it…

>There wasn't supposed to be vore? God dammit, the vorny always ruin things!
I wouldn’t say ruin, more like… made it different. This quest has just been one wild ride after the other for me, which has been really fun.
No. 138158 ID: 2a82d3

Endosomatophillia is a wholesome fetish, I swear.
No. 139248 ID: 2a82d3

Wrote this for ITQ at the start, but thought it more appropriate here:
Some questions for the Three Gods of Lascivious Labyrinth.
- If all three transcend gender, do they just identify to the gender you present as, or is there symbolic significance to it?
- Ptamet, when you're a body part, do you identify as the gender of that body part, AS that body part, or as gender fluid as you would normally?
- Volek, as god of fertility, do you consider ALL pregnancies as if they're yours? If so, are you subject to sympathetic pregnancies? Do you think that's why you also like being pregnant yourself?
- Wjares, have you ever given thought to whether or not your ways favour being practiced by women? Take the "breed and feed" method. If a male practitioner tries it, would he need to chase down his prey again or would he have... already stolen the pregnancy from them?

PS: Saw the comment above me. Now I feel guilty for both not using this thread more AND flooding it.
No. 139255 ID: 681cb5
File 167855851205.png - (113.45KB , 700x550 , DemiGods.png )

>Some questions for the Three Gods of Lascivious Labyrinth.
>If all three transcend gender, do they just identify to the gender you present as, or is there symbolic significance to it?
Ptamet: “Does a river need a gender? Does it care?” the Jackal god changes from a man to woman as they speak, “I am but a river, ever flowing, ever changing… I am whatever gender I please at the moment… or no gender at all if that is what I desire. There’s nothing more to it than that.”
Volek: “How can I chose one gender when all of them require my presence?” the crocodile muses while rubbing his own belly, “After all, to ensure my fertility never wavers, I have to be all genders at once, no? Though I do prefer to be called a he, as I am but a father to all those that are born in my name.”
Wjares: “I’m the biggest, baddest bitch around, so of course I would be a woman!” the dinosaur goddess flexes her large muscles, “Because everyone knows that gals are stronger! HA!”
Ptamet: “I’m pretty sure that depends on the species, Wjar…”

>Ptamet, when you're a body part, do you identify as the gender of that body part, AS that body part, or as gender fluid as you would normally?
Ptamet: “What part of transcending gender don’t you understand? I am all genders and no genders at the same time… as well as being whatever body part I’m in as well.” Ptamet shifts between their male and female form, as well as several form in between before finally stopping at the form of a Jackal without any gender at all, “I’m a demigod, I can just be everything and nothing at the same time, no?”
>Volek, as god of fertility, do you consider ALL pregnancies as if they're yours? If so, are you subject to sympathetic pregnancies? Do you think that's why you also like being pregnant yourself?
Volek: “While I do not consider all pregnancies as mine, I do consider every last child born under my name as my own family, if not my own young.” he stops for a moment to just look wistfully at nothing, “And all those that wasn’t born under my name but started worshipping me later in life? Well, they are like in-laws. Part of the family, just not by blood.” Volek gives a little chuckle before continuing, “As for sympathetic pregnancies… well, I don’t rightly know. I’ve never spent a moment since I was born from the fertile fields not being pregnant myself, after all.”
>Wjares, have you ever given thought to whether or not your ways favor being practiced by women? Take the "breed and feed" method. If a male practitioner tries it, would he need to chase down his prey again or would he have... already stolen the pregnancy from them?
Wjares: “My ways favor the strong and those that desire to be strong, nothing else!” Wjares bellows while hitting her chest, “While the breed and feed method is something my followers practice, it is not something I’ve demand of them.” She flashes a toothy smile of gold, “No, I simply wish for them to produce the strongest possible child. If the mother is too weak to not be consumed, then so be it.” The dinosaur is about to end it there, but realize that there’s something else she wishes to convey, “So no, I do not favor women as a whole… though I do favor the prey that worships me over the predators. The weak shall not fear the strong, but surpass it and consume it themselves, becoming even stronger! Let war and vore make the world stronger than ever before! As the forest fire I was born from, let it consume the old so the new may grow even bigger!”

>Wrote this for ITQ at the start, but thought it more appropriate here.
Seeing as you’re asking questions directed at the character inside the quest, I’m pretty sure the INSIDE THE QUEST thread would be more fitting :V
>PS: Saw the comment above me. Now I feel guilty for both not using this thread more AND flooding it.
Flood it? My brother in Ptamet, this place is drier than a desert full of cacti! If anything, this just shows how little use this thread gets… … …which is slightly concerning...
No. 139258 ID: 2a82d3

Kaktus, thank you for humouring me after I lost my nerve at the thought of subjecting a wholesome thread to my weird, weird fetishes. I just worry my aggressive posting might be killing interest in your quests. Consider this my promise to you and everyone that I'll vet any weird ideas or speculative plans here first.

That said, what you think about the idea of a new discussion thread to focus on the Kaktus extended universe? That might get people to focus.
No. 139353 ID: 681cb5
File 167978260591.png - (86.79KB , 700x550 , Begining1.png )

The origins of the Demi-god Triplets, as told by Pesi the Skull

In the beginning, the world was but an empty void. No earth or sky, not day or night, not even the very concept of nothing existed. No, there was only one thing that where and always was, a god and goddess whose name has been lost since time immemorial, the god of gods and birthmother of all. We know them as He who seeds, She who birth, the father and mother of all things.

Thus he seeded the world and she gave birth to it, creating the very plane we walk upon, and from his loins the gods sprang forth while from her breath they were given life! Soon, she had given birth to hundreds of thousands of gods, the greatest of which was her firstborn, a goddess whose original name has long been forgotten, but we know her today as Agnieszka, the goddess of purity.

But all was not well in the garden of the gods, as when He who seeds, She who births created the mortals species some of the other gods saw it as an abomination to be purged. Mortality was, after all, the very state that’s the antithesis of the immortal god, and thus disgusted many gods for even existing.
No. 139354 ID: 681cb5
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It is not known who struck first or even which god fought for which cause, but in the end there was a war more magnificent than anything else this world has ever witnesses! All we know is near the beginning of the war Agnieszka herself struck down her mother and father, the gods of gods, and forced them into a deep slumber, an endless slumber He who seeds, She who births is still chained in. An uncountable amount of gods perished and was lost to history forever before the war came to an end with no clear winner. Instead, they came to a compromise, to exile the mortals from the garden of gods and relocate them to the newly created mortal realm, far from the gods themselves.

But, not long before said cease fire was reached there was a duel of great importance, as the goddess of strife and the god of growth were battling above the mortal realm. Their battle lasted for 14 eons, each of their moves shaping the world around them, creating mountains and seas as their bodies smashed into it. But in the end Strife won, as she cleaved the god of growth into three parts, which fell unto the mortal world. His body became the greatest of the mountain ranges, his blood became the Grand River where our ancestors’ kingdom still stands and finally, his essence…
No. 139355 ID: 681cb5
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It too was cleaved in three and fell onto the mortal realm, each landing and becoming one with different mortal creation. The first fell upon a river, an ever changing stream bringing the lifeblood to the land, and from it emerged the demi god of Change and Cultivation, Ptamet. The second fell upon a field, fertile and full of animal life, and thus became the demi god of fertility and family, Volek. And finally, the third essence was consumed by a forest fire, which never ending hunger and destructive ways gave birth to the demi god of War and Vore, Wjares!

In the end, it is from their blood we, the Volin, was given life… and thus we must pay them our respect and offer them sacrifices regularly. So build that damn Shrine already, Sebak! -Pesi
No. 139392 ID: 2a82d3

Cool lore.

Imagine if, rather than having this being an accurate record of the time before mortals, each race had their own version of the creation myth associated to their sense of being or identity. (Much like how such myths work historically.) Everyone more or less agrees about the proto-god/goddess (except you-know-who), but Zootopia logic suggests whether Strife or Growth "won" their battle is a heated topic between Predator and Prey.
No. 141266 ID: 2a82d3

For all the time that Lascivious Labyrinth has been living in my head rent-free, I really haven't been putting my ideas here to work, or at least a prospective job interview.* Maybe it's just me, but maybe you should bite the bullet and start a new thread for it. It'd be a better place for weird fetishes fan art, amateur fanfiction worldbuilding, and backseat quest-mastering critiques. It's working wonders for the other bird quest.

If I may, can I know the reason why the main NSFW quest is on break? I'll understand if it's IRL reasons, but if I were to guess: Did you just want to go back to basics and focus on the side quest? (If so, I agree is the right call.) Did we brick the campaign? (There are ways to salvage it: sacrifice Sebak to foil her plans, and/or create an avatar of Talos instead.) Were you afraid to write the loss a character? Was the Fear and Loathing reference too much?

*Here's a few:
- The gods are seasons, Ptamet is Fall, Wjares is Winter, Volek is Spring (obviously), that makes Talos Summer. Wouldn't Talos make a nice summer god?
- Give Talos the Rebirth/Respawn domain, even if you have to trade his own fertility for it. Worth it to allow us to set respawn points in interesting places. Like his womb.
- Crib less from Civilization, more from Fire Emblem. I guarantee it'd exercise the same mental muscles LL Thread 1 did.
No. 141382 ID: 681cb5

Geez, I’ve forgotten to answer these.

>Imagine if, rather than having this being an accurate record of the time before mortals, each race had their own version of the creation myth associated to their sense of being or identity.
There’s a reason why it says “as told by Pesi the Skull” at the start, just saying :V

>If I may, can I know the reason why the main NSFW quest is on break?
At the start, I just felt like working on something else. Recently it was because I wanted to finish Passage first. Right now I’m actually planning on updating it again soon, though I might do a few more updates to Scion and Leaves first.
>Maybe it's just me, but maybe you should bite the bullet and start a new thread for it.
Wait, are you talking about the main LL quest or just the quest discussion thread? If the former, the current thread is almost done, I just need to find the drive to finish it off. If it is the second, the whole reason why I merged all the dis threads was because they barely saw any use in the first place and I didn’t want to clog down the dis page too much. Might be prudent to split it into themes, though. One for the lewd vore fantasy, one for the lewd space stuff and one for the non-lewd stuff. I’ll consider it.

>The gods are seasons, Ptamet is Fall, Wjares is Winter, Volek is Spring (obviously), that makes Talos Summer. Wouldn't Talos make a nice summer god?
They are already themed by seasons, just not the four we’re used to. Instead, they are based on the three seasons used by ancient Egypt, with Volek being Emergence (When the ground is fertile and the seeds are planted), Ptamet being Harvest (self-explanatory) and finally Wjares being Inudation (When the Nile floods the plains and destroy everything in its path, but leaving fertile soil when it recedes)

>Give Talos the Rebirth/Respawn domain, even if you have to trade his own fertility for it.
Talos will take the domains that his worshipers bestow upon him. Pesi even tried to suggest rebirth, but the suggesters chose being diplomatic instead.
>Crib less from Civilization, more from Fire Emblem. I guarantee it'd exercise the same mental muscles LL Thread 1 did.
Each thread will have its own themes, but as I still want to focus on the tribe and its growth, the next one will probably not be based on Fire Emblem.
No. 141471 ID: 2a82d3

'S OK. It's not like I'm fast to form replies, either. The relevant bit of Egyptian trivia IS appreciated.

>are you talking about the main LL quest or just the quest discussion thread?
It's the latter, and I do think you can pick up where you left off. To be honest, though, I was hoping for a place to discuss possible fetishes without it being weird, as well as a repository for possibly lewd fan art.
Flockload has great fanart. I'm just saying, Lord Triti.

>Talos will take the domains that his worshipers bestow upon him. Pesi even tried to suggest rebirth, but the suggesters chose being diplomatic instead.
Everyone wants the harem route, but tis' a path one must really, really, really, really, REALLY commit to. I guess that makes Talos a god of Love and Passion? Technically, that means we have to empathize with Neferi's perspective, assuming we can convince her to not walk over us (unless we want to) and make a convert out of her. She does seem to have a Predator mentality, after all. If Sebak has Prey mentality, they'd almost be a perfect match.

>the next one will probably not be based on Fire Emblem.
Disappointed we won't have characters sharing rings with each other to connect with the spirits/AI of past heroes. But seriously, I meant something like bonuses (or penalties) with certain characters working together. I do like having my characters bond and develop into closer relationships with each other. The power of shipping compells me.
No. 141580 ID: 2aa5f0

I've take it you've played fear and hunger recently.... mixed in with a bit of system shock 2 if I'm not mistaken.
No. 141582 ID: 681cb5

Recently? No. But it is definitely inspired by F&H, yes.
And while you did get the System shock reference, you missed the Theif one :V
No. 141822 ID: 8f9bc4

Just to geek out for a moment, the "tarot" was originally a playing card game, but it wasn't poker. It was a game in Italy in the 14th century with rules similar to Bridge, and Mamluk cards from Turkey. The very artsy cards commissioned by Italian aristocracy did quickly inspire people to use them for storytelling purposes, in a game known as “tarocchi appropriati,” where they would draw random cards, and write poetry about the other players, based on what they drew. Eventually that morphed into the fortune telling we know today.

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