Mauve Silver Flitter
Okay, time for ideas! I'll start by assuming that, since the robots built their civilization on a planet full of life, they make use of organic components in some of their systems.
Now here I go! Let's see how many answers I can come up with.
The original robots were programmed with sexual feelings by their creators, as a precaution against a rogue AI singularity. They're attracted to certain body types so they won't go too crazy with self-upgrading and their evolving programs will remain at least somewhat relatable if they ever meet their makers.
Physical contact is a sort of system diagnostic routine for their biological (or bio-mimetic) parts. They touch and grope each other to to confirm that their tactile sensors and connected systems are still functional, until their instinctive subroutines give them an "all good" feeling. They are designed with a desire to do this that gradually grows the longer they wait between tests, to make sure their organs don't become numb, atrophied, or otherwise nonfunctional.
The robots' primary sex organs collect genetic and hormonal data markers from their other organs, which can be extracted and analyzed as a way to measure their general health. Male organs send their data in a chemical medium, while females produce eggs with a similar function.
Female sex organs can be used to grow new organic parts. They can replicate any organs included in their own design, and males have the genomes for their own components, which they can deliver to a female for reproduction and later installation. They were designed this way to make it easier for the population to support itself without needing the infrastructure to grow organs in mass quantities. They've calculated that this is most efficient with a roughly even gender ratio, with some experimental robots designed to have both male and female functionality. Unfertilized eggs can be saved as biofuel reserves, which can actually yield more energy than the food eaten to produce them, if the maker uses conventional power sources to aid in her digestive process.