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File 171141910186.png - (75.25KB , 720x720 , MACHINEDis.png )
141917 No. 141917 ID: 7ae8e6

Official Discussion thread of MACHINE!

Go read it here: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1078544.html

Feel free to ask questions, draw art, edits, theories, etc! Just remember to keep it civil!
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No. 141918 ID: ab46e9

So, we're a therapist. That's cool, but I do wonder what was a therapist doing to get us some hot hardware like HAX? (No innuendo intended but accepted.)
No. 141920 ID: 42bb51

why do the robots have HUGE badonkadonk milkers??
I can't imagine what purpose they would serve... because robots don't need milk, right?
No. 141921 ID: 7ae8e6
File 171142078395.png - (29.61KB , 786x786 , inquestion.png )

Not sure if I wanna answer things like this straight up but that's for future me to regret

(spoilers ofc ofc) Lets just say he wasn't the one who chose the chip, bad actors aren't common in this sector but they exist! But that's implying he wanted a chip in the first place
No. 141922 ID: 7ae8e6

Aesthetic choices :> bots still find em hot!

I'm sure they have uses for them too, but I haven't come up with an idea as of yet, maybe they store fluids? maybe they act as protection? or maybe they're counterweights for the heavy internal components? We'll find out!
No. 141923 ID: ab46e9

All of them depending on model.
No. 141924 ID: ab46e9

Oh, I wasn't actually asking, it was more a prompt to get the players thinking. I didn't want spoilers.
No. 141927 ID: 5847f8

They’re heat sinks. It’s why they say it’s hot to have bigger “equipment”
No. 141933 ID: 940726

That raises the question of why robots think that breasts are sexually desirable.
And that raises the question of why robots have sex.

Eating food is logical enough, since they live on a planet with organic life and can use it for energy, but they reproduce by building more robots. So what is sex for? Why are they designed with that feature? Emotional connections are useful, but for that, they wouldn't need any of the physical body parts or any desires with that specific context.

We could come up with our own answers, but I feel that any answer would have pretty far-reaching implications for the world, so it's better to let LiterallyJumble decide for himself rather than tell him how I would write his world.

But that poses a dilemma, as any answer to the sex question would raise the question "why sex?", and likewise any answer to the boobs question would raise the question "why boobs?". So I think I'd prefer to wait until he decides how he wants to handle that.
No. 141939 ID: 8f9bc4


They didn't evolve, there wasn't natural selection to make them the way they are, and not everything about them has to have some function to survival. If robots are built, then they have breasts because they were built with breasts.

Honestly evolution gets it wrong too. Human breasts are mostly fat, and serve no purpose to survival at all. Other mammals have much less obtrusive mammaries, and still feed their young just fine.
No. 141944 ID: dd3fe0

Honestly, this is answerable by a reason I put in another quest. Lemme find the reply.

Ah, it was in Scan Quest. Here's the relevant part of the quote:

"Okay, so intelligences modeled after organic ones and using neural networks trained on organic culture behave, surprise, like organics. That includes a preoccupation with whatever the organic instincts their model civilization was preoccupied with. And, given evolutionary pressures, a large amount of focus is on reproduction and culture that is adjacent to reproductive matters, and if the organics in question practiced sexual reproduction and social sex, there's a lot of focus on THAT. ... [A bipedal and feminine] body shape emphasizes secondary sexual characteristics (breasts, waist to hip ratio, rounded buttocks) that are specifically fertility advertisements among certain evolved organic species."
No. 141945 ID: ab46e9

Seriously, why are people questioning it? It's just for design purposes, it's not that serious.
No. 141946 ID: 940726

That's not really a response to what I wrote.

This is going beyond "explaining why robots have complex sexual systems that don't serve any function" into pretty much writing the history of their whole civilization. That's the kind of thing I meant when I said that any answer to why robots have sexual characteristics and programming would have far-reaching implications for the whole setting, which is why I think it's best to let the quest author decide for himself, unless he specifically invites us to fill in setting details ourselves.

Until then, I'm just going to assume that robots have breasts to process and store biofuel generated from the food they eat.
No. 141947 ID: e8bcc8

I don't mind theories, heck, if one is good enough I'll probably make it canon lol.

The history of the bots aren't something I plan on going into, so guess away!

But I do have some worldbuilding that'll never be stated in the story, there are no, and has not been, any intelligent species of organic life on their planet, which means their origins are extra-terrestrial. That's all I've got for origin lore! The rest is up to your headcanons!
No. 141948 ID: dd3fe0


Ah, they Were seeded there by interstellar Genesis Probes of some sort, then
No. 141951 ID: 8f9bc4


This quest is secretly a sequel to >>/quest/993309
No. 141952 ID: c3b54f

Very amusing joke, got a good laugh so thanks. However if you're familiar with Jumble's other stuff (system boot zero, date-a-robogirl quest whose title has slipped my mind...) you're probably aware humanoid machines are generally his wheelhouse. Just his muse's thing.
No. 141954 ID: 940726

Okay, time for ideas! I'll start by assuming that, since the robots built their civilization on a planet full of life, they make use of organic components in some of their systems.

Now here I go! Let's see how many answers I can come up with.

The original robots were programmed with sexual feelings by their creators, as a precaution against a rogue AI singularity. They're attracted to certain body types so they won't go too crazy with self-upgrading and their evolving programs will remain at least somewhat relatable if they ever meet their makers.

Physical contact is a sort of system diagnostic routine for their biological (or bio-mimetic) parts. They touch and grope each other to to confirm that their tactile sensors and connected systems are still functional, until their instinctive subroutines give them an "all good" feeling. They are designed with a desire to do this that gradually grows the longer they wait between tests, to make sure their organs don't become numb, atrophied, or otherwise nonfunctional.

The robots' primary sex organs collect genetic and hormonal data markers from their other organs, which can be extracted and analyzed as a way to measure their general health. Male organs send their data in a chemical medium, while females produce eggs with a similar function.

Female sex organs can be used to grow new organic parts. They can replicate any organs included in their own design, and males have the genomes for their own components, which they can deliver to a female for reproduction and later installation. They were designed this way to make it easier for the population to support itself without needing the infrastructure to grow organs in mass quantities. They've calculated that this is most efficient with a roughly even gender ratio, with some experimental robots designed to have both male and female functionality. Unfertilized eggs can be saved as biofuel reserves, which can actually yield more energy than the food eaten to produce them, if the maker uses conventional power sources to aid in her digestive process.
No. 141955 ID: 940726

>Male organs send their data in a chemical medium, while females produce eggs with a similar function.
I meant to say "milk" here. I was thinking about cyberboobs. The females collect biodata in their chests and store it with synthesized biofuel. The organs are attached to their upper bodies so they don't interfere with the functions of their lower parts, and large sizes are considered attractive because they indicate that a person's organic systems are in good health and operating productively.
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