Music Cascade
Then I did them right. It was my original intent to try and play a 'bad guy' race that was pretty damn immoral but players would just role with it. I tried first with Rezans but I think I wound up turning them into a bunch of edgelords. Then I softened them up and they became less 'immoral' instead just becoming assholes.
Anyway like I had promised, Gormy backstory
Life Stages
They are mostly mammals, though their origins make them kinda iffy and jams them into a spot between both mammals and reptiles. They give birth in litters of 4-5, and of those it's a 1-in-10 chance any of them is a boy. If it is a boy, he will be quite sickly and need support from his mother for much longer than his sisters otherwise he will die. According to their Spirit Mistresses, the Creator-Goddess-Sisters Gormoamhi and Gormoloha had both favored the man K'vladu. In the end K'vladu chose Gormoamhi to mate wit and made the the Gormoamhi race. In a jealous rage, Gormoloha cursed the pair and their children. K'vladu died shortly after and Gormoloha ensured all men born from Gormoamhi would be just as weak and delicate.
As they stop being pups and grow into whelplings that become part of clan structure, the boys will stay with their mother, as much because of their own weakness as their own status as a precious resource. Because male births are so rare, they tend to be hoarded and coddled by their clans so it creates a very selfish personality in them. They don't see it as being cruel or immoral when they take others things. They are told it belongs to them all their life(except their sisters who regularly bully them when they can).
Once they reach adolescence, the sisters enter apprenticeship under one of the clan mistresses as part of whatever profession they showed the most skill in as a whelpling. The boys, while slightly bigger, are still kept close to their mothers at this time. There's still a lot that can kill them and a dead Gormoamhi boy is a huge blow to even the largest clans. The sisters still lord over their brothers, reveling in how small and useless they are.
Then the growth spurts kick in. Horns grow, skin thickens, and the boys catch up and overtake their sisters in size. The sisters are near complete with their training and may not yet be aware of their brothers' sudden changes.
Adulthood. The women are professional members of clan society, and the men finally leave their mothers, strong and tough as their sisters(much to their annoyance). However chances are good they'll never see their brothers again
A typical clan may have 5-10 men and 50 women. A powerful clan may have 50 men and near 1000 women. The greatest clans can have hundreds of men and tens of thousands of women. When a new man reaches maturity, he is taken away. Women do not feel a compulsion to mate every day as men do, a product of their late development. Combined with an upbringing where physical violence got them what they wanted and instant gratification being near guaranteed, men are kept apart in chambers meant only for them. to keep them preoccupied, the women go raiding for supplies they need, tools they can't make, and non-people that will becomes slave labor or female company for the men.
While women don't have a desire to mate save for select times of the year, they do harbor desires for a particular man they may catch glimpses of, and may petition the Breed-Mistress for a breeding contract on their specified days. The contract may or may not be granted based on what the Breed Mistress deems as good breeding stock, or if the man is slated to be traded to another clan.
Some men may get traded off as part of a contract or alliance. Some may be given as tribute to a greater clan, taken in raids, or killed by a warring clan for some crime(like giving a weak, dying man as trade).
The women do a majority of the tasks in the clan, with each specific field overseen by a mistress. The work that is beneath them is relegated to the slaved non-people. Once in their assigned profession, the woman never changes. A man's task is to breed the next generation, and not kill anyone; but that can be overlooked if he is part of a Warrior Throng- a group of men released into enemy lines using their toughness and strength to sow chaos and destruction.
The fact that men are in charge of the clan in Guk's Quest is something that just isn't done. Gormoamhi women would see them as freaks, and men would pummel them to death for daring to do woman's work so openly.