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File 161267522716.png - (353.64KB , 1280x720 , RomanceFestival2021.png )
134801 No. 134801 ID: e51896 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Hey, it is the second annual Questden Romance Festival! Will our lonely(?) Questden characters find true love this year at this event?

just like last year, Draw your quest characters looking to mingle with other participating quest characters looking for love. Attempt to have them woo each other for a date if you want and see if their compatibility will be a perfect match, or fail spectacularly in a humiliating yet hilarious spectacle. If your quest character prefers the single life, no problem! their presence is still welcoming, and who knows, Maybe even they will unexpectedly get shipped with someone as well?

Also, whether you are a quest author or a suggester, this is also a good place to draw or write a valentine to send to your favorite quest character! Who knows, they might even react to it! (Though whether they'll like the valentine is not guaranteed)

2020 thread https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/132009.html
75 posts and 68 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 135192 ID: f626ab
File 161662635802.jpg - (113.64KB , 272x400 , BB 606.jpg )

DerVan: Alright Landa, it is time for us to leave this cotton candy place.
No. 135193 ID: f626ab
File 161662653977.jpg - (415.31KB , 1150x892 , BB 607.jpg )

DerVan: So what did you learned from this place?

Landa: You are never too old to drink choco-milk?

DerVan: No, not that.

Landa: The sky looks different through everyone's eyesight?

DerVan: What? No something else.

Landa: You can substitute love for a person, with a love with an inanimate object.

No. 135194 ID: f626ab
File 161662680328.jpg - (135.23KB , 418x346 , BB 608.jpg )

DerVan: Fine go with that and lest's just leave already.
No. 135195 ID: f626ab
File 161662685860.jpg - (166.66KB , 463x444 , BB 609.jpg )

Landa: So same thing next year as well?

DerVan: I doubt that we will be representative of our universe, but who knows. Stranger things have happened.
No. 135196 ID: f626ab
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48871 No. 48871 ID: d6af4f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

The discussion thread for that one quest with the green guy and the mimiga cutebold psycho
Edit: This discussion thread can serve to cover all quests within asteroidverse and any offshoots. Fen Quest has its own dis thread at https://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/84312.html
2033 posts and 139 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 131962 ID: 1d7c77

Don't panic about things being in the graveyard, they just go there automatically when they haven't been updated in a certain period of time. Quests get brought back from there into activity again all the time. Plenty of Lago quest threads have been there and back before.
No. 131963 ID: e01c2f

Oh okay, good to know! Checking the dates that makes a lot of sense. Hope to see it back soon then!
No. 133565 ID: bcda15

Send all Salaki NORTH
No. 135179 ID: 470289
File 161654864558.png - (67.02KB , 1200x1600 , Luvi - trout.png )

Some relevant patreon stuff. I wrote this to accompany a Luvi story I wrote that you can read here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/luvi-winning-of-48193798

The Ramble

The thing about Luvi is that in a different world she would the main character.

Originally when I was brainstorming for Rogue the story was going to be Luvi being kicked out of her hive and going on a quest to find a new hive. It was going to be a comedy, and be about the misadventures of a rogue trying to find the one in a million chance of the hive that's just right for her, growing along the way. Luvi still went on this quest in the current story but despite maturing she didn't grow. I do think there's a difference there.

I think Luvi will be revealed as an interesting foil to Mac since Suggestors seem to want her to stick around. But even more importantly, Luvi is very fun to plan developments for and I have a lot in store for her. Some will even be good, I promise.

Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
No. 135184 ID: 9a2966

Nice writeup. Looking forward to see more of the quest.

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134942 No. 134942 ID: e51896 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Post your quest characters in silly maid or butler outfits because they were made to be dressed in one.
No. 134961 ID: bcb0c0
File 161490220620.jpg - (1.70MB , 1457x1357 , BB 593.jpg )

No. 135112 ID: 8483cf
File 161612786560.png - (164.37KB , 554x933 , Jeebs.png )

Yo ho ho and a butler with rum
No. 135118 ID: eedbeb
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No. 135159 ID: 12461c
File 161641758894.png - (167.51KB , 750x1000 , Bonnie&CO PMG Tgchan Maid Day.png )

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134980 No. 134980 ID: cdabe3 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

here's the dis thread for https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/990144.html
No. 134992 ID: e7c7d3

Hi, yes, hello! How much is it to rent this quest? I'm looking to move in two(2) months from now
No. 135016 ID: cdabe3

37 schmackaroonies

File 159379254146.gif - (108.40KB , 550x550 , EC-discussion-thread.gif )
133347 No. 133347 ID: e51896 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Oh hey, lets talk about that one quest about Enclosed Curtains, alright?

If you got any questions, comments, concerns, theories, want to critique my artwork or storytelling for Enclosed Curtains, or just want to say hi, use this thread.
19 posts and 9 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 134907 ID: e51896

Hey, thanks for the fanart. I laughed. Those guys are creepy, aren't they?
No. 134908 ID: bcb0c0

I was just making a joke about how they look and act
No. 134944 ID: 094652

Could you make the division bars on the character 45 degrees? Right now they're... reminiscent of something bad.
No. 134945 ID: c154af

Reminiscent of what?
No. 134947 ID: 8483cf

What on God's green flat earth are you talking about

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133511 No. 133511 ID: 5a5548 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Sexy Dungeon discussion and resources. let me know if you are enjoying the game so far, any feedback you'd like to share, or any ideas for enemies or adventurers to populate the dungeon.
41 posts and 10 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 134712 ID: d32d73
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updates will resume soon. I'm recovering from some stuff. here is some design work from my absence.
No. 134726 ID: d32d73
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I hope people are enjoying the quest so far. I am doing mechanical work in the back ground, and will have a more readable manual for folks so that combat can be easier to follow. I also am hoping to make the quest look better in later updates, as I am still not happy with the level of art.
the pin up for Mooncaller is coming. I am having trouble getting it posed and themed properly (this would be the first time I've done feral artwork for the public).
I am keeping an eye on the character polls, and trying to figure out what works and doesn't work for each.

in fact here is an other one:


this one is more of an opinion poll. currently it seems like some adventurers are very well liked and others are being received very cooly, so I'd like to fix that. feel free as well to give me feedback, as to how you would like the game to go.
No. 134741 ID: c09f5e

Be careful chasing trends: Sure DaePal is popular now, then stuff happens and she ain't that popular no more.

Remember to let your other chars have their time in the spotlight. Buff them to make them more interesting, rather than dumping all the plot points onto one person.

... you did want unsolicited advice from amateurs, right?
No. 134770 ID: 552f4f

the main goal I have for gauging the popularity of the characters is to see who I need to work on to make them more viable, as well as brainstorm ideas for how to keep one single character from dominating the polls
No. 134771 ID: 552f4f

and yes, I enjoy getting feedback from people. it helps me stay focused and motivated on my projects, so thank you for your advice

File 161166903298.png - (203.94KB , 1080x720 , HugDay_2021_OP.png )
134758 No. 134758 ID: 736b7e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Hug Day a day late because of mistakes but I'm not letting that stop hugs!

Previous Hug Day: https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/131925.html
No. 134759 ID: 736b7e

636 found something small and warm to nuzzle. Red is questioning this situation. And Cirr isn't updating AEIN so he can't disprove all the sythentics made by Titan Industries aren't huge.

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111674 No. 111674 ID: e5b57f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Here is where ANL is discussed! Thank you all so much for coming along with this wild ride so far. <3

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No. 118766 ID: 12b116
File 151313399717.jpg - (253.96KB , 1394x797 , lewd aubrey nose.jpg )

oh yeah let me feel that snuffler

No. 118769 ID: ed67d9

The funny thing is if this was an ear tug instead of a nose touch, she'd be 100% into it
No. 118802 ID: 12b116

nobody wants to touch those leathery old ears vs that silky yet firm always moving nose
No. 134730 ID: 73a81e

When will ANL be continued?
No. 134743 ID: 9a95a7

Raptie has abandoned this quest in favour of other projects outside TGchan.
You can look up Raptie's latest thereabouts through Google or Fur Affinity.

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133753 No. 133753 ID: a8ec2e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]


New disthread, the old one was crusty as hell and also from 2018
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No. 134588 ID: a80e54
File 160888398073.jpg - (147.07KB , 915x1050 , eth.jpg )

No. 134592 ID: 3f8384

This is very important.
No. 134603 ID: 047c4c

No. 134604 ID: 047c4c

also, nice khopesh
No. 134665 ID: 27c515

Rad news

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99036 No. 99036 ID: b66b01 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Discussion thread for 2Frames Quest.

Been seeing comments on other places saying that discussion threads are pretty "why not?", so I might as well put this here.
381 posts and 61 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 133364 ID: ea81d3
File 159399751846.png - (791.11KB , 1200x1200 , Ava Corruption.png )

Sketch I made a while ago. Not very canon.
No. 133365 ID: ea81d3
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Happy sunny Lucy doodle from a while back.
No. 133366 ID: ea81d3
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And this doodle was from last night.
No. 133379 ID: d5962d

Good form.
No. 134645 ID: ea81d3
File 160945366045.png - (1.21MB , 996x1257 , Raven Bow post.png )

And Colored!

Wanted to make sure I get it colored at some point. It's a pic that I've always liked how it came out and might be my fav pic of Raven I've made. Unless I'm forgetting something else, lol. But yeah. Now it is colored =3

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134539 No. 134539 ID: 7f716e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Talk tactics here
No. 134540 ID: 598b92

Great quest so far, loving it! (And not just cause I helped out on it, its great so far!)
No. 134541 ID: 7f716e

Big thanks to King_06#0318, also known as Pawn_01 for voice acting this audio log https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=330j-qMJ1jU

Also big thanks to Orgeston#9390 for voice acting this log https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E8bJY1tAZ54

Really appreciate it, guys!
No. 134542 ID: 7f716e

pawn_01 also wrote the readme for the command module!!

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134338 No. 134338 ID: ce5cbd hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Salutations fellow observers and watchers! I am the Xenoresearcher Lennoxicon.

I approach you all today to describe a project of immense potential, it is...

The "Completely Scientific Guide to Alien Reproduction"! A handbook of the many races that inhabit the universe, more specifically, er...

A handbook about the more, hm, how do I put this. "Risque" side of each race. It is my hopes that I can catalog as many of the sexual behaviors of as many races as I can find, and possibly, just maybe, we could see even a fully physical copy of the final edition.

Of course, it's not quite as easy as compiling several pages of lore and sexual deviancies, after all it'd be rude to do such without the permission of each race.

To start with, I've obtained permission from the Scellor researcher known as "Jukashi", who agreed to this on the Scellor's behalf, to start with a cover page and a sample chapter involving the Scellor. The attached image is the cover image of the book, and the sample chapter is still a considerable work in progress.
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No. 134342 ID: 864e49

No. 134343 ID: eb1fcc

Let's see, most important races as far as tgchan "lore" go seem to be as follows, in no particular order:

-anything original Weaver's put out
-Neumono, maybe a couple of the other lagotrope races
-Nedynvor, lorhkes, and demesi all crop up fairly regularly

aaaaand.... maybe sergals?

those are the big semi-regulars I can think of that'd probably be important here.
No. 134346 ID: e13b1d

Salazzarine, Amtsvane, and related species are also pretty frequent.
No. 134348 ID: 4f5375

The point is compiling quest aliens just for their appeal? I get the idea, but for this you could skip the alien lore and include the fantasy races as well.

Alien reproduction could be a truly interesting topic even if the described act doesn't stimulate the reader. Most quest races reproduce the way mammals do because of fetches, but there are a few variations.

If I remember correctly Lagotrope's mikliks can change their sex like frogs.
Salikai had a few mentions of having a different sexual act but it wasn't explain. I would guess the male deliver a sperm packet to the female in a single careful movement like most invertebrates do.
Neumonos are mostly mammal style but can provoke abortion at will. A special note for that one time Rokoa got reproduced via parasitic injections that convert other neumonos into her clones.

I guess Radula doesn't reproduce...

Bite Quest was about magical constructions that... I have no idea how or if their reproduction work.

Radial's mana beasts are artificial in origin and reproduce by splitting a piece of their core.
Nereyas are interesting. The sex/gender is only determined once a monogamous partner is established. I would guess a fish like sexual act.

Fuyunii had a weird cat race called therran with a caste called keothera. He mentioned that the caste system was convoluted and the reproduction was a long ritualistic process that involved a lot of pain. I don't know what exactly he had in mind.
No. 134361 ID: 6c227a

Neumono are a bit weirder than just mammals. Females can decide to get pregnant or not by basically flexing a muscle. Sperm are delivered in a coherent ball, leading to both baseball and gumball machine metaphors. And iirc their whole distributed consciousness and regeneration thing has implications for reproduction too. There's a lot going on there.

My question though, is do you need authors to be the ones posting info and thereby implicit permission? We've had a lot of people come through in the last ten years and leave memorable contributions, but some have moved on.

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125385 No. 125385 ID: f7b510 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

A Unique Set of Circumstances

That Forgotten Road
I don't think I am cool enough to warrant two different threads for my quests, but we can combine them here for people to speak about decisions they might want to take.

My quests are very reader driven, so whatever you guys pick is usually what I go with.

If you have questions about things we have in our inventories, or systems we use, Ill try to visit this place to answer them often enough.
12 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 134310 ID: df76b1

I find it odd that people supposedly like the heroine, but immediately want her to whore herself.
No. 134313 ID: 598c94

It's not about the MC whoring herself. It's about seeing how many nipples the hyena has - that's what's important. Not giving away the smokes for free is just an added bonus~

Altho, what I do find odd is that about half of the suggesters in that last update are first time posters, so probably some votestuffing going on.
No. 134317 ID: b1b4f3

People are jumping on a chance to see lewds without any strings attached, because they're horny fuckers with barely any standards.
No. 134318 ID: b1b4f3

Also yes I wouldn't be surprised if there's votestuffing by someone who is *ESPECIALLY* horny.
No. 134320 ID: 735fa3

I find it odd you wouldn't expect that as a default. Relatively new around here?

Pretty much any potential for lewds is going to get two or three times the attention and posts of anything else.

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132836 No. 132836 ID: ed041d hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

And here is where you meat sacks will leave questions, comments, and if you so choose, fanart, of the thread and the events going on.

I can't believe I'm the one who has to run it.
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No. 133854 ID: eb236a

No worries. Take whatever time you need
No. 133900 ID: 16d082
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No. 133902 ID: 8fab7a

No. 133904 ID: df76b1
File 160195770552.jpg - (1.07MB , 1500x1500 , cat-snake-jni-prints.jpg )

Yes, this.

Yeah, but
No. 134308 ID: ed041d


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6566 No. 6566 ID: 88d217 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

I'm wanting a "project" to do, so I'm drawing a list of naked chicks and putting them into a size chart like Lucid did for his Journey species.

I'd like to include all the commonly used races, as well as races used in running or completed quests. Nothing from abandoned quests though, that's their punishment.

What I need:
A picture of your race, how tall they are on average, and what the female looks like nekkid. I'll add them to the chart and post it when I get a few of them done. These should be generic examples of the average individual, not specific characters.

What I've got so far: Mok, Cutebold, Dorf, Goblin, Lohrke, Indahl, Cremate.

We are starting with the shorter ones and working out way up. Post anyone that's 5' (~1.5m) and under first; once I get all those done we'll move on to average size.
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No. 132913 ID: 12b116
File 159003003428.png - (659.62KB , 2600x1376 , naked women of quest 19.png )

A small update
No. 133207 ID: 11f77a
File 159275724354.png - (0.96MB , 1311x1207 , paligrij_women.png )

(EDITED) I have three more naked women for you. Enjoy!
Ichs average 5'2"
Relics average 6'3"
Zephs at 7'
No. 133233 ID: 12b116
File 159305258473.png - (0.96MB , 2600x1376 , naked women of quest 19.png )

And I believe this page is complete
No. 133586 ID: 11f77a
File 159686608557.png - (767.29KB , 1272x1130 , girl_hunt_gard.png )

Another two girls for the list. Huntoons (left) and Gards (right).
Huntoons are about 6'5"
Gards the tallest at around 7'6"
No. 134294 ID: 11f77a
File 160498130328.png - (554.40KB , 858x1130 , huntoon_redux_2.png )

Redone the Huntoon race design. Average height is still 6'5".

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134258 No. 134258 ID: 30ab76 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

I guess this is something that should be made
No. 134276 ID: e7c7d3

Not too much to say, but it's been a fun little adventure so far

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134200 No. 134200 ID: f41fd4 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Weblure made a survey for some reason, when it seems more reasonable to just start up a discussion thread at this point imho. Any meta discussion can/will go in here, I guess.

Feel free to discuss or ask questions here, rather than having to awkwardly spoiler them in the main thread(s)

To clear up a few things people have been asking about, the amount of overgrowth and plant life is intentional and normal for the world of the comic. SA takes place in a post-apocalypse (which I think was always the intention, but I'm not sure) so I figured it'd make sense for things to be jungle-y. I've been thinking of doing some lore or flashback pages explaining that, but I'm not sure where to fit them in.

Another thing people are concerned with has been the pacing and amount of pages per update. I had to start railroading and rushing the end of CH0, because I just wanted it to get to a point where it could be truly interactive. I hope now that the comic is at a point where suggestions actually matter the pacing can mellow out, but I'm aware that it's still a very big issue. After page 5 I am planning to switch it back to greyscale in order to attempt doing 2 pages a day instead of one, so hopefully if I can pull that off it'll help things.
No. 134201 ID: f41fd4

also something i forgot to type just now updates have been slow this month since i'm also working on a porn comic on the side, and they'll probably continue to be slow until i finish that. i expect to have it done by mid-november though, so i'll try focusing on switch act more heavily then.
No. 134202 ID: a48264

>Weblure made a survey for some reason, when it seems more reasonable to just start up a discussion thread at this point imho.

But muh analytics!!

In seriousness, a dis thread is a good idea; hopefully it'll help make up for not being able to directly answer questions in the comic itself

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19643 No. 19643 ID: 0576eb Locked hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Might as well make it right now so we don't have to later.

For future threads or if one is too dumb to check the post I've made in the first (currently only) thread, there will be no guro or loli fetish scenes.
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No. 20175 ID: d3dfb8

Good, I was worried this was dead.
No. 21979 ID: 0576eb

Still worried this is dead? Been a while since the last update, huh? Well here's an update for you.
No. 22039 ID: 732129


I wasn't worried it was dead, because I know it'll just come right back if it does die
No. 22266 ID: 97cb33

time skipping and switching characters really confuses people.
No. 22279 ID: 0576eb

You've got one of these two wrong.

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111218 No. 111218 ID: 8a251a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

big fancy disthread because we've hit the point where we have multiple morbit quests both here AND on other sites, such as eagletime and omegaupdate.

what started as a passion project between myself and my friend como to create a universe snowballed into a huge deal with multiple projects and a proper team behind it. this thread is for talking about both the universe as a whole, and our current running quests- here, that'd be Maybequest and Tiny Cat People.

discuss away, and feel free to ask all the weird questions you want. we love this shit.
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No. 134150 ID: b1b4f3

Which session are you talking about? Did the Void session start a second game?
No. 134157 ID: 1065da

Wait, did the void session end?? Could have sworn it was still going, guess I'm wrong.
No. 134168 ID: b1b4f3

I don't know, I haven't kept up with it, but I do know that maxed out on TCPs in the first session. Can't make any more.
No. 134179 ID: 15a025

See >>131764
No. 134191 ID: beea23

Yeah I'm talking about if we do get anymore TCP, not when.

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123379 No. 123379 ID: 891b91 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Wherein we discuss dead dust, and possibly other sorts of dust as well.
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No. 133769 ID: e7c7d3

I mean, a lot of people have inactive quests going on. I'm always happy to see this one to update though
No. 133774 ID: 9aaeef

Teegee said the rest are on hiatus, after this DD thread Flora is going to get updated, maybe WAA WAA is death though, shame we need more quest about Kobolds.
No. 133867 ID: dccdd0

According to the wiki Flora is a dead quest.
No. 133875 ID: f8fa51

"Dead" has a specific definition on that wiki, applying to quests that hit the graveyard in while in their first thread. Meanwhile, if they hit the graveyard one post into their second thread, they're "on hiatus," even if there's no realistic chance they'll ever be restarted.
No. 133921 ID: 3994a2

I just made a new catch-all disthread for all my quests: >>133919

See this post for a status update on all my quests: >>133920

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