White Castle Tulip
Attached to this post is a rough sketch of how a regular chapter introductory page will look. Despite the, uh, licentious aspect of the book, it is also an earnest attempt at creating a true, canonical representation of each race.
If you would like your alien race to be included in this project, please use the following form:
>Race Name:
>Background/Lore Dump: [Link to document or other place with background info about the race]
>OK with Printing: Y/N
Possible Questions
>This is a project to create a physical book?
Depends, CSGAR hopes to be able to print out a fully drawn artbook about each race. If a cited creator of a race chooses to not have a printed version of their race available however, that race's chapter may be unavailable in printed editions.
>Will this be for sale?
As of current, it probably will NOT be for sale unless everyone involved has given the OK. (Matter of a fact I haven't even asked Jukashi yet)
>Will an online version be available?
Absolutely, a fully completed work will be available online.
>What do you mean by "alien race"?
Any non-human race that is prominent or originated from QuestDen.
If you have any other questions or concerns, please note them below!