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File 169149888420.png - (4.45MB , 1600x1200 , BeachDay2023op.png )
140224 No. 140224 ID: 9b127b

It’s Beach Day, the sandiest day of the year! Pack your sunscreen and visit our floating beach resort "The Diamond Crown" orbiting high in the atmosphere of Beta Earatone. Pack your sunscreen- the sun’s ray are strong up here!

This perfectly circular, perfectly secure beach is a floating disc full of fun and fancy. Relax on its sandy red beach, swim in its waters, surf with the help of the wave generator, try your luck with novelty swimsuits, or even go hang gliding off the edge. Don’t worry, our trained professionals will catch you before you go too far down. Queen Chinzebeth VII assures us this beach is perfectly safe from scaly invaders, so relax. What could possibly go wrong?

Try not to be too lewd, there’s royalty in attendance!

Previous Beach Days: https://questden.org/wiki/Beach_Day
221 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 140655 ID: 87e33c
File 169422226187.png - (16.21KB , 500x500 , a8 (3).png )

After stowing away the slightly unnerving illustration, he examines the illustration created by the small Cat in sunglasses.

Hunter: Hah! This is great!
Hunter: The kiddo's will love this
Hunter: Though I bet they'll try to convince me to play 6 different sports at once because of this
Hunter: I love it, here's some crystals!

Hunter then sticks his hand deep into his abdomen, almost like there's more space then possible inside, and pulls out a several fragments of purple crystal about the size of a loaf of bread.

Hunter: Have fun and don't imprison anyone with the crystals or I'll hunt you down and gut you!

Hunter hums a chipper tune as he wanders over to the wrestling ring, taking a seat and grabbing a bucket of popcorn to watch the other people fight.
No. 140657 ID: 9b127b
File 169426615332.png - (1.23MB , 1600x1200 , BeachDay2023img09a.png )

Chinzebeth: "Oh my goodness! Though this outfit is revoltingly childish it appears to have given me unlimited mystical power! I simply must test it out!"
No. 140658 ID: 9b127b
File 169426651328.png - (775.37KB , 1600x1200 , BeachDay2023img10.png )

Chinzebeth: "...Test it out on you vile imp! for what I'm sure was intended to be a devastating personal attack!"

Kag's mouth is magically sealed!


Chinzebeth: "no cruel comments? with this new outfit you'll find I'm not an easy target!"
No. 140690 ID: a7a180
File 169440111716.png - (133.79KB , 500x500 , credits_are_no_good_here.png )

Jynn: “Something’s off about this lost and found. I’ve got a feeling these losses weren’t just due to carelessness… and why charge people to get their stuff back?”

Beca: “Hey back off, lady. My retrieval services don’t come cheap. If you got a problem with that, I’ve got a laser sword for customers who get rowdy.”
No. 140691 ID: a7a180
File 169440112567.png - (134.19KB , 500x500 , i_have_altered_the_deal.png )

Jynn: “You mean MY laser sword? You sleemo.”
No. 140693 ID: 4481aa
File 169440785963.png - (130.63KB , 500x500 , BD23-28.png )

Lemmy stands at the top of the slide, holding his thumb up towards the sea.

Lemmy: “Hmm... This’ll be tricky.”
Lemmy: “I have the height and distance, but direction is tricky to maneuver. That last test run proved it was possible though.”
Lemmy: “Maybe... Yeah, if I just go for it, I think I’ll land it!”

He nods, readying himself at the top of the slide. After a final glance at his target, he counts himself in.

Lemmy: “Three, two, one– FIRE!”

He pushes off the lip of the entrance and rockets down the chute. The sheer speed makes him squeal with excitement, but he stays focused and counts every turn. One, then two, and finally three!

His eyes squint open, as he stares down the final drop. This was it!

He grips his Super Soaker tightly, tucks in his legs, and–
No. 140694 ID: 4481aa
File 169440787377.png - (129.46KB , 500x500 , BD23-29.png )


It takes a second before Lemmy can open his eyes, with the air battering against his speeding form, but he’s met with the sight of a deep blue ocean. There were many sights in the sea itself, such as the impossible to miss dragon generating waves in the center, but what stole his attention was a clear sphere housing a fully-covered individual. One unsuspecting individual, that his momentum was currently carrying him towards!

He grins. His trajectory had been just right it seemed.

Lemmy: “Hey! Sorry to burst your bubble, but you oughta book it if you don’t wanna get wet!”
Cybil: “What–”

As he reaches the peak of his height, there is only one direction left to go. Gravity does what it does best, bringing him down upon the poor alien minding her own business.

Lemmy: “HI-YAAAAA!”
No. 140695 ID: 4481aa
File 169440789884.png - (66.38KB , 500x500 , BD23-30.png )


As he lands, the nozzle of his weapon punctures through the bubble, right through the patch of nectar applied earlier. For a brief moment the foam splits before it has any chance to completely harden. The goop gradually seals around the nozzle as Lemmy hangs on to avoid splashing in the ocean below.

Beneath the waves, the force of Lemmy smacking against the orb-o-plastic causes enough tension to snap the rope from its anchor. Concerning, but unnoticed by both parties while such an obvious disturbance takes place above the waves.
No. 140696 ID: 4481aa
File 169440791109.png - (80.75KB , 500x500 , BD23-31.png )

Cybil: “What in the hell is wrong with you?! Pull that thing out this instant! You're contaminating my safe space!"
Lemmy: "Uhhm"
Cybil: "Now."
Lemmy: "I'm trying. It's, uh, stuck."
Cybil: "Stuck?"
Lemmy: "Glued."
Cybil: "Well let go of it then! Get off! Swim back to shore--I'll return it after the end of the day. Don't you know you're playing around with people's lives with what you just did? I have an immune deficiency hence the protective casing. You're supposed to keep a safe distance between other beach-goers. Twelve feet minimum. What were you even thinking, attempting to hop on like it's some trampoline? You could've injured yourself. Where are your parents? Stay right there, I'm calling the beach police over! No, in fact, what's your parents' number--"
No. 140697 ID: 4481aa
File 169440792351.gif - (97.55KB , 500x500 , BD23-32.gif )

No. 140713 ID: ca2950
File 169461976007.png - (353.24KB , 1024x768 , cheaty mccheaterface.png )

Keimi: "You're not supposed to change the outcome of a match via outside interference. That's against the rules. You're cheating!"

Trisha: "Pssh... It's not cheating. It's helping someone in need and that's a good thing. Not cheating at all."

Keimi: "Whatever helps you sleep at night."
No. 140719 ID: 9b127b
File 169479118105.png - (493.69KB , 774x930 , Trisha12.png )

Trish releases Keimi

Trisha: "what is your problem lady?, Fine it's cheating! jeeze we're just putting on a show!, My co-worker just needed time to fix her top then you can go back to riding her around like a mechanical bull!"

Keimi: "So you admit it you cheater!"

Trisha: "Oh my god! you can't cheat at a show performance! you're worse than those chess club nerds at my old school.
At least they knew when there wasn't a ref or a judge or anything. Who're you trying to impress, your weird voyeur boyfriend who put you up to this? ugh that's it isn't it? I bet that creep is getting off to you pulling some other girl's clothes off. just like that stupid chess club!"

Keimi: "um wait...

Trisha shudders: "is that why you're wearing that super inna-propes string bikini? so it falls apart in front of everybody?!
Ohmygod I can't believe I actually touched you, I'm going to need to burn this hand just to get the gross off!"
You weird perverts better get out of here before I call security!"
No. 140720 ID: ca2950
File 169479430257.png - (129.89KB , 616x589 , retort.png )

Keimi: "I didn't come here to wrestle, so this bikini is perfectly appropriate. I was roped into this by your co-worker in the designed-to-fail swimsuit, who must have lost intentionally because otherwise how could I beat a professional so easily? It looks like any boob exposure was a deliberate attention seeking ploy on her part."

Keimi straightens up and goes to leave the ring.

"I'm not going to wear a frumpy bodysuit covered in snack food because I'm insecure about my flat chest. That would be really, really sad."
No. 140727 ID: 11f77a
File 169492067720.png - (415.67KB , 826x718 , beach-sibbs23 4.png )

Cybil: Stop spraying me with that! Stop stop stop stop!

The passenger holds on as if the ocean was lava. Against the plastic sheet, water makes it a near-frictionless surface to mount and gain a steady position.

Cybil: Did you even boil that water first? You’re also getting it all over my book! It’s a library rental!

Lemmy: It’ll run out of water, don’t worry! Let me empty it out faster.

Cybil: Dammit! No! Uuugh.

Cybil: Well if you won’t simply let go of the damn thing, I’ll just have to makeshift something to ensure my survival to the end of this vacation.

The gort sifts through her belongings as her second skin is wetted sprinkle by sprinkle. The answer arrives shortly: she grabs a mechanical straw to insert through the nozzle.

Cybil: Didn’t think I’d actually use this one day. I tell Jer all the time, ‘this will come in handy one day, trust me’. Still... least the water is somewhat filtered now.

Mechanical Straw Expended

Cybil: Come on, man. Can’t you swim? We’ve got to be close to shore for you to paddle on over and leave me alone.
No. 140728 ID: 11f77a
File 169492072258.png - (251.90KB , 826x718 , beach-sibbs23 5.png )

Lemmy: You shore about that?

Cybil: Uugh...


Cybil: Okay, it seems this is an entirely new problem. And all I wanted was to relax, man. The lengths people go to try to kill me is unbelievable.
No. 140732 ID: e51896
File 169513911415.png - (73.93KB , 1280x720 , 009.png )

Hey! It's been awhile since we last checked up on Rachael. What has she, and her incredible deteriorating clothing been up to?

Why, she has been in line for the water slide of course! the line was long, but it's finally her turn... however, she's getting second thoughts as she stands over her inner tube, and inspects how fast the stream is going.

Rachael: Gosh, i-it's so high up here, and isn't that stream is going a bit too fast?
Rachael: Those turns look a bit too sharp too. What if I fall off?
Rachael: Is the inner tube durable enough? Can it secure me without having me fall off?
Rachael: M-maybe I should climb back down for my safety... but that'd be too embarrassing, wouldn't it? people might think I'm a cowardly bnuuy!
Rachael: I have to do this, Charisse would want me to...
Rachael: But what if I ram into someone on the way out? I noticed they didn't put up any buoy ropes down there to keep swimmers away from the slide...
Rachael: Maybe it's best if I-

No. 140733 ID: e51896
File 169513916443.png - (72.33KB , 1280x720 , 010.png )

Gloomweaver: UGH! JUST GO ALREADY!
Rachael: EEK!

Gloomweaver gives Rachael a massive push onto her innertube, causing Rachael to go down the slide at high speed. As Rachael slides down into the slide entrance, Gloomweaver calls out after her:

No. 140735 ID: e51896
File 169513921662.png - (54.70KB , 1280x720 , 011.png )

As Gloomweaver waits for Rachael to reach the bottom, she feels something in her hands, and investigates what she might be holding.

Gloomweaver: What the? What's this
Gloomweaver: Oh, whoops! did I accidentally pull a chunk of her swimsuit off after pushing her?
Gloomweaver: My bad, I just wanted to get the line moving.
Gloomweaver: Wow, it must have been one cheap flimsy swimsuit... or one of those prank dissolving swimsuits... maybe she must really be a pervert?
Gloomweaver: Especially if she was wearing it after it was already considerably damaged.
Gloomweaver: But I guess it serves her right for keeping us waiting with her indecision.
Gloomweaver: now then...

After setting her inner tube down, she comes to a sudden realization that she should have known from the start.

Gloomweaver: WAIT! Why am I even up here?
Gloomweaver: I'm too big to fit through the slide entrance!
Gloomweaver: Let alone even be able to sit on an innertube without it sinking or deflating.
Gloomweaver: ...Eh, fuck it, I'm outta here!

Gloomweaver jumps out the window and flies off somewhere to find some other activity to partake in.
No. 140736 ID: e51896
File 169513925260.png - (76.05KB , 1280x720 , 012.png )


Rachael is going down the slide at terrifyingly high speed, giving her a boost of adrenaline to help her keep a grip onto the sides of her inner tube and not fly off it.

but, that came with a price. As the tube made its sharp turns, it brushed her arms against the walls of the slide, causing the sleeves to rip off her arms from the friction between the walls against her arms.

Despite this, Rachael's efforts was a success as she was able to hold on until she finally reached the end of the slide with a huge splash, and safely reach the shore without having to swim there thanks to how fast the inner tube was already going.
No. 140737 ID: e51896
File 169513926774.png - (89.08KB , 1280x720 , 013.png )

Rachael jumps off the inner tube, and sighs with relief

Rachael: *Whew* It's over. I need a moment...
Rachael: That was horrifying... but...
Rachael: It was also actually... pretty fun?
Rachael: That rush actually felt really... exhilarating I think?
Rachael: Maybe I want to go again...

As she rests, she notices something on her arms... or rather, a lack of something on her arms!

Rachael: ACK! What happened!
Rachael: M-m-my sleeves are gone!
Rachael: What is wrong with this swimsuit?!
Rachael: ...
Rachael: ...M-maybe it's fine? it's just sleeves,
Rachael: It actually feels nice to get some air on my arms at least
Rachael: But... ooooh, my zipper slid down more too...
Rachael: My bra is getting exposed...
Rachael: I think I can still cover it, or at least most of it, but... maybe I shouldn't do anything more exciting so it doesn't slide down more.
Rachael: I'm just glad that was the worst that came from the slide.

It isn't though, as unknown to Rachael, after Gloomweaver pushed her earlier, it tore a large part of the back of her swimsuit, and part of the skirt she was using to cover her rear and backside. the back of her bra is now totally exposed.

After doing a not so thorough check on her swimsuit, Rachael looks around and tries to think of a not so exciting, yet fun thing to do. Maybe she can sunbathe on the beach? maybe watch a wrestling show? (She is a big OWO fan after all), maybe ask for some artwork from someone other than a cat wizard? Or maybe get some food? or Something else? She decides to walk along the beach until she decides on something.

SKIRT: 20%
GLASSES: 100%:
BRA: 100% (front side Protected by TEMPORARY SWIMSUIT
PANTIES: 100% (Partially protected by TEMPORARY SWIMSUIT and SKIRT

No. 140762 ID: 11f77a
File 169567287508.png - (659.76KB , 826x718 , beach-sibbs23 6.png )

The drifting presumes. The waves are picking up something fierce; unnaturally violent for a controlled habitat such as The Diamond Crown.

Cybil: If we drift out too far, I don’t think we’re gonna return!

Cybil: Perhaps I can figure out where my drone is. The beacon indicates it’s nearby. I could push us both back to the docks with the remaining charge in its batteries.

Cybil: Once ashore, I’ll spend the rest of my evening on sand so I won’t drift out into the ocean again.
No. 140763 ID: 11f77a
File 169567295845.gif - (20.01MB , 827x719 , beach-sibbs23 7b.gif )

‘Bec scoffs. “For your information, I’m running a perfectly legitimate business here. I’ve even kept my fees low out of generosity.”

Jynn glares. “I shouldn’t have to pay you for finding something I didn’t lose.”

“Newsflash lady! You did! Bet you didn’t know where it was until you saw one of the posters, huh? You ever wonder why that was?”

“Because you stole it!”

“Well you’d know all about that, wouldn’t you? Trying to take my merchandise without paying and all. Who’s the real thief here?”

No. 140764 ID: 11f77a
File 169567308110.png - (479.71KB , 826x718 , beach-sibbs23 8.png )

The drone is successfully summoned. Before long Cybil and Lemmy are safely dragged back to the sandy coast. Having used the last of its battery juice, the drone drops lifeless into the sand.

Cybil: Crap... I’ll have to pick that up later when I’m back into my suit. Don’t want to litter again--it’s how I got my beach police license suspended.

Drone Remote Controls Expended
No. 140765 ID: 4481aa
File 169567802644.png - (140.51KB , 500x500 , BD23-33.png )


‘Bec slams a fist down on the countertop. This debate had already gone on too long for her liking. “You’re talking a lot of shit for a bitch with no proof. I don’t care what you think happened. For all I know, that wasn’t even yours to begin with, and you’re just trying to scam me.”

“Wh– You cannot be accusing me of pulling a scam when you literally–!”

“Of course not.” ‘Bec laughs at suggestion, clearly not taking it seriously. “I can’t back up a claim like that, so it’d be crazy of me to toss it out as an accusation.”

She leans in with a steady glare. “Crazy, right?”

Jynn stays silent, lacking a good retort despite knowing that ‘Bec was full of it. After a few seconds, ‘Bec leans back and sighs.

“Drop the goods and skedaddle. You’re scaring away the actual customers.”

In the end, Jynn decides to just ignore the debate altogether. She grunts, spinning on her heel and walking away, lightsaber in hand. “I’m not having this argument. This belongs to me, and I’m taking it back.”

‘Bec clicks her tongue. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”

Jynn pauses, tightening her grip on the weapon. “Is that a threat?”
No. 140766 ID: 4481aa
File 169567804658.png - (103.04KB , 500x500 , BD23-34.png )

“Nah, just a warning about this stall’s shoplifting policy. See, with prices this low, you must really be desperate if you can’t afford them. Needy people like you could use some charity...”


‘Bec grabs the Mystery Bomb she’d been keeping close, pulling the pin and chucking it at Jynn.

“Enjoy the complimentary gift!”
No. 140767 ID: 4481aa
File 169567806705.png - (111.35KB , 500x500 , BD23-35.png )

Jynn doesn’t hesitate, activating her lightsaber and holding it up to parry the attack. When the bomb is split in two, her eyes go wide.

“Wh– You’re using physical projectiles? That’s cheati–!”

No. 140771 ID: 4481aa
File 169568002535.png - (136.37KB , 575x535 , BD23-36.png )

Splitting the bomb hadn’t stopped its detonation. Luckily, despite the bang and smoke, Jynn wasn’t caught in a burst of heat. Had ‘Bec closely inspected the mysterious bomb she’d snatched near the fox, she would have found a small label engraved into its head describing its contents.


When the smoke clears, Jynn is dripping with liquid and bereft of her swimsuit. She shrieks, taking far too long to put at least two of her arms over the important bits.

“Huh, was not expecting that…” ‘Bec mutters to herself

“I- Erk! What are you, some kind of venching pervert!?”

“...Eh, I can work with this.” ‘Bec shrugs, before putting some real smugness into her voice.“Well well well, looks to me like you’d be interested in our swimsuit catalog right about now. Real shame you used up all your charity. All items from this point are gonna be full-price for you.”
No. 140773 ID: 9b127b
File 169569314050.png - (1.63MB , 1600x1200 , BeachDay2023img11.png )

Aebin Nethaar: "Finally after many long years of study it is time to test this curious device! now to pick a target..."
No. 140774 ID: 9b127b
File 169569326313.png - (753.76KB , 1600x1200 , BeachDay2023img12.png )

Nethaar: "Ahh that odd fellow with more money than sense, he'll do, or rather his coins sack will do when I raise it from his grasp"

Nethaar pulls the trigger

No. 140775 ID: 9b127b
File 169569334873.png - (543.94KB , 1600x1200 , BeachDay2023img13.png )

Nethaar "How vexxing, my target seems unaffected, perhaps the tool is defective..."
No. 140777 ID: dc13c4
File 169572228313.jpg - (259.04KB , 680x466 , BB 1115.jpg )

Gramlera: "Would you just put away that bag of money? I mean what are you even doing by just standing there and staring? You will be an easy target."

Worm Work: "I was just stupefied by all the insanity that is occurring at the beach. I mean look at all these characters they look different and exquisite, makes you want to just visit their worlds and learn more about them and you are correct I need to hide my money thank you for reminding me."

No. 140778 ID: dc13c4
File 169572232650.jpg - (262.91KB , 572x534 , BB 1116.jpg )

No. 140779 ID: dc13c4
File 169572247223.jpg - (162.61KB , 400x324 , BB 1117.jpg )

Gramlera: "You really sometimes freak me out, you crazy merchant guy."

No. 140796 ID: ca2950
File 169598771945.png - (128.20KB , 501x460 , flump.png )

Keimi leaves the ring and demands Alex carry her piggyback, immediately wilting over his shoulders.

Alex: "What's wrong?"

Keimi: "I can't be snarky and aggressive for long, it wears me out."

Alex: "You looked like you were having fun, but I guess the new champ is actually a soft nerd."

Keimi: "Shut up and buy me ice cream. It's really hot here."
No. 140825 ID: 918cdb
File 169639172318.png - (307.24KB , 600x686 , Beach2023 part17.png )

A new dawn rises on 'pon the shore,
yet many a child of war,
gets to rejoyce at it no more,
Lay'n they broken and beaten'pon the floor.

Will mothers tears so bitterly shed,
Enough to make the soil feel fed?
Will rulers balk and see their folly,
And turn half circle from their vileness truly?

Nay, mothers kneel, their mourning done,
And send to tyrants with hearts of stone,
More kin in hopes to serve the nation,
And soil drinks up in dark exultation.
No. 140826 ID: 918cdb
File 169639177838.png - (1.49MB , 1640x1120 , Beach2023 part18.png )

Where one mountain calls for aid, another rushes to the sound of its clarion!

Come, dear brethren of Silverlock! Fight for our allies in their time of need!

Make the tyrant’s fortress crumble!

Make know him fear!

And make him (sigh) SUBMIT TO SUMMIT!
No. 140827 ID: 918cdb
File 169639184685.png - (288.17KB , 600x600 , Beach2023 part19.png )

-No wonder they say not to fire from the hip, I lifted it to shoulder length and it’s much easier.

-Not now, Missy, I’m calling for supplies. And put that down! We are supposed to just bring them to the front, not use them, remember?

Yes? Hello?

Yes, we need the biggest waterproof tent you’ve got!

No, that’s too big!
No. 140851 ID: dc13c4
File 169658153343.jpg - (295.21KB , 701x546 , BB 1120.jpg )

As the war on the Beach Day continues to rage on all seems to progress normally in the favor of the sand castle rulers until....

No. 140852 ID: dc13c4
File 169658172803.jpg - (308.49KB , 512x623 , BB 1121.jpg )

Far in the distance could be heard loud monkey screaming. The monkey was driving a flying ship like a maniac...


No. 140854 ID: dc13c4
File 169658198540.jpg - (445.37KB , 842x830 , BB 1122.jpg )

And hit directly the upper part of the fortress right where the name of it stood.

No. 140855 ID: dc13c4
File 169658206338.jpg - (316.38KB , 500x434 , BB 1123.jpg )

Bobbie the pirate princess "I told you that giving that demon the steering wheel was a bad idea. Also, didn't you tell me that you taught him to drive it in the first place?"

Abdle the crew's parrot "Yeah I did teach him to drive but I misunderstood his incoherent yelling as telling me that he understood my lessons."

No. 140856 ID: dc13c4
File 169658216303.jpg - (297.26KB , 510x404 , BB 1124.jpg )

Bobbie the pirate princess "I just hope that nobody inside that sand castle didn't get hurt on inpact."

Abdle the crew's parrot "Well that would be the least of their problems, the guy who built that thing told me that it is powered by a nuclear reactor, and if it gets badly damaged it can release a huge explosion."

No. 140857 ID: dc13c4
File 169658224621.jpg - (310.20KB , 471x420 , BB 1125.jpg )

Bobbie the pirate princess "An explosion! Why would somebody put a nuclear engine in a freaking pirate ship! Are we all in danger of dying!"

Abdle the crew's parrot "It all depends if the engine is badly damaged and the size of the explosion. Worst case scenario everybody on this beach dies of horrible nuclear radiation or all the cloth disintegrates from the radiation which will turn this into a nudist beach."

No. 140859 ID: dc13c4
File 169658246144.jpg - (279.47KB , 438x424 , BB 1126.jpg )

Bobbie the pirate princess "Don't be ridiculous radiation can't melt solid clothing!"

Abdle the crew's parrot "Hey realism is not really the main concern for this celebration. If radiation here can destroy what you wear by the same logic sunscreen can deflect radiation."

No. 140887 ID: 9b127b
File 169682097454.png - (498.38KB , 774x930 , Trisha13.png )

Trisha mutters more to herself then anything "wow, projecting much?"

Then she speaks to the audience "It looks like we have a winner! any one else want to test their skill against a might fighter and-"


Trisha then notices Keimi leaving "Wait! you forgot your free T-Shirt! look we even have children's sizes!"

and then to the audience "Come and fight to win your own! or visit our sponsored ride "BIG SPLASH" to buy a stylish shirt for the low low price of 19.99$"
No. 140888 ID: 9b127b
File 169682198413.png - (1.14MB , 774x930 , Plague2.png )

One of the many OWO wrestlers has taken over "Big Splash"

Plague "I can't believe they put me on T-Shirt duty, I'm way better than that no talent Tsuki... does anyone even want to ride this bikini consuming deathtrap? ugh."
No. 140894 ID: ca2950
File 169689550892.png - (94.83KB , 476x430 , yap.png )

Keimi: "I don't need child's sizes, I need adult sizes. I have a driver's license! I can buy alcohol! I can... Alex. tell her I'm an adult!"

Alex: "Oh, she's an adult, because I'd be in jail if she wasn't."

Keimi: "AAAAAAH! Shut up!"

Alex: "She's actually older than me, so for a time, she was an adult and I was a mere child. I was underage for almost the entire time I've known her."

Keimi: "That's technically true, but you're only four months younger than me! Stop trying to make it sound bad!"

Alex: "You know I wont."
No. 140900 ID: fb8a42
File 169700097641.png - (166.04KB , 499x477 , BD_Naomi.png )

Samantha: If only I'd known that a trip to the beach made life so much easier for me.

Naomi: I'm so hot... this sun is putting me to sleep.

Samantha: I'll probably regret saying this, but maybe a novelty swimsuit would cool you down somehow. I don't want to write back to Minga telling them their local half-fox spirit got heatstroke.

Naomi: Too tired... no energy...
No. 140938 ID: 44d5f6
File 169742265337.png - (618.11KB , 774x930 , Trisha14.png )

Trisha "Geeze so touchy lady! I know you're not a kid but I thought the child size would fit better, but you can have a real person sized shirt if you want..."
No. 141573 ID: 75b262
File 170587177871.png - (54.27KB , 660x851 , BD2023-14.png )


The tasty buune satisfies Dotti's delightful dinner dreams for a few delicious minutes, but the appearance of a big-boobed dragon reminds Dotti about other problems. She releases her hold on her prey to deal with their shared predicament.

"Stupid swimsuit," Dotti grumbles. "At least Roger knows that hunting is hazardous. Prey can get a lucky swipe in when you least expect it."

Luckily, there's a generous wolf waving T-shirts nearby.

"I'll take one!" Dotti shouts.
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