Silver Blossom
You, sir, just inflated my ego.
As for the visibility thing, I'll take your word for it and start adding a few more situations where it's used. Oh, and you're going to love the spOoOoOoky woods I've got in store.
And the difficulty is meant to be easy right off the bat. Believe me, it'll get harder. Just wait 'til the sun goes down.
Well, not counting KaraQuest, (and NicQuest? I haven't really read through that one) there really hadn't been a zombie apocalypse quest before JimQuest. Somebody had to do it eventually.
That's a good thing, because any attempt at any other style ends up looking like that "fanart" I made.
Also, I'm curious about this /x/ quest. Are there archived threads/screencaps/whatever-the-fuck that I could take a look at?
As for the actual Quest, I'll be back with Chapter 2 later tonight, depending on how fast I can get off my ass and finish a few more areas. (I try to make most of that shit beforehand so the Quest can move as fast as possible)