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File 152186585887.png - (18.80KB , 150x150 , tgchanlogo.png )
121761 No. 121761 ID: 395c02 Stickied hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Welcome to the Quest Advice thread Mk. 2! Anyone is welcome to offer advice or ask questions about the amazing world of interactive storytelling!

Check the wiki page for additional information and tips: http://questden.org/wiki/Advice_for_Running_a_Quest

The Questden discord may also be of assistance: https://discord.gg/eU3WSzA

Old thread (Advice may be outdated): https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/15880.html
140 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 141286 ID: 462d8c

You're only able to delete posts you know the password to. A password is auto-generated and automatically filled in for your posts.

So if you're worried that you deleted someone's post, don't stress about it. Unless you managed to delete some spam then hell yeah!
No. 143424 ID: 0bdad5

Sorry if it's weird to ask, but does anyone have any quest ideas they'd like to see done? I've been a lurker for a while but have really felt the urge to start my own quest recently. Problem is I'm having trouble coming up with what I even want the quest to be about, so just looking for ideas to at least have as a jumping off point to develop something.
No. 143425 ID: 1effd3

Well first think of what kinda stuff you like.
Example, From Nothing was inspired by MAQ, AuditQuest, and Dungeoneer.
No. 143581 ID: bfe580

How about the life of a retired, washed-up henshin hero?
No. 143595 ID: 2ab130

I don't know where else to ask this where it'll be easily seen, but I saw someone on twitter claiming that reaver/reavz has died. Does anyone know if that's true?

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143113 No. 143113 ID: 2620c6 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

art, extra stuff, chit chat!

read here: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1099846.html

find me:
48 posts and 12 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 143574 ID: 4fdf2e

not possible to fuck things up!!! we are all here to tell a story together and have fun :) my GM/quest author philosophy is "me and the audience are not adversaries." sometimes i might dole out "punishment" for "mistakes" but that's really just a different flavor of fun from getting "rewards" from "solving my murderdyke puzzles"

additionally deadestgal is correct abt my hehehes


1. glaive's gender was always destined to be "lesbian fuckboy"
2. this will get covered ingame as we continue!
3. bikky take picture :)
No. 143576 ID: 992af8

please forgive my huge pile of text there's a lot going on and I'm Excited.


"dez fez"? no. desideratum consortium.
...okay possibly someone else could do better still.
No. 143583 ID: 0db8d3

It looks like the ID that's currently in Veil last responded in December.

Is that person even still around?
No. 143586 ID: 08c498


yeah ive been wondering tbh
No. 143587 ID: 4fdf2e

I don't check poster ids when collecting suggestion results/writing updates! that would be way too much to keep track of for me lmao, plus ids can change very frequently for a lot of reasons (posting from different places, using cellular/mobile data, etc). i just rely on you guys to let me know if you're specifically cashing in on ur individual hops, in the content of ur replies. in cases where someone goes inactive like this i kind of subtly shift it back to majority rule: i left the geist hanging there bc there had been a few suggestions expressing approval of having the iv drip of intel, and for example now there are some suggestions wanting that geist retrieved and so they'll get yoinked next update.

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141736 No. 141736 ID: 01c8e1 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Aldequest Discussion Thread to answer all your questions, quandries, and feedback!

Character Sheet:

Was recommended that I make one of these, so here it is!
91 posts and 6 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 143452 ID: d86457

I don't even know what to say, thanks so much you two! It really does mean a lot to see fanart like this. Never though I'd have a character that could be considered worthy of it, lol. Damn nice shanking stance too, going for the ankles.
No. 143524 ID: 946933
File 174086218181.png - (2.57MB , 3000x2500 , Tanna Reference.png )

Well it's about a week and a half overdue, but Aldequest had it's 1 year anniversary on the 18th! Enjoy this weasel in various poses!

Some notes that I should've spaced into the image but I'll post them here instead.

1. Full rendition Tanna uses gradients. I usually pick the same color as the color I want to gradient and use an overlay layer on top of that, then play around with the colors. That's why her main fur color is so different in the top left pose than everywhere else.
2. Her arms are slightly longer than a normal weasels, but slightly smaller than a humans. When she is walking, she walks on all fours, and usually stands tall when sitting still.
3. She does have breasts, they're just very flat! Hidden under her fur and all that.
4. Tanna is actually a mix of Tachidoki and Otakawa, another type of beastfolk in the world of Aldebaran that are otter-like. While she's mostly Tachidoki, this is where she gets her little white tipped tail. This is also why she has a few different features of various mustelidae such as the least weasel and black footed ferret.
No. 143534 ID: 2f41db

Excellent guide.
On one level its lost on me as i cant draw in the slightest, but on the other level of "enjoy cute weasel bard art" im loving it.

Again, congrats on the anniversary.
No. 143599 ID: 8f9bc4


That is an adorable (and functional!) outfit!
No. 143600 ID: 3c73e9

Hey, thanks! I really like how the outfit came out as well, looking forward to dressing this weasel more in the future.

Just want to provide a quick update as well, working on the next set of images still. I'm kind of a dumbass that waited to long to start writing again, but that portions done! Somehow have even more images lined up than the last update, but I'm a little under halfway done with them. Estimating someday next week is when it'll come out.

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135483 No. 135483 ID: eedbeb hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

i make quests too quickly to warrant a discussion thread for each one. going forward all the fun can happen here.

once i'm finished with a quest, i put it in pdf form here: https://tippler.itch.io/
432 posts and 170 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 143412 ID: f1368b
File 173911669660.png - (146.76KB , 500x600 , a61.png )

That is a very nice thing to say comrade, I like to think of the mutually beneficial quest author reader relationship from the author end as getting a mental shortcut because the suggestors do all of the hard idea generation work. I get to sit back, sip my fruity beverage, and mash things together. I think I have gotten better at distilling over the years but it is an art not a science.

My itch.io basically contains everything I deem appropriate for a link I share with irl friends, which is the vast majority of what I've produced. I am, of course, sitting on 100K words or so of extremely specific fetish writing that will never see the light of the internet. That is the longest form thing I've made because I like shorter projects, am a slow writer, and enjoy having wrists.

I would plug the patreon which gives access to my small discord server and very inexpensive art requests like the one attached and posted in the fanart thread, but I've spent literal years cultivating the existing members to be trustworthy participants in tippler society and frankly any new blood would fill me with dread and suspicion. Reading and (if you'd like) suggesting on my quests is all the support I desire!
No. 143572 ID: d30887

I vote that you do a fantasy sex comic instead of continuing Henry and Jess. It... I don't know.
No. 143577 ID: e61200
File 174160551973.png - (333.64KB , 542x1500 , Yetagaindisagreement.png )

What a fortuitous coincidence that you would end the thread now, as I finish a fanarts.

I admit I'm not a fan of Marquis de Sade style stories, but I like the interplay between the many-walks-of-life cast and look forward to the super mega adventures of surly mouse and nervous jackal: the gaiden: the movie.
No. 143585 ID: f1368b
File 174174486874.png - (311.54KB , 1280x720 , game_menu.png )

i don't have fantasy sex comic but i do have NEW MOUSHLEY PORN GAME WAHOOOOOOO:


you'll have to explain the joke to me zealot, is the funny haha the fact that sophie is telling kai to punch victor even though mahan is the one being difficult? because i do enjoy an irony
No. 143588 ID: e61200

Yes, that is indeed the joke (unless Sophie has a diferent motive to punch Victor even I am not privy to). Part of the inspiration is that I also mixed up the names.

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140583 No. 140583 ID: 995874 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

A discussion thread for Rotten Apple quest.

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No. 143523 ID: 0d7346
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The duality of existence.
No. 143541 ID: 67e615
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Sanctity of Life
No. 143557 ID: 67e615
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Lesser Demons
No. 143565 ID: 67e615
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No. 143566 ID: 67e615
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Maya Din

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140397 No. 140397 ID: 15a025 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Welcome to the grand opening of the Fanart Gallery XV!

We are currently accepting submissions to encapsulate in the upcoming volume of our wonderful art archives.

If you're searching for our previous volumes you can enter the archives over here, so long as you present a valid library card.
700 - 799: Art & Recreation: https://questden.org/wiki/Fanart_Thread

If you're interested in learning more about our host, you can read more over here:
276 posts and 259 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 143545 ID: 67e615
File 174108307286.jpg - (2.19MB , 2641x1337 , poklon 55.jpg )

So Silly Zealot did you honestly expect that you would not get a drawing by being so silly. Anyways fill in the blanks, put what they would say or think.
No. 143548 ID: 67e615
File 174109939182.jpg - (1.88MB , 1932x1446 , poklon 56.jpg )

I just like this running joke. I must apologize for making her blue. I am running out of black paint.
No. 143552 ID: 67e615
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The last thing you see before something really painful happens to you.
No. 143554 ID: 67e615
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Say hello to my big friend, but I must warn you that this rose has sharp thorns.
No. 143558 ID: 67e615
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One day I went to the beach and it became my home.

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42419 No. 42419 ID: 953355 Locked hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

1. No, people are not going to get banned extensively for wasting space in the fanart thread. Even if it only seems to be a few regular complainers doing so.

2. I'm setting up spoiler images; wait a day. If you don't think spoiler images are good enough please explain why in this thread.

3. The person who happened to make the first post of a specific fanart thread continuation does not have any power over the thread.
126 posts and 21 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 42798 ID: d6ae01

Whups. I meant porn of children.

As much as it looks like a statement of sarcasm, it is a statement of me forgetting a word.
No. 42800 ID: a83de5

Hugs Quest features children pressing their wet, naked bodies against eachother, sometimes while the smaller one struggles to get away.
No. 42808 ID: d6ae01
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No. 42882 ID: 9c538a
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You've got to be kidding me. It- *searches* it does, jeezus christ. How can you follow a law like that?

>short, factual post elicits reply with huge rant, ending with "calm the fuck down"

No. 143570 ID: 063ae5

Locking due to spam bumps!

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139947 No. 139947 ID: e139aa hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Flockload of Discussion
(quest: >>/quest/1066631 )

Hello. My name is Cirr. I am an amateur quest make guy writing about a weird glass bird, long may it run this time.

someone made me think a discussion thread would be a good idea
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No. 143386 ID: 9bbb0e

For real.

Ganbatte, Cirr-san!
No. 143519 ID: 2ca689

well the game did happen, although it's not particularly Flockload related

updates resuming when I recover from the month of nothing but gamedev, someone scrape me off the floor into a bucket please
No. 143520 ID: 861ceb

Congratulations on finishing the game. took me a hot minute to figure out you want your sliders to stay near the middle but I manage to beat it once I figured that out.
No. 143535 ID: 16d082
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it's a good experience and I really appreciate that you compiled a Linux version. Each erotic furry card game about psychic battles of will that isn't bound solely to the sordid .exe is another blow against The Servant of Mammon's A.K.A The Literal Antichrist's A.K.A. Bill Gates' Embrace-Extend-Extinguish plantation

also I'm starting to think that you have a fascination with pregnant women
No. 143536 ID: 2ca689

whaaaaat noooo what could have ever given you that impression aside from the staggering mountain of evidence

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66907 No. 66907 ID: a6cb8d hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

'Because nothing says quality like a 16x16 image!' - Cirr, as paraphrased by Lago as best as he could remember it after, instead of adding the following edit, he completely overwrote the whole post with it.

Lagotrope edit: To have a favicon added, I need author approval. Hence, the author of the respective quest must either post the favicon themselves or, if a favicon they like is already in the thread somewhere, refer to the favicon's post number and approve it. Either way, please supply the URL to the quest as well, thank you.

In short I need 3 things: author approval, the favicon, and the quest link.

2023 Lagotrope edit: When a favicon needs to be added to its respective thread, I (Lagotrope) can be pinged on the questden discord.
1010 posts and 579 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 143528 ID: b6ea64
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Laundry machine icon for laundry quest
No. 143529 ID: 28d19c

Approved! Thank you Buckwheat!!
No. 143530 ID: b6ea64
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Icon of Poppy for TAXES Quest,
No. 143531 ID: b6ea64
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Icon for my quest DO NOT FILE
No. 143533 ID: 4591f8

naster here; i approve

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111417 No. 111417 ID: d1d42a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Thread for discussing King of Pentacles

numerous questions and complaints have been voiced
probably best to have them answered outside of quest
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No. 142945 ID: 0d1c28
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Lylene and Azzeki lose a game of strip poker
No. 142946 ID: 0d1c28
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to the victor go the spoils!
No. 143434 ID: 83221b

Dolan's not been depicted in any canon pics since he was captured, has he? I'm curious about what happened with him being as he's the only freedom fighter who's not popped up or been mentioned since the first chapter ended.
No. 143455 ID: 0d1c28

I have plans for Dolan and Vriolo that should be revealed this chapter or next.

If a patron requests some art I might reveal some secrets sooner though
No. 143457 ID: 8a2259

Got it thanks.

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142461 No. 142461 ID: 1effd3 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Wiki: https://questden.org/wiki/From_Nothing

A place to discuss things about From Nothing, while ill try to clarify some things if they aren't spoilers! You can also ask certain characters questions if you'd like!
13 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 143249 ID: 1effd3

I love it, ill be sure it gets added to the Wiki!
No. 143251 ID: 6c233e

aaaaah! Adorable!
No. 143448 ID: 1effd3
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Small plant doing a big cute.
No. 143508 ID: 1effd3

Oh I just realized the anniversary to me starting From Nothing was two days ago.

No. 143511 ID: 2f41db

Thanks for the work youve put in.
Its been a compelling and engaging quest.

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143471 No. 143471 ID: a52eb4 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

I haven't been on here since like 2018. Is this website still lively? Did I miss any good quests?
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No. 143482 ID: 4a71ce

Brom was also trying to promote a book he wrote if I’m remembering correctly
No. 143483 ID: 2ca689

I legit can't remember what I was doing in like 2018 but whatever it was I probably stopped doing it
No. 143484 ID: 861ceb

Salikai quest I believe
No. 143495 ID: 2ca689

then my guess was correct...
No. 143503 ID: 8a37bd

Brom has moved on to promoting his fourth book by now. Cranking out words at quest speeds but less asking the audience what to do. Here's a scribblehub if you wanna chase them down.

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139512 No. 139512 ID: 15a025 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

A general discussion thread for anything and everything relating to me or my quests.

From questions, critique, and maybe even sneak peaks and leaks. Your number one insider source for buckwheat quest news and material. Straight from the deer's mouth!
50 posts and 41 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 143132 ID: b6ea64
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No. 143359 ID: 0f30c9
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I tried to draw with aquarelle collors and touching it up little bit in the Photoshop, but I don't think it ended up looking good.
No. 143395 ID: b6ea64
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Lana celebrates!

Hard to believe it's been almost a year since Life After Bars wrapped up. Or atleast, until I unwrap a new chapter for them...
No. 143462 ID: b6ea64
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Been having some pretty hard writers block for ANGRY DEER WIFE for a good while lately, on top of burn out with typing up and retyping the samething over and over again I'd figure now would be a great chance to ask for some critique and advice on the quest. What's been fun, what's not.

Ideally I'd also kind of like to try and wrap up ANGRY DEER WIFE sometime soon and move on to something else. I've got another idea for a Life After Bars thread I'd like to do.
No. 143465 ID: 80d08b

Well, right now there are three main conflicts.

1) Stopping the cult from trying to kill you, which probably involves finding out its leaders and its motivations.

2) Getting back to civilization before you freeze.

3) Fixing or at least stabilizing your relationship with your husband.

Intertwining these three conflicts to resolve them together would help form a roadmap on how the quest could go, moving forward.

I liked discovering the reason behind our stolen wood and coming up with arguments to get hubby deerest to be less surly and intransigent. I love exploration-based and social-based puzzles!

I did feel let down that we didn't get to do more involving the police. Don't get me wrong the cult blocking the road and killing them makes them a very credible threat, but I thought having to continue dealing with the threat after getting the authorities involved was super original and I'm we didn't get to explore that route.

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143048 No. 143048 ID: 92a30c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Hello, it’s me. That’s right, Thadeus Plymouth Saft speaking. And I will be your host for the evening! I had an epiphany the other month with a sexy apparition that I have squandered my wealth and I must amend to everyone I’ve double-crossed, conned, and back-stabbed throughout the galaxy and show I’ve turned a new leaf.

Thus I have invited you all to join my holiday mansion for a secret santa exchange party! So come on in and have a look at the rules of participating.

Here’s a Wiki Link to the previous years of gift-giving! With directions included:

What do you do? You can participate in several ways:

For Quest Authors/Signing-Up
For authors, all you need to do is declare which of your quest-characters will partake in this exchange. Include their name and a link to the quest or wiki page, or name drop the quest title. A picture is helpful as well. If posting multiple characters, you must state whether they’re a GROUP or INDIVIDUALS. Once we reach an appointed date, everyone will be randomly assigned their partner. After matches are made it is your job to write and illustrate what your character would gift their special someone! Perhaps something from their world. Or something personal! Maybe a secondhand participation trophy. Or a Goat RPG game! Maybe a genuine mint-condition “I Voted” sticker!

You’re not obligated to have the character respond to a gift received. But the process of your character finding/deciding their partner’s gift is expected. It can be done in one picture, five, ten, animated; doesn’t matter as long as you don’t tire yourselves out and lose momentum! Posting before or after Christmas is no problem either! You have
Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
88 posts and 87 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 143441 ID: 477903
File 173955693761.jpg - (103.02KB , 642x354 , Core 392.jpg )

Prince Hollow Heart: "Princess stop hugging Tanna, you know that we both can't exist separated for too long."
No. 143442 ID: 477903
File 173955702337.jpg - (204.51KB , 514x447 , Core 393.jpg )

Princess Hollow Heart: "I know I know, I just wanted to cheer her up. She seemed so sad when she picked up her gift."

Prince Hollow Heart: "I know, that is your curse, you care to much. But I did find something, a skull."

Princess Hollow Heart: "Where dud you find a skull?"
No. 143443 ID: 477903
File 173955714117.jpg - (400.83KB , 594x865 , Core 394.jpg )

Prince Hollow Heart: "You shouldn't ask where I found it and more what I will use it for and it is to bring back your pet kitty."

Princess Hollow Heart: "Oh it is prefect, I will call her Guillotine. Give her to me"

Prince Hollow Heart: "What can I say, the day felt perfect for giving you a present. Also be careful she may be a little bit jumpy."
No. 143444 ID: 477903
File 173955722186.jpg - (118.41KB , 529x507 , Core 395.jpg )

Princess Hollow Heart: "Ahh, she jumped out of my hand."

Prince Hollow Heart: "I warned you."
No. 143445 ID: 477903
File 173955751374.jpg - (280.61KB , 724x712 , Core 396.jpg )

Prince Hollow Heart: "And look at him now, even if he is a corps, he can't resist sleeping somewhere he shouldn't."

Princess Hollow Heart: "Will she damage the goat corps?"

Prince Hollow Heart: "Not sure, he may decapitate his head is he is removed too abruptly, or peel off his face if he stays too long on it."

Princess Hollow Heart: "Well she will live up to her name then. I apologize for making that joke."

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143346 No. 143346 ID: b1c103 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

The Day of Hugs has come once more!

Previous Hug Day: https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/141593.html
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No. 143351 ID: 32d5bc
File 173783312480.png - (323.33KB , 990x660 , HU_02_006_A.png )

Oh, well if Hugs from inside the Quest are legal, I got a couple of those.
No. 143352 ID: 32d5bc
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No. 143353 ID: 32d5bc
File 173783315924.png - (244.24KB , 990x660 , HU_02_011_G.png )

No. 143355 ID: 4a0685
File 173784995906.png - (42.86KB , 474x474 , lmaogethugged.png )

No. 143360 ID: 0f30c9
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Fun fact for a slime hugging and eating is performed in the same way.

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139686 No. 139686 ID: 08229c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Support the author: https://ko-fi.com/calalen

A place to discuss my work. Ask me questions. Or ask my characters questions directly! As long as its not spoilers it'll be answered.

Or don't. I'm not your parent.
27 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 140137 ID: 08229c
File 169060110272.png - (84.68KB , 480x672 , fallen.png )

Indeed! You can reach me at my kofi or my twitter.

Old and broke. I took it when I was like in middle school and I've grown a tiny bit since then. Just a tiny bit.

Blue, most likely.

Quite a few. However, they don't particularly care for the undead and so they have their own settlements. For the most part the two groups don't go at each other, though they're hard pressed to work together.

Everyone in the Fallen Web is a not-dead human.
No. 140436 ID: 1effd3

do Runes(Audit) exist in ATE?
No. 142582 ID: 7142b8

Gonna be pretty fun to see what chaos comes out of lewd Audit
No. 142649 ID: 1effd3

What happens to the monsters in a dungeon if the dungeon is deleted? do they just disappaear, move out, or die horrific deaths?
No. 143357 ID: a7a180
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Warrior's living armor is just the best. I hope they fight many legendary battles together.

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119248 No. 119248 ID: 395c02 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

The old thread was getting large, so have a new one! This image was drawn by AQR!

If you're new, my wiki page links to every quest I've made: https://tgchan.org/wiki/Slinko

I also have a patreon! https://www.patreon.com/Slinketza
450 posts and 45 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 136846 ID: a9af05

Your health is more important than the quest! Focus on getting better and come back whenever you feel like it!

Hope you start feeling better!
No. 136879 ID: 9c97c7

Please take as long as you need
No. 143321 ID: 5c2adc

Hope you are doing well... Or at least much better. It's been a very long time and I decided to come back to read all my favorite stories again. Tezakia Quest, Asteroid Quest, Story Seeker...
No. 143322 ID: 5c2adc

I mostly liked what was here, and, of course, there are criticisms and you could definitely do it better now. But I really liked the idea of Sekani turning into a "monster" and still being loved by Amiel... and eventually learning to love his new self. Also, there is something really satisfying about "monsters" doing good with their power. Sekani's struggle with his transformation and Amiel's relationship were the reasons I was here for it. The heart/core of the story was still very nice.
No. 143323 ID: 5c2adc

Also Jiniki... she was Adorable2.0.exe

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142912 No. 142912 ID: 1d580c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Happy Halloween 2024! Have your quest characters dress up in costume and Enjoy the celebration at this horrifying haunted house... that is, if you can figure out how to get past this gate.

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No. 142985 ID: ea5ee4
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The votes are in, and it’s Saiorse’s win! It’s her time to shine with a victory speech.

“Thank you, thank you! Thank you all!” Saiorse smiles smugly. “I’m so grateful for your votes. My ‘Serah Stole’ costume is available to purchase at A Stitch in Time for the low price of…”

Saiorse pauses.

“You know what? No! This precious fox stole is priceless. It’s taught me that if you listen to suspiciously compelling voices from inanimate objects, only good things will happen!”

Saiorse wins the Cutest Costume trophy, but at what cost? What terrible, otherworldly curse is upon her this spooky season?
No. 142986 ID: 39d810
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Rem: "I have to apologize for the time it took for us to break the three-way tie with the help from the Door who didn't vote until that moment. So without further ado let me introduce the winner of the coolest costume and it is W2K!"
No. 142987 ID: 39d810
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W2K: "Thank you all! And if you all want to see how this cool little piggy got to be so cool, why not come to BURGERVANIA, with burgers so cool, you'll be asking our employees to reheat it..."
No. 142988 ID: 39d810
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W2K: "Wait, that came out wrong! FU-"
No. 142989 ID: 39d810
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Dahlia Dreamwalker: "As for our final winner the giant worm just took its prize and flew away. With that finished this brings the end to our Halloween event. I hope you all liked it."

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4297 No. 4297 ID: 9ded94 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Taking the initiative. It's not like there isn't going to be one in here soon anyway.
2391 posts and 325 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 132469 ID: 9d377e

I don’t relate. I took a nostalgia trip through my nerd niche shit (Including weaverworks) during the quarantine and it was exquisite. Sure time passes and reminiscing is just as bitter as sweet, but that’s life
No. 136380 ID: f30596

thank god questden has this archived
anyways hello nanquest from like 12 years ago
No. 137274 ID: 06756b

No. 140904 ID: 7ab863

Sad that this link's dead now.
No. 143302 ID: 5fa86a

shocked nobody commented here about it but nanquest turned 15 back in october so uh woohoo i guess!

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35780 No. 35780 ID: 45be60 Locked hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Okay, so at this point, I feel like the stuff I drew might actually be significant enough to warrant discussion. But still not nearly important enough for each to have its own thread, this board is crowded enough as it is. So have another all-inclusive, author-based discussion thread. Current topic: whatever I updated last.
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No. 37448 ID: 234c26

>These are exactly the same studies which are used in our own world to make these determinations, and are undertaken by similar agencies. Only the timeline differs.
This actually doesn't work. To give an example, in our world, in order to prove that a company needs to pay tens of millions to, say, clean up a river, all you need to show is that they were discharging polychlorinated biphenyls into the river, that the concentration of said PCBs is above the legally mandated allowed levels in said river, and that no one else is discharging them; ergo, the company is breaking the law and have to pay. In Flora's world, not only do you have to prove all that, you also have to conduct health studies or environmental studies in the region fed by the river which show beyond reasonable doubt that specific detrimental effects have emerged since the discharge began, and then further prove beyond all reasonable doubt that said effects are a direct result of the PCB discharge rather than any of the other myriad of factors that the defense will drag in to confuse the issue, some of which might very well be substantial contributors to the same or similar problems.

It's comparatively easy to show that someone broke the letter of a law. Proving beyond reasonable doubt that they actually caused significant harm? That is much, much harder, and requires much more research and far more compelling evidence. Said research and evidence costs money.

>I just decided that corporate lawsuits of this nature are required to go to trial in no less than two years, and even delaying that long requires significant legal tap-dancing. so :p
They're required to go to trial in two years... or else wha
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No. 37455 ID: 35e1a0

sounds good, if ALL companies have to cough up a fuckload of cash for doing something they will be VERY careful to make sure they aren't doing something harmful or spend a ton of money to cover it up. also have to remember OTHER companies are using this way to take out the competitors so some of the prices. also the defence has to be ready in two years, you don't make a claim unless you are ALREADY sure your case is good, meaning the defense is the one who must prepare and so they are the ones who stall for time meaning that yes they have to pay the penalty cause they are trying to take to long.
No. 37483 ID: 45be60

First of all, OOOOOH, I see how we are envisioning this differently. No, proving that a chemical or drug is harmful is not a major part of a court case. That is done with testing in independent labs. An expert witness reporting on the effects of PCB exposure on lab rats and how difficult it is to break down would usually suffice. If there are multiple widely conflicting studies, then things might get interesting, but the court case is usually just a matter of "look, these are the measured levels we think you are responsible for, the scientists tell us it is X arbitrary badness units, what do you have to say for yourselves?"

>They're required to go to trial in two years... or else what?
Just like a criminal trial. The court date is set, you can appeal for change of date maybe twice, and if you don't show up ready, the judge rules in favor of the other side.

>management assures them that it's fairly standard and that no company has ever been prosecuted for using their methods
If management was this shortsighted, then yes, they would pretty much doom the town, and themselves as well. That's the idea. It's an incentive for the company to figure out what a new substance does ahead of time.

>Ex post facto taxes are an utterly terrifying thing.
Yes. This IS horrifying. Sort of the point really.

I never said this system would be a great idea and we should totes be using it. I said it's a system that *almost* works. But it's a system that has resulted more than half of the children born since 1970 being mutated in some minor way.
No. 37485 ID: 35e1a0

>Is this still fun
no, i just want to get back to the quest and tell the haters to suspend their disbelief.
No. 37488 ID: 234c26

>An expert witness reporting on the effects of PCB exposure on lab rats and how difficult it is to break down would usually suffice.
That certainly makes things a hell of a lot easier- though in many cases, those studies with lab rats would have to be conducted specifically for the case, potentially requiring a couple years of testing on the part of the prosecution or their affiliates. It's fairly rare that animals are experimentally exposed to various levels of specific industrial wastes in order to measure the effects, after all.

Fortunately, this is exactly the sort of research that would attract corporate backing, which can easily circle around to tie in with the inter-company competition bit that you were bringing up- because a company who bankrolls it can not only use the results as a weapon against their competitors, they can also design their own next industrial process to skirt in just under the line of what their study's results declare harmful and thereby have a reasonable rationale for their own level of pollution if they get charged in turn.

>If management was this shortsighted, then yes, they would pretty much doom the town, and themselves as well. That's the idea.
The number of companies that are willing to look more than five years ahead is... very small. Hell, a lot of them- particularly those which are publicly held- aren't willing to look more than one or two years ahead. The drive to raise stock value is huge.

Something that occurs to me here is this: By the time the court case rolls around, it's possible- even likely- that the vast majority of those who were involved in the original construction and operation of the plant will have retired or o
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