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File 170873862834.png - (119.13KB , 500x750 , Aldequest Discussion.png )
141736 No. 141736 ID: 01c8e1

Aldequest Discussion Thread to answer all your questions, quandries, and feedback!

Character Sheet:

Was recommended that I make one of these, so here it is!
Expand all images
No. 141737 ID: 360d03

One day I'll learn how spoilers work.
No. 141738 ID: 2f41db

Good to have it in place.

Enjoying the quest greatly
Thanks for all the effort your putting in
No. 141742 ID: 7ebd92

Thanks! The receptions been really good so far, appreciate having you all take part!
No. 141743 ID: 8f9bc4

Thank you for making this! Is this quest going to be dice based, or will it be more free form? How fast do magic points recover? 1 after each room? Only after sleeping? What counts as an instrument? Bard classes I know have years of training to use a specific musical instrument, which is problematic for a character with amnesia! How much of the current building do you have mapped out already? Just winging it from room to room?
No. 141744 ID: 3c6f16

I'm sort of just winging the system as I'm going forward. It's based off Pathfinder, but I'm kinda free forming to make it more manageable in a quest format. If something seems possible but there's a decent chance of failure, there will probably be dice involved.

Likewise, there'll probably be combat at some point. Turn based with some dice, but depending on what you want to do, the dice will probably be weighted in your favor.

Magic points will recover after sleeping. Hopefully 4 is a good number for early on!

What counts as an instrument? If you can make a rhythmic sound of some sort with it, it should probably work!

I have a general idea of the character's past, and some things are set in stone, but I don't know everything. If something comes up like that, I'll make something up and let you all decide what to do from there.
No. 141747 ID: c13c2a

>How much of the current building do you have mapped out already?

Oh current building! My bad. I'm just winging it for the most part, I have an idea of certain rooms and where the character is at, but specific layouts are unknown.
No. 141755 ID: 8f9bc4


That's good actually. Means we can't go the wrong way and miss something you worked hard at to prepare.
No. 141792 ID: 8f9bc4

...how the flip did that suggestor figure out the cipher? I didn't even realize it was letters! Freaking chilling message...
No. 141801 ID: 273c18

Well, considering how few repeated characters there are, manually solving it would've been a nightmare. Thankfully, transcribing it was all I had to do, because of the power of quipqiup.
No. 141802 ID: 2f41db

Used to do them for ttrpg i ran.
To represent the translation efforts of the group.

Symbols instead of alphabet substitution.
If they found another species or ancient language, with random letters revealed based on skill rolls.
Afterwards would use the cypher for any phys reps and hand outs from same source.

As they got better at it, had to start making it more complex.
"Th" getting a single symbol when used in a word. A symbol or alteration to represent a second identical letter, "oo" for example.
One even had a vowel that changed symbol based on the subsequent consonent.

Usually made sure anything like that landed at the end of a session as it gave them something to play around with between sessions.

Nostalgic rando loves cyphers and their useage in adventures.
No. 141803 ID: 8f9bc4


Oh, an online service. Wonder how they do it.
No. 141805 ID: 273c18

It's automated. Cipher decryption can be solved via algorithms.
No. 141806 ID: 895ab2

Yeah I was expecting it to get solved, but not so quickly! Looks like I might have to get a little more clever with em'.
No. 141808 ID: 7c55ad

Ah, I realize now that these are probably references to lovecraftian stuff. I haven't read too much of lovecraft lore, so I might not know much about what is going on when it comes to that. will that knowledge be a requirement going forward?
No. 141809 ID: 273c18

Well, uh, if you come up with something that can't be plugged into quipqiup (or a vigenere autosolver like on dcode) it might be completely unreasonable to solve at all. I'd much rather compromise and stop using autosolvers if you don't want them to be cracked so fast, because anything that autosolvers won't work on is going to be insanely hard for 99% of readers.

Well, maybe a phonetic alphabet? I dunno if autosolvers work with that, maybe AZDecrypt does since it's one of the strongest pieces of software for decryption, but I haven't used it much so I don't know its limits.
No. 141810 ID: f424d1

No the knowledge is not required, though it will add a little to the experience (hopefully!) if you know some stuff. I deviate from standard lovecraft lore quite a bit.

I don't want it to seem like I'm adversarial, no need to compromise on your part. I have some ideas to make them just a smidge more challenging, but it's never my intention to make them impossible to decrypt for anyone trying to understand them. The messages themselves were a test to see how fast they'd get decrypted in the first place, to see if I could put some minor story stuff in there. It's not my intent to make them necessary to proceed in any regard though. More for theming, they're pretty spooky looking letters.

You all now have some decrypted letters too, so it should make future decryptions way easier.
No. 141817 ID: 273c18

Well if the currently solved symbols stay at least mostly consistent then it should be pretty reasonable no matter what changes you make.
No. 141819 ID: 8f9bc4


Honestly I got a lot more out of knowing what the cipher said. Without that, it's just squiggles to me, pretty, but ultimately meaningless and unimpactful. The message has me thoroughly spooked though!
No. 141824 ID: 2f41db

Auto solvers might still work but youd have to do a little squiggle work.
Best guess vowels, assign letter replacements to them and same for consonants.
See what the solver spits out.
Might be more time consuming but it would be guided by the help of the solver rather than going in unaided.

popping on my foreverdm hat for a moment...
as long as the information in a message isnt critical to the point it would be a progression roadblock then the complexity isnt an issue.

If it is essential and were stumbling on it the questmaster could, on request or protagonist impulse, do a skill check and provide a few translated elements to nudge us back on path.

Rando still likes cyphers. Thinks this one was good.
No. 141829 ID: 273c18
File 170978691741.png - (55.67KB , 808x821 , symbol.png )

Here's the big symbol in the background, isolated from the rest of the text.
No. 141831 ID: 670052

I actually didn't know about the Armanen circle runes, I made that image for a dnd game a few years ago when I was looking into Norse stuff.

Didn't intend for it to mean much more than being a magic looking runic circle back then. After researching a little bit into what they were inspired by, I kinda wanna change it. Just wanna make it clear I'm not trying to hide nazi shit in the quest, that'd be lame as hell.
No. 141832 ID: 7349be

Also if it would help, I could post future pictures with texts isolated from everything in here.
No. 141833 ID: 273c18

Oh they're pseudo-runes, not real runes. No wonder I didn't see them in the big wikipedia page on runic languages.

It's fine, image manipulation is part of the puzzle imo.
No. 141834 ID: 8280e8

Nah, it's cool. Like I said in >>/quest/1085670, I just wanted to know what they were, thinking they were somehow lore relevant. I myself hardly knew what those runes were and what their significance was before I found them on Wikipedia. I had no intention of accusing you of inserting Nazi symbolism when I made that post, to be clear on my part. Probably should've put more thought and context before posting it in hindsight. Apologies.

All that aside, I'm absolutely loving this quest's narrative direction. The Lovecraftian twist honestly took me by surprise! Can't wait to see more from you!
No. 141835 ID: 2f41db

If theres an image were having a mental chew on, we'll probably post a copy here.
To avoid cluttering the story flow.

Quick aside:
I am enjoying this quest.
Looking forward to seeing where it goes.
No. 141839 ID: 81fce3

I didn't get the feeling I was being accused, just wanted to make sure I got it out there once I realized the origins. All good.

Also thanks for the appreciation! Makes running it worth it.
No. 141840 ID: 8f9bc4

What story is told an infinite amount of times, and is never any different? Doesn't seem like she's only talking about the banality of mortal life. Maybe I'm reading too much into this. Would it help to tell her that every generation is a new iteration in a genetic algorithm going back billions of years? Why was she suddenly having an existential crisis in the middle of cutting some dude? Did she feel like she couldn't stop from killing him? Or like she can't stop him from dying of something other than old age? Ultimately all that matters is she doesn't want to kill him, but her reaction is very... puzzling.
No. 141841 ID: de94a3

It does seem a bit strange, doesn't it?
No. 141853 ID: 7c55ad

Just want to say, that's an adorable outfit for Tanna. Yay Ponchos!
No. 141854 ID: 673795

Lol thanks, I had a lot of fun drawing that one. One day she might have clothes to draw on the regular.

I forgot to respond to the "significance of the eyes" portion of this post, I'll do it next set. It was an important question to ask.
No. 141859 ID: 8f9bc4


I was going for her reaction to be like "Yea yea... wait, what was that part about my eyes?" so... mission accomplished!

I don't know that it's a great idea to bring up those strange visions she's only half aware of, though. Don't want to expose too much, too early. Maybe better to dance around the subject a bit, until we learn more or it becomes more urgent?

Well, just my thought on it. The eyes really are a nice touch though.
No. 141874 ID: 2f41db
File 171073325695.png - (17.60KB , 500x500 , 171005287687.png )

Another good update.

In the spirit of feedback and communication, i just wanted to say
This post


Makes me smile,
Every time i scroll past it to check the new happenings.
I know its just a tone setting,,light hearted aside, but its adorable.
No. 141876 ID: 690ff7

Thanks! Sorry for taking a bit longer with this one, ended up having a lot of real life stuff going on, and I'm a pretty slow drawer.

I love scrolling past that particular image too, gotta sprinkle in the relief once in a while.
No. 141877 ID: 2f41db

No apologies needed.
Entirely understandable.
Always worth the wait.

Im relatively new im regards to commenting but the folk here strike me as inordinately patient types and its a good example to follow.

Hope youre doing well.
No. 141882 ID: dd3fe0

I just want to say that I love this quest!
No. 141885 ID: fa9b2b

Thank you! It means a lot to read that, hope I can keep meeting expectations.
No. 141925 ID: 3e86f8

So for how I plan on doing combat, I'm generally going to take suggestions and try to mash them together and act like Tanna. Tanna is decently smart with her category 3 intelligence, so she'll usually pick try to make the best option out of everything.

I like to codify things as well, so below is a reference document of stuff that I’ll try to set in stone in relation to this quest.


No. 141926 ID: 2f41db

Sounds fair.
The first round went well.
Different suggestions bled into each other nicely.
I like the dice mechanics here and prior.
Good fit for the quest.
No. 141973 ID: cb682a

Next update is going to take a little bit. It's a bigger one, and I got a few things irl I gotta do.
No. 141981 ID: 2f41db

Thanks for the heads up.

Will be patiently waiting.
No. 142020 ID: 906c89

Jeez, the response to the last update were super in depth. I just finished story boarding them. Thanks for the engagement! Now I just gotta start drawing it out lol.

There any questions mechanics wise by the way? As I'm going along, I thought of some improvements to the system I could make, in particular towards spells. I'll ask about this again after chapter 1 is done, not going to change anything now.
No. 142024 ID: 2f41db

I think in terms of systems it seems all fine.

Considering things, the only area im a little blank on would be the casting.
Namely how many times. Id it a set amount on daily refresh or a loosely defined capacity that can be stretched at the cost of inducing fatigue and associated debuffs?
How closely does it hew to PF rules?
Stringently or adopting the general shape of it in regard to spell levels, casting types and domains of power?

All of the above is for my own clarification.
As i said, the systems work and are serving the story well. No adjustment necessary.
No. 142029 ID: a671e8

I like the magic so far. We got a lot of use out of simple illusion spells.

The scroll of paralyzation only working on humanoids is odd. I guess you are planing to have a big monster that could be cheesed with paralyzes.

I'm a bit concern with the "cognitohazard" mechanic. I've see this getting abused and ending up very stupid in SCP articles.
The concept work best when it's a immutable true of the universe that goes against normal sanity. A more realistic version is the "forbidden knowledge" that is more cultural dependent and hard to talk about in the abstract (if you ever came across one of those you know).
In this case it seem to be the influence of deities over mortals, that's fine as long as the gods are not too human in behavior. I guess it's a literal "when you stare into the abyss the abyss stares back" kind of deal: the gods react to be contacted by the mortal observing their symbols.
No. 142031 ID: 3e4664

At the moment, it's only adopting the general shape of the Pathfinder 1e ruleset. I wasn't sure when starting the quest if it would be too complicated or not for readers, since 1e is fairly complex. So I wanted to make things a lot simpler. But I think I was probably being a little to careful, I'll probably be slowly adding complexity as things go on that follow a little more in line with Pathfinder.

I kinda like making a system up as I go along though, so I don't think it's ever going to be 1 to 1 Pathfinder.

The scroll of paralyzation I probably should've just let you use on anyone. It's a Pathfinder holdover of "Hold Person", which can only be used on humanoid typed creatures.

As for the whole cognitohazard thing. Honestly, when I first started I had no idea what that was lol. I can't really go to much into what I plan on doing with things, but I'm going to try to not punish or negatively affect the main character for you all just talking about things. As things go on, I'm hoping stuff will be understood more. I love seeing theories on what's going on, and it kinda makes me think sometimes if those theories were actually the case.
No. 142032 ID: 2f41db

sound choice.

A degree of quick familiarity for fresh readers, but freedom to adapt to needs and setting.
No. 142043 ID: dd3fe0

Hahahah, I like making people look things up! I win points when that happens, see?

No. 142044 ID: 1703f7

Hah, happy to oblige. Was an interesting topic, has given me a few different ideas
No. 142132 ID: 8f8e04

Hi Capitulize! A bunch of questden authors have been doing a card duel thread in the style of Yu-Gi-Oh https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1034777.html and we were wondering if you wanted to have Aldequest represented in some way as a character/trap/spell card? Thanks!

PS, been enjoying the quest so far!
No. 142133 ID: 40679e

That sounds fun, sure! Do you need anything from me? I can pop into the Discord if needed.
No. 142134 ID: 9ad16e

Thanks! And your permission is all that was needed. We'll design a fun little fanart card based on something or someone from Aldequest ourselves that the duelist characters can use in quest at a future update, so jumping into discord isnt necessary (unless you want to design a card for us)

Hope you look forward to what we make! Ill let you know when an Aldequest card shows up!
No. 142179 ID: b6a2b2

Took a little longer than I would've liked lol, one of the images was a bit higher effort than normal, but I figured color would be important there.

Had a really good time making this update though, hope you all enjoy!
No. 142200 ID: a671e8

Do you want some help with that? I could do something like coloring.
No. 142205 ID: c5b734

Ah thanks for the offer, maybe after chapter 1, but I started this to challenge myself. Wanted to learn how to draw. I can't accept help for the moment.
No. 142207 ID: a671e8

Ok. When you think my help is welcome just let me know. And if you want some kind of contact information for this.
No. 142213 ID: 77bc65

Yeah for sure, if anyone wants to really, I'm capitulize on discord. Don't mind talking.
No. 142215 ID: a671e8

I've sent a request. ...I think. When it's about Discord I'm a luddite.
No. 142369 ID: 742e7a

Next update's got a lot to it, the wait might be slightly longer.
No. 142433 ID: 2f41db

Eagerly but patiently waiting.
Bake it as long as you need.
No. 142523 ID: 2f41db

The dancing tanna gif was adorable
No. 142524 ID: 6253c3

I love drawing this weasel doing silly things.
No. 142662 ID: 69d284
File 172627136611.png - (34.14KB , 1236x408 , Crew Silhouettes.png )

Hey! Sorry for the wait, had a lot going on, but I'm almost done with the next update! I wanted to get it done this weekend, but I'm not sure if I'm gonna get that goal done. Here's a little sneak peek though!
No. 143018 ID: 25fb94

So does the song response thing work as intended or is writing more lyrics necessary?
No. 143019 ID: 25fb94

I can write in more of the lyrics if that would help!
No. 143021 ID: 385671

Whatever you wish to do! General intent is enough though, writing more lyrics isn't necessary.
No. 143042 ID: 2f41db

Nice animation this update.
Also, that image was adorable.
You know the one.
No. 143043 ID: 186122

Lol thanks, I figured some cuteness was needed after all the recent series of dark vibes.
No. 143137 ID: 2f41db

Christmas tanna over in the secret santa is gonna fill that requirement too.
No. 143138 ID: c044f1

She's even wearing pants this time!
No. 143140 ID: 6c233e

Nice crowd scene in the secret santa, such a fun image
No. 143142 ID: d3e469


I'll post the sprites tomorrow in the fanart thread if people would like them, they were a lot of fun to make.
No. 143156 ID: 71fafc

I also commend you for the dedication. It is a lovelingly detailed scene and the Tanna's inner monologue is pretty funny as well!
No. 143198 ID: 3006b1

Thank you! It always means a lot to hear something like that.

Also, sorry for the wait on the next update everyone. Had a little writer's block and got sucked into some other projects (including Christmas lol). I do have the next bit written though, all that's left is to just draw the images. Hopefully I can crank those out soon.
No. 143204 ID: 2f41db

Happy to wait.

Hope you had a happy christmas.
No. 143273 ID: 728253

Will we be seeing Tanna's gift she got from the secret Santa event in quest?
No. 143275 ID: f4f5b7

That same idea had crossed my mind actually. I've been thinking of ways to potentially introduce it, I think I have a good one. Will prolly show up in chapter 2.
No. 143278 ID: b9c033

I am glad she liked the gift.
No. 143284 ID: fa9b95

Yeah it was super cool and thematic, and seeing someone else draw Tanna was also super fun. Thanks for going back and forth with me!
No. 143294 ID: b9c033
File 173650794847.jpg - (1.29MB , 1262x2014 , poklon 39.jpg )

Well if seeing someone else draw Tanna is fun to you, let me do it one more time. I dawn her being a one-man band.
No. 143295 ID: 72fef3

Good gravy! Someone give this mustelidae a record deal!
No. 143296 ID: 547d3d

This is amazingly cute, thank you so much! I'll have to get you back with a drawing of my own.
No. 143312 ID: b9c033

I have to ask do you use the Offical QuestDen Discord?
No. 143315 ID: acbbce

Not yet, I want to complete chapter 1 of Aldequest before I go and join.
No. 143318 ID: b9c033

glad to hear it, also thank you the art it is fantastic.
No. 143418 ID: 0f30c9
File 173912958002.jpg - (2.45MB , 2326x1728 , poklon 46.jpg )

No. 143421 ID: 63a958

A heroic Tanna, hair fluttering the wind! Thank you for the art!
No. 143423 ID: 0f30c9

No problem I was just doing a lot of drawing with water paints so I wanted to make something for you.
No. 143432 ID: 2f41db

Heroic or post mischief afterglow.
Either way , its good.
No. 143435 ID: c5529d

I was wondering if you have a character art reference sheet of Tanna in case we want to make fanart
No. 143436 ID: 65ee05

I actually don't, I really should make one. Maybe for the 1 year anniversary, sounds like a good idea for a project.
No. 143449 ID: c5529d
File 173957202211.png - (96.78KB , 500x648 , a68.png )

I got the quest author Tippler to draw you something, enjoy!
No. 143450 ID: a671e8

Managed to look cute while giving of crazy homeless lady vibe. Very appropriate.
No. 143452 ID: d86457

I don't even know what to say, thanks so much you two! It really does mean a lot to see fanart like this. Never though I'd have a character that could be considered worthy of it, lol. Damn nice shanking stance too, going for the ankles.
No. 143524 ID: 946933
File 174086218181.png - (2.57MB , 3000x2500 , Tanna Reference.png )

Well it's about a week and a half overdue, but Aldequest had it's 1 year anniversary on the 18th! Enjoy this weasel in various poses!

Some notes that I should've spaced into the image but I'll post them here instead.

1. Full rendition Tanna uses gradients. I usually pick the same color as the color I want to gradient and use an overlay layer on top of that, then play around with the colors. That's why her main fur color is so different in the top left pose than everywhere else.
2. Her arms are slightly longer than a normal weasels, but slightly smaller than a humans. When she is walking, she walks on all fours, and usually stands tall when sitting still.
3. She does have breasts, they're just very flat! Hidden under her fur and all that.
4. Tanna is actually a mix of Tachidoki and Otakawa, another type of beastfolk in the world of Aldebaran that are otter-like. While she's mostly Tachidoki, this is where she gets her little white tipped tail. This is also why she has a few different features of various mustelidae such as the least weasel and black footed ferret.
No. 143534 ID: 2f41db

Excellent guide.
On one level its lost on me as i cant draw in the slightest, but on the other level of "enjoy cute weasel bard art" im loving it.

Again, congrats on the anniversary.
No. 143599 ID: 8f9bc4


That is an adorable (and functional!) outfit!
No. 143600 ID: 3c73e9

Hey, thanks! I really like how the outfit came out as well, looking forward to dressing this weasel more in the future.

Just want to provide a quick update as well, working on the next set of images still. I'm kind of a dumbass that waited to long to start writing again, but that portions done! Somehow have even more images lined up than the last update, but I'm a little under halfway done with them. Estimating someday next week is when it'll come out.

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