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File 168385603785.png - (118.56KB , 690x600 , qst op.png )
139686 No. 139686 ID: 08229c

Support the author: https://ko-fi.com/calalen

A place to discuss my work. Ask me questions. Or ask my characters questions directly! As long as its not spoilers it'll be answered.

Or don't. I'm not your parent.
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No. 139687 ID: 1effd3

If we get a big enough swarm of lagmites, can we make a time primordial?
No. 139688 ID: 58c090

>Ask me questions
MAQ when?
No. 139689 ID: 5c8d2c

I second >>139688
MAQ when?
No. 139690 ID: 81a0bd

are we ever getting characters displaced from other continuities again, like way back when with murderface magical girl noir accidentally being isekai'd into a different quest you ran
No. 139691 ID: 679c15

How are you doing Calalen? Is everything alright? You can vent to us.
Why did you move away from Patreon to kofi?
Do you still keep in touch with other drawfags on twitter or discord or something? Drawfags like Limebreaker and the rest.
What would be the path you recommend to start learning to draw? Pen and paper, digital, something else? What learning resources would you recommend?
No. 139692 ID: 2c3803

you gonna finish that last WoL chapter? Mina and Alex are cute together (not as cute as Miina and Alex but still cute)
No. 139693 ID: 08229c
File 168386050568.png - (134.03KB , 509x503 , Miina.png )

>MAQ when?


>Are we ever getting characters displaced from other continuities again, like way back when with murderface magical girl noir accidentally being isekai'd into a different quest you ran

Haha. I don't really do stuff like that as often these days. I will have characters cameo from my own quests to other quests I run. Like YUM or The Monster from Hero Quest.

>How are you doing Calalen? Is everything alright? You can vent to us.

I'm TIRED. Eternally. But, otherwise fine!

>Why did you move away from Patreon to kofi?

Kofi is just easier to maintain and represents more of what I wanted from Patreon in the first place. That is, a tip jar.

>Do you still keep in touch with other drawfags on twitter or discord or something? Drawfags like Limebreaker and the rest.

I keep in touch with as many as possible. I don't do as many art streams these days cause of my hand injury but I'm still on discord with many of them.

>What would be the path you recommend to start learning to draw? Pen and paper, digital, something else? What learning resources would you recommend?

Honestly, just start drawing. I started with a pen and paper and moved on from there. I didn't get my first tablet for years. I don't draw as often traditionally but it's still always fun to doodle on stuff.

The best way to start, though, is to just start! Draw whatever you want and then learn more about it from there. If you wanna draw cute anime girls, do it. And then start looking deeper into things. Learn how the body works, how muscles work. Look at what other artists do and if they have bits and pieces you like, put them into your own style.

>You gonna finish that last WoL chapter? Mina and Alex are cute together (not as cute as Miina and Alex but still cute)

For sure! Just gotta get it scheduled some time. Their tale is far from over.
No. 139695 ID: 1effd3

"Something I'm curious about is if dungeon monsters can mate and reproduce. Obviously because of me and my swarms of siblings, but I've never truely given it much thought."
No. 139696 ID: 2b6ba0

I want to have Miina's EGGS so fucking bad bros it's unreal. Not a question just putting it out there.
Who should win the Vicbowl.
Can zombie-chan become a centaur and get a peacemaker and a poncho with beads on it and a big hat and make her wildest (west) dreams come true.
How many kids has Tali sired since last thread.
What's your favorite hoodie.
No. 139698 ID: 273c18

Uh, who was Miina again? It's been so long
No. 139699 ID: 2b6ba0

Hint: Her picture is in this very thread.
No. 139700 ID: 08229c
File 168392644769.png - (1.46MB , 2052x2608 , zombie concepts.png )

Not any questions answered right now, but have some concept art for the zombinos

No. 139702 ID: 273c18

That does not sufficiently answer my question.
No. 139703 ID: 58c090

The octopus girl from World of Lewdness.
No. 139704 ID: 273c18

Well I can't find that, whatever that is.
No. 139707 ID: 1effd3

Can those with the power to hear the suggesters differentiate between the voices? Or only some?
No. 139708 ID: 5d86c4

Are you still working on HtBaH?
No. 139709 ID: 08229c
File 168402519836.png - (171.13KB , 800x600 , 6.png )

>Well I can't find that, whatever that is.

World of Lewdness is a quest a friend of mine runs on the questing site Akun. Just look for any chapters in that quest with a -L- in front of it.

Mina and Miina's adventure starts at -L- True Tales Of Magical Girl Drama.

>Can those with the power to hear the suggesters differentiate between the voices? Or only some?

Everyone has a slightly different voice but it all jumbles together anyway. But they aren't just completely monotone.

>Are you still working on HtBaH?

I actually have someone working on the backend things. I wanna make the combat system just a bit better. I also have undertaken a fairly ambitious mini project within the game regarding the Shoggoth.

>Who should win the Vicbowl.


>Can zombie-chan become a centaur and get a peacemaker and a poncho with beads on it and a big hat and make her wildest (west) dreams come true.

All things are possible if you never give up.

>How many kids has Tali sired since last thread.

Zero, thankfully. Species can't interbreed in MAQ!

>What's your favorite hoodie.

The bigger the hoodie, the better.
No. 139710 ID: 58c090

Gool is a cutie, but I'm on team Alex myself

>The bigger the hoodie, the better.
I'm now picturing a galaxy-sized hoodie
No. 139711 ID: 1effd3

this but not in character*
No. 139713 ID: 0daef2

Do you take commissions?
No. 139714 ID: 4534a6

>Zero, thankfully. Species can't interbreed in MAQ!
Wew I thought elves were the universal fuckboy race, whose highly evolved dna let them intermingle with everyone
That's why there are ao many halfelf breeds in the d&d lore
No. 139716 ID: 0c3af1

What's with the alias change from Larro?
No. 139718 ID: 777518

Alex is BIG CUTE.
No. 139941 ID: 1effd3

What is Marys favorite color?
No. 140133 ID: 1effd3

So is everyone undead in ATE or are there alive people?
No. 140134 ID: 0f3563

see >>1062574:
>In general people who aren't undead are skittish around the undead. Even the 'good ones'. You eat one brain and suddenly you're a cannibal.
So yeah, non-undead exist.
No. 140137 ID: 08229c
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Indeed! You can reach me at my kofi or my twitter.

Old and broke. I took it when I was like in middle school and I've grown a tiny bit since then. Just a tiny bit.

Blue, most likely.

Quite a few. However, they don't particularly care for the undead and so they have their own settlements. For the most part the two groups don't go at each other, though they're hard pressed to work together.

Everyone in the Fallen Web is a not-dead human.
No. 140436 ID: 1effd3

do Runes(Audit) exist in ATE?
No. 142582 ID: 7142b8

Gonna be pretty fun to see what chaos comes out of lewd Audit
No. 142649 ID: 1effd3

What happens to the monsters in a dungeon if the dungeon is deleted? do they just disappaear, move out, or die horrific deaths?
No. 143357 ID: a7a180
File 173786169884.png - (809.10KB , 1674x2000 , audit_armor_beckons.png )

Warrior's living armor is just the best. I hope they fight many legendary battles together.
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