High Day
1. a 6 so far. I like this silly moments on this quest, and the idea of trying to triumph over your foes through initimidation and negotiation alone while being weak is pretty unique.
2. a 7. I like the characters and humor, and puzzles
3. a 6-7. it kinda dragged on a bit, tho, like >>141257 said, it felt like those had to happen. I think for a first fight, it could of ended 2-3 updates ago. maybe this length for this battle could have been a bit better for a later fight. I say for the next encounter, make it a bit shorter, but as we encounter stronger enemies later on, slowly make the battles a little longer
4. a 7. the multiple choices helped out quite a bit to give us ideas of what to do, while allowing us to come up with our own ideas. I like how towards the end, we were on our own. trying to figure out what to do based off of what weaknesses we found from the enemy throughout the fight to finish him off
5. 6, a little railroaded at times
6. since this is a multiple choice, and the suggestions chosen are based off of votes, this might be something more of us hearing each other more than you hearing us, so probably don't worry too much about it. That said, around a 7. though if you're worried that your suggestors are feeling like they aren't being heard, maybe from time to time you can acknowledge the spirits that choice didn't get chosen (not all the time, just sometimes)
7. 8. good work team
8. same reasons as the above suggestions. I think part of the reason why it felt forced and weird was because the middle part dragged on a bit, and you wanted to end it by rushing the ending instead of easing towards the ending.
overall, I say a 7/10 quest so far. there's improvements that are needed, but it has potential. I'm looking forward to see how it'll improve.