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140583 No. 140583 ID: 995874

A discussion thread for Rotten Apple quest.

149 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 143006 ID: 65be43
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Here is how it would look if you picked the fourth option.
No. 143015 ID: e902cb

Maaaaan, seeing this made me wish we chose the new character option even more. Potential ghost Bobbie would of be so cool.
No. 143199 ID: 9246cb
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Here is your gift bass you crazy ass.
No. 143200 ID: 9246cb
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Nalthar your gift will be a drawing of how Lisel would look in my quest.
No. 143201 ID: 9246cb
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Will-O'-Liquid your gift will be also how some of your characters would look in my quest.
No. 143202 ID: 9246cb
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Last but not least Grand Marshal your gift is a one free ask me to draw what you want coupon use it before this year ends.
No. 143206 ID: f5d4e1

Don't necessarily have to draw this. Just as a what-if. With >>/questarch/1098758 would option 2 have changed stuff? Or would we still get abyss'd? Should you really wish to draw, uh... dunno. How about Bobbie before she was undead?
No. 143235 ID: b9c033
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For that part of the quest that was just a question that she asked that wouldn't change your destination only how Madam Maggot Throat sees you all. As for Bobbie, I wouldn't say that she is undead, she is a human who made a pack with the demon and her soul is connected to his. Because of that In her eyes, she doesn't see herself as a human anymore. Let me show how she looked when she was younger, before she met Abdle, and when she was still on good terms with her bother. There won't be another Rotten Apple update this year, but during the last day of 24, there will be something special planned.
No. 143241 ID: b9c033
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Boobie: "So here is an announcement for what is planned on the last day of the year and it will be something like the Youtube music video. One person will be singing the song and it will be a little insight into how that character acts."

Abdle: "Can you guess who will be singing and which song will be selected for that person to sing?"
No. 143242 ID: 27fceb

Worm Work will sing Wonderaven - Salesmen Always Lie.
No. 143243 ID: 6c233e

Gramleza will sing Portugal the Man's Purple Yellow Red and Blue
No. 143244 ID: c5529d

Archer will Rick roll us
No. 143245 ID: a05062

Guy made of rock selling us metals. Singing the opening of Johnny Dangerously "This is the Life."
No. 143255 ID: b9c033
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Great predictions about the upcoming song, I even learned about some interesting bands. But the song that will be signed will be Shayfer James - Good Life and Worm Works will be the one singing it. I hope you like it and have a happy new year.

No. 143256 ID: c5529d

You were right about Wormworks. Great guess!!
No. 143257 ID: a2cc2c

Well I was only half right, but 50% is a passing grade so I will take it
No. 143306 ID: b9c033
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Well, this was the first interaction with one of the three main villains of the quest. I wanted to make him feel like a bigger threat than what the previous heroes were, so what is your opening on him?
No. 143307 ID: c5529d

He feels like a great first main antagonist to the story. A very threatening opponent, but also with many flaws.
No. 143309 ID: 6c233e

Overbearing and overconfident. Just ripe for a satisfying defeat
No. 143310 ID: 27fceb

He seems like a opponent who won't be beaten by the same trick like the one we used on Ramming Rage. An interesting optical one which we will have to overcome.
No. 143314 ID: ef7b31

He's a poor strategist but that evens things up since we're a paper tiger for now.
No. 143317 ID: a4b51d
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Had to repay the favor. Enjoy a pondering Hollow Heart. Who do they ponder for? Where'd they get that skull? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
No. 143324 ID: b9c033
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Because of the current events, Hollow Heart will construct its own zombie cat pet.
No. 143332 ID: aa625a

Just saw the fanart thread so it's a bit late but happy birthday DeVoid.
No. 143333 ID: b9c033

Thank you.
No. 143364 ID: 0f30c9
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No. 143365 ID: 0f30c9
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No. 143366 ID: 0f30c9
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No. 143367 ID: 0f30c9
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No. 143368 ID: 0f30c9
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The Baroness
No. 143378 ID: 0f30c9
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No. 143379 ID: 0f30c9
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Wealth Demon
No. 143382 ID: 77209a

Well now we know what Worm Works worships.
No. 143446 ID: 477903
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Princess/Prince Hollow Heart
No. 143451 ID: 5a8e80

Just found this a little bit ago. Even if you don't make suggestions but like the quest - this may be a game you'd like. Sorry if this is unsolicited, just figured it may be fun for people who like Rotten Apple. https://arkicade.itch.io/a-monsters-insight
No. 143463 ID: 02bcda
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Thank you Will-O'-Liquid for still remembering the older characters from my abandoned quest. More of them will be part of the Rotten Apple Quest.
No. 143467 ID: 02bcda


That looks like a cool game. This is the one that I really like how it looks

No. 143474 ID: 7f98c4
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Amadore Bontelda and Rags
No. 143476 ID: 7f98c4
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No. 143485 ID: 477903
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This is my representation of rage that I am feeling right now. I can't use a program on my laptop to do my regular update, this is the best that I can do with just taking a picture of what I drew.
No. 143490 ID: 477903
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Worms Tongue
No. 143491 ID: 477903
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Sun Scorching Savior
No. 143509 ID: 43b7b2
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No. 143510 ID: 43b7b2
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Iron Paddles
No. 143518 ID: 149f44
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No. 143523 ID: 0d7346
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The duality of existence.
No. 143541 ID: 67e615
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Sanctity of Life
No. 143557 ID: 67e615
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Lesser Demons
No. 143565 ID: 67e615
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No. 143566 ID: 67e615
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Maya Din
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