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File 168833119523.png - (124.19KB , 800x600 , fop-questdis.png )
139947 No. 139947 ID: e139aa

Flockload of Discussion
(quest: >>/quest/1066631 )

Hello. My name is Cirr. I am an amateur quest make guy writing about a weird glass bird, long may it run this time.

someone made me think a discussion thread would be a good idea
120 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 141188 ID: e139aa

okay it's looking like interlude type A is winning 2 to 1 so I think the writing is on the wall

prepare for the Carousel of Conundrums soon
No. 141189 ID: 73c7e5

I'm torn because Interlude A is a series of brief glimpses into the whole array of things the setting has to offer not unlike channel surfing, which is what I want; but Interlude B is a short, concise story with a clear argument and set of characters, which is what I need.
No. 141193 ID: 3735b9

While type B would be more useful for knowing what's up in local area... And honestly I really want to know more about the Rain stuff...

I think A would give much more general stuff to chew on for people. Personally it would be pretty interesting, but dunno about others ^^"

Either way it should be pretty interesting, as it's clear there's a lot of neat stuff all over the place

P.S. I really, really can't stop thinking of Rain World (especially FP and the song RG) half the time anything is happening. But the relevant part is deep deep spoiler territory, so it's a bit difficult to hope for any reply on that
No. 141194 ID: 7695ec

A type B intermission would leave me hungry for more of them, which is not good for the quest
No. 141195 ID: 8f9bc4

"I'll just write a day in the life of [faction choice goes here]"
"the goal for such an interlude would be to be significantly shorter"
"what could possibly go wrong?"
No. 141199 ID: e139aa

thanks for rubbing salt on where a wound is going to be a few months from now
No. 141200 ID: a7a180

if you lick it up before a wound is inflicted it will just be tasty.
No. 141201 ID: 2a82d3

Type A is a good writing challenge. If you have an update limit, quest scenes have to be impactful, and also have a decent excuse to limit influence from suggestions.

As an aside, I do think the neutonos can be redeemed if they can learn to chill. Their primative culture seem to stem from their over-developed fear response, but Four Strokes wouldn't have a base of outcasts to work with if everyone accepted it.
No. 141202 ID: e139aa

giving myself an out right now: if things are dragging on too long, we'll look at three choices now, and then the interlude ends, we go to Flockload thread 2, and then the other 3 can get their turn then
No. 141203 ID: 0d10a3

hey cirr thanks for making this i like it
No. 141204 ID: 2aa5f0

>As an aside, I do think the neutonos can be redeemed if they can learn to chill. Their primative culture seem to stem from their over-developed fear response, but Four Strokes wouldn't have a base of outcasts to work with if everyone accepted it.

Honestly I'm pretty sure we could get them to work with us if we can just remove their current leadership (unless the lepi are pissed enough at them that such a thing would only cause more problems then it would solve). I mean from what we've seen and been told they are miserable, fractured and seem to only be banding together because of how fucked the world is right now. Take out either the hedonistic and narcissistic king, or the short sighted and emotional alien and they'd probably flock to the other for protection, take out both and they'd either scatter or join out of fear of facing the world alone. Hell from what I'm seeing we could probably recruit or at least ally with most races by taking out their leader (assuming said leader[s] can't be reasoned with) since most seem to follow their alien overlord out of fear. Either fear of said leader or fear of how they'd fair without them there to use their powers to aid them against the other factions.
No. 141206 ID: 273c18

That kindof sounds like a good idea regardless.
No. 141207 ID: 83ba40

Guh. Stop tempting me to do totally-non-canon Salikai continuation FFS. Don't even have any drawing skills (even if just making icons outta existing images might be good enough)! Way too much of a flake to do it too!
No. 141209 ID: f3171e

I for one long for the return of our glorious leader Typhon.
No. 141210 ID: 2a82d3

>Hell from what I'm seeing we could probably recruit or at least ally with most races by taking out their leader (assuming said leader[s] can't be reasoned with) since most seem to follow their alien overlord out of fear. Either fear of said leader or fear of how they'd fair without them there to use their powers to aid them against the other factions.

I name-dropped SMAC, so sorry if I repeat myself, but it seems our faction's closest analogue is Gaia's Stepdaughters, not the Peacekeepers. (Not being big fans of democracy should've been my first clue.) The big difference is the planet's defenses evolved decentralized and independent rather than as one central system, that could be fixed ad-hoc by strong leadership. The mind worm analogues are Shapeless-built, after all.

Totally Still Waiting for what the life-god/reanimated-statue fox will do to the chaos fetus.
No. 141212 ID: 2aa5f0

I'm still holding out hope that defective might get updated again one day.
No. 141213 ID: f3171e

That's a deep cut.
No. 141216 ID: 2aa5f0

it was the first cirr quest I read when I found this sight. it wormed it's way into my heart.
No. 141219 ID: f3171e

Same for me. Our precious mismatched little mess will always have a place in my heart.
No. 141220 ID: 2a82d3

Oh yeah, I think it was mine too. Though, in all seriousness, I don't think it's fair ask the author pick it back up when they would've moved on by now, personally and/or artistically. I think I see the similar concepts being worked in with this quest, anyway. And the work ethic has been much improved.

Anyway, I like the current guy. Among other things, he's, like, juggling 3 different love interests, unintentionally. My pet theory is he's being groomed to be his Lord's successor, is in denial over it because of what it implies (why does an immortal being need a successor?), but everyone either knows or could make an accurate guess of that.
No. 141221 ID: 4535dc

Oh I doubt anyone was saying Cirr should stop what he’s doing and immediately revive any of his old quest, just remembering some of his past quests that stuck with them over the years.

>Anyway, I like the current guy. Among other things, he's, like, juggling 3 different love interests, unintentionally. My pet theory is he's being groomed to be his Lord's successor, is in denial over it because of what it implies (why does an immortal being need a successor?), but everyone either knows or could make an accurate guess of that.

As for this, my personal theory is our little bird is actually a shapeless lord youth that is being raised in secret for some reason only the lord of secrets knows. That’s why they also seem to get special treatment over their peers. I have no evidence to back this up but it’s what my gut is telling me.
No. 141231 ID: 273c18

I like a bunch of Cirr's old quests but Flockload is more important right now.
No. 141244 ID: 9cc4dc

three, huh?
No. 141249 ID: 986eb1

someone pointed out I never linked the interlude thread in this discussion thread so here it is:

No. 141349 ID: e139aa

donated blood, felt bad for a few days, got insomnia, felt bad for a couple days, felt better, disrupted by going to a convention in London, get back home, RSI flareup

how do I stop falling down these goddamn stairs
No. 141350 ID: b23ea2

Damn, that's a tall staircase, hope you get a moment to rest and get well!
No. 141351 ID: f3171e

Fluids and cultivating your qi, I guess.
No. 141354 ID: f90eeb

You should probably take a couple of you days. And I don’t mean from the quest I mean in general. Set some time aside to just relax for a couple days. Play video games, watch some movies, hell just sleep all day if you need to. Just give yourself some time to relax and destress.
No. 141445 ID: 3184a6

Marry Christmas everyone. Hope you all have a wonderful day.
No. 141455 ID: e139aa

I have decided that seeing as I seem to have completely run out of all available steam related to this planned set of "meanwhile, some other guys" stories, I'll be putting that on hold and getting back to the story that I seem to care significantly more about as soon as I can, sorry argh
No. 141459 ID: 3184a6

shit happens. Don't worry about it.
No. 141460 ID: 2a82d3

'S OK. You wanted a break, you took one, and now you're energized. That's what counts, in the end.
No. 141578 ID: 2aa5f0

welcome back Cirr, hope your feeling better.
No. 141728 ID: e139aa

some explanations of what happened:
- tried to enter a month long game jam starting February while still suffering from health issues I keep going to the GP about and cycling medications
- was, for the first 2/3rds of the month, actually getting somewhere
- suffer flare up of chronic condition that coupled with my current illness fucking stops everything that isn’t being in a world of unpredictable pain spikes
- present day

quest isn’t dead, i swear, but boy, at this rate i predict something new will go wrong with either my body, my apartment or my computer by the time i heal up because i am apparently no longer allowed good things
No. 141729 ID: 16d082

you should have known about using CON as a dump stat IRL
No. 141734 ID: 13483e

the curse
the cuuuuuuuurse
No. 141748 ID: db3b07

I'm a terminally online reader and sometimes suggestion maker of your quests and/or quest attempts from roughly since this image board began and I must say it's nice you're at least still trying.
No. 141975 ID: e139aa
File 171208848094.png - (528.01KB , 800x600 , fop2-27a.png )

so I don't make a habit of this but I made fundamental goofs with an image of the last update, so, uh, putting a corrected image here
No. 143102 ID: 4d3d69
File 173367766541.png - (4.42MB , 3000x3000 , That moth MAN that showed up in Cirr's quest.png )

Damn it Cirr, why do you make hot alien creatures.
No. 143108 ID: 4d3d69
File 173378660011.png - (4.02MB , 2085x3000 , Lightgreen is actually turbo cute and I don't.png )

I can't believe I haven't drawn Lightgreen yet, so have Lightgreen with a flocklett!
No. 143276 ID: 861ceb

so how are constructs treated in the shapeless lords' territories? Are they seen as people or things? Like if one was made to chop wood but either sucked at it or wanted to try something else would they actually be reassigned or would they be scrapped and recycled for parts?
No. 143363 ID: 2ca689

Bad news!

So aside from the fact I've had an update written and not drawn for like 12-13 days at this point and I've been laid low by sickness, some temporary work surges and other unidentifiable malaise, I'm also going to be taking the entirety of February off from quests and such to participate in a game jam (which I'll mention again if I actually produce anything for it because my track record for succeeding in these things could not be lower recently).

I wish I could keep up the manic pace I started the year off with but I always knew that was going to be impossible. I was always planning to take February off, but it just feels especially cruel with how the last couple weeks have shaken out with no update.

I do intend to return! So far, Flockload's the only quest that I've taken long breaks from and thought "man I can't wait to get back to it" so the odds are good I'll resume in March (or slightly earlier if the game jam goes south).

Thanks for reading the quest!!
No. 143369 ID: 861ceb

man everyone has been getting sick this month. Anyways good luck with the game jam. See you when you get back.
No. 143371 ID: 273c18

Alright, have fun with the game jam!
No. 143381 ID: 3df1ab

Good luck on the game jam!
No. 143386 ID: 9bbb0e

For real.

Ganbatte, Cirr-san!
No. 143519 ID: 2ca689

well the game did happen, although it's not particularly Flockload related

updates resuming when I recover from the month of nothing but gamedev, someone scrape me off the floor into a bucket please
No. 143520 ID: 861ceb

Congratulations on finishing the game. took me a hot minute to figure out you want your sliders to stay near the middle but I manage to beat it once I figured that out.
No. 143535 ID: 16d082
File 174098102160.png - (315.05KB , 802x484 , maiesiophilia.png )

it's a good experience and I really appreciate that you compiled a Linux version. Each erotic furry card game about psychic battles of will that isn't bound solely to the sordid .exe is another blow against The Servant of Mammon's A.K.A The Literal Antichrist's A.K.A. Bill Gates' Embrace-Extend-Extinguish plantation

also I'm starting to think that you have a fascination with pregnant women
No. 143536 ID: 2ca689

whaaaaat noooo what could have ever given you that impression aside from the staggering mountain of evidence
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