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File 173781869611.png - (692.93KB , 2560x2048 , Hug_Day_2025.png )
143346 No. 143346 ID: b1c103

The Day of Hugs has come once more!

Previous Hug Day: https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/141593.html
Expand all images
No. 143347 ID: b1c103

Scientist bug and science bird are surely a reasonable pair to put together! Eezeryh and Vi.si.mi surely are not confused or have any reservations about this!
No. 143348 ID: a5560c
File 173781982569.png - (9.08MB , 1953x2886 , Duke Shapeless emotions making you cry.png )

I would like to submit this to hug day. I drew this not too long ago, but this fits well here.

Lords My.a and Vi.al depicted before either of them became lords.
No. 143349 ID: cb76eb

We love hug day
No. 143350 ID: 1effd3
File 173783237619.png - (190.62KB , 900x750 , 110424_FromNothing182_PraisingTheHero.png )

Repost from my quest, but hugs are hugs. Silv and Fern!
No. 143351 ID: 32d5bc
File 173783312480.png - (323.33KB , 990x660 , HU_02_006_A.png )

Oh, well if Hugs from inside the Quest are legal, I got a couple of those.
No. 143352 ID: 32d5bc
File 173783314386.png - (173.65KB , 990x660 , HU_02_006_B.png )

No. 143353 ID: 32d5bc
File 173783315924.png - (244.24KB , 990x660 , HU_02_011_G.png )

No. 143355 ID: 4a0685
File 173784995906.png - (42.86KB , 474x474 , lmaogethugged.png )

No. 143360 ID: 0f30c9
File 173808240542.jpg - (495.63KB , 618x783 , Core 382.jpg )

Fun fact for a slime hugging and eating is performed in the same way.
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