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143471 No. 143471 ID: a52eb4

I haven't been on here since like 2018. Is this website still lively? Did I miss any good quests?
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No. 143472 ID: 861ceb

weaver came back for a bit and continued dive quest, audit quest moved over from 4chan to here, couple new people showed up and started their own quest. "a small quest" was one that finished that I liked. and some old hats are still kicking around like slinko, Cirr, and lonely worlds who are fairly active while others like bitequest, gnoll, and lucid also pop up every few years.

So feel free to dig through the archive and see if any of the quest there catch your eye and if you had any authors you liked from back in the day check out the wiki and see if they added anything new since you left.
No. 143473 ID: 7f98c4

I been posting quests here from 2016 and from what I saw on this site it probably has less traffic but at the same time it also has its own small niche community.
No. 143478 ID: 1effd3

Author of "From Nothing" here.
No. 143480 ID: a52eb4
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>if you had any authors you liked from back in the day check out the wiki and see if they added anything new since you left.

Lagotrope and Brom are GONE.

Anyway. Thanks for the recs, I'll check 'em out.

Hell, maybe I'll fuck around and start one myself.
No. 143481 ID: 3c85de

as far as I know, Lagotrope's still around, he's GMing Haze Town which last updated just two months ago
Brom said himself in the Enemy Quest dis thread that it's just been too long and he's not coming back, though
No. 143482 ID: 4a71ce

Brom was also trying to promote a book he wrote if I’m remembering correctly
No. 143483 ID: 2ca689

I legit can't remember what I was doing in like 2018 but whatever it was I probably stopped doing it
No. 143484 ID: 861ceb

Salikai quest I believe
No. 143495 ID: 2ca689

then my guess was correct...
No. 143503 ID: 8a37bd

Brom has moved on to promoting his fourth book by now. Cranking out words at quest speeds but less asking the audience what to do. Here's a scribblehub if you wanna chase them down.
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