Peach Butterfly
Meanwhile, a few hours prior; in the Fangndr siblings rinky dinky mountain cave modest but totally respectable two-bedroom lair.
Isolde: So remember, we have to make sure we are picturing the same creature in order for the spell to work, otherwise we’ll have to start over or-
Wilhelm: or worse, we end up a complete mess and medical fees for three-headed dragons are a pain. Yeah, yeah, we’ve done this, what? Two dozen times already?
Ajosha: Twety-two, actually! Not counting the other times we’ve practiced casting a spell like this, of course.
Wilhelm: And yes, we are making sure to keep the gifts inside the teleporting circle before we leave, “wIThoUt tOUchiNg AnY of tHe linES.”
Ajosha: Hee hee hee!
Isolde: Don’t mock me, you two! I’m just making sure we get it all right. I don’t want us getting hurt instead of having fun!
Wilhelm: Yeah, we know. It’s just tiring, that’s all.
Ajosha: We love you, sis.
Wilhelm: Aaaanyway, we casting the spell now or what?
Isolde: Sure, say when you are ready.
Ajosha: Ready!
Wilhelm: Let’s get this polymorph rolling!