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6572 No. 6572 ID: fa517c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Plants for a fantasy setting, NOT plant type monsters.
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No. 6654 ID: b4e796
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Well then, here go a few more pages.
No. 6655 ID: b4e796
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No. 6656 ID: b4e796
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No. 6657 ID: b4e796
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No. 6658 ID: b4e796
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6431 No. 6431 ID: 6cb915 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

It's pretty much a rehash of the usual OGL content of the Expanded Psionics Handbook. the Psions get a few nifty powers to toy with but otherwise are just wizards with spellpoints, and Wilders get a hell of a lot more out of their surges than they used to, and Psychic Warriors are pretty much the same, with a sort of Ranger style combat specialization....

And then you have the Soulknife. The class got completely rebuilt, almost entirely from the ground up. Fighter will have a better AC unless the Soulknife burns a feat and spends some bladeskills, generally speaking, but the damage potential is fairly high. Not fighter high, but easily keeping up with cavaliers, rangers, and barbarians. They also have two good saves - but not their fort save, which makes them an interesting contrast to the other combat monsters around. The Psionic Weapon feats also grant a minor addition to general damage, so that they have a use beyond 'spend your focus and do a coupe of d6 damage extra).

I was impressed by them, and they are pretty customizable. Thought, opinions, flames, hatred, settign fire to puppies, likes? I'm not posting their art, because their artists were pathetic. There's a point at where 'cheap' is not worth the savings.
No. 6635 ID: 8f9461

This is somewhat related...

I've always been disappointed that 4e never had the soul knife. I was wondering if there were any way to convert/create the soul knife for 4e.

Fricking hate the monk mechanics so inb4 reflavor.
No. 6638 ID: c36069

From what I understand they would be a standard character except they would use the alternative 'inherent bonus; system for their weapon boosts, stat boosts, etc, making them the equivalent of a low magic style character in a normal magic world. I don't know for certain but I think it would be in the DMG 2 or 3, under alternate world systems.

I'm not a 4e player, mind you, and I don't like the system, but it is good enough. Other than the 'inhrent bonus option' applied to a melee striker template of some sot, it's just prohibative to develop the slew of powers unless you pulled the thing they're dong with vampires and werewolves - no power selection, just a straight progression of abilities.

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6189 No. 6189 ID: 40cb26 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Ok guys, so I've got a little project I'd like to share. It's pen and paper final fantasy game and I'm aiming high with this, going for themey flexible and most of all fun. Been poking at it for a while and I'm trying to get it developed but it's hard to do alone without feedback! So have a look and tell me what you think as I roll this out.

I've got a site thrown up here http://ffelements.wikispaces.com/
But to prevent tl;dr syndrome here is the lowdown:

-System is based on 4th Edition Dungeons and Dragons. Because when they said it was like a vidya they had a point, but it clearly didn't go far enough! It adds an MP system and a new power type to use it on top of everything it had before, and makes a number of tweaks besides.

-Which game of the series is it based on? All, any and none in particular! It is intended to include major elements from all parts of the series, but leave all those parts independent and modular. For instance, limit breaks and materia? Take them or leave them it works either way. Blue magic and summons? All the styles of those have some play. Combines classes with a Job system, with variants planned.

Anyways, right now the About, Attributes and Warrior class pages are the most worth reading. Everything else is hardly alpha, but I'll be updating what is there asap.

No. 6197 ID: 197105

It' looks interesting, that's all I can say really.

Keep it up.
No. 6211 ID: 40cb26


Right now I'm hopping between the classes, working on their basic functions and how they erlate to each other. Like how the warrior role is based on OAs and Strikes trigger on [W] powers, every class will have a gimmick in how they work. I've actually made some progress but no single part is ready to post, so here's a little sample of where I'm at right now.

Black Mage - The big thing here is hammering out the [M]agic damage dice mechanic, getting the language right and considering how powers and classes will interact with it is non-trivial. My bigger worry is I'll be tempted to make a new variable for every other class, but proper use of keywords and such should prevent that.

Knight - The reason the warrior doesn't have marks is this class relies upon them. Features will be based on defending, while their command will use Marks directly for addition effects. Think of Power Break and its ilk as a kind of mark effect and you start to get the picture. The flashier knight stuff is reserved for jobs based around the knight, often with a mage multiclass. Dark Knights, Holy Knights, etc.

Monk - A fun one. It's features will have all kinds of counterattacking methods. Uses [W] for it's martial arts and blitzes, but it's command actually replaces the effects of [W] instead of adding to it like the warrior does. And not just for simple damage, but changing the targeting and adding effects and taking advantage of the effects it added in a series of combos. Considering using [M] for blitzes as well, it would mostly work the same way.

Thieves - All about getting that combat advantage. Not just for damage as the Rogue had but also for stealing and other advantages. The features and the Sneak command depends o
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No. 6213 ID: a41aaf

>Final Fantasy RPG
Relevant to my interests. I'd best go learn for D&D works then. What advantages does this have over FFRPG (apart from not needing a pile of different dice)?
No. 6218 ID: 40cb26

The Returners game? I haven't looked at that in quite some time, so I couldn't give you a point by point comparison. But what I remember was a poorly balanced hodgepodge of mixed up themes and complicated rules. Plenty of effort to imitate the videogame mechanics in a literal sense looking like they were made for computers instead of people. And too many damn percentiles!

...Just had a look at it on the wiki, and it still seems to be the case. Not to say its unplayable, I think the balance is better now and there seems to be less off the wall mechanics, but it falls far short of what it could be.

Now the advantages here? Most of it starts with the fact that the D&D 4e ruleset is simple and well balanced. Not to say it's perfect: some find the mechanics so simple as to be boring, can't stand the narrativist angle that encounter powers bring, and the actual material made for it isn't always as good as it could be. For the first and second points Commands help a lot, since it adds a dimension of what you can do, and forces the other powers to be more about how you do them. As for the third well... I'm working on that, now aren't I?

Beyond that it's meant to be damn flexible, even with considerably less classes than Returns has jobs each will have far more builds available, able to multiclass and qualify for numerous jobs. A red mage can easily be a strong double caster or a martial magician, dragoons will be quite different if you start as a warrior or knight. Or you can go red mage dragoon, that works too.

Ack, better stop now before I keep rambling. You learn how core 4e works (I'm keeping most of those mechanics) and I'll keep writing it up instead of going on about goals. Later!
No. 6605 ID: 40cb26

Been slow going but I've had good progress on the underlying mechanics lately. Here's a bit about commands I particularly like and wanted to share:

Command Type:
Command abilities are divided according to what powers they work with and how they effect them.

Special techniques wielded by the user that work as or through their weapon. They replace the value and effect of [W] in qualifying attack powers.
>Martial (no requirements)
>Punch (requires a free hand)
>[Weapon Type] (requires an appropriate weapon to be wielded)

The effect here is really quite elegant: Monks get their Martial Arts and Punch Arts to effects that fit their style and mirrors their 4e counterpart. Knights get their Sword Arts, and a bunch of other Arts based on weapon skills become available. And it all uses a unified mechanic that fits them quite well, effectively using weapons as the powers implements. You just know that describes the likes of Cyans, Agrias' and Steiners sword skills pretty darn well.

The other command types aren't quite as elegant (or at least not finalized) yet but I'm getting there. All the other powers are based on commands and so can't really be finished until I hammer this mess out.

Ah well, I'm having fun.

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6207 No. 6207 ID: cf244d hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Gentlemen. Today, I give to you a grand gift. Dungeons The Dragoning. It is a mighty system that allows the creation of grand heroes, from Ork Werewolf Fighters of Khorne to Dark Eldarin Promethean Paladins of The Raven Queen to Human Paragon Guardsmen of Sigmar.


You will MARVEL at my role playing system!
9 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 6302 ID: cf244d

15 paragraph 5 line 4 "Lyran" should be "Lycan"
195 line 5 "Great wheel" should be "Great Wheel"
195 paragraph 4 line 11 "dice" should be "die"
196 under Characteristic Tests line 3 "determins" should be "determines"
196 under Characteristic Tests line 12 "pagents" should be "pageants"
196 column 2 line 5 "secuction" should be "seduction"
197 column 2 paragraph 3 line 2 "environemnt" should be "environment"
203 line 3 "momement" should be "movement"
210 paragraph 6 line 7 "damge" should be "damage"
212 paragraph 4 line 12 ".." at end of sentance should be "."
219 under Lost Eye line 1 "haves" should be "halves"
219 under Lost Leg line 2 "Losting" should be "Losing"
221 under Unconsciousness line 1 "Unconsiousness" should be "Unconsciousness"
221 under Unconsciousness line 4 "unconsiousness" should be "unconsciousness"
221 under Unconsciousness line 6 "unconsiousness" should be "unconsciousness"
221 under Unconsciousness line 8 "unconsious" should be "unconscious"
224 column 2 line 3 "refuation" thould be "refutation"
225 Wordplay doesn't specify characteristics used on the Test
226 Disposition table has multiple different effects for same numbers
231 column 2 paragraph 4 line 3 "dwarves" should probably br "squats"
236 column 2 paragraph 2 line 9 "weath" should be "wealth"
No. 6355 ID: 6cb915


Really, WH40K's influence on the word 'heresy' has got to be stopped.
No. 6397 ID: cf244d

Khorne - The god of battle. The blood god. He enjoys killing dudes. Khorne is a god of honorable combat and slaugter. Of battles fought for glory alone and for dirty, drawn out fights for life and country. Khorne loves every type of warfare found in this world.
Worship of Khorne is purely through bloodshed, either from one's enemies in victory or one's own through earnest struggle. Khorne has only a few simple commandments for his followers:
* Spill blood in his name. It can be your blood or the blood of your enemies, but do not shy from violence.
* Do not trust in sorcery, and do not seek to learn its secrets - magic is the way of the weak.

* Fight in honorable combat, not against the weak or helpless.
Slaanesh - The god of excess. Sex, drugs and rock and roll. Slaanesh is all about doing what you enjoy, and not holding back for anyone. The drive to be perfect, the love of doing something just to do it. The excitement of the novel. The joy of art. That's what Slaanesh is about. Worship of Slaanesh is extremely varied, ranging from simple hedonism to elaborate and exacting rituals that take days to complete. Slaanesh orders its followers thus:
* Turn away from no new experience, unless it would kill you - try everything once
* Stand out from those around you To blend in with the crowd is to lose who you are.
* Tempt others with what you enjoy share drink, invite them to lavish meals, and turn them to hedonism.

Tzeentch - The god of change. Change we can believe in. Tzeentch is also the god of hope, because hope is nothing more than wishing for the future to change. In his mind Tzeentch listens to the hopes and plans of every mortal and every nation; and through his own complex plots and manipulation he alters the course of history to achieve some great plan beyond mortal knowledge. Tzeentch asks for his followers to do the following:
* Be fl
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No. 6442 ID: 43d730

I was thinking more the reactions of the churches (heresy, not blasphemy) from syncretising Bahamutian ideals from upbringing, Khornate ideals from experiences, and Lunar ones from exaltation.
No. 6570 ID: 30df25
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So YOU'RE to blame for this!

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6466 No. 6466 ID: 5bada8 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

hear about tgchan on tg
Think it will be like leaving /k/ for opchan, come here see primarchs daughter thread and exterminatus high. somuchwin.jpg

You guys awesome pic related
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No. 6494 ID: 5bada8
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No. 6495 ID: 5bada8
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No. 6496 ID: 5bada8
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No. 6499 ID: 6a3226
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Mmmm I recognize some of this, good stuff. Just gunna warn you though, it's a bit slow in the actual /tg/ board. Most active board here is /quest/ but more posters of any sort always welcome.

Also, we have an IRC or two, anyhow, welcome, have something from my old collection
No. 6505 ID: cf244d
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pandas and cats

which breath fire

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1418 No. 1418 ID: 033b20 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

So /tg/ my groups Paladin driver messed up his Tech Use skill and drove off of a cliff.
My question is, should I make it fall?
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No. 3913 ID: bde1b8

You're using 4E in a modern day setting? That must have taken a ton of edits.
No. 3915 ID: f95872

Or no edits at all, just make custom stats for tanks and guns and shit. Characters function exactly as normal, except maybe give a tech skill.
No. 3916 ID: d8fe4d

How big off a cliff was it?

1 or less = Crew shaken
2 = Crew stunned
3 = Damaged- Weapon destroyed
4 = Damaged – Immobilized
5 = Destroyed – Wrecked
6 = Destroyed – Explodes
No. 4206 ID: 962221

I admit, I loled...just a little though
No. 6400 ID: 8f9461
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I'm doing the same thing with my group, to an extent. I just redid all the vehicles from d20 modern into a mount format like in AV1.

I made firearms, ammunition, and fuel super rare.

And this is all in Dark Sun. Brilliant, no?

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6241 No. 6241 ID: 900c9c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Anyone else psyched about this?
No. 6242 ID: 900c9c

I prefer the Babylon Five rules, but good to see that the game is still afloat, the system is really pretty good.
No. 6262 ID: 900c9c

The new signs and portents gave away some of the rules for the Hawkwood fleet, the Meson cannon is fucking close range death!
No. 6378 ID: d91eef

Just got the minis in the mail! They look great!

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939 No. 939 ID: 119cbb hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

So the word on the street is that not only has Mektek.org been granted the rights to host the full downloads for Mechwarrior 4 and it's booster mech packs (the ones you used to have to pay 40 dollars for)...


...but Videos have begun to pop up in regards to a new Mechwarrior game project in the Unreal 3 engine by Smith&Tinker and Piranha games, as well as several interviews in regards to the upcoming title. Apparently another PC/360 title, so I'm expecting watered down gameplay to a degree, but according to the interview, will be made to feel much more desperate than the last games, and the video pretty much dictates that the Unseen will also be making a reappearance in the games....


...I just can't get over how awesome all this news is... the next few months are going to be distilled excellence for me.
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No. 6282 ID: 900c9c

As a Lyran Officer I have never succumbed to the cowardice of a Fedrat.
No. 6283 ID: 6c4270
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as a lyran officer you never left the country club
No. 6286 ID: 900c9c

That's a load of horse-hockey! The Captain leads from the front!
No. 6287 ID: 6c4270
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Leads from the front?
From the Front-Stage seats at the opera-house, you mean.
No. 6296 ID: 900c9c

It was a great show...

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5799 No. 5799 ID: 08b764 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Hi folks! Is it okay to write and post erotic fiction on this board? I just want to ask so I don't break any rules.
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No. 5801 ID: 08b764

I wrote the one about the ogress on 4chan's /tg/ a little while ago. I just wanted to start on a new one and was wondering where it would be safe to post it. Thank you for the information!
No. 5807 ID: 4812df

yeah it's fine
No. 5809 ID: 20fc85

Fapfiction is alright here... considering there's another just a few threads below you...
No. 6292 ID: 6cb915

Maybe I'll start posting over here.
No. 6293 ID: 6cb915

Note to self, there is an XS here already.

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5954 No. 5954 ID: 9a86e9 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

I picked up the Mongoose Traveller corebook sometime ago and have most of the supplemental as .pdfs. My gaming table and I have had some fun rolling up characters, even if they somehow manage to make EVERY roll and have enough money to retire even before play starts. But I digress, I need some assistance. I cannot comprehend how this game is supposed to actually work. I get the mechanics just fine, although the rules for space combat are spread so thin through the rulebook you could see through them. Where I get hung up is writing a game session in this system. Are there any Traveller players or GMs around that could give me a crash course in GMing this?

For example, I'd like to start a campaign with the players salvaging a derelict spacecraft and then turning them loose to explore the system, maybe find some work, and jump out. But find the book sorely lacking in ways to build NPCs, etc.
No. 6290 ID: d4369b

Check out the collected White Dwarf articles, which examine this in detail:


Also have you checked out the CT guides 76 Patrons and 1001 Characters? Lots of inspiration there. Also check out the BITS guides - 101 Plots, 101 Cargos, etc.

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5728 No. 5728 ID: 0c9433 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Strange/funny/awesome character ideas you have and would like to impliment in a tabletop or freeform roleplay

Pic related. He is a dirty dustback who is fluffy and bakes pies.
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No. 5815 ID: 891283

Yeeeeeeesss...should one require the players to write up magical incantations for their attacks, assume those are automatically done, or just do without? Perhaps incantations as a power multiplier? Usually big long incantations are signs of someone's crap about to get beaten out. Not always, though.

...I'll shut up now.
No. 5816 ID: 43d730

I could see charged incantations or something, where the more rounds you spend nattering on and doing ceremonial stuff.

Gnoll Lamashtu heretic, convinced of the sanctity of all children, not just the monstrous ones. Also a very good clown. Something like the joker crossed with Gamera.
No. 5817 ID: a41aaf

Loyalty of NPCs directly proportional to the damage you have inflicted on them.
No. 6226 ID: 815d12

You need to watch Puella Magi Madoka Magica. Nyatorrents has them. Make it pthrough the third episode for true plot revelation.
No. 6227 ID: df0b78

The spellcard system from Touhou Danmaku Yuugi might be the only useful thing from the whole manual. It allows you to customize range, area, effect, targets...

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4244 No. 4244 ID: 962221 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

What are you all playing?
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No. 5718 ID: 8c1304

Playing a version of donjon(http://open.crngames.com/src/donjon.html) so modified that it doesn't even roll the dices the same way, planeswalkers overpowered with high tech-high magic in a multiverse kind of setting incorporating old settings we played, mostly as fun way to revisit old places but is starting to get a real plot.

Preparing everything to start a Mouse Guard campaign, but i'm not discarding the less grimdark, trekie Rogue Trader one...
No. 5723 ID: dd45d7

Mouse Guard, you say?

Any chance this would be online?
No. 5724 ID: 8c1304

Nah, I had a few bad experiences trying on-line campaigns. And my English sucks anyway.
No. 5735 ID: cf2533

When you said Donjon I really got exited for a moment. But sadly it didn't turn out to be the game based on the comic series. Cause I really would love to find that one translated.
No. 6200 ID: 9e7f1c

Started a 3.5 campaign using useless classes, in the first session we had a samurai, a favoured soul, a beguiler and a knight. We are expecting an hexblade and a wu-yen in the next one.

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6195 No. 6195 ID: 0c9433 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

I humbly request someone do a quest in this setting.


Also unique world settings general thread

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4257 No. 4257 ID: 962221 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Landscape/Location thread
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No. 5511 ID: 962221
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No. 5512 ID: 962221

collection will go up soon
No. 5513 ID: 962221


Third collection
No. 5605 ID: 77ec19

I forgot to say thanks man.

Thank you.
No. 6186 ID: 1fd1a7

Thanks, OP. Really nice of you to upload them.

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5711 No. 5711 ID: c700ce hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Since /tg/ clearly still frowns upon writefaggotry, you can have all my porn.


Ah, the great hot springs of the north! Great place for a vacation, very popular, and until recently occupied by some evil nasty hobgoblins. Thankfully, a party of adventurers showed up and kicked them away!

It was evening now. There were no more hobgoblins in sight, and Asherun the paladin felt like it would be the time to relax a little. It was so hot in here, even though it was winter outside: the earth itself heating up the springs to a highly favourable temperatures, blowing steam everywhere, and making her feel incredibly warm in her armor and clothes. Good deeds and smiting were done for the day, there was nothing left here to beat up, and it was time for personal relaxation and comfort.

And so, as quickly as she possibly could, the dragonborn got rid of her protection and clothing, letting the steam over to her naked skin, chose a pool, and slid into the warm waters. "Ohh," she went out loud. "Man..." It really was incredibly comfortable, her exhausted and beat-up flesh being caressed by the warmth, making her feel so relaxed. She let herself sink in neck-deep, sighing blissfully as her tense muscles yielded and unwinded...

Meanwhile, another shape was walking across the springs: quite a bit smaller, wearing a red ragged cloak and carrying expensive magical equipment. Uwe the wizard was taking a casual walk through the hot springs, his magical reserves almost exhausted in battle, taxing him physically as well, and making him feel like he could do for some break. Deep upon his thoughts, he almost stumbled upon the pieces of armor that he did not quite manage to see through the steam before it was almost too late.

Curiously, he bowed down to examine the pieces of metal, and the clothing next to them. He recognized these very well, and suddenly felt himself shiver and his heart beat f
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No. 5775 ID: 4bdb13

What? Those were some damn nice socks, you ungrateful lout.
No. 5843 ID: 28e94e

This is excellent writing. I approve.
No. 5965 ID: eec6b7

I'm just going to bump this because I seriously don't think that other fanfic deserve so many posts and this one so little.
No. 6102 ID: 7a1eb1

I politely safe because I have a very, very barely related question and didn't want to start a new thread. Consider this me asking something but really not wanting to be a bother.

The anon from old /tg/ who wrote the stories of the xenofucking Rogue Trader (well, she fucked nids in both stories I read), have they ever shown up again? I was a big fan of both stories, which were very playfully erotic and witty in my opinion. I guess I'm just asking if there was any more, of if that person hangs out anywhere new so I can read what they write these days.
No. 6180 ID: bc7124

Not to my knowledge, no. Which is a shame because those stories were hot.

Polite sage as well.

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713 No. 713 ID: 2851e0 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

>lye maker
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No. 727 ID: 2851e0
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No. 5981 ID: f1df52

Pull lever. Clean up remains if I feel like it.
No. 5983 ID: 28e94e

Step 1: Cat burgers
Step 2: Immigrant burgers
No. 5984 ID: e245c8
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So, another day at the fort?
No. 6122 ID: 2563d4
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Don't mind me; just poking about the ol' /tg/ images folder.

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5783 No. 5783 ID: 0f32d9 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

ITT: Lego games

I recently bought Creationary, intrigued by the idea of 'Pictionary with Legos' and had a lot of fun with it. Thinking about how the range of bricks gives good options while at the same time how LIMITED the number and type is really forces you to think things out for the simplest representation you can make. Basically, I think it's brilliant.

I'm curious what others thing, about this and the other Lego games. Considering they have a good number of them out, I was wondering what everyone thought of them, which ones you all have tried and any ideas for using Legos for other game ideas you have. I quite like Lego dice, part of me wishes I could just buy a pack of them. So tell everyone what you've played, or are wanting to play.
No. 5785 ID: 72d523

Like the one that seems to think the Minotaur was Roman?
No. 5830 ID: f16b80
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No. 6101 ID: 7a1eb1

Okay, since this old post I've bought 2 other Lego games because they were on sale: Magikus and Monster 4.

Magikus has you collecting spells from a spell rack, rolling the die to see which ones you take from the rack (red, yellow, blue and green). You can also pick if you roll white, and steal from another player if you roll black, and you get nothing if the spot is empty. You can choose a row or column before rolling, so your almost assured a few components the first few turns. I can actually see an interesting little way of adding this to a roleplaying game as a random casting system. But for now, it's a nice simple game, probably on clearance in most stores.

Monster 4 is also real simple. You want to get 4 monsters in a row on the 4 x 4 board. Rolls can place you on a light or dark gravestone, allow you to switch with another player, scare all monsters out of a corner of the board or place skeletons. Skeletons are 'jokers/wildcards' that count for anyone who lines up with them, so the key of the game involves making them work for you most of the time. It's pretty good, and my 7 year old picked up on both games pretty well. If I remember, and if there are any left, I'd pick up more copies of both just for the Lego Dice, since I still want to see what ideas I can come up with for a game involving switching die faces as part of the game. I'd probably start with a risk variant and move from there.

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6074 No. 6074 ID: 6ad354 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Dicking around in MSE and was wondering on how to improve some of the cards in my "Valve" themed set.

Adrian Shepard - Mythic Rare or just Rare?
Axtinguisher - Minus to toughness because it would remind me too much of the Sub-Machine Gun if not.
Citadle Core - Yes, it takes out itself. I know.
Combine Hunter - Different cost on its ability?
Confiscate - Uncommon? Different cost?
GLaDOS - Not sure if legendary...
Headcrab - Way overpowered with its ability. Maybe add a cost to it?
Pit Worm - Reduce to 2/2 and add double strike? If so, bump rarity?
Saxton hale - SAXTON HALE
Xen Fungus - There's one of each color of these.

Any thoughts? Criticism is well appriciated.

Also, custom MtG card thread because I didn't feel like necroing the other one.
No. 6090 ID: bf1e7e


uh, he kind of is.
No. 6100 ID: 6ad354
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Here's more!

Blu Engineer - Draw one card instead of two?
Blu Spy - 2/2 instead of 3/1?
Builders League United - There's a red one, too.
Core Meltdown - Damnation clone.
Crystal Supply - Comes into play tapped?
DOG - Creature sub type? Golem doesn't quite fit...
Gonarch - Inspired by Ant Queen, obviously.
Gordon Freeman - Was originally 3WGR, but changed the G for the U.
Handheld Portal Device - I want to add an effect to this and bump its rarity without giving it "shroud" to pass as Whispersilk Cloak.
Unforseen Consequences - It's a better Dream Fracture with lower rarity... Maybe discard a card as an additional cost.
The Announcer - I like how that artwork fits so well with the cards color. U/R sure is overpowered in this set.
Zoey - Since it's a named creature, should be legendary. Wondering about a way around this because I don't want this to be another Kamigawa.


Yes and no. Really powerful in any red or blue deck, even if you don't have use for his ability. Maybe I should change it? Gaining flying several times seems off....

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5752 No. 5752 ID: 2563d4 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]


Since people have been playing it and we have this nifty board for sharing tales and all.
8 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 5839 ID: fd61dd

It's a fair bit like nethack, except that IVAN is brutal.

So. Unbelievably. Brutal.
No. 5841 ID: 28e94e

It's a bit like Nethack, but it's more fun and has better graphics.
No. 5845 ID: aad253

Fuuuuu damn you all for getting me hooked on this.

Something I haven't been able to figure out, though: Is there a way to *purposefully* hack off a limb? Like, say I'm in really good with Silva or.. what's-his-face, the fire/metal/machine god, and I feel like I want an arm made of purple light crystal or metoeric steel. Can I just cut my arm off, or do I have to somehow entice a monster to do it for me? With my leg, I know I could just repeatedly set and walk into beartraps, but for an arm, it seems.. trickier.
No. 5846 ID: 28e94e

Contract leprosy, your arms are usually the first parts to fall off.
No. 6054 ID: cb45f0

Iter Vehemens Ad Necem, the Violent Road to Death

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5899 No. 5899 ID: 8817be hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

-and I'm trying to decide on the system.

None of my players have played Arcanum, and I do like some of the small plot twists. I do intend to tweak some things, and extend the 'endgame'.

The current choices are:
1) 4th ed. D&D.

If I go this route, I'll make some changes to the setting, of course-perhaps some variant of easily made golem, as opposed to steam engines, and no magic/technology interaction. I'm leaning towards this because I have some familiarity with 3rd edition D&D.

This allows me much more flexibility, and to tailor the game towards the 'actual' arcanum setting more.
The problem is I have never played, let alone RUN, a gurps game. I have no idea how difficult it would be to come up with encounters for the players, to make enemy characters, and I haven't a *clue* what books I'd need to try to purchase or, uh, acquire otherwise.

3) Say "Eh, fuck it, I've always been curious about Paranoia."
No. 5900 ID: 8817be

And to clarify, I'm asking for opinions/advice/etc, since I realized I didn't mention that at all.
No. 5901 ID: 4812df

GURPS is designed to be an easy-to-pick up system. I'd go for it.

Plus 4e is a pretty different beast from 3e.
No. 5903 ID: bffa2a

For GURPS you would need the basic set and gurps magic unless you enjoy spending a hour creating a whole table of new spells yourself. I also recommend martial arts but that's only because it's a rather fun book and not because anything more is needed. Most accusations of it being slow come from people not knowing the rules from heart so make sure you've got at least combat down to pat so it'll go smoothly. Lot's of optional rules there but start with the basics and bring them to play slowly after the play starts to go smoothly.

Creating enemies and things should be quick. I recommend downloading gurps pdf's and taking a look at what you want beforehand so you know what you'll get.

Since 4ed is a bit different as mentioned and GURPS is very versatile once learned I recommend it.
No. 5919 ID: 2ee9f4

Of all systems mentioned here, I'm only familiar with 3e (3.5e, to be exact), and I don't quite understand why you intend to dump magic/technology interaction if you decide to settle with D&D.

To me, things like mages breaking clockwork stopwatches or inventors being immune to magic healing were one of the most unique features that made me love that setting. I recommend that you don't get rid of that.

It depends on how much homebrew elements you want to bring into your game, but I personally don't see any insurmountable problems with emulating the magic/technology interaction. Of course, it also hugely depends on how much time you're willing to put into worldcrafting and prep work.

Whichever system you pick up, it would require tweaking. It would suck balls to sort out all the minutae and be left with no party willing to play, so make sure you have one.
No. 5925 ID: 259738

4e DnD is going to be hard to work with. I would recommend GURPS of the three you mentioned. Paranoia and 4e just aren't going to work out without a LOT of tweaking.

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